
This is Rated M for Maturity due to possible sexual content or adult themes. You have been warned. In later chapters there will be sexual content, along with a POSSIBLE boyxboy pairing (Kid x Blackstar). You have been warned and are reading at your own will.

Love, Kit.


Third note: This will actually be the most updated, because I have most chapters either planned out smoothingly and accordingly or written down. Expect bulk/quick updates.

First Kiss, Last Kiss.

Maka Albarn smiled gently as she took Soul's hand, tugging him up from his seated position with a gentle squeeze.

Soul, now standing, looked into Maka's blinking emerald eyes. "Maka.."

"Soul?" She answered as his white bangs covered his red eyes with a tilt of his head. He slipped his hand away from hers, sliding both of them up her arms to her blonde pigtales, tugging on them gently. "Oi! Soul Evans!"

He tugged the tales out, mumbling under his breath, "You look better with your hair down.."

Maka blinked a few times before blushing a soft pink shade. Soul blushed as well and leaned down, kissing her lips gently and closed his eyes.

He pulled away a second after and blushed a bit darker. Before Maka could move, he let go and turned on his heel, walking away with his hands shoved in his jacket pockets.

Maka stood in shock, blushing collected herself quickly and screamed at him, "Soul! Get your ass back here and explain to me about what the hell you just did!" He kept walking. "Dammit Soul, I'll hit you!"

Little did they both know, it was that day they both fell in love with each other.

Death the Kid sighed, tugging his collar down slightly as Patty, Liz and Tsubaki played a card game.

Patty wasn't even playing, but building a card house that kept falling down. And Liz, well. She was getting annoyed on how Tsubaki was winning too easily. She kept accusing her of cheating and actually made her change out of her clothes. Twice.

Kid just dyed his hair recently to black, a few days ago actually. But you could already see the three white stripes that went only halfway around his head. His yellow eyes, watching the three girls; blonde, golden and black.

Liz and Patty Thompson. The two girls he grew into like family after they tried to mug him. He chuckled to himself, causing Liz to look up from her cards, blue eyes questioning. He smiled softly in return. Patty clapped her hands together, giggling as she finally made a giraffe tower out of cards. Tsubaki smiled gently and set down her winning cards, setting Liz in a rage.

"Yahoooo!" Black-Star, a hyper spiky blue-haired man-boy with purple star-shaped pupils, jumped in from an air vent in the cieling and knocked Patty's giraffe down. Amazingly, he landed next to Kid on the couch in sitting postion, throwing his arm around him. "Kiddo-Kun~" he said in a sing-song voice, grinning.

Kid sighed heavily, closing his eyes. "You're an idiot." He leaned into the couch. "After 6 years, you think you'd be grown up by now."

"Nope!" He leaned over to give Kid a sloppy kiss on the cheek to annoy him, but Kid turned his head at the point right before Black-Star placed his lips on his cheek. Instead of a kiss on the cheek, his lips landed on his.

It look both of them a moment to realize what was happening, and milliseconds for the girls; who were watching with wide eyes. Black-Star moved to pull away, but Kid looked him in the eyes and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, keeping him still as he closed his eyes. Odd enough Kid was kissing him still, Black-Star closed his eyes and kissed him back deeper.

When they broke away, the girls were blinking rapidly and the two boys had bright red faces.