Al's POV when he finds and saves Ed from Barry the Chopper and the aftermath...he wants to comfort his brother but the armor gets in the way. Companion one-shot to "Thought You Were Dead".
Where is he?
Where is he?!
I rushed along with Major Hughes and a bunch of MPs in the direction of Ed's last known sighting, a meat shop not too far from the mess hall in the grips of a massive panic attack.
I haven't had one this bad since that awful day we met Scar. Where I lay helpless on my metal 'stomach', a gaping hole in my side, pieces of my 'guts' scattered over that rain-drenched alley. Watched him stretch out that deadly right arm, strong fingers bared. I screamed at the top of my voice, swore at the man to stop but he ignored me and prepared to administer the killing blow that would've sprayed Ed's blood all over the wet stones to mingle with the weeping skies.
Right in front of me.
Thank God the Colonel got there in time.
But now I'm...wait-
What's that? It sounds like someone's fighting. Screaming...oh no! I'd know that voice anywhere. Brother's in trouble! Brother's's coming from the butcher shop-
I pumped my armored legs as fast as they can go. Please, lemme make it.
I barreled through the door shoving pig carcasses aside.
Straight into Ed's automail blade. I placed a hand over my chest plate, feeling for damage and finding none, I gently inform him it would take more than a wild swipe to kill me.
I hated the shaky, terrified breaths hitching out of Brother's chest...hated the sticky blood dripping down his arm. My whole frame shook with fury at the human monster who dared to tear his flesh-
Absolutely NO ONE lays their hands on Ed unless they're mine. Period. And if you've got evil intentions-
God have mercy on your soul.
"Al. I thought I was dead..." His teary relief at seeing me come made me long to wrap my arms around him and not let him out of my sight. Try to soothe his pain. Provide him some comfort to his wounded soul, protect him from the world's cruelty. If only for a little bit.
I can do it. My arms are big enough, aren't they?
God, I'm pathetic.
Brother almost...he almost...died in there...I nearly lost that, I mean, we just lost Nina...she died a senseless death at the hands of her psychotic father...who was supposed to love and protect her...
Stop. Don't go there. Nightmare fuel.
He sold his soul to keep his license. Sacrificed his entire family to further his own selfish desires. And his insanity ended up destroying him.
So what's the point of restoring my body if it's gonna cost Ed his sanity? His life?
I know everybody dies, but I can't imagine a world without him in it.
If I wasn't too busy whining like a child I would've slapped myself. Brother needs me. I wanna comfort him so badly it but how...? How can I? My armor's too hard. No. That's not it.
Fear. That's what it is. I don't trust these massive hands of mine not to slip and bruise his fragile skin...draw his blood...he's sacrificed plenty of it for my sake. For our loved ones.
My arms longed to form a protective circle around Ed. Pick him up and run. But I can't! I wanna smash my fist into the stone step we're parked on in frustration.
I can't comfort him the way I want to because the truth is-we're in a public place and even though he prides himself on control he's breaking into tiny shards in front of me. Shaking like a leaf. Mourning Nina. His own near death. Promising to get my body back. Sobs wracked his abused body...and I couldn' anything. Not even brush my thumb under his eyes to catch his tears.
I just wanna hold my big brother.
But I'd never be able to forgive myself if I hurt Ed.
Much love to everyone who faved and reviewed!
God bless.
ice shredder