Before you start, let me say this: if you are looking for a mushy reunion between Hiccup and his father, you should not read this. Stoick will not play a role in this, neither will Astrid or the rest of Berk. It's focused on Hiccup's and Toothless' adventures after they left Berk. If you want the reunion, read Return of the Dragon Rider, which happens after these ten years.
This is a collection of stories which describes Hiccup's adventures after he left Berk with Toothless. Directly connected to my Fan fiction Return of the Dragon Rider. You can read this first, or after you read ROTDR, it doesn't matter, but some of the characters I have used here are introduced in ROTDR and if you fully want to understand them, read that first.
Aaaaannnyyhoooowwww, now that I have said that, on to the stories. As said before, this will be a collection of stories varying in length. Some will be mere one-shots, while other's will have multiple chapters, referred to as parts. Some of the stories will contain violence and blood, but that will be clearly indicated.
Alright! As promised, my dear readers, here is The Adventurous Adventures of Hiccup and Wrenlou. It has arrived! Let me know what you think! (and I'm still open for ideas, but no promises)
Coverart is made by the wonderful TheWaffleMaker! Credit goes to her.
Lot's of text. Onto the first story.
The Adventurous Adventures of Hiccup and Wrenlou
Finding Night Fury Island, Part I
Hiccup opened his eyes, blinking at the light. He lay for a moment, staring at the blue sky above him, then he got up. He yawned and stretched his body, rubbing his eyes. Then he sighed and turned around, looking at the dragon he had used as a pillow. He poked the beast, eliciting a low growl.
'Come on Toothless, time to get up.'
The dragon grumbled a response and moved away from the boy, covering his eyes with his paw.
'Toothless! Come on, get up you lazy lizard.'
The only response he got was a low wail and the dragon curled up even more. He sighed, staring at his companion with his hands in his side. Every morning would be the same. But it was a good thing that after seven months he knew what to do. He picked a fish from the net and waved it in front of the dragon's nose. The black scaled nose wrinkled in delight when the dragon smelled the fish and two green eyes opened, staring at the fish.
'Time to get up.'
Slowly, the dragon uncurled, stretching every muscle in his body, arching his back and yawning widely. The he sat down, his tail curled around his paws, wings hanging limply at his side, looking at the boy. Hiccup smiled and tossed him the fish. The dragon gulped down the fish, sheeting it's teeth when the creature was gone.
He watched as Hiccup rolled up his bed roll and blanket and put them back on the saddle. As soon as the boy had eaten and everything was packed, dragon and boy took to the sky again.
It had been seven months after they had left Berk, and while he had some trouble adjusting to living in the wild at first, Hiccup thought he had done fairly well. He had become quite good with a bow and was able to shoot his own food, though he mostly ate the fish Toothless caught for him.
He was becoming used to flying all day, no longer sore after being on the dragon's back for hours. Even on the move he had worked on improving his suit and the saddle. They had also practiced some stunts together, most of them involving Hiccup jumping of the dragon's back and free falling until Toothless decided he had gone far enough and caught him again.
He didn't have much contact with other people, seeing as they avoided villages for as much as they could, unless he needed something he couldn't get on his own, like arrowheads and gears for Toothless' prosthetic tailfin. He had found that most people were willing to trade those items for some small labor, or willing to let him use their resources to make them himself.
He had exchanged his clothes for a mostly leather suit, much more suitable to withstand rain and storm, although he still wore his green tunic underneath and still had his fur lined boots. He had his fur vest tucked in the saddlebag, but now he only wore it when he went into town.
He let out a long sigh as they were flying above the clouds, leaning back on the dragon. Toothless crooned and turned his head to look at the boy.
'I'm okay bud. Just thinking, where should we go next?'
The dragon wailed loudly, shaking his head.
'Yeah... you're right. It doesn't matter really. We could just fly I suppose. You decide where we go today Toothless.'
The dragon crooned and changed direction. Hiccup closed his eyes, thinking back on the last few months.
He was sixteen now. He had celebrated his birthday with Toothless a few months ago. The dragon hadn't understood the concept of "birthday", but he had somehow gotten him a present anyway. A smile spread on his face as he remembered that day. He had woken up feeling a little down. The dragon had tried anything to cheer him up, and it had resulted in a crazed flight through the clouds, chasing seagulls and hunting fish. At the end of the day they had been exhausted and they had landed on a small rocky island. There Hiccup had tried to explain to Toothless the meaning of birthdays, but the dragon had just looked at him blankly, obviously missing the point. After watching the sunset, like they usually did, Hiccup had fallen asleep under the dragons wings. The next morning, Toothless had given Hiccup the surprise of his life.
When he had woken up, the dragon had been gone. He had searched the entire island, knowing the dragon couldn't possibly take off without him. After a few hours of frantic searching, he had been on the edge of panic when the dragon had come out of the water, something in his mouth. After scolding the dragon, nearly in tears, he had asked what he had in his mouth. Toothless had dumped a bow and a quiver with arrows on the ground, cocking his head while he looked at his friend.
Hiccup had been utterly speechless. He had stared at the dragon, not quite comprehending what had just happened. Then it dawned on him. Toothless had swam back to the land they had seen yesterday and the village nestled on the rocks. He must have sneaked into the village and taken the bow.
'Toothless... I... Did you just steal this?'
The dragon wailed and shook his head. He bit at the saddle and now Hiccup saw one of the saddlebags was missing, and his jaw had dropped even more.
The dragon knew trade?
He had sunk on the ground, his hands over his mouth, tears burning in his eyes. Toothless had crooned concerned, afraid he had done something wrong and Hiccup had laughed through his tears, hugging his friend tightly.
That bow was the first gift he was ever given on any of his birthdays, and he carried it with pride.
He was shaken from his memories when Toothless crooned. He sat up, stretching his arms. Then he looked around. The clouds were grey and he couldn't see a thing.
'Toothless, a little lower bud, I can't see.'
Obediently, the dragon ducked under the clouds. They were over the ocean, the water stretching in every direction.
'Where are we? Toothless?'
The dragon crooned softly and Hiccup frowned. There was an island ahead of them, or at least that's what it looked like.
'Well, looks like we found where we will sleep tonight, right bud?'
The dragon wailed and ducked down towards the island, setting down on a small beach. They looked around, quickly scanning the environment. It looked clear and Hiccup slid of the dragon, still cautious. He walked a little closer to the treeline. The sun had set already and it was dark. Scanning the trees, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched, but the shadows were to dark to see anything.
He turned back to Toothless, but before he could say anything, a hand clasped over his mouth. He uttered a muffled cry, but there were more figures on the beach. They had already secured the dragon before he could even blink, binding the dragon effectively.
He fought the hands holding him, but his small frame was no match for the big man holding him. Another grabbed his wrists and bound them quickly. He cried out when the rope bit his skin. Toothless wailed loudly, but the sound was cut off when one of the dark figures threw a rope around the dragons jaws, securing them shut. Then the man started to pull the dragon off the beach, dragging him along by the ropes all around his black body.
Hiccup pulled the ropes, desperately trying to get to Toothless, but he was pulled in the opposite direction.
'Toothless! No, let me go! Toothless!'
But strong hands pulled him away from the dragon, mercilessly dragging him across the sand. He kept struggling and fighting the ropes and the hands that held him, panic swirling around his heart. For the first time he realized how small and helpless he really was. He couldn't even save his friend. For the first time he regretted leaving Berk.
Something hard collided with the back of his head, sending him flying to the ground. He blinked a few times, trying to avoid loosing consciousness, but shrieked when a boot collided with his ribs. He was hit on the head again, still gasping from the kick, and the last thing he felt were hands lifting him from the ground. Then the world went black.