CHAPTER UPDATE: So I forgot some things with this last update. Someone mentioned me that the italics weren't working with the telepathic conversations, so I just decided to leave them as italics no matter if it is in the present or as a flashback. And also I added the translations for the Spanish parts at the end of the chapter.

Author's note: New chapter peeps! I hope you like it. As stated previously, telepathy is showed with cursive letters while flashbacks are shown with bold cursive.

I got a review that asked if the white light from the previous chapter was a magical baby. I guess you will just have to keep reading so you find out :)

Also, I dislike Henry's selfishness from the first 2 seasons, which is why I wrote him as still being like that. But we can all agree that he is way nicer now and that he cares about his mothers' happiness.

Regina thought that it was going to be a while until she had to beg Belle for help, again. Turns out it wasn't so long, and right now she found herself, again, in the store with Emma and the two idiots. It is certainly a little annoying to ask the bookworm's help, but she also knows that Emma is right in saying that the more the merrier, no pun intended, she had also said. So when the two woke up from their wonderful slumber and found Henry still sleeping on his bed, the two women made their way to the Charming's place so they could discuss strategies.

"Regina and I talked last night." Emma blushed a little. "And the two of us agreed into letting Belle help us if she chooses to do so."

The Charmings looked delighted at their daughter's words.

"I knew you would see that it was the smartest choice." Charming said while smiling.

Regina's sarcasm was ready to strike.

"Don't." Emma told her with their telepathic bond. "I know you want to, and I know they give way for it, but we need to play nice."

"Easy for you to say." Regina huffed in anger. "But if I must I will try my hardest to behave."

Emma grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. "Thank you."

"For you mi vida, anything." Regina said sweetly.

"You speak Spanish too?" Emma asked loudly. Everyone turned to look at her trying to make sense of what she meant by that.

"My father taught me." Regina said wincing a little. "He was from a part of the kingdom that spoke Spanish."

"I remember some lessons." Snow said from somewhere in the room. "You tried to teach me." she said sweetly.

Regina nodded softly. "I didn't want my father's legacy to completely die, and I didn't expect to have any children..." she continued softly, clearly letting Emma know what she meant.

"But when you started to teach me your father was still alive." Snow kept on saying, earning a dark glance from Emma.

"Yes that is true. But my mother was so keen on eliminating any trace of my father's, and hence my heritage, that she prohibited the people from our village and after that, the rest of the kingdom from speaking the language." Regina barely managed to say without breaking down.

"Well, I think it's a wonderful language, and I would love to learn it." Emma said lovingly, which made Regina's heart sore with love.

"As I said again, for you mi vida anything." she answered again in adoration.

Snow looked at the exchange between the two of them and smiled happily: Her daughter had truly transformed Regina and made her the young woman that had saved her from her horse, the woman she fell in love with.

"So how are we going to do this? I mean, ask Belle about the dagger and all." Charming asked.

"We are not going to tell her anything about the dagger." Regina said, making three set of eyes look at her in complete shock.

"But I thought..." Emma started to say.

"We are not going to tell her because we are going to show her." Regina smirked. "We are going to show her that she has a fake dagger."

"How?" Snow asked.

"By asking her to call Rumplestiltskin, of course."

"And when she tries to call him and sees that it doesn't work she will know that she has a fake and that the imp is really lost." Emma said loudly.

"Yes, that's the plan." Regina said, smiling when she noticed that Emma had also started to call him imp, probably from hearing her call him that. It was endearing.

"But what if she refuses to call him." Snow said suddenly.

"What do you mean refuses to call him? Wouldn't she want to find him?" Charming asked surprised.

"Not all couples are trying to find each other." Regina sassed, earning a small cackle from Emma. "What Snow means is that Belle is so invested in seeing the good in him that to force him to do something against his will goes against her firmest beliefs."

Emma nodded in agreement, being able to understand how Belle could feel but at the same time realizing things were different from her relationship with Regina. The imp had always acted for his own selfish goals, and had always been a coward. Regina had acted out based on her desire to be free and not controlled like she had been during her whole life. Regina had changed completely thanks to Henry, and although she did commit some mistakes (like trying to control Henry's feelings and partnering with her mother Cora), all of those mistakes were motivated by love. The problem of Regina had been that she didn't know how to love and show her love (not surprising because she had a fucked up childhood and then marriage with the King). So yes, the imp and Regina were completely different. He didn't want love, and the fact that he found was just collateral gain for him. What he did want was power no matter the cost and the persons standing in his way. Regina had learned to love, and forgive, and now only wanted to be happy with the people she loved. Emma smiled at the prospect of knowing that she was somehow responsible for Regina's change of heart (and also a winner because she got the love of her life to be with her). The imp on the other hand made her skin crawl and recoil in anger for all the pain that he inflicted on Regina. She had heard Regina's thoughts when people discussed him and she could feel the fear and hatred she felt for the man. That, and the fact that the imp was the one that led Regina down her path of darkness in order to come find his son, who he had betrayed when he could have gotten the opportunity to be happy. To help the imp was certainly painful for her, and although Regina told her that it was the right thing to do, she still believed he deserved to be controlled by another being.

"So then how can we convince her to calm him? Couldn't we just tell her that he is in danger?" Charming asked exasperated.

"She wouldn't believe us. She would think it's all a plan we have." Snow said knowingly. "Because I would suspect the same."

"We can drink a truth potion, that one we can't lie." Emma said suddenly, earning a low scoff from Regina.

"Didn't you hear the part where I said that even if she would believe us she would never use the dagger to begin with!" Regina complained loudly. "She believes she has the real one, and for Belle, to use it to call the imp, while apparently not wanting to be found, goes against his free will."

"But then how can we prove it to her that she has a fake if she is not ready to wield it?" Snow asked again.

"By using magic to destroy the dagger." Regina smirked.

"No magic can destroy the dagger, that is the price." Emma said dumbly, remembering the words from Henry's storybook.

"Precisely, which means that if the dagger does break..." Regina told Emma again, exasperated.

"You are earning yourself a night on the couch." Regina thought while looking at the blonde knowingly.

Emma opened her eyes in shock. "But come on Regina, I have questions! These things are not obvious to me." she pouted in shame. "I know I sound stupid most of the time anyway."

Regina looked up and saw Emma looking down, which immediately made her scold herself for her lack of patience. Of course Emma didn't know about these things, in fact, she was partially responsible for her lack of knowledge. She had cast the curse that forced her stepdaughter to send her own daughter away. She gulped in shame.

"Forgive me Emma." Regina thought sadly. "You are right, you haven't been taught anything about our land and I'm partially responsible for that."

Emma immediately approached Regina and hugged her, earning some weird glances from Snow and Charming who looked at them like they were plain crazy. She felt tears fall from Regina's eyes and land on her neck, which made Emma in turn cry too.

"Regina, I forgave you a long time ago for the things the Evil Queen did." Emma said loudly while lifting her chin so they would be looking eye to eye. "And I still love you with all my soul."

"You are so wonderful to me." Regina choked on her words. "I really don't deserve you."

"Yes you do, because you deserve to be happy." Emma scolded her lightly. "It's time you convince yourself of this because all the people in this room agree with me, and I right?" she asked her parents who smiled and nodded.

"Although we don't know what made you react like this Regina." Snow started to say. "We do believe you deserve your happiness."

Regina nodded in appreciation. "Emma and I can hear each other's thoughts." she told them, earning a surprise gasp from them. "We just found out last night." she blushed a little at remembering what happened last night.

"Well, it is certainly a good thing to have in case you end up needing each other's help." Charming said while smiling softly. "And so you can always..."

"Don't even finish that sentence Charming or I will send you somewhere it takes you a LONG time to find us." she smirked and Emma and Snow cackled.

"Well, now that we agreed on that." Snow said. "Let's go back to what we were talking before. The dagger breaking..."

"Means that Belle will realize that it's a fake!" Charming said excitedly.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." Regina murmured to herself.

"But then, how are we going to make Belle take the dagger out? It's not like she has been flaunting it around town." Emma said somberly.

"We need to create a dangerous situation that would require the use of the dagger. Something not so severe as to hurt anyone, of course." Regina assured them. "But it won't be pretty."

"We will manage." Charming said. "We always do."

Snow nodded. "You just worry about making whatever you need to do and we will support you."

"Wait wait..." Emma interrupted them. "You will let some strange shit get loose around the store, hence the town, when you know that only the dagger can stop it?"

"Of course not darling." Regina said "I will be able to stop it, but alas, Belle doesn't need to know that, right?"

Emma smiled brightly at her girlfriend's conning ways. "You are a little evil woman."

Now that they were facing Belle, Regina realized that it was going to be a lot harder to make the sweet brunette betray the imp's trust and take the dagger out. She looked at Belle and saw in her eyes the same bright light that she behind Emma's when they were talking or mentioning her. How lucky and fool can Rumplestiltskin really be, Regina thought, to have a woman that loves him like that and keep going through a dark path. She was a little upset about Belle's heart being broken, but at the same time the imp had never done anything good for her, so why should she then be the considerate one.

While the Charmings were distracting Belle from her gaze, Regina moved around the store with Emma, using her magic to feel the artifact that they were looking for. At the same time she was teaching Emma how to feel the difference between magical beings and objects.

"Some objects yield a lot of magical power." Regina thought. "Which can be confused for a magical being. But if you focus on the position of the source of power you can realize that the object remains stationary while the magical being will either move closer or farther away from you."

"I think I can feel it." Emma answered back. "Although it is scary to realize how many strong magical objects the imp has."

"All gotten through deals with different people." Regina spat. "One thing to b admired from the imp was that he always managed to get what he wanted."

"Not all." Emma said. "He only got Neal's love at the end of his life." she whispered sadly. "But even with that in mind he is still a planning and cunning man."

"Well, Rumplestiltskin is addicted to power darling. For him that power is freedom." Regina said mockingly. "And that freedom comes from his magic. Although with its limitations, because of the dagger, the imp still managed to become one of the most powerful and feared beings of all realms. Peasants and kings sought his help, sorcerers and witches feared him and his name was known in all the realms because during that time he could travel easily between them."

"To have that person against us is not so nice then." Emma realized. "Wait Regina, did you feel that? An object that is halfway powerful?"

Regina smiled and nodded in encouragement. "That is exactly what we are looking for mi vida."

Emma smiled while moving towards the object. "I love it when you call me that. Mi veda." Emma butchered the Spanish word.

Regina laughed. "Mi vida." she concentrated on the pronunciation.

"Spanish is hard!" Emma complained. "Snow tried to teach me some words earlier and I sucked big time. I hope that is ok." she added when she saw Regina flinch a little. "I just wanted to surprise you."

This made Regina smile. "Of course mi vida, you know that you could never do anything to upset me."

"Anything?" Emma asked while smirking.

"Anything." Regina assured her. "But don't confuse angriness with disappointment. I can still get angry with you" she sassed.

"Well I was thinking..." Emma said. "About our Spanish dilemma..." she continued.

"You were thinking..." Regina kept on saying.

"That if with our telepathy we can share everything, wouldn't we be able to share our knowledge?"

Regina stopped moving and looked at Emma with surprise. "I never really thought about it." she confessed. "But it's a possibility. Let's try it." Regina said excited. "Try to concentrate on me."

"I am always thinking about you." Emma said, which made Regina smile lovingly.

"Think of me speaking Spanish, what you have heard me say and absorb it." Regina kept instructing.

Emma nodded in understanding.

"And now, think of you speaking what I said." Regina told her. "Imagine yourself understanding the words you are saying and then speak loudly."

Emma stood a few seconds in complete silence, absorbing Regina's instructions. She expected to feel some change in herself that would make her feel closer to the brunette, some sexual charm that dominated her and made Regina gulp and react just as much as she did when Regina saw her.

"Esto es una tontería." Emma complained loudly, earning the curious and confused glances of Belle, Snow and Charming. "Perdóname por hacerte perder el tiempo Regina. En verdad pensé que esto iba a funcionar." she pouted.

"Pero mi vida, si funcionó. Estás hablando español." Regina answered sweetly, making Emma react and smile brightly.

"Oh my God that is so hot!" Emma said excitedly. "Todas las cosas que ahora podré decirte sin que nadie las entienda." she husked to Regina who gulped loudly.

"Yo entiendo." Snow said while blushing, making Regina smile sweetly at her. "Lo encontraron?"

"Si." Regina answered. "Lo tengo aquí en mi mano." she added while raising her hand.

"Wait Regina you need to leave that where you found it." Belle said carefully. "That is very dangerous."

Emma looked at the small vial that Regina had in her hand and wondered at what moment she managed to grab it without her realizing it. Nevertheless, she felt the magic there, and already knowing what to do, she crashed against Regina and gave her the necessary distraction so she could put a protection spell on all of them and drop the vial. When Emma felt Regina's magic caress her she blushed. It reminded her of their time together last night, which in turn made Regina blush. Damn telepathy.

"Oh no!" Belle said while moving around the store. "This is very bad." she kept on rambling while moving forward to the back of the store.

"Are we in danger?" Snow asked, pretending fear very nicely.

"No, we are not. I know how to stop all of the enchantments from working in the store." she told them while opening the safe and taking out the dagger. "This should make the spell from the vial return to its place."

All of them looked expectantly at Belle, wondering if the dagger was going to break because of the lack of magical properties that it had. When she moved it in front of the liquid that was coming towards them, as expected the dagger did nothing.

"This is weird. It should work. Rumple told me it would work!" Belle screamed.

Regina looked knowingly at her, and with a flick of her wrist she made the liquid go back to the vial and left it where she found it.

"It didn't work because this is a fake, isn't it?" Belle asked sadly.

Regina nodded. "The blade will break soon because of the contact it had with the liquid. I'm sorry." she added in understanding. "I know how much you wanted to believe in his goodness."

Belle nodded and moved around the store monotonously, like she wasn't truly there. "Then he probably left with the dagger. I can't help you."

"How do you know we want your help?" Emma asked surprised and at the same time sad for her friend.

"Because of your plan to prove to me that you were right about Rum..., Mr. Gold." Belle said sadly. "I don't know where he is."

"We know." Charming said. "And we believe that he is in danger."

"He is being controlled." Snow said to a surprised Belle.

"Then I believe we all need to talk." Belle said seriously.

PD: So things will definitely get more interesting from here on. A small remark that I thought I could discuss. My Emma and Regina barely fight, and when they do it is always lightly. To some this may be a little fake (because all couples fight). Trust me, their path towards happiness is not easy, but I think that when you love someone as much as they do, it is very difficult to keep the resentment and hatred on. My Emma and Regina are well aware of how shitty life is, and because of that they know what things truly matter and deserve to be discussed (which is why they don't discuss much).

Translation from the conversation between Emma, Regina and Snow.

"Esto es una tonteria." This is stupid.

"Perdóname por hacerte perder el tiempo Regina." Sorry I just wasted your time Regina.

"En verdad pensé que esto iba a funcionar." I really thought this was going to work.

"Pero mi vida, si funcionó." But my darling, it did work.

"Estás hablando espanol." You are speaking Spanish.

"Todas las cosas que ahora podré decirte sin que nadie las entienda." All the things I will be able to tell you without anyone else understanding us.

"Yo entiendo." I understand.

"Lo encontraron?" Did you find it?

"Si. Lo tengo aquí en mi mano." Yes, I'm holding it in my hand.