For the prompt: Imagine Persons A and B of your OTP both go to a private school. Person A is really studious and innocent, like never have been kissed type of thing. In contrast, Person B got kicked out of their old school for sleeping with a teacher. One day Person B sees Person A in the hall and decides that 'corrupting' Person A will be their personal mission this school year. Up to you whether or not they succeed.

Chapter 1

He notices her right on her first day at Beacon Hills Academy, standing in the hallway and engaged in a conversation with the Principal. It's Monday and Stiles finds her right when he's about to get to his first class. He can't afford to be late though, so he enters his classroom and sits beside his best friends, Scott and Danny. Well, only Scott, actually; Danny is nowhere to be seen.

Stiles leans in Scott's direction and murmurs. "Who's the new girl?"


Scott, of course, is oblivious to his surroundings as always. Stiles squints his eyes at him. "The redhead." He tilts his head towards the door.

"I don't know," Scott says, shrugging his shoulders.

Shocking, Stiles thinks. "Where's Danny?"

"Principal Kelly called for him. He didn't say what for."

"Maybe it's about the new girl," Stiles mumbles.

Sure enough, not a minute later, Ms. Baxter - one of their teachers - comes into the classroom followed by the Principal and said redhead, Danny trailing behind her. Danny walks to his seat next to Stiles, who's fidgeting nervously on his desk. While the Principal has a few words with the teacher, the girl stands awkwardly on her spot in front of the class as she waits.

"Hey, bros." Danny smiles at Stiles and Scott, taking his seat.

Scott mutters a 'Hey', but Stiles barely lets him mutter anything else. "Hey, where were you, dude?"

"Oh. Mr. Kelly asked me to show Lydia around," Danny replies, tilting his head in her direction. "It's her first day here at the Academy." Of course they would ask Danny, Stiles thinks. He's their prime student.

Stiles looks at the girl intently. "Lydia, uh?" He takes a few moments to look at her. Her long red hair is caught in a ponytail and the Academy's uniform certainly suits her, complementing her curves; her white button-front dress shirt probably a little too tight, her gray tie tucked into her navy blue skirt, which ends just above her knees. She's hot, that's for sure. She's short though, much shorter than most girls he knows, and he knows a lot of girls. He's Stiles Stilinski.

He is pulled out of his wandering thoughts by a piercing pain on his ribs; Danny had elbowed him. "Stiles."


"What are you doing, dude?" Danny looks at him amused. "Were you checking her out?"

Stiles doesn't stutter and grins at his best friend. "Of course I was."

"Already?" Danny raises an eyebrow. "She just got here."

"It's never too soon, I guess," he lets out, a smirk playing on his lips.

Mr. Kelly asks for silence and introduces Lydia to the class. She smiles shyly, her cheeks bright red. When the Principal's done, she goes sit in the back of the room and Ms. Baxter starts the lesson. During the following hour, Stiles glances over his shoulder a few times to look at the girl, but every time she's either taking notes or reading her textbook. She doesn't notice him.


Having different schedules, Stiles doesn't see the girl much during the following days. He knows that Danny has talked to her a few times but Stiles happened to not be around then. When he does see her, she's usually with Allison and Jackson, two of their classmates that Stiles doesn't know very well. He hasn't seen her in their common rooms either, which is weird. BH Academy, being a boarding school, allowed most students to go home only on weekends, so he still hasn't figured out where she goes at 4pm every day when classes are over. Even Danny hasn't found out much about her; apparently she keeps to herself and doesn't talk much.

By Friday, he has to do something. She hasn't left his mind all week and that's something he's not used to deal with. He's Stiles Stilinski, he doesn't do that. He meets with Scott and Danny in the hallway and they're making small talk when he spots her, sitting by herself on one of the benches up ahead. Excusing himself, he starts walking towards her but Scott stops him promptly, an hand firmly on his best friend's chest to make him stop.

"Where are you going?"

Stiles looks a little smug. "I'm gonna introduce myself. Lydia hasn't met me yet and no one goes to the Academy without meeting Stiles Stilinski, man."

Scott looks at him a little apprehensive. "Hey, she's nice. Don't be mean."

"Pff, like I ever do that." Stiles snorts and lets out a laugh, but stops abruptly. "Wait, when did you meet her?"

"This morning, when she was talking to Danny. She's really nice."

"What do you mean, nice? You said that twice already, Scott."

The boy shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. She just is."

Stiles laughs. "Right. Like you're not just being nice because you want to jump into Allison's pants…"

"Shut up, dude," Scott shushes him, blushing. He might have a slight crush on Allison. "Like that's not what you're trying to do with Lydia, anyways."

"Please, I'm a gentleman."

Danny snorts. "Yeah, in bed."

"Don't be jealous, Danny, it doesn't look good on you," Stiles says, smirking. Danny punches him not too hard in the stomach and they all laugh. Stiles turns to Scott and mocks. "Why don't you go talk to Allison and stop bugging me?" Stiles knows his best friend has been dying to ask her out but for some reason he is always at a loss of words when it comes to her. Stiles doesn't let Scott answer his question though, his finger going straight up in the air. The other two boys know what it means.

Danny, placing a hand on Stiles' shoulder, tries to bring him back to Earth; Stiles tends to zone out when he gets an idea, his mind running frantic. "What is it this time, Stiles?"

He starts walking away, looking smug again. "Oh, you'll see."


She's finishing her notes while she waits for Allison and Jackson to meet her there. She doesn't see him approach the bench she's sitting on.

"Hi," he greets.

Lydia looks up to find him standing in front of her, a mess of brown hair and hazel eyes locking with hers. He's tall, not too built for her taste. Not that she has a type, she doesn't. He does look good in his uniform, though.

She blushes involuntarily, a little perplexed that he'd be talking to her. Lydia has heard about him. "Uh, hi." She recomposes herself quickly, motioning her arm for him to move away. "Do you mind? You're blocking the light," she says, gesturing to the window behind him and returning her attention to her notebook.

Stiles is a little surprised. Usually, girls melt right away, but it's okay; he likes a challenge. "Sorry." He steps aside and waits.

Aware that he's not leaving, Lydia closes her notebook a little harder than was probably necessary. She's not used to the whole 'getting to know someone new' thing, which she assumes is what he's there for. And especially not with him; she's heard the rumors. "Did you need something?"

He pulls his best, most endearing smile. "Yes, actually. I haven't introduced myself. Stiles Stilinski." He extends his hand to her like it's the most natural thing.

She takes it reluctantly, like it might be a trap. Her heart might have skipped a bit at that smile. "Lydia Martin. Didn't know it was required to meet all the students," she mumbles, her tone a little bitter. Seeing he looks confused, she continues. "Everyone keeps introducing themselves to me. I can't really tell why." She has never been that social.

"Well, you're hot. That's probably it," he says, smiling wide.

She blushes again but gives him one of her death glares, obviously unimpressed. She was already expecting for him to make a remark of the sort. "Yeah, you must be right." She gets up and starts gathering her things. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have people expecting me." Not a total lie.

Stiles is a little stunned. This has literally never happened before. Never has a girl rejected him or one of his compliments. She doesn't even know him. She's already walking away from him when he decides to follow her. "I'm sorry. Did I say something?"

Lydia stops and turns around to dismiss him again, but thank Allison and Jackson for good timing. "Hey, Lydia," she hears from behind her.

Jackson and Allison rush to Lydia's side. The three of them became close almost instantly as soon as Lydia transferred to the Academy. Jackson is like Allison's brother and they have a lot in common with Lydia, so they all fit well together. They are funny and understanding; it works. Getting to know each other better, they found out that Lydia is a little (totally) inexperienced, never even having kissed someone before. Knowing the golden trio (Stiles, Scott and Danny) as everyone in the Academy does and obviously acknowledging Lydia's beauty, Jackson and Allison swore to her they wouldn't let them get near her, or any other guy for that matter, if that's what she wanted.

"Everything okay here?" Jackson asks.

Stiles never really liked him, but he's heard Jackson is not such a bad guy. And for his idea to work, he's probably gonna need him; he knows just what to say to get his attention. Looking over his shoulder, he nods at Scott and Danny to join them. He turns to Jackson again with Scott and Danny already by his side. "Yes. I was just introducing myself, I haven't had the chance before. I was actually gonna invite Lydia to my party tonight."

"I didn't know you had a party tonight," says Allison excitedly. She always knows these things.

"Me neither," says Scott, smiling back at Allison even if a little confused.

"I'm in the mood, so why not?" Stiles shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal. "My place tonight. It'll start at ten. I hope all three of you can come," he says smiling, looking at the two girls and Jackson. "All three of us will be there, of course." He knows that Allison is not gonna say no if Scott's going, and there might be a little something with Danny and Jackson, so it's a win for everyone.

Scott and Danny look at Stiles like he's lost it. It will be almost impossible to throw a party with only five hours to arrange everything, but they nod. Of course they won't miss it.

Lydia looks hopelessly at Allison and Jackson and they see it in her eyes; the redhead is gonna say no. So, at the same time, Jackson and Allison answer for her. There's no way they'll miss one of Stilinski's parties, especially if they were directly invited. "Sure." "We'll be there."

Pleased, Stiles mutters "See you later then" and winks, the bastard, walking away with his two best friends, leaving behind an astonished Lydia and her two overexcited friends.


"Dude, what the hell was that?" Danny is almost screaming at him. He always gets a little too agitated when somehow Jackson is involved.

"I'm pretty sure it was clear as hell, Danny. We're throwing a party," he states, unconcerned.

"And how exactly are we gonna manage that?" He looks at his watch. "It's already 4:30pm."

Stiles reaches for his phone and then his wallet, taking out one of his credit cards. "I got it," he says, already dialing a number to make a call.

Scott interrupts him. "But what about your dad?"

"He's out of town this weekend; I was gonna be by myself anyway. If there's a chance I can throw a party, I'll do it, you know me."

Scott laughs. "Indeed. How big is it gonna be this time?"

Stiles grins mischievously.


They head back to the dorms in a slow pace trying to convince Lydia to go with them.

"We've told you about his parties, Lydia. You have to come," Jackson says. "No one throws a party like Stilinski, seriously."

"For what you've told me, everyone goes for the alcohol and I don't feel like killing a few of my brain cells over a party, so I think I'll pass. I need to study anyways."

"You are dead smart, Lydia," he says. "And I know for a fact that you already have this week's homework done, so that's really no excuse."

She looks at him annoyed. "I'll have you know I still need to revise my notes…"

"You can do it tomorrow, or Sunday. Please come," Allison pleads, giving her puppy eyes.

"I don't know, Allison…"

"Look, life can't be just study, okay? I'd worry for you if you weren't smart but you are, Lydia. You're allowed to have a little fun once in a while. Just give it a try this one time, please? We don't have to go to one of his parties again if you don't want to." At that, Jackson frowns, making the girls laugh.

"Why don't you guys go without me then? I probably won't be much of a good company. I don't really do parties, I told you that," Lydia murmurs. She really doesn't. This would be her third party ever and saying that her previous two went bad is an understatement. She's never really had friends so she just sat uncomfortably alone at the parties wondering why she even bothered to show up.

"Hey, you got us, okay? And you'll like it, I promise." She smiles honestly, so Lydia nods. Allison claps her hands, excited. "We're gonna have so much fun."