Hello, im FW103. This is my first story even if i had made some practice works unpublished, so please don't be mad if it may be a bit...well, off. I'm a big fan of and the most epic of the recent games Destiny, I got it a bit of time ago and its the best game ever after...oh I'm rambling now, ok lets forget about it. This is my first Crossover also and i think why not? now another thing that passed for my crazy mind was 'and with what are you going to made the Xover genius?' well, thats was a low blow from 'me' but its also true, but then i remember that there aren't enough fics of RWBY, an awesome show by the way made by Rooster Teeth and its respective author; and this is the offspring of it, a crossover of a Epic game and a Epic show; also I'm going to put Ocs and try to not make it so cliche(no offense) as i had seen previously on other fanfics, and try to use a mix of my characters and by the way this is not a SI. so with no more delay off we go with the first chapter of Beyond our Destiny.
Chapter 1 - Remnant
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
The ghost didn't get an answer, maybe for the fact that his guardian was busy facing against a knight of the hive, a prince in fact. the guardian merely ducked under another swing and with a stolen sword he decapitated the knight, turning its body to ash not a second later. the guardian shrugged his shoulder in mild annoyance before going toward the info cache on the World grave, thinking that maybe coming alone without his "colleges" was not worth the effort, but when the ghost finished with the scan a bad feeling began to creep up his spine.
"Guardian! We need to get out of here! its an ambush!"
Before the guardian could answer, the ear-piercing screams of wizards echoed in the chamber, and much to his growing apprehension there was a big group of them, and not the normal kind, if anything these hell-spawns reminded him of Xyor, and that was very bad news if at least 7 of them were chanting and filling the chamber with darkness, soon he felt himself growing weak, tired and cold...they were killing his Light. there would not be another chance for resurrect again! this time he is going to die for real.
"Guardian!, get up! come on we cannot lose here!"
However another witch, this time with a resemblance to Omnigul glided to him, and with its clawed hand lifted him by the neck, nearly choking him; the wizard let out a garbled laughter, a hellish sound that would made the cabal run with their tails between their legs. Azraghul the Fiend, that obscure whisper manage to drill itself on his head, and the pain was so great that he almost didn't feel the hand of the witch burying in his ribcage, or neither did he heard the twisted cries of joy coming from the rest of the hive wizards. soon he started to blackout, but in a last effort he decided to give them a last fight. even if his body still screamed in agony, he gathered all his remaining light in his left hand, and lucky him the blade he took to kill those knights was still on his hands; he enjoyed the scream of Azraghul as he rammed the blade on her chest all the way to her back bursting in a fountain of black blood, and soon the nova bomb he charged was forced right in her face.
The last thing he saw was the singularity produced by the vortex of the super, and the dark magic of the wizards flying straight at him.
Elsewhere some time latter...
"Are you sure that is a good idea to bring a human here Old man? I mean, look at him! he looks like he got drunk off his ass and decided that it was a god idea to go and try to make out with a beowulf"
Said a blond teen, looking no older than fifteen, and looking at him with disapproval was a elder looking man with similar traits of the blond boy, the other similar trait that both of them shared was a swaying monkey tail.
"One should never left behind a person in need, or should i have left you in those streets instead of taking you under my tail Sun?"
The teen left out a dismissing snort, closing to hung from the celling of the rather small hut with his tail as he still looked at the stranger in suspicion
"that was different because we're the same class of faunus old monkey! he is not a faunus!"
Sun was then silenced by a extendible staff hitting him on the face, the old man snorted now in amusement at the moaning boy.
"humph, that should teach you some manners Sun, now how about you introduce yourself mr., or do you prefer to lay there feigning to be still dormant?"
the old faunus said to the figure in the improvised bed, and after a few seconds the figure tenderly tried to seat upright, the faunus saw that the action should made him back down in pain by the extent of the injury but the young man ignored it in favor to face him.
The stranger stop talking when a vase of water rested on his gloved hands
"Drink first, you must be thirsty behind that helmet young man"
The old faunus watched as the stranger tensed for a moment, before pulling the vase on the dusty nightstand near the bed and taking slowly his helmet, Sun, who by the time had already recovered from the sneak attack, grew surprised for a moment before opening his mouth.
"well you aint human thats for sure...but still you're weird as fuck"
...And maybe he should had see that staff coming...
"sorry 'bout my student, he often thinks with his tongue instead of his head, name's Wukong, and that little urchin you saw was Sun...and who or what you are...?"
he gestured with a twirling of his staff at the young, made him somewhat tense but decided to answer anyway.
"...Krono Voidwalker...Awoken"
End of the Chapter 1.
So how was it? good or bad? please review and no flamers also, not like some are going to do it but if you do don't bother, you're wasting your time; now if its only constructive criticism thats another thing. stay tuned. FallenWarlock103 out.