All Characters and quotes remain the property of Stephenie Meyer

Please enjoy

Chapter 1


4 months earlier


I wake up to a cold Monday morning in Forks. If there is one thing that I hate more than the cold, it's school. All they see when they look at me is a plain and ordinary girl. The only two people who make school tolerable for me are my twin brother Alec and my best friend Alice. They are the only people I hang around with. My school is divided into groups such as the cheerleaders and jocks, band geeks and nerds. Sometimes I dream that my favourite actor Edward Masen just turns up at school. Then walks right past the cheerleaders, stops right in front of me, lifts me up bridal style and walks out of the school. Just like Richard Gere did in An Officer and a Gentleman, but life is not a dream.

I look at my alarm clock and moan when I see the time. The last thing I want to do is get up and go to school. My cell phone rings dead on 6.30am. It can only be one person.

"Hello Ali" I answer.

"Hey Bell" she says.

She rings me at this time every morning before school, as she doesn't trust me to pick out the right outfit by myself.

"Bella, take out that long sleeve florence chiffon top that I bought for you last month," she demands

"Match that with a pair of black skinny jeans and don't forget to wear your cream lace bra underneath that top."

"Ok Ali, I'll see you at school," I reply with a sigh.

"See you then Bell, "she says and then hungs up.

Why does she do this to me every morning, I think. God forbid if I turn up in last year's fashion.

I jump into the shower and use my favourite strawberry shampoo and body wash. Ever since I read in Teen Magazine that Edward Masen's favourite scent on a woman was strawberry it has become my favourite too.

I finish drying off, dry my hair and dress in the clothes that Alice has picked out for me. I then go downstairs to where my parents and my brother Alec are sitting having breakfast.

My father sighs while reading the paper.

"Is there a problem Charlie?" my mother asks.

"Oh, it's nothing Renee," he answers, sighing again.

My mother puts down her coffee. "Ok Charlie, I know that there is something in that paper that's bothering you, so out with it."

"It's just that Edward Masen is coming to Seattle for the premiere of his new movie," he states.

"WHAT" I scream and snatch the paper out of his hands.

"That is just the reaction I expected from you," Charlie laughs.

I just ignore him as I am too busy reading the paper. It says that Edward Masen is coming to Seattle for the premiere of his new movie Bite and it's going to be held at the 5th Avenue Theatre on Saturday 18th November. At least I won't miss school, I think.

Oh my god my dream is coming true, I am going to actually see Edward Masen.

"I have to ring Alice so that we can make plans," I tell my parents.

"Woo there missy, don't think for a second that you are going to this premiere" my father protests.

"There is mass panic at these things and girls get hurt. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one that's causing the panic," he continues.

"But daddy," I squeak back at him. "I have to go. If I don't go then my life won't have any meaning. I will waste away to nothing and you will have to live with the knowledge that you took away my one chance to ever see Edward Masen." I continue dramatically.

"You think about that while I go to school," I tell him and walk out and get into my truck.

Five minutes later I pull up at Forks High School to find Alice waiting for me in my regular parking spot. I barely have time to get out of the truck before she starts hugging me while jumping up and down on the spot.

"Bell, did you hear the news? The cast of the new movie Bite are coming to Seattle."

"Ali, Ali, woo there calm down" I giggle.

"Bella, why aren't you more excited? This is Edward Masen and Jasper Whitlock that we are talking about," she asks.

I completely forgot that Jasper Whitlock was also starring in this movie and that he is Alice's crush.

"My father is having a fit attack about me going to Seattle and is worried that I will get hurt" I tell her.

"Bella, your father will come around, don't worry. We will torment him until he gives in. Besides we have 3 weeks to change his mind."

We start walking into school making plans about how we are going to get to Seattle. I know I will just die if I don't see Edward Masen when he is so close.

The whole school is buzzing with news about the premiere. Whilst walking to my Math class I hear Lauren Mallory talking to Jessica Stanley.

"I can't wait to get to Seattle and see Edward Masen, I know for a fact that he won't be able to take his eyes off me once he sees me," Lauren boasts to Jessica.

"Oh I'm so jealous, the second he sees you in that little black dress, he will be a goner. Just promise me that when you are in LA on the arm of Edward Masen, you won't forget about me," Jessica whines.

I could not stand listening to any more talk from slut one and slut two, so I walk right past them and straight into my Math class.

The day flies by and all anyone can talk about is who is going to Seattle to attend the red carpet and who can afford to get tickets to meet the stars.

"Bella," Alice calls while running to catch up with me in the hall. She is practically skipping down the hall with excitement. Now I have seen Alice excited before but never this excited.

"Hi Ali, what are you doing?" She hugs me while jumping up and down.

"What would you say if I told you that we could have a chance to meet Edward Masen and Jasper Whitlock," she asks.

"I would say talk to me now and then I would be jumping up and down with you," I laugh.

"Well I just found out that they are having a contest on the radio station Atlantic 252 between 6 and 7 pm this evening. The winner wins 2 nights in the Olympic Hotel and two tickets to attend the Bite premiere and after party."

"Aaaaaaaaaa" I scream whilst jumping up and down.

"My place, or yours Ali?"

"We would be better off going to my place. Just in case your father is home and starts saying you can't go again. It will only bring us down and we both know that he won't say no if we win the tickets."

"You are so crafty Ali but I love you," I tell her.

"Don't I know it, Bell and I love you too," she laughs.

We both continued to laugh so hard that we don't hear someone come up behind us.

"Don't even bother going in for that radio contest", Lauren Mallory says, looking all smug.

Alice stands right in front of her.

"And why is that, Lauren," she snaps.

"Well, for one my brother's best friend's brother is in charge of the radio station, so I have as good as won those tickets already. And two, do you really think that a guy like Edward Masen would even look twice at someone like you," she smirks looking at me.

"Well Lauren, good luck with it and may the best girl win," I tell her.

Lauren looks shocked that I dared to answer her back.

"I just know that I will win the tickets and if you don't believe that I will win then lets place a bet," she states.

I don't like where this is going but I know that Alice and I didn't have much chance of winning and neither did Lauren.

"Ok" I reply. "But if neither of us win then the bet is invalid. Also to make sure that neither of us back out, Alice will write down the bet and we will both have to sign it.

"OK" she says looking all smug. "The loser has to sit on Riley Biers lap and make out with him."

Now I was starting to get scared. Riley Biers is a nobody, a smelly nobody at that, who doesn't wash himself, but I couldn't back out now.

"Deal" I tell her as Alice finishes writing the bet on the piece of paper. She passes it to me and I signed it and then Lauren snaps it out of my hand to sign it.

"Later losers" she says, before handing the paper back to Alice and walking off.

I look at Alice who is hiding her face in her hands, her whole body shaking.

"Are you alright, Ali?"

She looks up at me and there are tears running down her face from laughing so hard.

"Oh Bell, that will be sweet victory if we win that radio contest. Can you just imagine Lauren if she has to kiss Riley Biers?"

"Oh yeah Ali and what will happen if she wins and I have to kiss Riley Biers? I have never kissed a guy before and there is no way in fuck that Riley Biers is going to be my first kiss," I tell her.

"Well you see Bell, that is the beauty of your best friend having this piece of paper. I can always make it disappear," she laughs.

A big grin spreads across my face. "Girlfriend, I like the way you think."

"Come on let's get going," Alice says putting her arm around me.

I look around and notice for the first time that school is finished for the day.

"I will follow you in my truck" Alice nods and I watch her get into her yellow 911 GT Turbo.

I drive to Alice's home thinking about what it will be like if I win and actually get to meet Edward Masen. I finally get to Alice's house and in my excitement I jump out of the truck and run to the door. But due to my usually lack of coordination I trip over a log. Thank goodness my hands brake my fall. I quickly get up, hoping no one saw me and continued to walk to the door. Just as I am about to knock the door opens and Alice drags me inside.

"Mum, we're here" Alice yells. Esme Cullen came out of the kitchen to see us. If you were meeting her for the first time you wouldn't believe she was Alice's mother. She could easily pass for being in her mid- twenties, when she was in fact 36 years old.

"Hi girls, could you both come over and sit down for a minute, so that I can talk to you?" She asks. We both go and sit down on the couch next to her.

"Bella, Alice phoned me during your lunch hour and told me about this premiere and also about the contest. Now I'm not going to tell you not to enter it so don't worry about that. I just want to tell you that I phoned your mother and father and they agreed to let you go to this premiere with Alice on the condition that I will go with you. I actually won't go to the red carpet with you but your parents don't need to know that. Is that agreeable with you?"

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," I squeal whilst jumping up and down and hugging Esme so hard that there is a chance she may stop breathing.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you," I chant.

"You're welcome," she laughs. "Now go on, get out of my sight and try and win those tickets," she says whilst heading back into the kitchen.

I practically skipped up to Alice's room. It was the same as my room, the only difference was Alice's room was covered in posters of Jasper Whitlock, whereas mine was covered in posters of Edward Masen. We both look at the clock and see it's close to 6pm, so Alice switches the radio on. The music from Atlantic 252 comes blaring out, next we hear the DJ speaking.

Welcome to all you listeners. This is your DJ John Cassidy. I will be on live from now until 7pm. If any of you are a fan of the movies then stay tuned for your chance to win two nights stay in the Olympic Hotel, Seattle for two people and two tickets to attend the premiere of Edward Masen's new movie Bite and attend the after party.

My stomach is full of butterflies and my heart is in my throat. The only thing I could think of was I had to win. I look over at Alice and she already has the phone in her hands and she's shaking with nerves.

"Hi everyone. This is John Cassidy and I'm back to give you the chance to win two nights stay in the Olympic Hotel, Seattle for two people and two tickets to attend the premiere of Edward Masen's new movie Bite and attend the after party. All you have to do is be the ninth caller and then answer one simple question. Good luck everyone."

Alice start to dial, but her hands are shaking so badly that she has to keep trying again and again. I suddenly just snatch the phone out of her hands and started to dial. I keep getting the engaged signal so I just frantically keep pressing redial.

"Ok that was the eighth caller, so the next one who rings will have the chance to win that fantastic prize."

I press redial again praying that it will ring.

Ring Ring!

"IT'S RINGING, ALI," I scream. She jumps up screaming too.

"Hello, this is John Cassidy and you are the ninth caller. What is your name and where are you from?"

"My name is Bella Swan and I am from Forks, Washington," I squeak into the phone. How I was able to speak I will never know.

"Well Bella, if you get this right you will win that fantastic prize but if you get it wrong we will have to go to the next caller."

"What is the name of the movie that brought Edward Masen stardom and what was his character's name?"

I didn't even have to think because I already knew the answer.

"The name of the movie is Wizards and his character was called Cedric Diggory," I answer.

"That is correct. Congratulations Bella you have won two nights stay in the Olympic Hotel, Seattle for two people and two tickets to attend the premiere of Edward Masen's new movie Bite and the after party. Please stay on the line so that we can get your details.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" myself and Alice scream together. We start hugging and crying and I suddenly remember that I am still on the phone.

"Hello Bella, can I say congratulations again and that I am so happy for you. Also between you and me there is a girl here in the studio who apparently is a friend of a friend and she was ready to jump into the studio when I asked that question. I think she was really pissed off when she saw that the studio door was locked, she seems kinda crazy. I believe that she also lives in Forks," he states, laughing.

I laugh too knowing for certain that the girl he is talking about is Lauren Mallory.

I continue talking to him and give him all the details he needs. He tells me that he will send all the tickets and information by courier and that if there are any problems then to contact the radio station. Once I'm finished on the phone I see Alice hugging Esme, she puts her arm out so that I can join them in the hug. Alice and I just jump up and down doing the happy dance in Esme's arms.

"I can't believe it, I'm going to meet Edward Masen, I'm so excited," I squeal.

Alice looks up at me and starts laughing, as if she suddenly remembered something funny.

"You know another thing that I'm excited about." she laughs.

"What," I ask.

"I'm excited to see the look on Lauren's face when you come into school tomorrow, knowing that she will have to follow through on that bet," she laughs. I join in her laughter too just thinking about it.

"You know what Ali, for the first time I'm so excited to go to school."

So what do you think? I really hope that you enjoy it.

Atlantic 252 is a real radio station. I used to love to listen to it for the music and competitions when I was a teenager.

I will be updating this story every week. Please Please Please review and let me know what you think. I really enjoy reading them and they make me so happy.

you can join the group on facebook for all teasers and pictures of my fanfiction stories at robsessed73 fanfiction