"Though our homeworld is once again capable of supporting life, we have much rebuilding to do. Alas…we will miss our home away from home, and…the family we've made here."

The war was over.

After untold millennia of endless struggle, the valiant Autobots had finally defeated the evil Decepticons. Megatron was no more, and the remaining Decepticon forces had been scattered. The Earth had been saved, and Cybertron lived again.

Now all that remained was to say goodbye.

At Hangar E, the Autobots' secret base on Earth, the members of Team Prime gathered.

Bumblebee had just regained the use of his voice, but there were no words adequate for what he wanted to say to Rafael and how much he valued his friendship over the last years.


"I know, 'Bee…you don't need to say anything."

"…I never did."

Miko, on the other hand, normally always had something to say. All that she had now were her tears. She drew much of her fierce inner strength from her guardian Bulkhead, and the thought of him leaving terrified her. As she sobbed helplessly, Bulkhead did his best to comfort her but suddenly found himself unable to speak.

"Miko…I guess this is…"

Instead, he let Miko hold onto him for as long as she needed.

Arcee walked slowly and stopped alongside Jack, who patiently waited for her. She briefly glanced at him but quickly shut her eyes. Gathering her courage, she slowly turned to face her human charge and met his steady gaze. She attempted to smile but failed. Knowing the turmoil she must be feeling, Jack tried to lift her spirits.

"It's been quite a ride…"

There was so much to say…so much that had gone unspoken between Arcee and her "junior partner." She wanted so badly to tell him what she felt and what he meant to her.

She couldn't.

"Keep in touch, Jack."

Arcee's voice began to falter as she spoke her final words to Jack, the same words she had uttered in their first encounter with one another. Since that fateful meeting it had become a private joke that they shared.

"…don't make me hunt you down."

Arcee turned and walked away, leaving Jack behind with his thoughts.

Sometimes, words were useless.

Ratchet had opted to stay behind. The grouchy old medic would deny it with every bit of his spark, but he had actually become quite fond of Earth and its people. Optimus Prime wished him well.

"Until we meet again, old friend."

Finally, the time came. Ratchet opened the Space Bridge that would send the Autobots back home. The swirling vortex flared briefly as each Autobot stepped through and disappeared: Ultra Magnus. Wheeljack. Smokescreen. Bulkhead. Bumblebee.

Arcee was the last to leave before Optimus. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she approached the bridge. At the last moment, she turned and looked back, frantically searching for Jack. Her haunted eyes found his. He saw a look of tortured guilt as she whispered to him, "...Jack...forgive me..."

The Space Bridge flared bright as the sun.

She was gone.


Jack awakened to the darkness of his home. Blinking back the tears, he buried his face in his hands and cursed softly to himself, using a bit of Cybertronian slang he had picked up.


The same dream...again. Once more, Jack questioned his sanity. Did he imagine it, or did Arcee truly turn and whisper to him before she vanished?

Jack trusted his feelings, and they screamed to him that what he saw and heard was real. This provided absolutely no comfort and only raised more questions. Why would Arcee look and act like she had done something terribly wrong? More importantly, why would she ask for his forgiveness? It made no sense. All Jack knew was that it was beginning to take its toll on him.

Jack was startled by a knock at the front door. He got up from the couch where he had fallen asleep, still wearing his day clothes. Opening the door tentatively, he was greeted by a familiar face.

"Miko…? Wha-what are you doing out so late?" Jack wiped his eyes, blurry with sleep.

"It's only ten o'clock, Jack. Why are you asleep so early?" Miko smiled at Jack.

Jack looked away uncomfortably and said nothing. The same dream had tormented him every night since the Autobots left Earth, and in that time he had gotten very little sleep, indeed. Exhaustion had taken him earlier in the evening, but even that didn't hold back the dream for long.

Miko asked, "Can I come in…?"

Jack listlessly replied, "…sure."

Miko looked around for a moment, and then asked, "Where's your Mom?"

Jack shrugged, "Late shift."

Both sat on opposite ends of the couch. Miko noted Jack's drained appearance. She had not rested well herself lately, but compared to her Jack looked almost sick.

Jack, always the responsible one, asked Miko, "Can I get you anything?"

"Nah, I'm good. I was actually going to ask you the same thing." Miko was met with silence. Nonplussed, she continued, "So…big day tomorrow."

More silence. Miko tried again, "Jack…"

Jack was staring straight ahead, not truly looking at anything in particular. He somehow managed, "Mmm?"

"Do…you ever think about them?" Miko had taken out her cell phone which contained a treasure trove of memories, in particular audio-visual records of their adventures with the Autobots. She began to scan through her vast gallery of pictures of their Cybertronian friends.

Jack said nothing so Miko continued, "I think about them a lot, actually." Tears began to form in her eyes. "I…I miss them…so much…"

Jack happened to glance at the image on Miko's phone, and what he saw shattered the few remaining barriers guarding his heart.

His hand clenched into a trembling fist. His eyes squeezed tightly shut as he desperately attempted to hold the tears back. Miko noticed and immediately forgot her own feelings of sorrow and loss. She set her phone down and gently placed her hand over his. His trembling stopped. She softly said his name, "Jack…"

Jack's eyes snapped open and he looked into Miko's eyes.

The world around Jack and Miko seemed to disappear until all they saw was each other. They had always been close, but there were times where both had asked themselves if there was possibly something more. Neither had ever acted on the secret feelings, but now…

Caught up in the swirl of emotions, Miko began to close the gap between them and leaned towards Jack, uncertain of anything but the urge to kiss him.

Jack desperately pulled back. He appeared frantic, and suddenly stood and faced away from Miko.

He stammered, "Miko, I'm sorry…I can't…please…"

Miko was more confused than hurt, "Jack, I…I don't understand…"


She ventured further, "Is it - is it Sierra?"

"No. Not Sierra." Jack's feelings on that particular subject were clear. His one-time crush was ancient history.

More bewildered than ever, Miko asked, "Then who - "

Jack finally turned to face Miko. She gasped when she saw his eyes, filled with a look of pain unlike anything she had ever seen. She realized his attention was focused like a laser to something behind her, and she followed his gaze to her cell phone.

An image of Jack and Arcee was displayed, a subtle but unmistakable look passing between them.

Everything clicked.

"Oh." Miko managed.

A single tear fell down Jack's cheek.

"I'm sorry, Miko." Jack began to shudder with emotion, still somehow managing to hold the storm inside.

Miko immediately reached out and pulled Jack down with her on the couch in a compassionate embrace. Jack whimpered, "I'm so sorry…"

With an expression of understanding and acceptance, Miko continued to hold Jack close, gently rocking him as he struggled to keep his emotions bottled inside. She murmured, "Don't be. The heart wants what the heart wants."

Though emotionally exhausted, Jack managed to smile lovingly at Miko. She blushed and shyly asked, "Still friends, Jack…?"

His already heavy eyes slowly closing, Jack said softly, "Forever, Miko."

Jack fell asleep in Miko's arms. As her eyes shimmered with tears for her dear friend, Miko wrapped Jack in a blanket and kissed him gently on the forehead. She whispered, "Oyasumi nasai, Jack…ii yume mite ne."

Good night, Jack...sweet dreams.

Before she left, she added, "Don't be late for graduation tomorrow."

The door closed, and Jack was at peace.

For awhile…