Trapped in the rain

A/N: I am really trying to finish all my unfinished zadr's. It's so hard when you're scared of making a mistake... here's a little fluffy. Because all the smutty goodness is in yaoi santa's workshop.

Zim was walking home, knowing that the big-headed dib was following. But he ignored the urge to yank dib from the shadows and experiment on him. He just continued to walk down the road. Zim was thinking about his next plan. He loved thinking of plans in his spare time.

He ended up being in the middle of a deserted street wich had no awnings when the rain started. He gasped out when he felt the first drop on his skin. He started looking desperately around for shade, but couldn't find none when the drizzle turned into a pour. He screamed, starting to run when he felt a hand on his arm.

He jerked his head to see Dib-human, looking timid as he shared his umbrella with the green-skinned boy.

"What are you doing, dib-monkey?"

"Keeping you from getting burned to death." Dib stated calmly

"Why would you care?" Zim tried sounding mad but failed.


"Yes?" Zim put his hands on his hips, irritated.

Dib sucked in a breath, placing his lips on zim's. Zim gasped but did not, for his immortal life separate from those warm lips. He had to admit, he crushed hard on the dirt-child but he never thought about it much pushed his tongue inside Zim's mouth. Finally, Zim was kissing back, eyes fluttering closed.

So there they were, making out under the umbrella. Trying to wrap his arms around the Dib, Zim moved his arm too far out, feeling a burn on his skin through his thin undershirt. He cursed out at the pain, then moaning when dib dragged the alien closer to himself. They stayed like that for a few moments.

When Zim realized he was kissing his enemy, his eyes snapped open. He swore under his breath. He wanted to stop, but at the same time, didn't. When air became too great, they separated, panting.

This was when Zim noticed the rain stopped suspiciously. Then he heard a squeal. He looked up on a roof, seeing Gaz holding a hose, holding a camcorder in her other, blushing.

"A trick?!" Zim squeaked out, still affected by the kiss.

Dib looked up at the roof, "Dammit!" The flustered para-investigator looked back at Zim.

"Explain, Dirt-child! Explaaiin."

"I just thought this would've been the best way to expose-"

"ZIIM?" Zim asked, worried.

"No, no. The best way to show my feelings."

Zim grew wide-eyed, confused, "Y-you mean,Dib-monkey... LOVES Zim?" In answer, Dib placed his lips back on the aliens. Zim had never felt loved before, it was nice to know someone appreciated him. Even if it was the Dib-thing.

Gaz continued to film.