Hello people~! Final Chapter is here! I'm surprised on how long this chapter had become. I thought it would be a bit shorter, but I guess its still good because I like the way it turned out! Anyway, now, I'd like to thank those who reviewed!:
Sora Rider X
Natsu Yuuki
Thank you very much for reviewing~! I'd also like to thank those who favorited and followed! Thank you very much! I'm surprised on how many people did that. Now without further ado! Chatper 3!
Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Chapter 3: New Legend
A second later Giotto arrived back at his Shrine, where he found his friends were still there, but what surprised him was that Elena was there.
Elena was their God of the Moon. Since she was the God of the Moon, she usually doesn't come out during the day, so she isn't around much, which means she usually doesn't meet up with the rest of them together. She gets her information from Daemon. Also aside from being the Moon God, she was Daemon's partner.
Deciding not to question Elena's appearance, Giotto directed his attention back towards the group.
"I have a favor to ask. Will you please help me save Tsunayoshi?" Giotto asked
"Before that, Giotto, explain what's going on here. Stop leaving us in the dark." G demanded, "You've asked us for many favors tonight, but you have yet to fully explain what's going on. It's time you gave us an explanation."
Giotto really didn't want to explain the whole story. Every passing second Tsuna was getting closer to death, but then again if he argued to not tell then he's be wasting even more time since G isn't the type of person to give things up easily.
"Alright I'll tell you." Giotto said and he started to explain the situation. He talked of the first day with Tsuna, and what's been happening after his wish. Giotto explained everything, or at least almost everything, He left out his feelings for Tsuna. He thought that his friends would have just labeled it as idiocy and then refuse to help him save Tsuna.
"So let me get this straight. You want us to help you save the Tsunayoshi kid from dying?" G asked to clarify.
"Yes, that's right, so will you help me save him?" Giotto replied.
G took a short moment to think, "Then give us a reason."
"Eh…? What do you mean give you a reason?" Giotto asked slightly confused. Didn't he just explain everything to them?
"A reason as to why we should help. You've been going on about saving the kid, but why should he be saved? It's the natural cycle of life for humans. They live and then they die." G explained.
The rest in the group nodded in agreement.
"G's right, Giotto. This type of thing is normal for humans. There shouldn't be a reason for him to be saved. It may have been fated." Asari added
'No, you're wrong. Tsunayoshi shouldn't be going through this.' Giotto thought, "I'm sorry… but I can't give you a reason at the moment."
"Then we won't help." G stated without a second thought.
"W-What? No! You must help save Tsunayoshi. He isn't supposed to die yet!" Giotto faintly shouted in worry, 'He must be saved. Tsunayoshi doesn't deserve to die yet! I promised that I'd save him!'
"Then give us the reason, Giotto! We can't help you if you don't tell us the whole truth." G stated, "You know very well that we won't help without a valid reason."
"Because I love him alright!" Giotto finally confessed, "I love Tsunayoshi that's my reason! He's the only one in years that has ever done anything without a gain. He came here every day, and talked to me, even though he knew he probably wouldn't ever get a reply… He always smiled at me when he knew he'd get no smile back… He gave me so many things to treasure and stayed by my side with a smile even though he was slowly dying! He made me feel so many things… I want him to be with me for as long as possible…"
A few seconds passed before G spoke once more, "Giotto, you do realize that loving a human is insane. Such a relationship wouldn't work or even exist."
"I don't care! He's precious to me, even if I'll never be able to appear before him or show my feelings to him." Giotto said.
"Even if you'll probably never get your feelings return?" G asked.
"That's right. As long as he's alive and happy I'm content." Giotto answered without a moment's hesitation. "So please, I beg you, help me save him."
G sighed tiredly, "Seriously you've gotten yourself into a real mess." He turned to Knuckle, "Your medicine worked against this illness, right? Give it to the idiot. He's really determined to save the kid then we might as well help him."
When Giotto heard that he could've jumped up and down with joy. He's going to be able to save Tsuna. Tsuna's going to be fine.
'Just hang on a little longer Tsunayoshi. I'll come and save you soon!' Giotto thought and waited for Knuckle to give him the medicine, but as the seconds past the Sun God didn't move, which worried him.
"Is something wrong, Knuckle?" Giotto asked.
After a moment, Knuckle sighed a little bit in guilt, "I'm sorry, Giotto, but the medicine that I gave you before won't help him." Knuckle said reluctantly, "The medicine I gave you was used to cure a person that was in the first stages of the illness. Judging by his age, what you explained, and the time he's been sick, there's a high chance that Tsunayoshi is probably at its final stages. Like the doctor had said this illness is worse on the youth because it spreads faster than it would to a normal adult. If you were to give the medicine then the illness would just overpower it."
"No way, that can't be…" Giotto mumbled in disbelief. This couldn't be happening. Less than a minute ago, he had the hope to finally save Tsuna, but now it's crushed. This was all a lie. There had to be a way to save Tsuna, to cure him! It can't all just be hopeless…
It was quiet in the shrine. With the news that Knuckle's medicine couldn't help Tsuna, no one could think of any comforting words for Giotto. They felt pathetic that they couldn't help their friend, but in the middle of their self-beating a familiar chuckle was heard in the air.
"Nufufufu it's not all hopeless. There is one more way that can possible cure Tsunayoshi-kun." Daemon's voice cut in.
Giotto quickly looked at Daemon, "Is that true, Daemon? Tsunayoshi can be cured by something other than the medicine?"
Daemon nodded, "Yes, there is."
"What is it? If it's something I must require then I'll do anything to acquire it!" Giotto said determined. He wasn't going to let this small chance of saving Tsuna slip by.
"It's quite simple really." Daemon said "Just form a contract with him."
"A… contract?" Giotto repeated confused "What do you mean by that Daemon?"
"I mean what I said. Form a contract with Tsunayoshi. If you do then he will be saved." Daemon explained.
"And how would you know? What proof do you have that it'll work?" G asked. It wasn't that G didn't trust Daemon, he did in a small way, but he didn't want Giotto's last possible hope to be a big lie.
Daemon stepped to the side, and the other occupants in the room were slightly shocked to see a young girl with a slight purple pineapple style haircut and an eye patch over her right eye, "She's all the proof I need."
The girl nervously looked at Elena and Daemon before bowed to the Gods "I-It's nice to meet y-you. My name is Chrome." She said timidly.
"How is this woman proof?" G asked after getting over his shock of a human being in the Shrine.
"Nufufufu because she and I have a contract with each other." Daemon simply said, and then to prove his words, with a snap of his fingers, he and Chrome began to glow for a short moment before fading away. In that time though, a single cord of an indigo flame connected them.
"Why was the contract needed to be formed?" Asari asked curiously. It wasn't every day, or anytime for that matter, that they'd seen a contract between a God and Human.
"Because if I didn't then she'd have died." Daemon said his usual mischievous personality gone, "She came to me with the wish to get out of an arranged marriage. She didn't want to be forced onto a man she didn't love, and I didn't like the thought of that type of marriage so I decided to help her. However when I did her fiancée didn't seem to like the idea of the canceled marriage."
Daemon stopped talking when he noticed that Chrome was trembling in fear at the memory. He was about to comfort her when Elena beat him to it. She took Chrome's hand gently and smiled at her.
"What happened?" Knuckle asked.
Elena continued for Daemon, "He ran her over…" Elena said carefully so Chrome wouldn't be scared again, "It seemed like his way of thinking was that if he couldn't have her then no one could, so he tried to kill her. He would've succeeded to if Daemon hadn't noticed."
"The wish I granted her was for her to have a life where she can do as she pleases without a worry of being forced down. What that bastard did ruin any chance of that, so her wish was unfulfilled." Daemon said "I accepted her wish so I came to her to complete it. That's when I made a contract with her. The contract allowed her to life even with the damage her body had."
"What do you mean by damage?" G inquired. To him and everyone else Chrome seemed to be perfectly fine except for her eye.
"… Knuckle would you touch Chrome's stomach?" Chrome shot a worried and frightened look to Daemon. He merely smiled at her, "It'll be fine Chrome. He would do anything, I promise."
Chrome nodded with the reassurance.
"Alright then, Knuckle, since you're the expert in medical care. I want you to touch her stomach area and tell everyone what you feel." Daemon explained.
Knuckle looked confused but still did what he was told. He walked towards Chrome and started to examine her. His eyes widened, "They're not there…"
"What's not there, Knuckle?" Giotto asked confused.
"Her internal organs… They're not there." He explained.
"What!" The group looked at Daemon.
"I told you, her body was damaged to no repair." Daemon simply stated.
"But to have on organs… How is she goddamn alive?" G said
"The contract." Daemon said again, "The contract I made with her traded some of my energy so she could live. It won't regrow her organs but she can still live a regular life. The only thing is that she cannot see her family again. The contract expanded her life and she was supposed to be dead, so if she was seen then that'd lead to unwanted questions. That's why she lives with Elena."
"I see… Then a contract can save Tsunayoshi?" Giotto asked for reassurance.
"Since the medicine can't help him, it's possible the only choice at the moment." Daemon said.
"Then it's worth a try." Giotto said "I will do everything to save Tsunayoshi."
"A word of advice before you go, Giotto. The contract is like our wishes. The person that offers can be rejected. There is a possibility of Tsunayoshi-kun denying your contract." Daemon stated.
"I understand. Thank you all for your help. You're all dismissed" Giotto said and then every occupant left the Sky shrine.
Giotto had reappeared in Tsuna's house, and was lucky to know that Tsuna's mother wasn't in the room. He walked towards the brunet's bed, but as he reached the bed, he realized something important.
He forgot to ask how a contract is asked!
'I'm such an idiot!' Giotto mentally scolded, 'What do I do?'
Giotto stood there for a moment trying to figure out how a contract was to be formed, but soon snapped out of it when he heard a groan of pain. He immediately went to Tsunayoshi's side and saw the brunet's breath become a bit more ragged.
''Damn it." Giotto quietly cursed and out of instinct gently hugged the boy, "Shhh... Tsunayoshi everything will be alright… I'll help you, I promise" He hushed softly and then kissed both Tsuna's cheeks and finally his forehead. When he gave the last kiss a small flame appeared above Tsuna's forehead, but a second later it vanished.
Staring back at Tsuna, Giotto noticed he had calmed down a bit, but the brunet still looked pale and had slight uneven breaths.
Deciding that the small flame meant that his contract was asked, Giotto decided it was time for him to leave. He vanished from the room and then appeared back to his shrine, but for some strange reason he felt a bit weaker than how he usually was, so he thought it'd be best to sleep.
He lied down on the floor and then looked outside to the night sky. He hoped everything will work out for the best. With that last thought, Giotto closed his eyes.
A few hours later Giotto woke up from his sleep. He continued to lie on the floor and looked around confused.
Why did he wake up?
There was no reason for him to wake up and the way he was woken up didn't seem to be the same as the signal when there is someone who is going to request a wish. It didn't make any sense at all, so he continued to lie on the ground questioning, while being under the comfort of the blanket on top of him.
'Wait... I don't remember ever sleeping with a blanket.' Giotto thought and then noticed that there was also some weight on his chest too.
Carefully he moved his arm and lifted the blanket. His eyes widen at the sight underneath the blanket. There Tsuna lied on top of his chest, sound asleep, hugging him.
'…Is this real? This isn't an illusion… A dream?' Giotto thought in disbelief. It was impossible for Tsuna to be here. If anything he should be in his home resting in his own bed.
Carefully, Giotto uncovered the two of them and noticed that Tsuna looked a lot healthier than he had last seen him. The blonde rose up his hand and then softly caressed Tsuna's cheek. 'This isn't a trick?' Giotto still asked and was soon answered when he saw warm caramel colored eyes open.
The young boy sleepily opened his eyes, and then looked at Giotto slightly questioningly, "Ieyasu-sama…?" Tsuna softly said, and with that Giotto's disbeliefs vanished.
"Tsunayoshi…!" Giotto said and then hugged the brunet tightly, "It really is you, isn't it?"
"Y-yes… it's really me, so Ieyasu-sama p-please let go…! I c-can't breathe!" Tsuna said uncomfortably.
Almost immediately, Giotto released his hold on Tsuna and soothingly patting his back, "I'm sorry, I was just a bit overwhelmed. Are you alright?"
Tsuna nodded after regaining his breath, "Yes, I'm fine."
"Alright, that's good." Giotto said relieved he didn't completely suffocate the young boy, "Um… by the way… Tsunayoshi? How you got inside?"
Tsuna looked at Giotto confused. As though the answer was completely obvious, "I came through the door." He said and pointed to the front door.
"… I see. That would make sense." Giotto said with a light chuckle, though inside he was still confused with the situation.
The door's barrier wouldn't allow anyone other than a God or a being with a God's permission to open it. Of course, Giotto would give Tsuna permission if he had asked, but the permission from the God has to be verbal and he's never said it out loud before so the door shouldn't have opened for Tsuna, unless…
Giotto looked back at Tsuna and realized that he indeed looked a lot healthier than when he found him on his bed. This could only mean…!
"Tsunayoshi… Did you accept my contract?" Giotto asked.
Tsuna's face brightened at the question, "So that voice was you!"
"Voice? What do you mean?"
Tsuna nodded, "After I couldn't open my eyes or move anymore, I was trapped in a big black void. I couldn't hear anything, feel anything… it was so cold…" Tsuna said slightly uncomfortable remembering that place, "But..." his expression lightened up, "I then heard a voice. I couldn't make out what it was saying exactly, but I understood that it wanted to protect me. The closer I got to it the warmer I felt, and when I finally reached it I woke up to my room."
"I see, the voice you heard was probably me asking you to form a contract with me." Giotto said, "And seeing that you're better means that you'd accepted it."
Tsuna tilted his head, "I've been meaning to ask, but what type of contract?"
'It's now or never.' Giotto thought and then spoke, "When I found out you were dying I couldn't accept it. I didn't think you'd deserved such a thing yet, so I called my friends for advice and they told me to make a contract with you. This contract extends your life and cures you of anything." He took a deep breath, "I love you, Tsunayoshi, so I want to protect you from anything. That's why, with your extended life... won't you stay with me forever?"
"You really did do anything to protect me, Ieyasu-sama… I'm grateful." Tsuna said sincerely with a light blush on his cheeks, "But," He looked at Giotto apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't accept that wish. If it's alright with you then I'd like to ask to stay with my mother. As I said before she's the only family I have left. It wouldn't seem right to just leave her alone, so I'd like to stay with her until her time end." Tsuna explained.
Giotto had expected and understood Tsuna's decision for this, but it didn't lighten the disappointment he felt. He really wanted Tsuna to stay with him. The blonde was about to say he understood, but the next words the escaped Tsuna's lips replaced his disappointment with happiness.
"However, I would like to know more about you, Ieyasu-sama. I mean, you know so many things about me because of my past visits, but I don't know a thing about you." Tsuna said with a slight pout, "That doesn't sound very fair now does it?"
Giotto chuckled, "I guess, you're right." He said and smiled, "So ask away, I'll answer any questions you ask."
Tsuna happily complied.
After a while of chatting, Tsuna looked out the window and saw the night sky start to lighten its color, "I'm sorry, but I have to get going. I kind of snuck out, so if my mother finds me gone it may worry her." He said sheepishly as he got up from his previous position.
"W-Wait Tsunayoshi!"
The brunet stopped at the blonde's voice.
"… You will come back, right…?" Giotto asked quietly. He didn't want the brunet to leave and never come back.
Tsuna smiled softly. He walked back to Giotto and then gave him a gentle hug, "I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise. This is not goodbye, this is so long."
Giotto nodded, trusting the boy's words. Tsuna then got up and started to leave.
"So long, Ieyasu-"
"Giotto." The blonde interrupted.
"Eh?" Tsuna said confused.
"My actual name's Giotto." He said "So please call me that instead."
Tsuna nodded smiling, "Then I'll see you later, Giotto-san."
Many Years Later...
A young girl ran up the steps of the Sky Shrine. She passed through the Tori Gates and the small wilderness surrounding the area. The girl was completely out of breath, but it didn't matter to her, she needed to get to the Shrine.
She remembered being told a legend about the Shrine. It was said that there was a young teenage boy who wandered around the Sky Shrine. He wore a white robe that covered his entire body and concealed his face.
No one knew who the boy was. People say that he was the messenger or son of the Sky God, while others say that he may be the God's lover or maybe the God Ieyasu himself. However, nothing could be proven about the boy except that he wandered around the Shrine for many years and never really aged, though only few were able to see him in person.
Despite the fact that the boy was rarely seen, he did have a role to play. The legend says that if someone were to find the boy then they'd have a chance to have their wish be granted by the Sky God.
When the boy is seen by the wisher, they are deemed to possibly have an acceptable request. The boy would ask for their wish and what they'd have to offer to Ieyasu. If, after hearing the wish, the boy smiles then the next day the person's wish would be granted, but if the boy frowns then he apologizes and leaves the wisher where they stood.
There were a few instances where people had tried to catch or follow the boy, but after a while they'd find themselves lost and the boy gone.
The young girl needed to find the white robed boy. She needed her wish to be granted.
As she was nearing the top of the small hill, she saw a blur of white at the corner of her eye. The girl stopped and looked at the direction the blur of white was. When she did she was greeted by the same boy that was said in the legend. She slowly stepped closer to him.
The boy smiled when he noticed her coming, "Hello? What's your name?" He asked kindly.
"M-My name's N-Nina." She said nervously.
He smiled once more, "Then Nina, since you're here I imagine you know who I am and that you want to make a wish. Would you mind telling me the wish?"
"I w-want my big brother to come home." Nina requested, "I'm always told that there are many bears and boars out in the wild and that many people get injured by them… It's my brother's first time hunting and I'm worried he won't come back... Big brother always protects me, and I want to protect him this time."
"I see… What do you have to offer for this wish?"
Nina dug into her pocket and then showed him a small wooden statue of a lion. Though, it was a bit sloppily made, the statue was pretty, "M-my family isn't very wealthy, so I made a lion out of the extra wood that was gathered..."
As the boy took then lion, he noted that there were many cuts on Nina's hands. He smiled, "An offering doesn't have to be shiny or expensive, Nina. It just has to have meaning." He said and then stepped away from her, "Your wish is genuine and from your heart. A wish that I'm sure Ieyasu-sama will grant."
Nina smiled happily and then hugged the boy, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said with pure joy.
He smiled and then patted her head, "You're welcome. Now you better be going home. Someone may be worried about you." He said in concern.
Nina nodded smiling before leaving the hill.
When he was sure that she wasn't coming back, he made his way to the Shrine and opened the door. He stepped inside and then shut the door.
Giotto smiled, "Welcome back, Tsunayoshi." He greeted.
Tsuna smiled back, "I didn't go that far, Giotto-san. I hardly think I need a greeting." He mused as he uncovered his head.
Giotto chuckled, "I guess you're right." He said, "So who was it this time?"
"Today it was a little girl named Nina. She wished for her brother to come home safely from his hunting trip." Tsuna explained as he sat next to Giotto, "She offered a wooden lion." He then handed Giotto the lion statue.
"It looks nice." Giotto said as he traced the mane of the lion, "You think I should grant her wish, don't you?"
"Of course! Giotto-san, she wants her big brother to come home!" Tsuna said, "She's worried for him. I'd be too if it was you…"
Giotto smiled softly at Tsuna "Thank you, I'll grant her wish." He said and set the lion on the floor. He opened his hand and a small orange flame appeared for a moment. When it disappeared there was a small bracelet with a bear paw in the center, "We'll give her this as a lucky charm."
"Yay!" Tsuna cheered and hugged Giotto.
Giotto hugged Tsuna back and buried his head into Tsuna's hair, "Even after so many years, I'm still grateful you accepted my contract, Tsunayoshi… I can't imagine living without you."
Tsuna smiled and then snuggled against Giotto's chest, "I'm happy I can be with you too, Giotto-san. It's been so much fun… I love you."
"I love you too." Giotto said and planted a kiss on Tsuna's forehead.
Later that night, Tsuna and Giotto left the Shrine and gave Nina the bracelet. When they were done the two went back to the Sky Shrine and fell asleep in each other's arms, waiting for the next wish to come.
A/N: By the way, reason why Tsuna is a part of the legend now is because after Nana died and he started to live with Giotto, Tsuna didn't want to just sit around. Also Giotto needed something to explain why people didn't get their wishes granted, so the new legend did the trick. I really like how this turned out! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it too!