Draco Malfoy's life wasn't a bad one, nor was it good.

He loved his family, really, he did. But his father never really gave him a second look, his mother was much too overprotective, and he never got the chance to socialize with kids his age. He always felt alone in the large house his family owned, even with all the servants or house elfs they had, but the place was so large and empty that he wondered how someone could stay sane for years to come.

He use to be afraid of the dark when he was younger. His room was much too large for a five year-old, and the closet door seemed to open on its own every night, and the bottom of the bed was large enough for a monster to hide under. So Draco would close his eyes and hug his teddy bear tightly as he tried to calm down at the thought that would always cheered him up. Brother would defeat the monster. Brother would protect him. Brother would smile and hug him, reassuring him that everything would be alright, that he would always be there for him nomatter what.

His brother always knew what to say. He was strong, smart, caring, and funny. He was really stubborn too, and disliked milk, their father, and authority figures but loved science, reading, and their mother. Draco couldnt ask for a better brother.

Too bad he wasn't real.

Harry Potter's life was not the kind one would wish for.

His cousin andd his family were less thancaring towards him, treated him like a piece of trash that they had to feed because the law said so. He lived in a cubby most of his life, was treated like a servant, accused of things he didn't even do or had no control over. He was just an after thought and something to blame when things get bad.

Harry never really had anything to do when he wasn't doing chores. Sure, he would read some books for fun, or even work on his story that he's been working on for a while. Aunt Petunia was alway annoyed when he asked for another notebook, and one day just gave him three of the ones with over a hundred pages stating that it better last him a month or she won't buy him any for two. Harry just wrote very slowly to make it last.

But aside from writing or reading, Harry liked to imagine what kind of family he would like to be apart of. His mother would be a caring woman, she would be the smartest they would come and prettier than any flower that blossomed in the world. His father would be a tall, smart, yet quiet man that loved his wife with all his being (Harry had mixed feeling about his father at this point, but didn't know why). And his younger brother would be smart, caring, polite boy that would bring home stray cats because "They're so cute, brother. Can we keep them?" Harry would have a hard time telling him no, because his brother would give him that look and it was just so hard to refuse him.

Too bad they weren't real.