A/N: Hey Big Hero 6 fans! Im new to this category, so bear with me with this story. I have always wanted to do this gender bent Hiro, so I hope you guys like it! Review what next one shot should happen with Hiro as a Girl!

Hiro: 14


It was a cheerful day the the café. Business went smoothly, and a very good amount of money came in that day. But the mood was brought down just by one scene. I, Tadashi Hamada, had just come back from school, and had brang along some of my friends. Go Go Tomago, Honey Lemon, Fred and Wasabi had come along. Once I had greeted Aunt Cass, my friends and I sat at a table near the middle. Glancing to the side, I saw a scene he never wanted to see in his life. And it didn't help Honey Lemon had pointed it out to the rest of the group. There was my little 14 year old sister, Hiro Hamada. Talking to a boy. And the boy was a bit too close to Hiro for my liking.

I would understand why Hiro would attract a number of boys. She was rather pretty, dare I say beautiful. She had long, wavy messy hair, that reached her mid back,and was usually up in ponytail. She had big dark brown doe eyes that could hypnotize anyone just by a glance, and her Asian features were also a bonus. Her personality was something you would see in a lifetime, and don't even get me started on her intelligence. But back to the point. Just her standing there, and talking to a boymade my blood boil.

"Looks like your little sister isn't so little now," joked GoGo. My body turned stiff, and I hastily got up and went towards the 'lovebirds' as Honey Lemon had put it. That made my need to be overprotective grow.

"Well, I was thinking, maybe we could go down to the park and-" the boy said, but I cut him off.

"Hey Hiro! How's your day going so far? Good I hope! Listen, I wanna introduce you to a group of friends that I have!" I said to her quickly, and took her by her shoulders and steered her to my group of friends, which she already knew. As I walked back, to my group, I glanced over to the guy over my shoulder, but only saw him glaring very hard at me. Seems like I have to deal with this guy, here and now. I sat Hiro down in my seat and walked back to the boy.

"Who do you think you are, huh kid? Don't you dare be talking to mysister ever again! I saw how close you were to her, and let me just say, if I ever, ever see you that close to her again, you will not see the light of day, understand?" I said in a threatening voice. I saw a look of fear cross through his eyes, but he stood his ground.

"Fine by me. Doubt anyone would want her Asian ass anyways," he said/insulted Hiro. He started to walk away. My blood boiled and I stocked up to him, but it seemed Hiro had made it there first.

"Listen here Dominic. I thought you were cute at first, but you are just a racist dumbass. You unintentionally insulted, not only me, but all the other Asians in this room and city. It's best you leave now before it gets ugly," said Hiro in a menacing voice. I mentally cheered for her, and it seemed that my emotions appeared on my face, as a small smile graced my features.

"Well, it already got ugly when you entered the room," he said with a smirk on his ugly face. Everyone in the restaurant gasped and Hiro did what she did best. And it was second to Bot Fighting. She punched him in the face and tossed him out.

My jaw dropped and I started laughing at his face as he fled the scene. Hiro came over to me and hugged me, and I did the same.

"Y'know, that was really sweet of you to threaten the guy. Thanks. And he definitely was too close into my comfort zone. So thanks for that," she said as we broke the hug.

"No problem sis. It looked like he sharded his pants when you punched him and insulted him. Good job on that one sis," I said to her. She gave me a cheeky smile. I bent down to her level and said in a low voice,

"But remember, no boys until your 16, OK?" I said to hero, and she agreed, with an eye roll I might add.

Man I just love being an older brother.