The Time Turner

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea. (As if you didn't know.)

A/N: I originally wrote this story 2 years ago and then life took me in other directions. But im back and im going to finish it. If anyone notices a change its because ive fixed some of the mistakes I made. Hope a few people are still interested.

I'm going to speed through the beginning because I'm afraid if I don't ill get too much unnecessary stuff in there.

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Professor McGonagall?"

"Yes Miss Granger?"

"I was wondering if I could use the time turner again."

"And for what would you be using the time turner?" she asked curiously.

"I plan to pick up Muggle Studies and Arithmancy again, and I currently cannot do that without the use of the time turner," Hermione said, hoping he was convincing.

"Very well Miss Granger, I assume you remember the rules?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Alright. Use it well."

Harry packed his invisibility cloak into his backpack, and made sure his wand was secured in there as well. As he was going in Muggle clothes, he didn't have a wand pocket. Just as he'd finished, he looked up to see Hermione and Ron standing there.

Hermione handed Harry the time turner with a smile and said, "There you are."

"Thanks Hermione. If I don't get this right we're all going to be in a lot of trouble."

"Well then let's hope you get it right." Ron said.

"And Ron... You think you can handle making excuses should I take longer than expected or if something goes wrong?" Harry asked. "I've got your back, Harry." Ron said. They all laughed.

"Well, you guys probably won't remember this if all goes well, but I really do thank you for everything. No matter what, you guys are my friends...forever."

"We know" Ron and Hermione said. "Now go!"

"Right then. I'm off." Harry said nervously.

He picked up the time turner, surveying it carefully. "10 turns should do it." He thought. 8..6..4..2..

Harry stopped turning, and smiled at his friends. With that, he was gone.

October 31, 1981

Harry re-appeared just under some trees off a cobblestone road. He glanced around, everything looked right as best he could imagine. After tucking the time turner into his backpack, He stepped across the street and looked at the house before him. He stepped through the gate and walked to the door. He peered inside but couldn't see anyone. Upon trying the door, it was locked. "Alohomora", Harry whispered. The door unlocked immediately.

As Harry stepped inside the house, he felt surrounded by warmth and love like he'd never felt before.

"Mom?" he called out. "Dad?"

Harry then realized his parents definitely weren't expecting a 15-year-old boy to be yelling for them, so he proceeded up the stairs. As he reached the top, he saw a light coming from the room at the end of the hall. With much trepidation, he inched closer and closer. He pushed the door open, and saw his parents, sitting on a couch in what he assumed to be his own bedroom, playing with (the younger) Harry.

"Hello?" he asked timidly.

Lily and James were apparently not expecting company, as they both jumped to their feet with their wands pointed at Harry.

"Don't make any sudden moves, or you'll regret it" James said fiercely.

"What do you want?" Lily asked.

"To help you. I am here to offer some valuable information that could save your life, but you must listen to me."

"To save our lives? Who are you? Did Albus send you?" James questioned.

Harry thought for a moment, and he felt that honesty with his best way to go.

"Professor Dumbledore did not send me; I came on my own accord. I am from the year 1995, and I'm here to save your lives." Harry said.

"That's crazy. You'd have to have a time turner to do something like that." James said.

Harry reached into his bag and pulled out the time turner. "Is this proof enough?" he asked. "Look. We don't have a lot of time. Voldemort is going to kill you both tonight if you don't leave this house immediately."

"That's impossible. Albus cast the fidelius charm on this house. We are safe as long as Peter keeps the secret." Lily said, although starting to doubt it.

"For that did you find us? We are supposed to be hidden from the world." James said.

"Because I am Harry Potter. The fidelius charm wouldn't have had an affect on me...besides that, it has been lifted. Peter Pettigrew is a death eater. He is a traitor."

"Ha-Ha-Harry? Our Harry?" Lily asked. "I feel faint."

"Yes. I am your son." Harry said.

"Oh James. Look at him. Now that I think of it, Oh Harry you look just like your father." Lily said, between sobs.

"Don't cry mom." Harry said. "I've spent the last 14 years without you, and I want to remedy that if it all possible."

"Where did you go?" James asked.

"To live with Aunt Petunia. She and Uncle Vernon and their son Dudley are horrible people. Can we talk about this later?" Harry asked impatiently.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea. Tell us what we need to do." James said.

"Okay. You have your invisibility cloak, correct?" Harry asked his father.

"Yes." he said, surprised that Harry knew of it.

"Well I have it in its future form. So Mom and I will go under this one and you and Baby Harry take the other one. We'll go out the back and escape to safety."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll just get the cloak." James said quickly. "Lily, you get the baby ready to go."

"Okay" Lily said.

Lily rushed around the room gathering a few things they might need. Within moments, James was back with the cloak. Suddenly there was a blast. James glanced out the window and saw a flash of green light from down the street. Voldemort was in Godric's Hollow.

"Oh my god. We're going to be too late!" Lily cried.

"No, we've got time. Let's put the cloaks on. Now." p

With two fluid motions, the four of them disappeared under the cloaks. Harry and Lily lead the way down the stairs, and as they reached the bottom they could see Voldemort at the end of the walkway surveying the house. They proceeded quickly into the kitchen and just as the back door was shut they heard the front door being blasted from its hinges.

"JAMES POTTER, SHOW YOURSELF!" the cold, high voice echoed throughout.

"How far is Ottery St. Catchpole?" Harry asked quickly.

"It's about 5 km down the way." James said.

"Can you both apparate?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Lily and James replied.

"Alright Dad. Take hold of my arm and mom, hold onto baby Harry. We need to get to Arthur and Molly Weasley's house as quickly as possible."

"The know them?" James asked.

"Yes." Said Harry. "On three."

Lily and James both said "The Burrow", and they all disappeared just as Voldemort blew their home into oblivion.