Again, I own nothing.

Molly opened the front door to her flat and let everyone file in, not caring about the clothes and undergarments that were littering her floor. These men were her family, and when you are a hunter modesty goes out the window since the chances your clothes will be shredded in inappropriate places are pretty high.

"Make yourselves at home. I have a guest room and the couch pulls out. I know it isn't much, but it beats staying at another hotel."

"This is perfect, sweet pea." Bobby said, giving her an impressive side hug before throwing his stuff on the couch. "I got the pull out. You boys can take the bed."

Molly yelled after the boys, "And when you are done tossing your shit, my research is in the kitchen."

Molly took her post in front of her research wall. It spanned an entire wall in her kitchen, broken up into several sections with Moriarty's taking up more than half the space.

"Damn, baby girl, are you runnin' an entire operation here?" Dean whistled from behind.

"Well, when I came here I couldn't just stop. You know this life; it never fully lets you go. So I became sort of a Bobby figure to the hunters around here. Not as involved, of course, but I do research, look for potential cases, and answer the odd 'how do I gank this son of a bitch' question."

"So, you never go out on any hunts? You just call people up and tell them to jump?"

Molly cringed, the frustration clear on her face, "That's right. I have been itching to go out and stretch but Bobby made that damn near impossible. No hunter will work with in person, strictly phone-to-phone communication."

Dean whistled low and long, "Well, I'll be damned."

Molly turned, her eyes pleading, "Please. Please. Please. Take me out with y'all. I have two to three pending cases right now, one is a for sure Vamp. Two of them at most. It would be so easy and I need this Dean."

They could hear the others stomping down the hall towards them and Molly quickly pealed off a red sticker from the top of the Vamp case, "We will talk about it later, just you and me, okay?"

Molly only had time for a quick nod before Sam stepped into the room. "Damn darlin', this is impressive."

"Thank you, Sam."

The other two walked into the room and appraised her wall, "So, what I have hear is a list of every active case in the region. I compile the data, determine what it is, and then send a hunter after it. When it's ready I put a red sticker on it with the hunter's name. Every thing to the left that you see are the regular cases, and the right side is all of the information I have collected about Moriarty."

"Why do you wait to send hunters?" Sam questioned.

"Because I don't trust anyone but y'all to go up against something that they don't know one hundred percent what it is."

"That's good thinkin', sweet pea." Bobby congratulated.

Molly gave him an appreciative smile, "Now, I know it is late so I will keep this brief. Not only that, but all I have so far is analysis of the video footage and information from before the fall. He hasn't shown up since his dramatic reveal." Molly finished sarcastically. "I have confirmed that the footage was recorded before the rooftop, which just shows me that he knew he was coming back. I have also been able to extract the origin of the tape and it was one of Moriarty's stongholds. It's obviously deserted now and Sherlock confirmed that it had been empty for years."


"Yes, with it involving the CCTV's Sherlock would get any obvious information I have discovered through his brother in the government. I pretended to be scared of him coming back and since Sherlock can't handle 'lady emotions' he spilled like a canary, probably more than he even realized."

Dean clapped her shoulder with a laugh, "That's my girl!"

"I learned from the best." She smirked. "Anyways, that is all I have so far."

"It sounds like a good start, we can begin fresh tomorrow, darlin'." Sam reassured her.

"Sounds good, is there anything y'all need?" Molly asked everyone while giving a sidelong glance towards Dean to tell him she wasn't done talking to him. He gave a small nod to confirm, "I think we are all set, baby girl. We can sleep anywhere and we are so jetlagged we will sleep like babes."

"Alright, well I am going to head to bed then." Molly walked down the hall, leaving her door open for Dean, who walked in only moments later.

"You wanted to talk, baby girl?"

Molly stayed with her back turned against him, "You haven't been honest with me Dean."

Dean coughed uncomfortably, "Honest, baby girl? You know I can't lie to you. Never have been."

Molly began turning down her bed, not read to face him or her own emotions, "That's never stopped you from tryin'."

Dean gave a small, warm chuckle, "What do you want to know?"

Molly tensed, her shoulders up to her ears. The only thing displaying how frustrated she was, her voice still held her normal sweet as pie tone, "I don't know. Where should I start? Lisa and Ben? Soulless Sam? Dick fucking Roman? Purgatory? You thinkin' everyone betrayed you?"

Dean stayed quiet while Molly began fluffing her pillows "I mean, seriously, Dean. What the hell? Why didn't you call me? I would have been there for you! But NO. All I get is a choked out, minute long, voicemail telling me you failed and Sam is in Lucifer's Cage." She punched her pillow multiple times for emphasis.

Dean continued to stay silent for a few more tense moments. Even though she couldn't see him she could practically feel the intensity of the room and knew he was about to explode. "You wanna talk about hiding shit? What about you, baby girl? In the past three years you have dated a fuckin' psychopath, endangered your life, helped someone fake their death, became a female Bobby, and got engaged and then unengaged!"

Molly finally turned to him, tears brimming in her eyes, "I'm just trying to survive, the best way I know how and with the least amount of attention. What's your excuse!"

The tears began to silently fall down her face, "What happened to us, Dean? Sam is barely recognizable, you're hanging by a thread, Bobby looks lost, and I'm disappearing." She whispered.

Dean crossed the room in two long steps, pulling her onto the bed and into his lap. She curled into him and laid her head on his chest, "You boys used to tell me everything and lately… it's like we are just a normal, run of the mill, dysfunctional family that never talks. Or at least, y'all don't talk to me any more. It's like I'm invisible, that relative from across the pond that is out of your heads until the next family reunion."

Dean hugged her close, "Now that's not true. We just didn't want to upset you, make you feel like we need you to come mother us and save our pathetic assess. You got away, you seemed happy, and I'll be damned if I was gonna let anyone fuck that up. As for the invisible, random relative bullshit, that ain't further from the truth. You're my baby sister, as much as if my momma bore you and that means you are stuck with me. No one gets left behind or forgotten on my watch. Ohana and all that sissy shit."

Molly gave a watery laugh, "Did you just quote Lilo and Stitch to me?"

Dean looked at her incredulously, "Damn straight I did. That's a good movie."

"You only like it because you think Nani is hot."

"I was sixteen and you made me watch it so damn much. It's not like I could admit to actually liking the damn thing. I had a rep to protect."

"Sure, Sure. Make your excuses." Molly said with a chuckle. Comfortable silence descended over them, lasting a few precious moments before Molly spoke again, "How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Be out of the life? Even for a short amount of time. You were happy, in love, had a family. How? Especially since there is a part of you that loves it so much. You belong to it."

"That's true." Dean agreed reluctantly.

"Something we have in common," Molly muttered into his chest. He gave her the stink eye, "It wasn't easy. I slept with that demon blade under my pillow for months, jumped at every noise after sleeping for four hours. But after being in Hell, then seein' Sam get trapped in that cage I was just done. I wanted nothing more than normal. I wanted the non-fucked up me version of the life the djinn showed me. So I ran. Next thing I know I'm at Lisa's door and she took me in. But… it couldn't last."

Molly snuggled deeper into him and wrapped her arms around his middle. "Did you ever miss the life?"

Her voice held such a longing that Dean couldn't help but place a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "I did, baby girl. I did. More than I care to admit."

"Sam never did. He always hated the life. It was so easy for him to walk away. I thought it would be like that for me. I hadn't been in the life as long as y'all. It should've been easy. But, it turns out, instead of me being so much like Sam… I am more like you that we ever thought."

She turned towards him, pleading, "It was like I cut away apart of myself. I need this life, Dean."

"Baby girl, I can't-"

"Yes, you can, Dean. They will listen to you. Please, Dean, let me hunt with y'all. The vampires are a perfect place to start." Dean still looked skeptical. "I need this." She pleaded.


"So I can remember who I am! Since coming here I have had to hide so much of myself. So much that I feel like a different person. I'm not mousey Molly Hooper, but I feel like I am becoming more like her every day. I've fought and killed things that people don't even know exist. I can shoot better than all of the Yard and John Watson. I can throw a knife with one hundred percent accuracy every time and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't let people know about it, but there were times that I could sneak away, get in some target practice. That kept me sane for a while… and then Sherlock happened and I had to hide even deeper. Now with Moriarty back and Sherlock, John, Mary, and half of England trying to coddle me I need to remember who I am. That I can and will take care of myself. I need to do this." Her speech grew more impassioned with every word and Dean couldn't help but give a long suffering sigh at the end.

"Fine. But only if, and I mean ONLY, if you are able to handle the vamps. Handle that and we will talk more"

Molly gave a girlish, happy squeal, "Thank you, Dean." She pecked him on the cheek, enunciating every word. He attempted to brush her off, but she could see that happy smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He was happy that his sister was beside him and showing affection, even if he wanted to hide it behind his gruff exterior.

"You're welcome, baby girl. Now get some sleep. We will make a plan tomorrow and I will bring the others around." He kissed her head once more before heading to bed.

They approached the abandoned house, listening to Dean complain about missing his baby for the hundredth time. Molly felt her phone buzz and ignored it, too focused on the goal of tonight. It had taken a lot to convince the others to let her join- an argument, shooting practice, and knife practice to be exact- and even though she was just as accurate and precise as the day she left it didn't stop them from forming a circle of protection around her. If she wasn't so frustrated by is she would be amused, after all she was a foot shorter than all of them and the sight they must bring would make the toughest man laugh his ass off. However, she was damned if she was going to up the defense level and tighten the circle just because she checked her phone.

It was most likely Sherlock calling, anyways, wanting a body part and she had taken time off for family so her usefulness was a moot point in his eyes as far as she was concerned.

"Dean, for the last time, if you mention the Impala once more-"

"Shut up, ya damn idjits! Might as well send up a giant damn neon sign announcing our presence! It would read, 'Hey, monsters, we are here to gank you! Hide your children, hide your wives!'"

Molly chuckled. She was glad to see that things hadn't changed as much as she feared and that there were some things that never would change. The boys gave a frustrated grunt and pouted.

"Alright, so, I'll go with baby girl. Bobby and Sam, y'all come around baby and we will jump these sons of bitches."

"Like hell I'll go with Sam. You go with him. I ain't leaving my girl and if you think I am you have another thing comin' boy."

The boys continued to bicker back and forth while Molly rolled her eyes. "Enough! Shut it. How about I go with Cas and y'all circle around. He's the safest one for me to be with if that is the big deal."

"Sweat P-"


"Baby g-"

"No. That wasn't me askin'. That was me tellin'. I've decided I'm not gonna sit here while y'all go all caveman about it so you can either sit here and argue or we can kill some vamps. Either was Cas and I are goin'."

She flipped her dead man's blood soaked machete (her specialty) and pulled Cas towards the front door.

"That was… interesting."

"You gotta lot to learn about me, Angel Boy, but one thing I'll give ya- free of charge- is that I won't be handled like a shut-in princess with those three. And trust me, they will try their damnedest. Hell, I could shoot better than Sam when I was fifteen and none of them can beat my skill with a blade."

Cas stared at her, astonished, "Once again, you are a fascinating creature Miss Hooper."

Molly turned to him with a slightly manic smile, "Thank ya, Cas. Now let's go chop up some vamps."

They stopped at the bottom of the porch, making sure the guys were circling around before approaching the door quietly and carefully. Molly felt her phone vibrate as her and Cas slowly made their way up the steps.

It began vibrating incessantly when they pressed themselves up against the door, trying to hear if there was a rustle of movement in the parlor. She slowly moved her hand down to cut off whoever was calling her, and of course, it did nothing because whoever it was called again…. Which meant it was Sherlock calling. And he would just have to wait. She listened closely and could hear the faint thump of the backdoor being kicked in. Her boys had no concept of finesse. She turned and looked at Cas with a smile. "Ready?" He nodded.

Molly readied her weapon and slowly moved the door handle as to make as small of a sound as possible. She had just gotten it cracked when Cas pushed through and slammed it on the opposite wall. "Damn it, Cas." Molly muttered as they caught the attention of three vampires who were about to move onto Sam and Dean. They raced towards them and Molly moved her arm back and threw her machete with accurate precision, causing it to land and split the closest vampires head in half.

She smiled at her kill before ducking to avoid the second vamp's jump and slide across the floor, jerking her weapon out of her victim and swiped it under her arm to hear it slide into another vamps chest. She turned and quickly beheaded the creature, wiping the excess blood splatter and guts from her shirt calmly.

She turned to look for Cas. He was on his back with his hand and the vamps throat, fighting to keep it away from his own. Molly shook her head, "Men," she said as she walked over to aid him.

Her first two kills were so easy that she was cocky- too cocky- as she swaggered towards the struggling pair. She failed to pay attention to her surroundings- a combination of thinking that the boys had taken care of the rest, her high, and her phone vibrating constantly- and missed the nest's leader coming down the stairs.

The hit came quickly and quietly. It landed right at the base of her neck, whether it was because that's where the hit landed or the leader intended to make her dinner was up for debate. Molly went down hard, landing on her right arm but missed banging her head into the floor… A chance that surely saved her life in allowing her to keep her consciousness. She didn't have time to think before rolling out of the way, throwing her leg up to stop the vamp from pouncing. She jumped up, breathing hard. She cursed her exhaustion and rusty habits. If she were on her game she wouldn't have ended up in this position at all.

The vamp came at her again, charging like a battering ram and hit her injured side. She screamed in agony while going to her knee. She stayed there longer than needed, clutching her mid section and drawing out her dagger and hiding it in the folds of her body.

The vamp started taunting her in anyway he could. From her weakness to calling her an idiot for thinking that she, a female, could best him. He pranced towards her, detailing everything he was going to do to her. He was going to tie her up and display her to her family before draining her slowly. She wasn't even going to be dinner. Instead her blood would puddle beneath her, a warning to the boys that they shouldn't have come. Molly endured all of this, waiting for her moment. Just when the vamp leaned over, brushing her hair from her shoulder did she pounce. She felt her knife slide through the rib bones in his chest, plunging into his heart. She looked up and smirked as she twisted the knife and watched him turn to dust before her.

Before she even had time to gloat over her kill her phone beeped again… and again before the blaring sounds of a rarely heard ringtone interrupted the cold silence around her.

"Damn it." She quickly checked her surrounding to make sure another sneak attack wouldn't happen before pulling out her phone.

I need you. –SH

"Damn it Sherlock. It's called caller ID. You don't need to sign the fucking thing. Even the most basic of mammals can grasp who it contacting them."

She quickly typed out, Busy.

If he was going to be rude and crass then she could too. She had barely put her phone in her pocket when it beeped again.

It's important. -SH

Not so important as to drop what I am doing and cater to your every need. Find someone else. –MH

If he wanted to continue using that stupid signature than she would too, just to mock him. Exactly one minute after sending the text, her phone began ringing. She sighed before answering.

"I'm not going to come right now, Sherlock. I'm busy."

"This is urgent Molly."

"I'm with family, I am not going to ditch them because you think something is urgent."

"It's about Moriarty."

"Bloody fucking hell, Sherlock. If I come over there and this is one of your antics because you need a fucking pot of tea or something I will end you."

There was a silent pause before he answered, "How long till you arrive?"

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." Molly quickly ended the call, intent on having the last word. "Bloodly Bastard." She quickly sent a text to the boys.

Urgent work business, I'm fine and the leader is dusted. I'll be home soon.