My apologies that that took so long. Classes are grueling, but worth it.

Budhayes: I could see her behaving like this if she was abused as a child, however, I feel that she would be better at hiding it than she is otherwise she would never have made it through several years of schooling without some type of intervention.

Darth Taktiker of Narnia: In my mind, the Dursley's were well liked in the neighborhood, and "friends" to the community. When someone did bring it up, the Dursley's made the excuse that she was just trying to get attention, and she was well cared for in their home. Because they were well liked, people believed them, and would scold Harriet for trying to make such an upstanding family look bad, they took her in "from the goodness in their hearts" after all. Also, now that she's further away from the Dursley's, she's unconsciously not hiding it so well because under all the brainwashing, she wants to be saved. But she can't just turn off the mental and emotional damage either. Does that make sense? I feel like it's' somewhat confusing.

Erinnerungen: Hey! I really love the story so far and think it's great that the Huffs are so supportive! They really do take good care of Harriet. I also like that the teachers are now catching on to everything and that they want to change something. I am extra curious about Snape and how his relationship to Harriet will develop. Now she is not very "bratty" or brave and adventurous like harry is so I'm excited to see how they will get along. I liked that Snape was pretty angry at Dumbledore about Harriet's condition. So maybe that's an idea for a next chapter, some more insight into the teachers opinion especially Snape!

Darth Taktiker of Narnia: Fandom says that Snape was abused, but even if he wasn't, he was bullied like none other during school. He can't help but connect to students who feel like or are treated like less than others. I have Persistent Depression, and because I don't want anyone to feel like I do, I try to make them smile, even when mine is fake. I believe it would be similar for all cases of disorders and abuse cases. But Snape has also been holding onto his grudge-turned-hate towards James Potter for so long, it likely won't be easy for him to just let it go. But he also probably won't let Harriet know that. (I don't know yet. He hasn't told me.)

Emmote: Have you been able to make any more progress with the next chapter? I really miss Harriet. /

Darth Taktiker of Narnia: Hey, look! I posted the next chapter! J *Quickly hides behind couch so you can't throw something at me*

"You're supposed to be a Gryffindor!" I was backed up against a wall, several students from other houses blocking me in. I know I should be afraid, it was almost exactly like Dudley and his friends. Except they didn't play Harri Hunting right. They were supposed to give me a few seconds to run, and then chase me and throw things at me to try and trip me up. Once they catch me, then comes the taunting and the punches and kicks. It's just how it was. I said nothing, of course. It never helped to say anything. They would get mad either way.

"You're supposed to be a hero! But you've been carrying that stupid bear around for days! You're such a baby!"

Keeping my mouth shut seemed to agitate them more, but they weren't as scary as Uncle. And then the bubble shrunk. One of the girls wearing red had snatched Hufflepuff from my hands, and I could feel the panic swirling closer as the bubble shrank.

"G-give him back." I managed to say, trying to keep calm.

"Only babies need their stupid toys all the time!" The girl sneered, and threw Hufflepuff down the hall.

The bubble was now gone. Panic overcame me fast and heavy, the taunting laughter of the other students was deafening, the only thing I could hear over the buzzing in my ears. I wanted them to be quiet, I wanted them to go away. There was screaming, and I couldn't tell through the buzzing who it was. I slide down the wall and held my hands over my ears to block out the screaming, and without the distracting noise, I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. I felt the bubble trying to form, but it kept popping again. I tried to help it along, I tried to help it form, but it didn't seem to work. I took a deep breath, and tried again, and it held. It grew larger and held, and I could hear again.

"Don't you dare bring that despicable thing over here until you eliminate that charm!" Came the shockingly harsh voice of Professor Snape.

"But it's helping her!" Came Malcolm's voice, almost as harsh as the professor's.

'No, it's not! It's making it worse! That spell is the equivalent of a pint of Calming Draft! If it is continuously applied, it may have the same addiction as the potion! If it so happens that you're too dense to remember what happens to wizards who become addicted to Calming Drafts; they can't function without them. Ever. There are wizards and witches in St. Mungos who have been there for decades because they took too many Calming Drafts!" There was silence, and I peeked up to see Malcom holding Hufflepuff down the hall, and Professor Snape standing over me. Malcom looked to Hufflepuff fearfully, and quickly whipped out his wand and waved it.

He came over after putting his wand back up his sleeve, but Hufflepuff felt different. Usually there was tingling feeling when my fingers touched his fur. It didn't matter, my first ever gift was back in my hands, and I squeezed the bear tightly against my chest.

"Ms. Potter, we have to get you out of the hallway, and into a safer place so we can remove the spell." Professor Snape said evenly. During my first class with him, he looked like Uncle did when I did something bad in public. But since my first class, he seemed perfectly content to ignore my very existence. I don't understand why.

"What spell, professor?" I ventured, noting the bubble shrinking slowly.

"The Calming Spell was created by some of my students, and I assumed they would use it carefully, especially considering we are in a school. But I was mistaken, and apparently must teach them as if they were First Years again." He looked sharply to Malcolm who flinched, but didn't seem to be afraid of the professor. "Stand up." I did as commanded, and he gestured to follow him, so I did. I jogged to keep up with his strides, never loosening my grip on Hufflepuff, and I heard Malcolm following behind.

As I followed him, I looked back and noted the other students who were teasing me were gone. "Professor, where are the others?" I asked. He stopped abruptly, and looked to me with a sharp eye.

"'Others'?" He repeated. I nodded, feeling the bubble continue to shrink, but not as fast as when Hufflepuff had been taken away.

"There were others, sir. Mostly girls, and they were yelling at me, and they took Hufflepuff, and threw him down the hall, sir."

He paused, and then asked steadily, "What exactly were you thinking as you lost control?"

I thought hard, trying to remember. "I wanted them to leave me alone, and to stop laughing so loud." He seemed to ponder this, the gears turning in his head quickly. He turned to a portrait next to us, and said, "Inform Professor Dumbledore of this if one of the others hasn't already."

"Of course, Professor Snape." And the man in the painting hustled through the other paintings down the hall, and I could hear him saying "excuse me." "Pardon me." As he ran.

As we continued down the hall, Professor Snape barked to Malcolm to get Madam Pomfrey and bring her to his office without breaking his stride. "I'll be right back, Harriet." He said, and then he was off down the corridor.

The bubble was small now, the panic more obvious to feel, but I had enough courage to ask, "Where are we going professor?"

"My office. Where you can safely ride out your panic attack."

"Oh. Alright."

By the time he passed the potions classroom and stopped in front of a door, the bubble was barely holding out the panic. He entered and ushered me through another door in his office. It had floor to ceiling windows and the sun shone through all of them, and the floor was grass instead of stone. But we were in the dungeons, so there couldn't have been windows. My thought process didn't go much further, as the bubble popped, and the panic crashed over me in waves. I didn't think it was possible to grip Hufflepuff tighter, but somehow I managed to do so. It was hard to breath, and the tears were back. I felt my legs fall out from under me, but professor Snape caught me, and slowly laid me down on the soft grass as I screamed. I couldn't stop it like I would at the Dursley's, I couldn't seem to calm down. I could feel the Freakishness swirling like a storm, and I couldn't beat it back down into its dark pit. It felt like what a collapsing star looked like in my old science textbook, but I felt relieved when it burst out. But another wave of panic hit as I had just let my freakishness out, and my tears and screaming came with new force.

I felt the presence of Professor Snape the entire time, and he didn't leave, he didn't come closer, he just stood there, and it was somewhat comforting. My energy soon dissipated, but I felt calmer after than I had before. I would have happily fallen asleep on the soft grass, but Professor Snape came forward and lifted me up. He carried me back into the corridor and kept walking, but I was too tired to care where he was taking me. Even though he was an adult, I felt strangely safe, so I let my eyes drift shut, and promptly fell asleep.

Well, there you have it. It's not herbology class, but I think it's okay. I only had a few hours to write this between classes, so I'm sorry if it's not great.