A/N: Warning, long chapter (11k!). This is the longest chapter I've ever written!

There's a time jump of about a month and the dynamics within the group have changed. Stiles and Lydia have grown closer in the meantime but haven't acted on their feelings towards each other just yet. All the different parts in this chapter take place in the same day, the Saturday before Christmas.

Chapter 10

Never, in his almost 18 years of life, has Stiles Stilinski gone out with a girl purely for the fun of it and for it not to end up in a make out session or sex, let alone almost being dragged to a double date.

Well no, not a double date per se. Stiles is not dating, Scott is. And this whole going out thing was far from acceptable by the late Stiles Stilinski's standards but, as he admits now, not so much by the new Stiles Stilinski's ones. He hadn't been too excited about it, mostly afraid of not knowing what to expect but Scott and Allison had been adamantly trying to arrange a group outing for days and Stiles had no option left but to tag along, and the same went for Lydia. Jackson and Danny, giving the rocky nature of their on and off friendship/relationship and because they're now on an off state, had been smarter and saved themselves the awkwardness of the situation by pretending that their parents needed them home on this Saturday afternoon. Stiles is starting to think that he should have done the same thing.

In a month everything had changed within the group. Everyone was getting along great now, Stiles and Lydia's previous quarrel forgiven and mostly forgotten. Stiles had gotten closer with Allison, who he can almost consider a sister. A sister who's dating his best friend/brother but well… Jackson had also accepted Stiles into their little group, even though he's still fairly protective of Lydia. In all honesty, Stiles is not sure if he dreads Jackson or Allison more when it comes to even thinking about making a move towards the strawberry blonde. The girls had also become closer with Danny and Scott and so the six of them were the new clique in the Academy now, the difference being that their group was far closer and more private in comparison to the group of acquaintances the golden trio usually hung out with before.

Stiles and Lydia… Honestly, he's not sure. Things are great, or as great as things can be between two friends. He's loving every minute of it; of her attention, of her care, of her companionship, of her love. Platonic love, of course, but Stiles can't really complain on his part. She gave him a second chance and he's been redeeming himself every day because of it. And he's grateful. He's so, so grateful because Lydia might be the most genuine and loving person he's ever met – aside from his mom, of course – and he didn't know that he needed someone like her in his life so bad until just recently. She grounds him, complements him in ways he never expected and he loves it. And the problem is that he wants more of it.

Ever since they kissed that one day at his house, Stiles hasn't been able to forget the memory of how her lips felt on his, and so now he finds himself staring at her mouth often or at her eyes when she's not looking at him, or at everything Lydia really, as long as she's not noticing. At times, he's not even that subtle. And now, for the first time, Stiles struggles constantly with the urge to take her hand or sit beside her every time that they're together, talk to her and only her, listen to her talking or watching her study for an hour if he can, open doors for her or any other small gesture characteristic of someone who's infatuated. And as much as he doesn't like to admit it out loud, yes. Stiles Stilinski has a crush on Lydia Martin and he hates not knowing what to do. He's losing it.

Stiles groans loudly. In fact, he groans loud enough that the girls, who are a few feet away from them and inside the dressing rooms, can still hear him and end up giggling at his exasperation. He runs his hands through his face fiercely, then through his hair, leaving it more of a mess than it usually is. "Scooooott!" he whines.

Scott just chuckles beside him. "What, buddy?"

Stiles stirs on his seat, trying to find a more comfortable position on the armchair that he's been on for ages now. "Remind me again why we've been sitting here for the last half hour."

"Because," Scott grins, "we are waiting for our girlfriends while they're shopping. It's what we guys do," he educates his best friend. Stiles doesn't even answer to that; ever since Scott started dating Allison, he likes to think that he's an expert in relationships. Stiles hates it.

Both boys watch mesmerized as Allison and Lydia suddenly come out of their dressing rooms in yet another change of clothes - looking like the rulers of the world once again at that - and make their way to the end of the hallway to take advantage of the giant mirror on the opposite wall from where the boys are. The girls don't even look at them, they just do their thing. Allison bends down to check the – very, very short if Stiles were to be asked – length of Lydia's dress and Lydia makes sure that Allison is aware that her cleavage might be just a little too revealing. Hairs are played with in exploratory looks, then moved over one shoulder and exposing forbidden skin as the girls check each other out and laugh, utterly amused and distracted. Then they return to their dressing rooms again for what feels like the hundredth time that afternoon, quick smiles teasingly sent in the boys' direction.

"That is a freaking sin," Stiles mutters as soon as the girls are out of their sight. "And torture. It's fucking torture, Scott. Why the hell would they just show off like that?" He lets out a frustrated sigh. "And Lydia is not my girlfriend." And not his girlfriend looks like fucking Aphrodite today. Just his luck.

Scott glares at him. "Lydia is a friend of yours who happens to be a girl, so technically she is your girlfriend." Scott tries – and fails miserably – to hide a knowing smile at the scowl Stiles gives him in response. He continues. "They do that because they're giving us permission to check them out freely. And we," Scott gestures between them, "are here to make sure that no one else aside from us gets to have that view." He's got a point, so Stiles nods in acknowledgement. The girls did look good and dammit, did the boys like to watch them. "Besides, dressing rooms are fun," Scott adds with a smug smile and a suggestive raise of eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles asks, suspicious. Then he sees the smirk that Scott's wearing. "WHAT? Are you kidding me?" He lowers his tone to a hum. "Did you and Allison-"

Scott punches his best friend in the shoulder as if Stiles had said a blasphemy. "Of course not, you pervert. We've barely been dating for a month. Do you think we'd already be having sex in public? Come on…"

Stiles blushes. It's funny how much the dynamic of their brotherhood changed since they started hanging out with the girls, or in Danny's case, with Jackson. What before was a somewhat form of pride now constantly has the boys rethinking their actions. If only they could erase their past… "Like it would be news. You've done it before, Scott."

Scott concedes. "Well yes, but not with Allison. What I was trying to say is that changing rooms are great for making out and to keep the romance going, you know? Girls like it. Or at least Allison does."

"I swear to god all you do is talk about Allison these days," Stiles mumbles, lowering his gaze to his lap.

Scott chuckles. "Hey, you only talk about Lydia."

Stiles flails his arms exaggeratedly. "Shh. Shout it to the wind, will you? I don't think she heard you," he mutters sarcastically, his cheeks bright red.

"I can speak louder, sure," Scott teases his best friend, raising his tone a bit and earning a few more giggles from the girls, who assume that they're bickering. Satisfied in embarrassing his best friend, Scott returns to a murmur. "And like she doesn't know anyway. Stiles, Lydia is anything but innocent."

And doesn't Stiles know it. He was already aware that Lydia is smart, insanely smart and that's just another thing he likes about her. But what he doesn't like as much is that it means that Lydia catches up fairly quickly, and now Stiles is the victim when she practices the flawless art of shamelessly flirting with him, and not the other way around. And flawless because she does it so well that 1) no one would ever say that she has never been with anyone, 2) she's been looking like a freaking goddess every day since she started paying a bit more attention to her image – not that she didn't already but still -, and 3) Stiles is mostly rendered speechless at her ministrations, gawking and blushing embarrassingly hard and mostly losing his breath every damn time. It's like he isn't the old Stiles Stilinski anymore. Sometimes, when he feels a little bolder, Stiles answers back and banter ensues effortlessly between them, but then Lydia will (maybe not so) unintentionally come too close and Stiles can't rearrange his thoughts and that's that. God, he hates her.

A male employee, one that Stiles has aptly been calling Hercules in his own head due to the young man's incredible physique – and no, Stiles is not the least bit jealous - walks past them to make sure that everything is okay, open a few curtains on the dressing rooms that are not being occupied and retrieve some hangers. An older woman comes in as well, making her way to one of the cubicles with a few items of clothes in her arms. Scott continues. "Remind me again why you two are not together anyway."

It's simple, really. Simply complicated. Lydia is testing the waters, for the first time in her life interested in flirting and teasing, along with getting away from her comfort zone a bit. Ever since she got to the Academy and after their whole quarrel thing, Lydia has now more friends and is a little more outgoing and social. It's been good for her. And she flirts with Stiles and no one else because she's comfortable with him now, and she's really not interested in anyone at the moment as far as he's aware. She trusts him to tell her if there's something she's doing wrong or if something is too much. He sees it, how amusing she finds the whole situation; she's having a great time and he'd never deny her that. The problem is that, with it, she's dragging Stiles along like if he's enchanted by her, and there's nothing he can (or wants to) do to stop it.

Stiles knows that if Lydia were to ever want to kiss him again – and god, he wants it so, so bad that it's not even funny anymore -, he'd still probably hold back. Yes, she gave him a second chance and he took it, but only to be her friend. First, she probably doesn't even want to; if she did, she would have implied it by now. Second, he's still not too keen on the idea of dating but only because he never really did before; if he's being honest with himself, Lydia might just be the exception to the rule. Then there's, of course, the issues with his dad even though Lydia has been helping him plenty with that lately. And fourth, the last thing he'd ever want to do would be to hurt her again. In the remote possibility that Lydia would want him back, he'd be giving her a reputation. He's never regretted his past as much as he does now. "We're just friends, Scott," Stiles sighs.

If Scott didn't know better, he'd say Stiles seems disappointment. He places a hand on his best friend's shoulder and squeezes lightly. "You two, you're pretty good together. You know her, you pay attention, you listen to her. And it's more than she has ever had, Stiles, and she knows that. She wants you, dude. Anyone can see that."


"Stiles, she's putting herself out there. Why aren't you?"

Stiles doesn't answer, too many if's, too many hypothetical scenarios that he doesn't want to see play out ghosting his thoughts. Scott doesn't say anything either but keeps his hand on Stiles' shoulder. Stiles is only brought out of his reverie when, a few moments later, the strawberry blonde's voice echoes through the room.


"What?" the brunette asks.

"I need you. My zipper is stuck," Lydia complains.

Allison huffs from the other dressing room, struggling with the intricate straps of a new dress herself. "I can't, I'm naked," she mutters in distress, annoyed that the damned dress won't come out of its hanger.

At that, the boys' attention drifts immediately in the direction of where the girls are, and they can't help but to notice that the employee is looking in that direction as well, probably enticed by Allison's words. Before either boy does anything, Lydia shyly moves the curtain from her dressing room away just enough to peek out and look at her friends, strawberry blonde locks cascading down her bare shoulder to the side. "Can one of you give me a hand, please?"

They don't even have time to answer and the guy, Hercules, who is a few feet away from the girls as well, is already moving. "Can I help, miss?" he asks politely, giving Lydia such a white-teethed grin that Stiles can see her blush from where he's at.

Scott nudges Stiles to make a move and while he's indecisive, Lydia catches his gaze. She nods in his direction; to what, he doesn't know. Stiles gets up quickly as to get to Lydia before Hercules does, stumbling twice on his way to her. The god there notices that Stiles is trying to take his place and walks faster, determined to get his hands on the strawberry blonde before Stiles does. As if. "I got it," Stiles says confidently, his tone too strange on his tongue. He's not sure when the last time he sounded so self-assured in his actions was.

Lydia replies with a small "Thank you" and the employee is left with no choice but to leave them to it. Stiles feels stupidly proud of himself for that. He shouldn't have come to her aid though, because Lydia is wearing the cutest, still hottest dress he's seen her try on and how's he supposed to deal with that? Lydia chuckles when he quickly turns around to close the curtain behind them and revels in the way he takes a moment too long to turn back to face her. She's nervous too.

"So uh-" Stiles runs his hand through his hair, desperately trying to not check her out. "Your zipper is stuck, right?"

Lydia nods with her lips pursed, turning her back to him. "It just won't come up," she murmurs. Her cheeks turn to a soft pink at the way he's admiring her bare back. Lydia studies his reflection in the mirror in front of her, carousing in the way she catches him biting on his lower lip at the sight.

Stiles groans, internally this time. Couldn't she at least be wearing a freaking bra? He gets closer slowly to place his left hand softly on her waist over the fabric of the dress, his right coming to grab the zipper that is low, so low on her back that he swallows dryly. At that, Lydia can barely contain a grin and lowers her gaze so that he doesn't see it, focusing on putting on matching high heels and Stiles, even though he loves that she's much shorter than him, can't help but to love that she wears heels sometimes as well; he doesn't need to bend down to smell her perfume, for instance. It's so much easier for him to tease her like this. "Can you move your hair to the side for me?"

Stiles' voice came out much huskier than he intended but he's really not to blame; they're too close. Lydia does as she's told, pulling her hair over her left shoulder and leaving him undone, leaning in his direction absently. Her skin is like porcelain, ivory contrasting with the auburn tone of her mane and with the dark green of the dress she's trying on, small freckles dusting her entire back faintly. She's gonna kill him one day, he just knows it.

Lydia waits patiently as he fumbles with the zipper but successfully gets it moving, slowly pulling it all the way up. When he's done, neither of them moves, standing still and admiring her frame in the mirror. It's a sleeveless dress in dark green with a sheath silhouette and a jewel neckline, black blending with the color here and there, the skirt's length around mid-tight. "So?" she asks timidly, giving him a small smile. "What do you think?"

"You look…" Breathtaking. She looks breathtaking. Stiles might have literally forgotten how to breathe.

She nudges him, her hand finding the one he's still resting on her waist. Lydia lets out a chuckle at his mesmerized expression. "Stiles?"

He takes a deep breath. "You look beautiful."

Her cheeks burn hot once again, taking in the compliment. She shakes her head to loosen her hair, a halo of strawberry blonde quickly surrounding her. "Thank you." Her eyes find his in the mirror and she licks her lips absently. The way he's looking at her is nothing but affectionate; she has to force herself to break the gaze. "But I meant, is this the one? Is this one okay for the New Year's Eve party?"

Lydia turns to one side and then to the other, checking herself out under his smitten gaze. Stiles gets closer, making her stop when she's still seeing herself in profile. "Pull your hair up," he murmurs, amused at the devious glare she gives him. Still she does so almost immediately, testing the look. "You can do some twisted updo or braid your hair like you do sometimes. I know you love your braids," he says happily. "I think the outfit looks better with your hair up." He runs a hand down her back teasingly. "And I definitely like this dress better than the others." Her exposed neck is proof of it, especially if Lydia does decide on using her hair up, and don't get him started on her long legs. His own road to perdition.

Lydia lets her hair fall again and turns around to face him, his hand remaining on her lower back and burning her skin even through the fabric. Even in heels she's shorter than him, so she looks up to meet his gaze but ends up staring at his lips. Why does he always have to be doing something with his mouth? There should be a law against that somewhere. Stiles wets his lips briefly when he finds that she's staring at them, noticing how her breathing picks up at how close they actually are. Stiles is about to brush a loose curl away from her cheek when Scott - so rudely, might he add - interrupts their moment.

"Do you two need a hand with that zipper?"

Stiles huffs, letting go of Lydia instantly and taking a step back, blushing hard much like her. "No."

"We've got it," Lydia says, letting out a giggle.

"You were taking so long in there, I was wondering what you two were d-"

Stiles interrupts him, speaking to the curtain that's separating them. "Shut up, Scott." Glancing at Lydia, Stiles grins, his gaze raking through her body once more in approval. "I think that's the one. You should take it." With a wink, he leaves the dressing room to find Scott right outside, beaming like the fool he is. He also ignores the disapproval glares the other woman gives him for leaving a dressing room where he was just now with someone else.

"I hate you so much," he mutters under his breath, walking past Scott to sit on the armchair again.

His best friend joins him. "Why? It was a legitimate question."

Stiles gives him an icy glare and intends on keeping his mouth shut on the matter, but Scott doesn't need him to speak anyway. Stiles seems dazed, keeping his gaze on Lydia's dressing room with bright red cheeks, his fingers fidgeting on his lap restlessly. This is the sort of situations that Stiles has been trying to avoid at all costs but it just seems that he can't. He's convinced that Lydia doesn't want him, but then they have moments like this and he's left doubting his better judgement. He still wouldn't change it one bit; he holds onto every single one of their moments every time.

God, is he in deep.


They don't stay on that department store for long after that since the girls chose their dresses for the party fairly quickly after Stiles and Lydia were interrupted, neither of the girls showing the boys which dresses they picked. The four of them have been wandering around the mall for a while now, looking at window stores and entering smaller shops from time to time while they wait for the movies to start in about an hour.

Scott and Allison have been walking hand in hand, constantly stopping to kiss or literally just make out anywhere – again, Stiles IS NOT jealous, okay? -, all the PDA making Stiles furrow his eyebrows in disbelief and sigh heavily more often than not. Do they really have to be all over the other all the damn time? Because it means that he's left to walk around with Lydia and yes, he's very thankful for that, but it only makes him struggle more. It's not like it hasn't happened before because it has, but today of all days Stiles is fighting the hardest urge he's ever had towards the strawberry blonde. And it's driving him insane.

She's not really doing anything, bless her; just keeping him company as they move from shop to shop and ignoring the couple in front of them the best that she can. She's even talking to him, like genuinely talking to him and not just making small talk like any of his previous conquests would, which is great. He loves talking to her. But every few minutes he looks down to find her hand so close to his that he has to stop walking as to not just grab a hold of it. He's stopped three times in the last twenty minutes already, and now it's happening again. He's sure that she doesn't mean it; sometimes her hand brushes his but he knows it was unintentional and there was no other meaning to it because it won't happen again for a few minutes, with Lydia consciously not letting her hand brush against his again anytime soon until she forgets about it and it ends up happening once more.

She tugs at his sleeve sometimes, or grabs his wrist, and the only thing Lydia wants is to catch his attention. Like just now, for instance. Lydia stopped walking in front of a window store and tugged at his sleeve so that Stiles could tell her what he thinks of the sneakers that are on display - Stiles thinks she's fishing. She's been coming up with lots of different things, as he suspects at least, to offer the boys as a Christmas gift and she wants his opinion on all of the articles she mentions -, and with her touch – that lasted for about a second, lets be honest – Stiles is left wandering about how it would feel to just hold her hand as he pleased or, you know, hold Lydia tight in general. She goes as far as to stand right in front of him, first pointing at different pairs of shoes, then pulling her hair up into a high bun because her hair keeps falling to her face and Stiles knows she's not doing it on purpose – she couldn't be, right? –, but her neck is calling his name and if he could only just bend down and do something…

He knows it's a bad idea even before he opens his mouth but what's he supposed to do? "Scott!" Stiles' tone is imperative and surprises all the other three. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" He asks his best friend, who is a few feet away from him and the strawberry blonde. Stiles ignores everyone's eyes on him the best he can.

Scott seems confused but nods. "Yeah, sure."

Stiles glances apologetically at both Lydia and Allison muttering that "We'll just take a minute, sorry," directing Scott to an hallway nearby and stopping at the corner so that they're mostly out of the girl's sight.

Scott had noticed how frantic Stiles was increasingly becoming with the passing of the afternoon, and he figured maybe it was nerves because of Lydia. But now Stiles is mostly on edge and getting paler by the second so there might be something more to it. "Stiles, are you okay?"

Stiles takes a moment to accept the situation and ends up swallowing his pride. This is something he's never done before. "No, not really." He clears his throat in a desperate attempt to dissipate his nerves, but it seems that they're not going anywhere anytime soon. "I need advice. Or uh- I need help." He takes a deep breath. "Yeah, either an advice or help. Definitely one of those," he murmurs, trying a lighter tone of voice to fake a little amusement, but Scott sees right through him.

His best friend nods vigorously, noticing how serious Stiles' words are, what they mean. Both Scott and Danny are usually in the loop of things but Stiles never really opens up that much about what's going on with him at home or personally. He tells them the most important parts when he has problems but only in passing, and because both Scott and Danny have known Stiles and his family for years now, they automatically know what he's trying to say and are there to support him, always, but never has Stiles asked directly for help. "You can talk to me, Stiles. Let me help you," he offers, placing a hand on Stiles' shoulder and smiling encouragingly.

Stiles smiles back almost shyly, feeling like he didn't deserve someone in his life as his own best friends. He's done so much shit he's not proud of... Stiles had been the one guiding Danny and Scott down bad paths before and the boys had followed his lead without second thoughts, and still never have they faltered in being there for him. If only he could change how he'd done things, everything could be different. And here is Scott offering him help that - Stiles knows - is unconditional, much like Danny would if he was there right now.

Stiles swallows drily one last time and stands straighter, exhaling slowly before the words come out of his mouth as honest as he's ever meant them. "Okay, so hmm... I don't really know how to say this other than going straight to the point. There's something going on and I want your help, Scott. I need your advice on what to do because I'm straight up losing my mind here. I could use some guidance." Scott leans against the wall behind him and nods for Stiles to continue, listening carefully to Stiles' every single word. "Scott, I want- I want Lydia." He glances at the girls a few feet away from them and if anything, Lydia is looking at him with a concerned expression. He smiles softly at her and she returns it, but the worry doesn't leave her eyes and he feels guilty the same way he's been feeling for days now, blushing involuntarily under her gaze. Stiles lowers his head, his hands fiddling nervously with a loose string on the hem of his shirt. "I don't think I've ever wanted anyone like I want her. Scott, I..."

He pauses for a few moments and Scott is aware of how much his best friend is struggling, how much he wants the words out and doesn't really know how to voice them. He glances at the girls and at Allison in particular, trying to signal her with his eyes that maybe they should distance themselves a bit from the boys. At first, Allison doesn't really get what Scott wants so he tilts his head to the side slightly, and within a second Allison is walking Lydia away to look at another window store. Returning his attention to Stiles, the other boy is still looking down, opening and closing his mouth often as if he's choosing the best way to say whatever comes next. "Go on, it's okay," he comforts. "So, you want Lydia…"

Stiles nods in appreciation, well aware of what Scott did, then keeps going. "Yes. And not like I did the others, not like that at all. I-" He wants to date her. "Scott, I think I want to date her," he confesses, his eyes searching Scott's curiously to see his reaction.

Scott smiles at the admission, remembering clearly the time when he himself came to the same conclusion about Allison. "Okay. That's great, man. So what are you gonna do about it?"

Stiles starts gesturing with his hands as he talks, like he always seems to do when he's nervous. "That's the thing. I don't know. I don't know what to do, Scott. Honest to god, she's the first person I've ever considered to be something more for me and I- I just don't know what to do. And it makes me really anxious. I'm nervous all the time around her because I want to do things that I know I'll never be able to and she's my friend. I don't want to lose her friendship, I can't. Scott, I can't lose her."

Scott frowns. "Stiles, you know that this isn't really one-sided, right? Lydia cares for you too."

"As a friend, Scott." Scott shakes his head slowly in disbelief, but Stiles dismisses it. "And even if it wasn't like that, I-" Stiles huffs in frustration. "Scott, I hurt her. I feel like shit all the time because of what I did but then she says something, or she smiles, and there she is. Lydia Martin pulling me in. It's like I'm under a fucking spell and I literally have no fucking clue at what to do with that!"

A few passers give them a strange look at Stiles' curse words as they walk by the two boys to find the restrooms down the hallway they're in. Both Scott and Stiles mutter apologies before continuing. "You feel guiltier about what happened than Lydia holds you to, you know?"

"With good reason," he retorts. "I was a dick to her. And I'm so, so grateful that she forgave me and gave me a second chance but Scott, I don't deserve it."

"You're the one saying that, not her."

"What if I hurt her again?"

"You won't, Stiles. You'd never. You've changed, we all have. And I'm pretty sure Lydia wouldn't let you do that again even if you wanted to."

Stiles runs a hand through his hair, his other hand moving to rest on his hip. "Okay, so lets say I don't hurt her." Because seriously, he'd really never do that again. "Just because Lydia forgave me, it doesn't erase what I did."

"If Lydia's able to move past it, then you should too."

"What if I can't? What if I tell you that every time I think about her – which is all the time, by the way -, about how much I want her, I think about what I did? How am I supposed to believe that she'd ever want anything to do with me? I can barely believe she's my friend."

"Then maybe you should talk to her about it and work it out. Everything, really."

"Really, Scott? What, I'll just walk up to her and tell her that even though I hurt her, I really wanna spend more time with her and then I'll break into a song about how amazing she is and how much better my life became since she's in it and then ask if she wants me too?" he remarks sarcastically.

Scott answers with an unsure "Maybe" to Stiles' rant. He knows his best friend is just panicking.

Stiles rolls his eyes. "Scott. I'm serious. I know I shouldn't do anything, but I want to and I don't really know what and it's been eating at me for days now…"

His best friend interrupts him. "Stiles, I don't think you realize this - like for real, like in I really mean what I'm saying – but Lydia does like you."


"No. You asked for my advice, now I'm giving it to you. She likes you and you like her and I know it's not ideal. You did something you shouldn't have done but Lydia was able to leave it in the past. You should too, Stiles. And when you do, maybe the two of you can finally find a way to work things out. You're far too experienced where Lydia is not and you both challenge each other in ways most couples don't and that's okay, Stiles. It makes you two unique. You'll just have to find your balance."

Stiles takes Scott's words in like a breath of fresh air and considers them, really takes a few silent moments to maul them over in his head and make sense of them. "So, lets say I really, really want to do something about it, what do I do? I can't just blurt everything out like that, she deserves better."

Scott smiles happily this time. "You start with the small things. You're already her friend and you're already there for her, so amuse her, compliment her, keep her company. See how she reacts to you, read her. And I mean really pay attention, Stiles, because you're so anxious all the time that you don't even see it." Stiles opens his mouth to argue but Scott doesn't let him. "Stiles, I'm telling you. I know she's new to the whole dating thing, but then again so are you. Pay attention. If you really do, you'll see what I mean. You two getting together is gonna be easier than you think."

Stiles nods, looking down at his feet. "There's another thing," he mumbles.

Scott knows what it is and gets closer to bring Stiles in for a hug, patting him on the back. "Stiles, your dad likes Lydia. Hell, I think he likes her better than he likes me and Danny." Stiles chuckles because deep down he knows it's true even if he can't really believe it. Lydia has been spending a few afternoons studying with Stiles at his place and ever since it started, his dad seems much more relaxed. Even without trying too hard, Lydia has been helping both father and son. It's just another reason for Stiles to be thankful for having the strawberry blonde in his life. "Things are different now. He won't send you away, Stiles, I just- I know it. So don't let it hold you back, man." Stiles sniffs, the emotion overcoming him as he fights back tears. Scott has been through it all with him. "And for the record, I think your mom would love her."

Stiles lets a single tear slip away at that and smiles bright. "Thanks, Scott."

Scott beams. "Now why don't you go freshen up? We'll be by the newsstand. You can meet us there, alright?"

Stiles nods and wipes his cheek. "Okay, sure." He starts walking away towards the restrooms while Scott goes in the opposite direction, but Stiles still calls out for his best friend. Maybe Scott does know what's he's talking about after all. "And Scott?" The other boy turns around. "Really, thank you."


Stiles comes out of the restrooms to find Lydia standing alone waiting for him. She still looks a little worried and meets him instantly. "Hey, are you okay?"

Stiles smiles softly, blushing a little. "Yeah, I'm okay now."

Lydia reaches for his arm, squeezing lightly. "I'm glad."

Stiles notices that her touch lasts a few seconds longer this time, and is she blushing? "Where are Scott and Allison?"

"They ditched me," she replies, tugging him along so that they return to the main corridor. "They're probably making out in a corner somewhere," she scowls.

"And your bag?"

"Ally has it. I made her take it as punishment," she smiles. "They left me alone so yes, she can carry my bag for a little while."

"You didn't have to wait for me," he murmurs, his smile vanishing when she lets go of him.

"Yeah, and what? I'd be a third wheel? No, thank you." Stiles chuckles at that. "And I wanted to check on you, anyway. You seemed a little distressed," she tries, not so successfully, to find out what it was about.

"I'm okay," he reassures again. "So what do you want to do? We still have..." He checks his watch. "Like, forty minutes to kill."

Lydia shrugs her shoulders, walking beside him and noticing how he slows his own pace so that she can keep up. "Lets just wander around. Everything looks so beautiful," she comments, referring to the Christmas spirit that's all around them, colorful lights everywhere and carols playing in the background, kids getting in line to meet Santa since Christmas is in just a few days.

Stiles looks at her when she says that, a grin appearing on his face. "Yeah, it does," he mutters in an endearing tone, one that doesn't escape Lydia. She blushes harder this time, the color of her cheeks almost matching the one of the red scarf she's wearing, and really it's impossible to miss. Stiles blushes himself.

They walk around for a while, making casual conversation and looking at even more window stores as they go by, Scott and Allison never in sight. And then Stiles sees it. "Oh, I know exactly where we're going next," he beams.

Lydia looks up at him with a curious look on her face, eyes shining at how happy he suddenly seems. "Where?" Stiles nods to his left and Lydia follows his line of sight, easily realizing what they're looking at. "No!"

"Come on," he teases.

"No. Stiles!" He's the one tugging at her arm this time, bringing her along with him until they reach the destination he has in mind. "Stiles, if I get in, I won't come out anytime soon," she warns.

He doesn't even listen to her, opening the door for Lydia to walk in first and following her right after, his attention solely on the reaction of the strawberry blonde. If Lydia was resistant at first, now she's not at all. In fact, her eyes are glistening much like the ones of the kids out there who are waiting for their turn to ask of Santa Claus what they want for Christmas this year. "Go on," he murmurs from behind her.

Lydia starts walking away from Stiles but still looks over her shoulder at him, a sly grin teasingly letting him know he'll pay for this. "Are you gonna come along or what?"

Stiles smirks. "Definitely. Wouldn't miss this experience for the world."

They are in a bookstore. They are in a bookstore and Stiles clearly remembers all the times Lydia has rambled about how going into a bookstore is something magical, almost ritualistic to her. How she'd spend hours shopping for books if she could, or sitting in a corner drinking tea and reading quietly surrounded be their scent. Every time she shares her memories of it with him, Stiles' chest tightens. She goes on about it with so much love that he himself falls for her a little bit more whenever she does so. It's sooner than he was hoping but Stiles can't miss this first hand.

Lydia smiles shyly and ends up blushing again. She's never shared this with anyone but Stiles, and she did it mostly because Stiles is absolutely adorable when he talks about his love for his mom, something that Lydia has learned he doesn't mention that much, and so she thought she could share something with him in return. Lydia used to shop for books with her parents when she was a little kid, but that was so long ago that Lydia had decided to do it by herself anytime she needed a little therapy. She loves this, more so now that Stiles seems to genuinely want to be there with her.

Lydia starts her own routine with Stiles tagging along closely. She breathes in the scent of new paper and fresh ink, an almost artificial fragrance that contrasts with the smell of old books - a scent that Lydia absolutely loves. She still likes how clean the modern bookstores look to her, how neat, a sense of rightness filling her even though she is much more comfortable in old bookstores or even in libraries. She approaches the first table absently to check the bestsellers, but those never really catch her eye. Then she starts studying every single shelf, swiftly letting her eyes drift from cover to cover, title to title as she looks for interesting books no matter the subject. Stiles watches her closely; how sometimes her hands brush along the shelves as she walks by them, how she inhales sharply when she picks up a book and her thumb flips through the pages expertly, how her fingertips handle the pages with such care it makes him envious, how the smile she's wearing doesn't fade at all, just grows wider.

When Lydia chooses a book of her liking that now she'll just have to buy because of Stiles, she turns around to face him. "You're paying for this," she jokes.

Stiles just beams in response, shrugging his shoulders. "Sure. Take as many as you want."

She tsks. "I meant, you're gonna pay for dragging me here. I could spend hours doing this, you know?" She has done so countless times. 5 hours in a row is her personal record and she shares it with pride whenever she can.

Stiles is well aware of that and honestly there's not much he'd rather do with his life other than keep her company for those hours if she'd ever let him. "I know what you meant, but I don't mind paying for the books either," he says nonchalantly.

"I was just joking, Stiles. You don't have to do that," she says, embarrassed. Never has a boy bought anything for her.

"I don't mind. In fact, it's my pleasure." It really is. If it means he gets to see her happy in her element like this, dammit he'll buy the whole bookstore if he has to. Lydia lowers her head to hide a grin behind her scarf but her cheeks still tell him that she's flattered. "But if you don't want me to do that now, maybe I'll just leave it to consideration for your Christmas present," he offers, shadowing her again as she moves to a different shelf on the other side of the bookstore.

"Oh I'd like to see that. You wouldn't know what book to buy me," she teases.

"Maybe you'll be surprised." If only she knew what he has planned…

They keep moving around for a few more minutes and before they know it Lydia has already three books in her arms and is looking for a fourth. When she finds the one, she huffs, then turns around to find that Stiles is right beside her and a little closer than she thought. She doesn't linger on that thought though, pushing the books she's holding against his chest. "Hold these, please."

He does as he's told, letting out a chuckle when he sees all 5'3 of her trying to reach the top shelf. She'll never get to it by herself. "Want some help?" he asks amused, raising a questioning eyebrow.

She waves her hand dismissively. "Nah, I got it."

"Are you sure?"

He watches as Lydia gets on her tiptoes and stretches one of her arms up as far as it goes, her other hand finding support on the shelf for balance. "Shh." She tries to reach for the book three times before she gives up. Then she starts looking around for a small stool she can use, soon finding one and climbing up.

Stiles panics when he finds her swaying a bit on her step, and his free hand is quick to move to her waist to keep her steady as he clutches the books firmly against his chest, ready to let them fall in a heartbeat in case he needs to catch her. "Lydia, are you crazy?" he scolds.

She ignores the way his fingers are exactly at the hem of her shirt, which is not tucked into her jeans. They burn. She looks down at him. "What?" she hisses just to get on his nerves.

Stiles exhales sharply, trying his best not to look at her ass, which he already knows looks great in jeans. Not that he had been looking… "Are you trying to break your neck? You're in heels!"

Lydia looks down at her boots appreciatively – a gift from Allison – and ignores Stiles' remark. She grabs the book and checks the back cover to make sure that it's what she wants, taking her time just to mess with him further. "And?"

"Please, just come down."

She feels him letting go of her and so she looks down to find Stiles holding out his hand for her to take. She's the one raising an eyebrow at him this time but he just tilts his head, waiting for Lydia to take it, and for a moment she's not sure if she should. Every time their hands touch, she feels this need to just hold it and she's afraid to do it. But hey, she'll take whatever she gets. It's funny that his hands are so much bigger than hers, but she still thinks they fit perfectly.

Stiles sighs in relief when she clasps her hand in his and climbs down of the stool, and then they're standing too close for him to know what to do next, neither letting go of the other. Still, following Scott's advice, Stiles studies her. He notices the way her breathing picks up first, then the way her eyes flicker between his own and his mouth in quick movements. Her hand doesn't leave his right away as if she needs to ground herself. He's doing the exact same thing, mirroring her reactions seamlessly.

Lydia watches him bite down on his bottom lip softly and for a moment she thinks Stiles is finally gonna kiss her, his eyes shining the same way they did after they broke their first kiss that one time and her heart starts beating faster, but then another customer politely asks them to step aside so he can reach the shelf behind them and they have to part awkwardly. Both of them hide their smiles from the other.

Lydia waits for him to meet her again and takes the books back from him. He frowns. "Can I at least carry your books for you? Since apparently I can't grab them from shelves you obviously can't get to…"

"Is that a pout?" she asks jokingly. It is and it seems genuine to her somehow. She doesn't want to upset him, so she explains. "You know I don't like to ask for help, Stiles," she says only loud enough for him to hear. "I don't want people to feel like they have to do things for me…" she murmurs, taking her place in line to pay for her books.

Stiles is standing right behind her and actually whispers in her ear this time. "I don't have to, Lydia. I want to. It's different. And I was the one who offered to help. I know you spent years taking care of things by yourself but it doesn't have to be like that anymore." He watches her swallow and lower her head before he continues. "Next time let me help, alright? I wouldn't want you breaking a leg or something."

Lydia chuckles and looks at him over her shoulder, nodding in agreement. "Okay. Next time."

He grins and they wait for their turn, always close to the other. It takes them longer than they hoped since there's a particularly angry customer arguing with the cashier and when Stiles checks the time, he sees that they only have ten minutes to run to the movies and meet with Scott and Allison. He thinks about calling the cashier to attention since there are already more people in line, but then he notices how Lydia shivers and his focus shifts again. It's already late in the afternoon and it's getting colder by the second, but Stiles doesn't hesitate in taking off his jacket and placing it over Lydia's shoulders.

She jolts surprised at the action and looks at him questioningly. "What are you doing?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "You shivered."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"Stiles, you'll get cold without it…"

"And you're already cold and it's December. I don't want to hear it, no arguments about this. You're keeping the jacket for tonight, Lydia. I want you to."

"Stiles-" He looks at her pointedly and clenches his jaw in an effort to look serious, mostly not to laugh. Lydia rolls her eyes. "Fine."

No reason to make a big deal out of this; she wanted to keep it anyway.


They find their friends just in time to enter the movie theater and neither Scott nor Allison mention that Lydia is now properly wearing Stiles' jacket - or more accurately, almost buried in it since it's a few sizes too big for her, her hands completely invisible inside its sleeves - or that Stiles is carrying the bag with her books for her, that he'd quickly snatched from the cashier before Lydia could.

The four of them enter the room together but soon Stiles and Lydia are left alone again. When both of them complain because this was supposed to be a group outing, Allison only replies with "Unless you want to see us make out for two hours, we're gonna go to the back" and Stiles and Lydia end up complying easily. What could they do really? Stiles still mumbles under his breath things that Lydia can't quite understand, mostly because they chose to see a horror movie to amuse both Stiles and Scott and now his best friend is not even gonna pay attention to it. However good Scott's advice may be, he's still a sucky friend.

There aren't that many people around so Lydia leads Stiles to the middle of the room and they sit down next to each other, more stiffly than they had ever sat together especially since the lights are dimmed down almost immediately, engulfing everything in complete darkness. Both keep their hands on their laps not really knowing what to do with them, sneaky glances shared between them every once in a while.

Stiles tries to focus on the movie to ignore the best he can the fact that, twenty minutes into it like just now, he'd be making out with whoever he'd chosen to bring with him or, well, other things. At least it's how it used to go in the past. On her part, Lydia hides inside his jacket, partly from the movie and partly from Stiles himself. His eyes bore into hers through the darkness like fire from time to time and she's sure she looks back at him the same way and it's making her nervous. It's the first time she shares a movie with someone and it was supposed to be a group thing, but now she's only with Stiles, and even though she's definitely not complaining, it leaves her anxious.

They don't share a word for the first half an hour and the tension is almost palpable, but things change when a particularly scary and nasty scene is shown and Lydia yelps, quickly finding Stiles' hand to hold in the dark and hiding her face on his shoulder. Stiles is about to laugh at her, but then she refrains from being so close to him all of a sudden and sits straight again and she actually looks back at him terrified, so Stiles entwines his fingers with hers absently, pulling her the tinniest bit closer. "You okay?" he asks seriously, almost positively sure that Lydia looks more livid than she did just a minute ago.

"Sorry. I uh…" She takes her hand away from him, obviously embarrassed with what she did. "Sorry."

She looks frightened and not many things would get that reaction out of her. Then it hits him. "Lydia, tell me you like horror movies," he murmurs.

She lowers her head and shakes it slowly, not quite meeting his gaze. "Not really." And by not really, she means she's terrified of them and wishes they didn't even exist.

Stiles forgets about the movie completely. "Why would you agree to see it then?"

She whispers back, keeping her tone low not to get other people's attention. "You and Scott wanted to see it. And Ally and I, we thought… You know, we made you wait for us all afternoon while we were trying on clothes so we thought of doing this for you two."

Stiles frowns, feeling a little bitter. "Some friends they are. They're not even watching the movie," he mutters, looking back to the last row to find Scott and Allison glued to one another. His gaze returns to Lydia just in time to see her flinch as the serial killer slits someone's throat and an incredibly melodramatic scream cuts through the room like sharp glass, startling pretty much everyone. "You want to go? We don't have to stay."

Lydia swallows and dries her palms on her jeans, shaking her head once more. "No, it's okay. I'll just not watch it."

Stiles watches her closely as she avoids looking at the screen again, well aware of the fact that there's blood everywhere. "Let's just go, I don't mind. We can wait for them outside."

She places her hand on his arm. "No. You wanted to watch it. We stay."

Stiles notices how she doesn't take her hand away this time, and blushes at the way she does seem bothered by the on-going screams around them but is focused on her hand still on his arm, smiling timidly at him just to appease him. He decides to humor her because really, the last thing he wants right now is to banter with her if she's scared. "Talk to me."

"Talk to you?" she asks confused.

"Yeah. Distract yourself from the movie and talk to me." Lydia looks at him skeptical but Stiles just nods and flashes the strawberry blonde an adoring smile.

"And what do you want to talk about, Stilinski?"

"Anything." Lydia flinches again to a particular halt in the background music predicting what's probably coming next, and so Stiles decides to try something else. If anything, at least she's not really seeing him blush. Slowly, he slides his arm enough to capture her hand with his again.

Lydia doesn't fight it and scoots a little closer to him, resting her head against his shoulder just as another victim gets killed. She closes her eyes and hides away from the stupid movie, ending up just a little too close to his neck but she doesn't care. She was already getting familiar with his scent because of his jacket but this is so, so much better she's not even ashamed of just staying close to him like that.

When he overcomes the shock of having Lydia so near and is more than pleased that she doesn't move away, Stiles relaxes on his seat and exhales slowly when Lydia decides to ignore the turmoil she can feel in her stomach to start brushing her fingertips on his hand, moving to his arm where his sleeve is rolled up, an almost ghostly touch that has electricity running through them both at the innocent gesture, then back to his hand again. And after that she stops, unsure of if she should just grab it or even if she can. But Stiles answers her insecurities and his own by being the one to make a move this time, and soon enough their fingers are entwined and they proceed like this is normal, like this is something they do every day.

They end up talking throughout the rest of the movie and when worse scenes are shown on-screen, Stiles just keeps talking to her like if nothing is happening outside their bubble, his thumb lazily moving in circles on her palm or the back of her hand to soothe her. As they wait for the movie to end, Stiles and Lydia end up discussing their plans for Christmas since the group is gonna be apart then to be with their respective families, and after that they talk about the New Year's Eve party they all had agreed to throw just for the group and a few other close friends. Their eyes don't meet the entire time as if they're shy - and just maybe they are -, both of them focusing instead on their hands as time passes them by with hushed tones all but murmured only loud enough for the other to hear, and eventually Stiles rests his head against hers, still on his shoulder, and they stay like that until the movie ends. Nothing has ever felt so right.


"Soooooo?" Allison asks as soon as Lydia comes out of the bathroom, far too excited to learn all the details.

It had taken the brunette almost three hours to get Lydia all to herself. After the movie ended, Stiles had driven both girls home and since Lydia is staying with Allison for the weekend, the girls had to share dinner with Allison's parents. Allison hadn't liked that idea very much because most of the time was spent with both Chris and Victoria asking Lydia every little detail about Scott much to Allison's exasperation and Lydia's amusement, but Lydia loved the way that they made her feel welcome just like they always did – Lydia misses this with her own family. It's actually one of the reasons she'll be going home for Christmas -. But that was finally over now, and both girls find themselves with their teeth brushed, changed into their pjs and ready to go to bed. Allison has been waiting for this for hours.

Lydia releases her hair from her bun and starts combing her locks with her fingers, tilting her head slightly and returning Allison's gaze. "So what?"

Allison plops down on the bed and sits cross legged, scowling at the strawberry blonde. "Don't play dumb, Lyds. I want to know everything."

"I don't know what you're talking about," she replies nonchalantly, a grin escaping her despite herself and followed by a heartfelt giggle that Allison mirrors.

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"You know," Lydia murmurs as she makes her way to Allison's bed as well, immediately hiding under the covers and away from her nosy friend, "I could ask of you the exact same thing. I heard you had quite an interesting day yourself."

Allison follows her, not letting Lydia get away with it. "But I'm already dating Scott so it doesn't matter as much. Now you… You and Stiles, I want to know every single detail of how your afternoon went."

Lydia waits until Allison is under the covers as well to bite back, turning on her side to face the brunette properly. "If you and Scott hadn't ditched us for most of the time, you'd know what happened."

"If Scott and I hadn't ditched you two, you probably wouldn't have anything to tell me in the first place, now would you?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, shut up." Lydia buries her face in her hands in a vain effort to hide her embarrassment while trying her best not to chuckle, but Allison just pulls Lydia's hands away softly, patiently waiting for Lydia to open up. "Okay, I give up. What do you want to know?"

If anyone asks, Allison did not just squeal. "Yes! Okay, so did you kiss already?"

Lydia rolls her eyes. "Really? That's your first question?" Allison just gives her a pointed of course look. "No, we didn't. But hmm…"

"But? There's a but?!"

Lydia's cheeks turn pink instantly. "Maybe he kissed my cheek. And maybe I kissed him back. And maybe we lingered for just a moment too long…"

"What?! When did that happen?"

Lydia chuckles. "When Scott was eating your face and neither of you was paying attention to us. Also right when your dad appeared at the door to call us inside."

"Who kissed who first?"

"Stiles did." It had been a little strange. After their moment at the movie theater, things didn't seem so easy with them out in the open so when Stiles parked his beloved Jeep Roscoe on Allison's driveway to drop off the girls and Scott immediately proceeded to make out with his girlfriend on the front lawn like if he wasn't gonna see her for a decade, Stiles and Lydia had been awkwardly standing close to the vehicle to say their goodbyes for the night as well. There was stuttering on both parts and timidity, but eventually Stiles just did it. He just kissed her cheek and didn't back away and they just looked at each other. And then Chris had been calling for both her and Allison to head inside and their moment was disrupted, but before Lydia left him she stole a kiss as well, tugging at his shirt and getting on her tiptoes to face him properly, muttering a see you tomorrow that had sounded far too enticing. Lydia tells Allison everything that went on during the day from their moment in the dressing room to the bookstore and the movies.

Allison claps her hands enthusiastically. "Thank god! Stiles finally grew a pair. We were wondering how long it would take him. It's so funny, Lydia, knowing how before he was the Stiles Stilinski and now he's always shy around you and doesn't really know what to do…"

Lydia sighs. "At least he's not the only one. I never know what to do when I'm around him either. It's like… I know I'm not experienced but I know what I'm supposed to do. I just-" Lydia wets her lips absently, lowering her gaze for a moment before looking back at the brunette again. "Ally, I… What if he doesn't want me? The inexperienced me, I mean. I keep thinking that the small things aren't gonna be enough for the Stiles Stilinski, you know?"

Allison smiles softly, finding Lydia's hand in between the sheets to squeeze in reassurance. "Do you wanna know why I think that doesn't matter to him?" Lydia only nods. "He's not the Stiles Stilinski anymore, not since you arrived and turned his world upside down. He's just Stiles. And just Stiles… He likes you, Lydia. He's just as nervous and reticent about starting this as you are."

"Yeah, I guess…"

"You two are always so tense, you just need to loosen up. You're gonna be just fine before you know it," she offers, smiling genuinely. "So, are you gonna see him tomorrow? It's Sunday, we don't have to stay in."

"I don't know, we never got to settle for anything. Your dad wouldn't leave the front porch so he ended up leaving with Scott before we made any plans."

"I see you kept his jacket…" Allison teases.

Lydia grins despite herself. Again. "Yeah, I'll have to give it back to him."

Allison smirks, loving the way Lydia's eyes light up when they talk about Stiles, perfectly aware that Stiles does the exact same thing when it comes to Lydia. These two idiots are falling in love with each other and just don't know how to take their next step. Maybe all they need is a little push. "Oh, I'm having an idea."

"That's never good," Lydia mocks, getting comfortable and nuzzling her head on the pillow, ready to rest.

Allison laughs lowly, voice laced with sleep as well. "Shh. Just go to sleep, little redhead. I'll take care of everything, don't you worry."

Lydia still rolls her eyes but soon she's drifting off to dreams of a brown-haired boy and golden eyes. Allison tries her best to stay awake for just a little longer, waiting until she hears Lydia's soft snores to snatch her own phone from her nightstand, a devious, lazy grin making its way to her lips when she shoots Stiles a text before turning off the lights and falling asleep herself.


"Scott? Are you out?" Stiles all but whispers to his best friend, nudging him on the back. Stiles and Scott are having a sleepover as well, Stiles' bedroom being the place where they're currently crashing on after falling asleep while playing videogames.

"You think? Your phone vibrating is like a freaking machine gun. Jesus Christ, Stiles," Scott mutters annoyed. He was more asleep than awake already.

Stiles just grins, shaking his phone on his hand happily like he just won the lottery. "I thought you should know that I love your girlfriend."

At the mention of Allison, Scott sits up and hastily takes the phone from his best friend, checking the text he got from the brunette. He chuckles and returns the device to Stiles, laying back on the bed besides his best friend and patting him on the chest lightly. "Oh, she's lovable, alright. I guess tomorrow is gonna be fun."

Stiles places the phone back on his nightstand, trying to fall asleep the best he can with Allison's message in mind.

Allison: You better tell me your indoor pool and the jacuzzi are working, Stilinski. I just had the best idea ever for all of us to hangout before going away for Christmas, so they better be working by tomorrow. Not to be bossy or anything. Love you :)


A/N: Feel free to leave me a review to let me know what you're thinking of the story so far.

Until next time xx

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