
This is Rated M for Maturity due to sexual content or adult themes. You have been warned. In later chapters there will be sexual content, pairings such as Maka x Soul and Kid x Blackstar. You have been warned and now are reading at your own will.

Love, Kit.

Second Note:

A next chapter will not be updated for a while. I just happened to found this looking in my files. So it may be shitty.

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater, just purely the ideas.

First Kiss, Last Kiss.

Chapter 2:
First Date.

Two days after the awkward Truth-Or-Dare sleepover party at Black-Star's, she was being teased playfully by the three girls to go out with Soul as the boys played basketball on the court.

Patty shook Maka violently, Maka's pigtales going about. "You need to goooooooo out with hiiiimm! You've already kissed him!"

Liz pulled her wild sister away because she started to get crazy eyes. "Maka, she is right. Just a date, at least."

"I DIDN'T EVEN KISS HIM!" Maka screamed, throwing her hands up. "He kissed ME." She sat on the black bench, growling under her breath, sending the three girls scooting back a bit.

Tsubaki sat next to her after a moment, nudging the girl with her arm. "It won't hurt just to have one date. Maybe that kiss meant something. You won't know if you don't.. I don't know, find out?"

Maka sighed, propping her head on her hands, elbows on her knees. "What would we even do? I don't have money, and I damn well know he doesn't."

The Thompson sisters both smiled. Liz and Patty speaking in unison: "Why not walk?"

Liz: "It's free, and you guys can talk!"

Patty: "Yeah, yeah! It's simple enough too!"

Maka sighed again, heavily. "Fine." She stood up and brushed off her skirt, walking towards the boys without a glance towards the soft-squealing girls.

Her paced slowed as she thought; What if he doesn't like me? What if he just kissed me to fuck around with my emotions?

She hesitated for a moment before looking down, blushing red as she stomped over to Soul as he caught the ball. "S-soul.."

"Hm?" He looked down at the shorter girl, throwing the ball over her to Kid, who let it bounce away as the two boys shuffled towards the other girls.

Maka's knees wobbled, clenching onto Soul's sleeve. "I-I..I.."

Soul smiled, setting his hands on her arms, balancing her. "Yes?" She continued to stumble her words a bit, not looking up.

She paused, biting her bottom lip roughly as she collected her thoughts. "I-I.. um.. Soul..? Wait, you.." She sighed, puffing her cheeks as Soul slid his hands up from her arms to her pigtales, tugging them out with a soft smile.

"You look better with them down." She nodded, blushing furiously.

"S-soul.. I-I.. w-wanted to ask.."

He chuckled, casting a glance to the group of friends who turned away quickly, Kid a bit close to Black-Star. He looked back at Maka, tilting her head up with his forefinger and thumb with a small smile. "Yes, Maka. I will go on a date with you."

She fumbled for words, turning a brighter red. She closed her eyes and tugged on his sleeve a bit more, standing up on her toes as her lips met his slowly and gently. Her face warmed up as she opened her eyes slightly to see Soul eyes staring into hers.

His hand let go of her chin, kissing her back slightly deeper, his hands slipping down to her waist.

Maka pulled away quickly, blusing a bit brighter. "W-w-when?"

"How about now? It's a nice day out.." She nodded. He raised his voice to the group. "Yo, I'm leaving early with Maka. She wants to walk around. Aight?" He waved once and turned around with her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Maka stayed silent, pressed against Soul's side as they walked down the sidewalk. They've been walking for about 15 minutes, silently.

"So, Maka?" She looked up slightly, keeping her arms crossed to her chest. "What made you FINALLY ask me out?" He grinned, looking down at her.

She frowned, punching his arm. "I-I... the kiss.."

"Ahh. I meant that."

Maka's mind turned off, thinking. "Soul?" He replied with a low hum. "Do you.. do you love me?" She kept her eyes on the sidewalk, watching her and his feet.

He swallowed hard. "I-I.." He stopped, turning her too and leans down, resting his forehead against hers, his face nearly matching his eyes. "Maka Albarn.. You make my head spin and my heart stop, my knees weak. And you're asking me if I love you or did I just kiss you for the hell of it?"

She looked away a bit but his hair blocked her view. She whimpered softly. "I just asked.." She pulled away, looking up a bit. "Soul, look. I thought you were fucking with me." She huffed a sigh. "It's gonna rain." She grabbed his arm and tugged him under a building's awning. It began to rain slowly then all at once. Thunder boomed and lightning struck somewhere, causing Maka to squeal and hide behind Soul.

"After defeating Asura, you're STILL afraid of this?" She growled at him, hiding her face in his warm arm.

"I-I didn't defeat him, really.. I just took all of the souls out of him that he devoured.." Maka closed her eyes, disappearing in the aftermath of the battle; tubes and beds and hospitals for her. She later found out Asura was in the hospital miles out of Death City, being treated for his wounds and in rehabilitation. He was able to live as a normal human, but because of disclosed information Death-Sama is making him a teacher with Stein..

Maka sighed deeply, opening her jade eyes. "Soul.." Her eyes welled up as lightning cracked. "I-I'm scared.."

"Well, Crona c-"

As if on que, the pinkette showed up, blinking at the two with Ragnorok on her head. (Yes, I am making Crona a girl. Suck my dick.) She wore the black dress from her childhood, it ending right at her knees. "If I what?" Her dark blinking orbs studying them before Ragnorok clocked her in the head.

"Hey dumbass! I don't know if you can seeeee! These two love-birds are on a date!"

Crona groaned, frowning a bit before clutching her pink hair. "I don't know how to deal with dates!"

"CRONA." Maka yelled, glaring. A clap of thunder shook the buildings and sent her behind Soul.

Crona blinked then waved Ragnorok away so the black blood would dissipate away for now. Soul sighed. "Maka's scared again. Care to help?"

The pinkette shook her head with a yawn. "I-I actually was heading to a mission.. There's some funny stuff in the other town.. Shards of madness, said to be." She smiled weakly, her uneven hair falling in her eyes slightly. "Bye!" She waved weakly then bolted off down the street as it rained.

Until next time.
