Author's Note: I am mostly spell-checking and stuff. There will be a couple new things, but only little things. So if you've read this before, nothing 'big' new. And if you haven't read this-go ahead and read it and enjoy!!!!


"Take good care of your brothers and sister. And if ANYTHING happens send an owl right away." Mrs. Molly Weasley informed her eldest son, Bill.

"I will, mum." Bill said.

"Keep the house clean." Arthur Weasley said.

"I will, dad."

"See you in a week!" The two Disapparated, leaving Bill in charge of the house. This was what he had been wanting for a long time. To be in charge. His parents were going to be gone for eight whole days for a holiday. They chose that summer because they decided Bill, who was fourteen, and Charlie, who was twelve, could manage the five others. Well four. Percy didn't really need taking care of. He basically managed himself.

"The house will go up in flames." commented Percy from the living room.

"I'm in charge so you better listen to me or else." Bill warned, walking into the kitchen, looking a bit high-and-mighty.

"Or else what?" Percy asked. "You can't scare me with empty threats." Bill grabbed his brother around the waist and threw him over the couch. He landed with a 'thud' and an 'oof'. Then his head popped over the couch, scowling. "I'm telling mum!"

"She's not here!" Bill said happily, grinning at the second oldest Charlie.

"We're in charge now." Charlie insisted.

Bill raised his eyebrows. "A-hem. We? I don't think so, Charlie."

"Aw come on."

"No. I am the oldest and mum and dad put ME in charge. Now where are the twins?"

"You're in charge, figure it out yourself." Charlie growled, folding his arms.

"Those two are like dynamite now where are they?" Bill demanded but Charlie refused to open his mouth. Bill narrowed his eyes and pounced on him. "Tell me!"


"Last time I saw them, they were headed towards the roof." Percy sniffled, adjusting his glasses.

"Oh, okay. Than-THE ROOF?!" Bill dashed up the stairs, to the attic and flung open the window. Below him, he saw the twins playing happily on one of the lower roofs. "Fred! George! How did you get down there?"

"We flew." One said happily.

"Get back in here!" Bill shouted.

"We can't." The other said. Bill realized it was too high for them to reach.

"Okay, don't move. I'm going to get Charlie." Bill ran down the stairs, picked Charlie up and returned to the window. "I'll hand them to you."

"Okay Bill." Charlie said. Bill hopped out the window and picked one twin up.

"Here's the first one."

"I'm Fred." The twin giggled. "And you're tickling me."

"Here's Fred." Bill passed Fred up to Charlie then reached for George, but he was gone. "George?!" He shrieked looking around. He spotted him at the edge of the roof.

"There's a chicken down there. I want the chicken." George said. Bill picked him up and passed him on to Charlie.

"Now help me in." Bill said.

"You're in charge, you figure out how to get in yourself." Charlie said and shut the window. Bill scowled and went to the edge. He had climbed down off this roof millions of times. By the time he got back inside, Charlie and the twins were in the living room.

"What were you doing out on the roof?" He asked the twins.

"Playing." They chorused.

"Okay... listen, one of you is going to have to change your shirt. I can't tell you two apart!" Bill said. Both twins were wearing denim jeans and a button-up royal blue shirt.

"NO!" One screamed.

"We like it like this." The other pouted.

"Come on." He picked one of them up, carried him up to the twins' room and found a green shirt, which he switched with the blue. "Now which one are you?"

"Guess." The twin said, folding his arms.

"I don't have time for games, which twin are you?"

"Maybe I'm George but maybe I'm Fred." The twin said, grinning.

"I'll ask the other one." Bill went back downstairs and found the blue- shirted one. "Which one are you?"

"Guess." He said. Bill sighed and ignored Charlie's snickers.

"Tell me right now. Which one are you?"

"Guess." He repeated, obviously enjoying this.

"Charlie? Percy?" Bill asked.

"I have no clue, I don't like them anyway." Percy said and continued reading.

"You're in charge, you figure it out." Charlie said. Bill turned back and smiled.

"Why did you go near the edge of the roof?"

"George did that not me! Oops." He covered his mouth.

"Blue shirt- Fred. Green shirt- George." Bill said as George came in

"I was joking!" Fred insisted.

"Yeah sure." Bill flopped onto a chair and sighed blissfully. Ah, in charge. Sure it had its downfalls but otherwise it was-


Bill sat up straight. "What was that?"

"Sounded like Ron." Percy said with a shrug. They looked at the ceiling as he continued screaming, soon joined in by Ginny. Bill dashed up the stairs and into the room the two youngest shared. Ron was standing up on his bed, crying. Ginny had been awakened by him and was crying in her crib.

"What happened?" Bill asked, worried.

"Spider." Ron said, pointing at a spider in the corner. Bill picked it up and threw it out the window.

"It's gone now go back to sleep. You both still have half an hour of nap left." Bill said, checking his watch.

Ginny nodded and went back to sleep. Ron, however, had different ideas and began jumping up and down, grinning. "Where's mama?" He asked.

"Gone, remember? I'm in charge for about a week." Bill said.

"Okay, Bill. Can I have some chocolate?"


"But mama always gives me chocolate after nap." Ron said, stopping his jumping and pouting.

"No she does not! Now go to sleep."

"DON'T WANT TO!" Ron screamed.

"Shh you'll wake your sister." Bill said, glancing at Ginny who was thankfully still asleep.

"Can I have some chocolate?"

"Okay, okay. Come on." Bill picked up his four-year-old brother and carried him down the stairs.

"Don't give him chocolate." Percy said from behind his book as Bill pulled out a chocolate bar.

"What harm could it do? I had chocolate all the time when I was his age." Bill said.

"Gimme!" Ron grabbed the chocolate and stuffed the entire thing in his mouth.

"Oh yes. You've been at school when Ron's had chocolate. Well, don't say I didn't warn you?" Percy said, smirking.

Bill looked around and realized there were two things missing. "Where are the twins NOW?" Bill put Ron down and searched for the twins. He found them in the kitchen, shirts off, and reaching for the cookie jar. "Get out of there! And where did you put your shirts?"

"I don't know." One said.

"Where did you put your shirts?!" Bill demanded.

"Out the window." The other said. Bill groaned and smacked his forehead.

"And why is that?"

"Because!" They both said. Bill opened his mouth then turned as something crashed in the other room. He put the cookie jar up high then went into the living room. A vase was off the fireplace's mantelpiece... and Ron was there instead. "How did he get up there?" Bill demanded.

"I did warn you about the chocolate." Percy said, nose still in his book.

"Ron, get down from there."

"I don't wanna." Ron said, clutching to the clock. Bill grabbed him and pulled and tugged and finally got him off. He immediately began wailing.

"A mantelpiece is no place for a baby."

"I AM NOT A BABY!" Ron screamed and bit hard into Bill's arm.

"OUCH!" Bill dropped Ron who began flinging himself everywhere, arms and legs flailing about.

"By the way, Ron will bite you if you call him a baby. The youngest he'll accept is 'older toddler'. Otherwise call him a kid." Percy instructed.

"Ron, I'm sorry okay? I didn't-" Bill was cut short as Ginny began crying from upstairs. "Percy, try to calm Ron will you?"

"Okay, okay." Percy set his book down while Bill went upstairs. He found the twins in her crib.

"What are you doing in there?"

"Nothing." They said.

"Bill, up!" Ginny cried, holding her arms up. Bill lifted her and glared at the twins.

"Out of there now." So, grumbling, they left. "Now then, you still sleepy?" He asked Ginny who shook her head.

"No. I'm hungry. Want snack." She sniffled.

"Okay. Just... no chocolate." He went downstairs and found Percy and Charlie trying to pull Ron off the chandelier.

"I TOLD you not to feed him chocolate!" Percy snapped. Bill sighed and put Ginny in her high chair while he made her a snack.

"I'm hungry, too, Bill!" Ron said, clutching the chandelier.

"Us, too!" The twins appeared with mud all over them.

"Did you go outside?!"

"No we found the mud ummmmmm...." The first looked at his twin for an answer.

"Percy made us." The other shrieked, pointing an accusing finger.

"I... did.... NOT!" Percy and Charlie fell to the ground, Ron on top of them laughing and clapping his hands.


"Ewie. No! Don't want!" He turned and saw Fred and George putting mud in Ginny's hair. "Stop!" She cried, pounding the tray with her fists.

"Well Bill?" Charlie asked with a smirk. "You ARE in charge."

Bill groaned and clutched the sink. "Only eight more days. Eight more days. Eight more days."