She was having a good dream. A really good dream. She was graduating from med school at the top of her class, everyone was envious and her dad was standing in the front row, clapping louder than anyone else. Ethan Hart had never looked prouder as she stood on stage giving her speech. Thump. She woke up on the floor of her bedroom. She looked outside and saw trees, confused for a moment because you couldn't see trees from the penthouse. Then it hit her. She was no longer in New York. She was in Bluebell. Alabama. Yuck. She threw her head back, knocking it on her night stand when she realized that her dream was just that. A dream. Ethan Hart would never look at her with such pride because Ethan Hart was not her father.

She had found out a few days before her 16th birthday. Her mother shipped her off after deciding that her marriage could only be salvaged if a constant reminder of her pre-wedding dalliance wasn't living in the room next door. So here she was; a week later living with some old guy who was supposedly her father. Great. To make matters worse, there was some horrible rock music coming from what she could only assume was her next door neighbors' house. She pulled herself off the floor and made her way to her bedroom window. She could see the culprit. He couldn't have been much older than her and was dancing around his room, shirtless, holding a guitar without a care in the world that it was only... 11am. Ok so she didn't realize that it was so late in the morning but still. She had been having a really good dream and HIS music woke her and brought her crashing back to reality.

He looked out the window and caught her eye. He gave her a nod and she could make out a smirk on his smug face. She flipped him the bird, turned around and huffed downstairs. Harley Wilkes, her real father was sitting at a desk in the living room reading over some files when she stomped downstairs muttering to herself.

"Good morning, Zoe. I was hoping you would be up a little earlier. Brick was kind enough to agree to take over the practice until you had woken and was ready for the day but as it is almost midday, I really should get going. Help yourself to breakfast or lunch or anything. My office number is on the fridge if you need it. I do apologize for running out on you like this on your first morning here."

"It's ok Harley. I guess I'll just explore the town or something."

"Wonderful, maybe you can make your way to the Rammer Jammer; it is the local hangout for teens during the summer. If you walk to the end of the road, turn right and take the 3rd left and you'll see the sign." Zoe gave him a half hearted smile and he gathered his things and left, mentioning that she could leave the door unlocked when she left.

After having a small breakfast and 3 cups of coffee, Zoe got ready to head to the Rammer Jammer or whatever it was called. For a town that seemed so quaint, having a place with such an obviously sexual sounding name was odd to her. She'd have to find out where the name came from. Looking through her clothes, she doubted anything she owned would be usual attire of the residents around here. Her flight had landed pretty late the night before and she had only seen one person as she and Harley were driving into town and she did not own anything as yellow, as floral or as long as what the woman was wearing. Settling with a pair of denim shorts and a pink halter top, she applied lip gloss and mascara before heading out the door.

She looked over to the house where the annoying boy with his stupid guitar lived and noticed it was more run down than the other house on the street. She wondered why that was and was lost in thought as she walked down the sidewalk towards the end of the street. Suddenly, she walked into something solid and was on the ground. Zoning out of her thoughts, she saw what she had walked into, or rather who. There he was, her annoying neighbor, also lying on the ground, rubbing his lower back.

"What the hell! Watch where you going!" he yelled.

"Me? What about you? If you had been watching where you were walking, you could have avoided me!" she yelled back.

"Well, obviously you weren't payin' attention cause I was not moving!"

"Oh cause that's so much better! Why are you standing in the middle of the sidewalk? People are walking here!"

"Are you always this infuriatin'? Why can't you just admit you were wrong and apologize?" he said getting up and holding a hand out to help her up.

She reluctantly took his hand and while getting up said, "Sorry if I was half asleep, some idiot woke me this morning playing what he would probably call music".

He scowled at her after she made that comment but chose to ignore it, "I'm Wade. Wade Kinsella. Looks as if we're gonna be neighbors. You Dr Wilkes' daughter? The whole town's been talking 'bout you for a week now!" She knew he was trying to be friendly but she was embarrassed that she had walked into him, irritated that the whole town was gossiping about her and tired even though she had slept for 12 hours the night before. This past week had been emotionally draining and she did not need some stupid boy, no matter how handsome he was, trying to be her friend. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Hey Princess, that's not very neighborly! I'm tryna be nice!" he called to her as he jogged slowly to catch up to her. She may be short but she walked damn fast. Although, if Wade was being honest with himself, he was enjoying the view as she swung her hips from side to side. He grabbed her wrist to try stop her but she snatched her hand back.

"Look Cowboy, I don't need you trying to be nice just cause you feel sorry for me cause I'm the illegitimate daughter of the town doctor. I just want to go to the Rammer Jammer and see what the fuss is about. Now if you'll excuse me. Have a nice life." He didn't stop walking and swung his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged him off and he laughed.

"Cowboy? I like that. But I definitely ain't tryna be nice cause I feel sorry for you. I'm being nice cause we here in Bluebell are nice to our neighbors. We all got problems."

"Then pray tell, why are you still walking with me?" she asked looking up to him. He was quite a bit taller than her, even if she was wearing heels. She may be dressed more casual than what she normally wear but she never goes anywhere without heels.

"Well, it just so happens I am headed the Jammer myself." She scoffed and he smirked.

"Zoe," she said a while later. He looked at her; she had been quiet for some time, "That's my name. Zoe Hart. Now that you know my name, can you please tell me why the local hang out for teens is named the Rammer Jammer? That doesn't sound very appropriate!"

Wade burst out laughing. Zoe noticed that he had a nice laugh. "It's not sexual! It's an Alabama University football reference. Although, it's nice to know where your head's at girl!" he winked at her. Zoe felt herself blush and shoved him lightly, only making him laugh harder.

"Princess, I think we are gonna be good friends!" he said as he swung his arm over her shoulders again, this time she didn't shrug him off.