I was all over the place when I posted this. It was the morning when I realized I have created a new story. So...yeah...this is happening...

Dan peeked out the window of the radio station to see his ecstatic fans cheering for them. He pulled Lola closer to his chest holding her head softly yet firmly. Lola squirmed to see what was happening outside. She tilted her head in confusion but broke out into a small smile and pointed outside.

She made happy noises and looked back at Dan.

Dan looked at her with an amused grin, "Yeah it looks great, that's until you get out there and you hear their screaming and believe me when I tell you, it is loooud!" he chuckled. She gave him a toothless smile. His heart just melted.


Dan jumped a bit before turning to see his best friend Phil. He looked at him questioningly before asking, "Did you ask if we could use the back entrance?"

Phil nodded, "Yeah, they said it was alright," His eyes drifted outside the window. He felt a sharp pang in his heart, oh gosh he felt so guilty. He knew they all wanted to meet them and now meet Lola.

Dan followed his gaze then huffed, "I mean we told them not to come and if they did leave! We know Lola is going to be freaked out," he reasoned with his friend.

Phil sighed, "Yeah I know. She's shaking in her boots right now," They both looked at her.

Lola was attempting to move away from Dan's grip and get a better look outside. She laughed then made noises of excitement.

Phil chuckled. Dan frowned, "We're still go to the back entrance,"

Phil rolled his eyes in an amused way before saying to Lola, "Come on let's go to the police station," he cooed. They both started walking to the back exit with Lola still in Dan's arms.

Dan frowned with realization he was going to have to give Lola back to her father. Before he can feel too much self-pity, his brain had registered what Phil had said.

"Wait, what?"

"What do you mean what?" Phil asked a bit confused by Dan's words.

"'Oh come on, Lola let's go to the police station!' Because that certainly doesn't freak out anyone!" Dan exaggerated.

The older youtuber laughed, "I mean, what else do you want to say?"

"Anything other than that!"

By that point they were both outside and a thought hit Phil.

"Wait, how'd you know her name was Lola?" he asked. It might be a stupid question but he had a feeling it wasn't.

Dan froze.

He. Fucking. Knew. It.

"Dan!" Phil stopped walking and stood a bit in front of his friend, "Did you name her?!"

"Look! I didn't know what else to call her other than a 'small child forced onto me' and frankly that didn't sound to pleasant!" Dan stumbled across his words.

"So you gave her name?! Dan!" Phil exasperated, he covered his eyes with his hands.

"I'm sooorry!"

"Dan, you know once you start naming things you start getting attached!" Phil empathised.

Dan frowned and held Lola closer to him who looked at them with confusion.

"You know we're going to give her to her father and never see her again, right?!" Phil questioned, leaning in closer with a hard gaze.

Dan went quiet.

Phil stared at him until his eyes widen with realisation, "Oh no...you didn't actually think..." He pulled away from his friend.

His younger friend flushed darkly with embarrassment and refused to met his older friend's gaze. Phil facepalmed.

"Oh Dan!"

"I'm sorry okay! It's not like I actually thought of raising her with you! It's just that the thought of giving her back with her family never fully crossed my mind!" He awkwardly explained.

Phil tried to keep calm, he can't be too mad at him. He just can't. They both have to work together with this.

"Look...let's just go to the police department and see what happenes from there on," Phil decided, awkwardly placing a hand on Dan's shoulder.

Dan squeezed his lips tightly and stiffly nodded. Then they both continued walking to the police station.

Once they reached the police station they both immedaitely knew that this was extremely old and help may come a little longer than expected. (A/N: Yeah, I'm American and tried looking into how english police stations are like to see if they are any different than American ones. The only thing I learned was that there's a blue thing hanging outside the building and english policemen were called, 'bobbies'. You English people are weird.)

The place was run down than most, it looked like something back in the 70s. The walls were a bit cracked and all that shiz. Dan and Phil exchanged doubtful glances.

"Should we just go to a different one?" Dan asked.

Phil frowned, "No, I mean it's got to be somewhat good or this place would've been shut down,"

Dan winced at Phil's logic but decided not to question it. They made their way up to the counter or policeness. The lady behind it was typing away on an old computer, her eyes were dead and fixed on the screen. Her clothes were obviously tight and her fat was just barely holding behind the collar. Her cheeks seemed to be melting off her face and just barely clinging on.

Dan and Phil exchanged glances before turning back to the woman. Phil gripped onto his shirt collar and cleared his throat to get her attention.

Her eyes blinked slowly and he SWORE he saw a bit of eye dust fly off. She slowly turned to the duo. She stared at them for a while before in a drone voice asked, "What?"

Phil hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Uh we would like to report a found baby,"

She stared at him for a moment before taking a deep breath...a very deep breath.

Dan slowly looked at Phil with a exasperated expression. Phil only offered a shrug as a response. Dan huffed which caused Lola to look at him with a amusing experssion.

The pudgy woman finally stopped breathing in...and then soon began letting it out.

Phil cringed. Maybe they should have gone to a different place. His eyes slowly looked to the right where Dan was standing.

His younger friend was scowling at him that can only say, "I fucking told you so,".

Phil cowered and smiled at him sheepishly.

The lady finally finished with a final puff. There was another moment of silence before she reached for the clipboard and a pen beside her.

"Okay, can you tell me what happened?" she asked in an uninterested tone with uninterested eyes.

Phil looks at Dan, however he looked reluctant to say anything until he gently nudged him for encouragement.

"Well you see," Dan began, "I was on the tube heading to BBC and two women were arguing with one another from across the tube. One of them had a child in her lap then the tube stopped, I got off, then I just heard these screams and gasps. So I turned around to see an object flying towards me and I am not very good at catching things.

I kinda just cower away or push away from me because I'm always thinking 'it's a bomb! Why would you catch it?' but something...just told me to catch it! I know it's a bit odd, I usually don't get these kind of thin-"

Phil nudged him and gave him an annoyed looked. His eyes flickered to the lady who continued to bore her eyes into them. He looked back at down hoping that he got the message.

He did. Dan weakly smiled then continued, "...Anyways! I caught the object and it turned out it was Lola!" He bounced his arms and made Lola giggle, he chuckled then looked back at the woman continued once more, "She was about to cry and I made her laugh but once I made her feel better again. I looked up and the train was gone!"

The woman stared at him, long and hard, "So..." She lifted the pen and clipboard to her face, "What time of day was this? And why it'd take so long to come her?"

Phil piped up, "It around 7 o' clock and we had a radio show at BBC so we had to do that first," He was about to continue but the lady interrupted.

"Wait!" she exclaimed with energy for the first time. They both froze and awkwardly waited for her to continue, "...You guys work for BBC? And host a radio show?"

Dan felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, oh gosh did she know who they were?!

Phil answered uneasily, "Yes..."

"So they makes you guys...famous? Right?" she asked slowly, as if she herself was trying to put the pieces together.

"Um...I'm not sure?" Phil replied feeling rather uncomfortable with the subject.

Before she could continue to interrogate them, Dan hastily interrupted, "How does this have to do with Lola?"

"It doesn't," she answered in a monotone voice.

Phil shifted eyes to Dan and the lady whom he never caught the name of, "Well can we...er-" he quickly glanced at her name tag 'Cheryl', "-Cheryl?" he asked as politely as he could.

It took her a moment before finally continuing, "Fiiiiine," she dragged.

"Okay so after that we basically came here,"

"Uh huh," she hummed, straightening her back a bit and sneaking some perfume on. She fluffed her thin hair a bit.

This would've been fine if she was doing this beforehand and not after she was questioning if she was famous or not.

She put mints in her mouth and cleared her throat a bit. Started straightening her clothes out, putting a bit of blush on her lifeless skin.

It was all very...weird.

"Well boys," she tried her hardest to sound seductive but come out as a straining walrus, they both inwardly cringed, "We can put her in foster care if you want her off your paws,"

Lola looked at her, confused and gripped onto Dan's shirt. She tugged on it a few times until he looked down at her. She gave puppy dog eyes as if asking what was happening.

Fear, was obviously in her eyes.

"Uhh...no!" Dan suddenly blurted, tearing his eyes away from Lola. Crap. What did I do?

Phil and Cheryl looked at him with confusion, "No?" They both asked in an unison only Cheryl was more shocked and Phil's was more questioning.

Cheryl giggled as cutely as she could but only sounded like a pig oinking, "Look at us, saying the same thing at the same time. It's almost as if-" her eyes widen and leaned over the counter, "-soulmates!" she whispered for only Phil's ears but Dan managed to hear as well.

It made them both to resist to leaving right then and there. They had limits and they weren't sure if Lola wasn't here they would have left by now.

Phil laughed uneasily and backed away from the counter subtly, "That's nice," he squeaked, nervously.

"So you agree!?" she gasped her eyes filling with joy for the first time. Dan almost felt sorry for her.

Phil gave Dan a quick subtle 'jESUS CHRIST WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO HELP ME OUT HERE?!'. Thankfully, Dan caught it.

"Do you think you can find her father?" Dan questioned.

Cheryl looked at him with an annoyed gaze, she flopped back into her seat, "Well, if we were to do that it'll take at least a week," she turned to her computer back to the position where she was when they first came in.

"And if the foster home is out of the question and she has no relatives near by that leaves us with one choice," she turned to them, "Do you two think you can take care of her for a week?"

Dan and Phil were startled by the question, they knew it was coming but that didn't stop them from being shocked.

"Of course, a full background check will be insused, immediately," she droned, she slowly reached for the phone and brought it up to her ear. She punched a few buttons before droning, "Mr. Jones? We have two fine gentlemen up here who need a full background check." She paused, "So they can take care of a baby...black, around a year and her name is..." She looked at the duo.

"Uhh Lola," Dan answered.

"Right, Lola," she answered into the phone. Here was another pause, "Two gentlemen around their twenties, white, tall and not to mention sexy," she winked at Phil, who was blushing with embarrassment and cowered away from her, "Yeah, yeah whatever...okay,"

She hung up and turned to the duo.

"Go to the right hallway, take on turn to the right and the second door to the left," she explained and stared them down until they awkwardly shuffled down the left hallway.

"The other way," she corrected annoyed.

Dan and Phil both mummered apologises and quickly went across the counter again to the right. Feeling embarrassed throughout the whole way to the door that said 'Mr. Jones'.

Sorry it took so long to post but shit happens.