AN: Hey you guys! I just posted the prolouge to the Exceptions sequel, it's called Falling for Grace, so check that out, cool? I already have a lot of stuff planned out for the story, and I promise I'll try to keep my updates on a normal schedule- although I can't promise anything because I mean... life. I'm going to be a little busy for the next few weeks though because it's project rush hour( if you don't know what that means, let me enlighten you. Basically, it's when you do nothing for an entire school year in any particular class because your teacher doesn't teach, and then, in the last six weeks, they spring a project on you based on units that you haven't even covered. Right now, I'm in four project rush hours, and I'm about to legit cry out of stress). But yeah. Check out the story, posted it last night! Love you guys, see you on the flip side- aka the sequel- ShyGal