"PARTY TIME!" Merida screamed, As they all danced around.

My phone started to ring, I giggled and answered it.

I heard Anna crying.

"Anna?" I asked, "Why are you crying?"

"Their Dead!, I didn't know this would've happen!" Said Anna crying

"Who's Dead?" I asked.

My heart pounded and the world and time slowed as the words came out of her mouth, "Our parents."

I froze as a tear fell from my cheek.

"Please come home, I'm already here." Said Anna.

I nodded and hung up and broke down crying, Everyone looked at me.

"My parents are dead!" I sobbed, they all gasped and group hugged me.

"How?" Asked Merida.

"I don't know!' I sobbed, She hugged me.

We all got on the Plane and went home.

I cried the whole way there.

I stayed in my room crying,- or should I say frozen room.

I felt someones fingers touch my shoulder, I looked up and saw a colorful feathery women.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am the tooth fairy." Said told me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I protect the children of the world, and don't worry your secret is safe with me." She said to me, I smiled and hugged her, I haven't had a real friendly hug in a awhile.

she hugged back, we talked for a while and she left as I started to fall asleep.

The next morning, I heard a knock from down stairs, My room was still frozen and I have become more and more dangerous.

I heard Anna open it.

"Hi Jack, Hi Merida, Hiccup, Mavis, Merida." I heard Anna greet them, But in a very sad depressed tone.

"Is Elsa Okay I heard what happened." Said Jack.

"She's in her room." Said Anna.

Then I heard them All walked to my door as I sat down and leaned against it.

"Elsa?" I heard three knocks at my door,

"Please, I know you're in there,

People are asking where you've been
They say "have courage", and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you, just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?" I heard Anna sing,... I knew it was coming it's been years since she's asked me this question... "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

I closed my eyes and sobbed in my frozen room.

"It was worth a try." I heard Merida say in a low sad voice.

I heard Anna, Merida, And Mavis start sobbing Hiccup, Flynn, And Jack stayed quiet.

After they all left for my parents funeral I had to stay home, I Turned my T.V and onto the news.

"Elsa Arendelle Of young teenage rock Band had to leave Paris early in news from her little Sister Anna Arendelle that her parents dying from a Car crash." Said The News Reporter.

"Very Sad, But Elsa Arendelle's first scary reacting video was released video went viral, But if you look very close in the Back ground you can see Frost appearing in the Background." Said the News reporter My heart stopped.

"See for yourself." she said.

Then my video appeared "OH HELL NAWWWW!" I yelled (FOXY JUMPS UP) "AHHHHHH" I screamed in the video And you could clearly see my powers appearing behind me.

"You've seen it folks, What is Elsa Arendelle hiding?, Was this edited into the video? Or Does Elsa have a secret?" The Man Asked.

I hurried up and turned the t.v off, Opened my window and threw the remote out.

I slammed the window and screamed, As loud as I could.

"WHAT THE SHIT!" I screamed.

Then the same bright light shone in the middle of my room, I was blinded for a moment, Then I saw Man in the moon.

"Elsa are you okay?" He asked kneeling down at me covering my face with my knees.

"No, My parents died and all my fan and maybe the whole world thinks i'm a witch or that i'm sorcerer." I almost cried.

"Nobody thinks that your a witch or a sorcerer." Said Manny.

I looked up, "But maybe everyone now know of my powers." I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Well maybe that's a good thing." Said Manny, I arched an eyebrow.

"How is that a good thing?" I asked.

He sat down next to me and opened his mouth slowly to speak.

"Because just think of it, if they know of your powers; You wouldn't have to hide them anymore." Said Manny.

I sniffled and wiped another tear away, "Maybe your right, But if My powers were to show, how would I control them? Thats why I hide them is because I don't know how to." Said Elsa.

"I can teach you in one word,... Believe." He told me.

"Believe?" I asked.

"Yes, Believe in yourself." He said smiling, I smiled back.

"Well I must go." He told me.

"Okay." I sniffled again.

"Remember, to Believe in yourself..." He said before fading away.

I went to bed tired, but restless.

"Believe in myself?" I asked myself.

"How can I do that?" I asked

I closed my eyes and thought for a moment,... "Believe in yourself that you can learn to control."

"THAT'S IT!" I snapped up.

"All's I have to do is believe in myself that I can do it!" Said Elsa,... She laid back down with a broken smile.

"Now how can I do that?" I asked myself.

"I can't do it!" I cried myself to sleep.