Summary: Lucas finally has the courage to ask Riley out. So how would things turn out?

Author's Note: So this is kind of my point of view of the finale episode which is called Girl Meets First Date. I really can't wait to see that episode. It's going to be so cute when Riley and Lucas go on their first date. So anyways hope you enjoy this story.

Riley and Maya were getting their things out of their locker and were heading to class.

As they were heading to History, Riley notice a couple of boys and girls holding hands, rubbing noses, hugging, or just acting cheesy.

"Um is it just my imagination or do you notice something weird going on here?"

Maya look at her confused and then look around at all the couples acting all lovely dovely.

"Huh, what the heck is going on here? It's all weird and gross."

"Well maybe it's cause it's almost Valentine's Day."

"What kind of weirdos celebrates Valentine's Day?"

Riley chuckled. "Well apparently they do. I think it's kind of cute that they're acting all lovey dovey."

Maya roll her eyes. "Yeah you would think that."

She then smirked at Riley. "So?"

Riley look at her confused. "So what?"

"Do you think cowboy will get the message by seeing all these weird cheesy couples and might think about asking you out on a date?"

"Lucas? Asking me out? I would love that." She then sighed. "But I doubt he will."

Maya raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you became so negative about this?"

"It's not that. It's just I don't know. I mean, I don't think he is ever going to see me as more than just a friend."

"Seriously? Riley, it's so obvious that boy is crushing on you. Remember when he made that, my moment will be my moment comment? Or how about that time he called you a princess and you guys rode on that horse together?"

Riley shrugged. "Maybe he was just being nice."


She stop Maya before she was able to finish her sentence. "Look its fine okay. No matter how much it hurts, I'm just going to have to accept that maybe Lucas is never going to like me the way I like him."

Maya frowned. "Riles-"

"Maya, I told you its fine. We should get to class before we're late."

"Fine, but we're not done with this discussion."

"I know."


During History, Cory was talking about War World I. Riley was trying to listen what her dad was talking about but she couldn't. She kept thinking about the conversation she had with Maya.

What if Maya was right? What if Lucas does have a crush on her? Maybe he will ask her out.

Who was she kidding herself. Like Lucas would ever be interested in her, Riley the weird, dorky, and awkward girl.

Little did she know on how wrong she was.

Lucas kept glancing at Riley a few times and smile. He had a crush on her for a while. He's been wanting to ask her out on a date for a long time, but he's been waiting for the right moment. But today he was going to do it. He's finally going to have the courage to ask her out, even though he's a bit nervous.

I'm just going to go up to her and ask her to go to the movies with me. I really hope I don't make a fool out of myself. She always makes me nervous when I'm around her. Why does she have this effect on me?


It was the end of the school day, and Riley and Maya were at their lockers, putting their books in their book bags.

"So you could go to the train without me Maya. I need to ask Mrs. Kirby a question about our science project that's due next Friday."

"Okay, but are you sure you don't want me to wait for you?"

"No it's fine. Besides, I told my dad I'll catch a ride with him."

"Well alright. Text me when you get home."

"I will."

"Okay, See ya Riles." Maya said as she close her locker and left.

Riley put her last book in her book pack and close her locker. She then was heading towards her science classroom.


She turn around and saw Lucas standing there with a nervous smile on his face.

Riley smiled. "Oh hey Lucas."

"Hey, um can I-I ask you...something?"

"Sure, but are okay?" Riley asked notice that Lucas seem a bit nervous.

Lucas smiled at how concerned she was. She's always caring about everyone. That's one of the things he likes about her.

"Yeah I'm fine. You see I was wondering if you would like to see a movie with m-me." He said as he rub the back of his neck.

Riley's eyes wide in surprise. "You mean like a date?"

"Yeah, but if you don't want to go I can understand I just-"

"Lucas," Riley interrupted and then smiled. "I would love to go to the movies with you."

Lucas smiled widely "You will? Great! I mean that's cool. So, would tonight be okay?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"Okay, so I guess I'll pick you up around seven."

"Sounds good."

"So I'll see you tonight then."


"Bye." Lucas smiled softly.

Riley smiled back. "Bye."

When Lucas left, Riley had a big smile on her face. She wanted to scream and do back flips. She couldn't believe what just happen. Lucas, the boy she's been crushing on since the moment she first saw him, just ask her out!

What am I going to wear? What am I going to say? How am I going to act? Oh shot, I almost forgot. I need to ask Mrs. Kirby a question about my science project.

She then ran to her science classroom.

Please review. The next chapter would be their date which I'll upload it sometime tomorrow.