A/N: Just a cute little Night at the Museum one shot with no real plot I guess. I do not own these characters :( Enjoy.
Ahkmanrah stared at the blue eyes gazing into his own. Running his fingers down the pale chest beneath his. The noises coming from the man writhing beneath him in pleasure. His own skin was flushed shuddering under the touch of the other man's hands.
"Larry," he moaned softly kissing the man beneath him deeply.
He blushed, his already flushed face full and open and vulnerable. He looked so innocent.
"Ahk," he moaned as the prince began to move his hands lower.
Ahkmanrah purred as he said his name.
"Ahk," Larry repeated. "Ahk, Ahk, Ahk,"
He paused frowning a little. "Since when did Larry have an accent?"
"Ahk," Teddy repeated into the younger man's ear.
Ahkmanrah jumped startled and looked at the president clearing his throat. "Yes?"
"You were spacing off again," Teddy pointed out.
"Oh, sorry," the young pharaoh replied hoping he wasn't blushing.
"Something troubling you?" Teddy asked. "You've been spacing off quit frequently as of late."
"No no...everything's fine..." he waved his hand dismissively. His eyes automatically finding the night guard as he returned from a coffee run. A ritual that had begun among the three men after Teddy and he mentioned they missed the taste of coffee.
"Alright, decaf with cream and three sugars for the president," Larry started handing Teddy a reusable Starbucks labeled cup. "And one salted caramel frapachino for the pharaoh," he added handing Ahkmanrah his sugary caffeinated drink with a smile.
Ahkmanrah nearly dropped the drink at the action and mumbled a quick thanks before tucking into the treat as the two men began to talk about some possible new changes to keep some of the other exhibits entertained.
"What do you think Ahk?"
"Think of what?" he asked tuning back in. He looked over in time to see Larry taking a long drink of his coffee and his throat went dry as he subtly shifted in his seat.
"The Ferrari Jebadiah and Octavius are using is getting a bit run down and old. I was thinking of getting them a trunk and finding a way for the miniatures to get some running water in their exhibits," he said after setting the cup down.
Ahkmanrah nodded. "That sounds like a good plan. They'd really appreciate it."
Larry smiled and Ahkmanrah couldn't help but smile back happy to see his night guard happy. He blinked. Since when had he become my night guard? Ahkmanrah sipped his drink as he began to try and figure this dilemma out.
He once again found himself so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't notice Larry leave off to go do his rounds and was once again startled to find Teddy staring at him this time with a look of knowing.
"Let's take a walk," Teddy offered.
Ahkmanrah nodded and followed the older man as they began to walk around the museum.
"Have you told him how you feel?" Teddy asked as they walked through the more quiet part of the museum.
"What's there to tell?" He asked sighing. "He's human flesh and blood and I'm made of wax..."
"Love is love son," Teddy replied.
"What makes you think he likes me back?" Ahkmanrah asked.
Teddy chuckled with a knowing smile. "Perhaps if you ceased your day dreaming you'd notice the looks he gives you when you're not looking, or the way he treats you."
"What do you mean?" The young pharaoh was now confused.
"Lawerance does not treat you as he treats us, nor does he give us the sweet looks and touches he gives you."
Suddenly it was all clear. Teddy was right. Larry did treat him differently than the others. He was always seeking him out for idle chats, always lending him a hand when he needed it.
"Where is he now?" Ahkmanrah asked.
"He should be in the hall of ocean animals at this point," Teddy answered as Ahkmanrah went off to look for him.
Sure enough he found Larry sitting and watching the whales. He stalked right up to the man grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him. Larry tensed before relaxing his arms coming to wrap around his neck.
They pulled apart after a few moments, Ahkmanrah cupping his face in his hands caressing the night guards red cheeks.
"Took you long enough," Larry smiled.
Ahkmanrah laughed lightly and kissed him again. "Well you have my attention now." He smiled.