Merry After Christmas! It be your friendly writer who loves Naruto and Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy with a new idea of course (lol) I am still not finished with my Kingdom hearts fic (if you haven't read them please do and then provide me feedback of what you thought of them, there is two: To you feeling the Blues and Common World Domination- the one that is not finished) but this idea just sprung into my head and the rest is now history. This is in light of the last chapter of Naruto Shippuden and I have a few things to say about it. 1. I know many were rooting for Sakura and Naruto, and I am personally a person who doesn't freak out around people who do even though I love the HinataxNaruto pairing, but I am content with… most pairings of the chapeter 700 of the manga. 1. I will start with my bias HinataxNaruto, I agree that they rarely had any interaction and Naruto was always infatuated with Sakura, however I fell in love with pairing because I related to Hinata's crush problem and after watching the series, I kept realizing there was no way Sakura was going to stop loving Sasuke… sadly. Again I do NOT put down anyone's fav pairings, my best friend is a diehard Sakura/Naruto fan, and won't let me forget it lol, and I fully understand where this bias comes from so I respect that, it's just Hinata and her shyness and love for Naruto no matter what grew on me (and if you know/meet me in real life I am the same way around my crush and the character shares most of my personality though I try not to exhibit here in my writings lol…). Then they have two kids, not one but TWO and in my opinion they are adorbs 2. SakuraxSasuke. I personally found this ? Someone might ask, because the girl got what she wanted since the beginning of the show. I mean I'm happy she matured and is not the freaky fangirl of his she used to be (that's when I really loathed her) but hey she liked him, which turned into love which ended up that her dream of being his came true. Sappy I know don't judge me, but I like her character a lot better in Naruto Shippuden because she wasn't totally being an annoying fangirl but rather a young woman who unfortunately fell for the bad boy. Though their little girl is a pretty I can't help but think she looks too much like Karin, which is weird cause you can see that they tried to put some of Sakura's traits into her, but those damn glasses take away from that. 3. ShikamaruxTemari, is my other strong bias. I'm not gonna lie theirs made the most sense (even if I love HinataxNaruto a lot they took the cake) because it was stated within the freaking manga and show so with that said… YAY! Plus, yes their son is a replica of Shikamaru but c'mon he's still a little cutie. ChojiXKarui…. Um how? I mean I can be okay with the pairing, but after I figure out how this came to be. HxN it's in the Last movie, SxS we all kinda saw it coming. SxT well DUH! But these two…. Interesting. Then finally SaixIno the only thing I have to say to this is their kid looks hella scary. I'm sorry when I read the epilogue I almost died just staring at the picture of him. Was it just me? Yes? I'm sorry lil dude I'll get used to you I promise. Other than that didn't Ino call Sai cute when he first became a part of Team 7? That was like the only time though if I remember correctly… Anyway… this was way too long so I will let you get to the story now. Lol Sorry about that. But lemme know if I should make this more than a oneshot cause that is what it is right now. Don't to forget to Review!

PS: If I forgot anyone please let me know kay thanks you beautiful people.

PSS: remember this is just my opinions; I am by no means trying to convert people or anything weird like that. I just wanted to let people know where I stood with things since this is primarily focused on the kids(referring to my earlier ramble .

Disclaimer: Will never own Naruto… sadly.

They call him Boruto Uzumaki, the son of the Seventh Hokage. The Byakkugan Princess's beautiful baby boy. The firstborn. And what can they say, like father like son.


The indigo maiden called out to her precious little boy- though he wasn't so little anymore. She hated to admit it, but Boruto was becoming a boy ready to fulfill the start of his destiny and become a ninja. As she and her husband did before him so many years ago, the blonde headed, blue eyed, whisker marked, first born child of theirs was on his way in becoming a genin. Hinata Hyuga, now Uzumaki to her liking, bit her lip trying to get the thought out of her head. Boruto was growing up, but he was still her little boy. The Byakugan Princess looked towards the clock in her kitchen and noticed that it was about time she, Himawari, Naruto and her beautiful sunflower, and Boruto make their way to the Academy to drop the latter off. She knew Boruto hated when Mommy walked him, but the woman couldn't help it. Walking him was no longer just to see her first born off, it was to hold the limited time she had left to see him completely safe within the grounds of Konaha and be her little happy go lucky baby boy. After graduation he would be given missions, and there was no way for her to ensure her baby's safety.

"Boruto! Sweetie, we really need to go!"

Hinata's eyebrows furrowed together. This was unlike him. He rarely did not come to meet his sweet mother's callings for him. Hinata figured that he always listened to her because she stayed sweet on him, unlike Naruto at times who got tired of his son's antics, even when he messed up. Hinata decided she should go check on him. What if something bad happened to him?

No. He is fine. I'm overreacting. Maybe he is still sleeping.

The indigo haired female walked upstairs towards her son's room. On the front of his door read 'Bolt' the nickname Naruto gave to him when he was a baby in big red and yellow letters. A small smile appeared on Hinata's face as she remembered when her husband held Boruto for the first time.


Hinata laughed at her goofy husband. Naruto Uzumaki had the most perplexed and innocent face holding the new being in his arms. She could tell he was trying with all his might not to hurt the baby boy. The two shared such similar features. Blonde hair that belonged to the Fourth Hokage himself…. Check. Big blue eyes that could light up a room…. Check. Whisker-like marks on both of their faces…. Check. Her two beautiful boys stared at each other.

"Naruto-kun… It's okay. I think he likes you."

The woman started giggling as the baby began to grab at his father's clothes whiling making gurgling baby noises. Naruto slowly smiled showing off his trademark grin.

"I'll make sure that you become an excellent shinobi like me one day little Bolt… believe it!"

Hinata gently knocked on her son's door.


The door quickly swung open and out popped a boy about twelve years old with tired looking eyes that stared at his mother. Upon seeing the goddess however, Boruto straighted up and then scratched the back of his head sheepishly while looking in his room at something. Most likely the clock.

"Aa… Mama. Sorry. I was still sleeping. I'll be dressed soon, just give me a sec dattebasa."

Hinata smiled and kissed Boruto on the forehead.

You're even as late as your father and that tic hehe.

The young splitting image of Naruto ran into his room quickly changing, falling in the process of trying to get his black pants couldn't help but giggle.

"Okay, sweetie, as soon as I get Hima, we can go."

His Father is a lazy intellegent guy. His mother is outspoken and cruel, occasionally with her sweet side (however not today), but what can be done with Shikadai Nara… and his blunt, smart and lazy ways?

Kankuro looked at his older sister as she sipped her tea. He could already tell two things from the kunoichi. One, she was beyond pissed, and Two she was going be in one of those moods again.

"Damnit Shikamaru what the hell did you do."

He couldn't help but sneer. He could never understand why a female like Temari fell for the likes of the lazy ass Shikamaru. He couldn't deny that, though irritatingly lazy sometimes, the guy had a gift with his intellegince but damn him would it behoove him to stop making Temari a crazed woman. Konoha was safe without one. He watched as the blonde female placed her tea cup rather harshly on the table. She then slowly but scarily looked at Kankuro.

"What the HELL are you looking at?"

Kankuro merely sneered at his sibling. The feeling in his stomach was all too familiar. Gosh his sister was a handful.

"Did I say anything to you Temari?"

Temari threw the cup of tea across the room yelling out in aggrivation. Kankuro sweat dropped.

Maybe I should stay cool around her today.

Just then Shikamaru walked in with an irritated look on his face. Kankuro grabbed him. He hissed in his ear.

"What the hell did you do to my sister Nara? Don't forget what I told you before you married her."

Shikamaru grunted in response before slapping Kankuro's hand off of him. He placed his hand on his hip.

"This is such a drag, waking up to this. Not only that, I have to go to work today because Naruto… er… Lord Hokage needs me to help with paperwork…. Wait. Kankuro what's wrong with Temari?"

Kankuro pointed to his sister. The green eyed maiden laid on the Nara table face down. Shikamaru gapped at his usually cruel woman. He quickly looked at the clock.

How troublesome. I have ten minutes before I go in and Shikadai has twenty before he goes to school. And my wife is behaving in way that is super troublesome. Some mornings are just a drag.


The woman growled as she rose. She glared at the man she loved along with her brother.


Shikamaru rolled his eyes walking to their fridge.

"You know how much I find feelings a drag."

He paused looking at her. Studying his wife.

"You're being a pain right now."

Temari scowled and stood up in front of her husband.

Are those…. Tears. Oh no.

Shikamaru's eyes twitched.

"Our son is so…. So BLUNT! Yesterday he had the audacity to call me an OLD LADY! I am not old. What have you been teaching my beautiful baby boy!"

Kankuro and Shikamaru couldn't hold back their laughter. They laughed hard. They could only imagine Temari's face as the word 'old' left from Shikadai's mouth.

Temari's eyes widened. She crossed her arms.

"Shikamaru Nara. Back. Me. Up."

Shikamaru stopped laughing and stared at his wife.

So you're serious.

He sighed, once again defeated by the troublesome woman.

"And what should I do about it?"

Just then Shikadai walked in.

"Sup. Uncle Kankuro. Tou- san… Kaa-san."

Temari pointed.

"TEACH HIM A LESSON! As his father tell him that calling mama old is inappropriate!"

The realization hit both men hard.

She's hurt her only son, Shikadai, no longer wants to be curled up into her like he did when he was a baby. The boy was growing up, getting ready to become a genin. Temari Nara was depressed over the fact that her child no longer was a baby.

Shikadai stared at his mother with a bored yet intrigued expression.

"Kaa-san? What bit you on the butt?"

Shikamaru almost died. He hugged Temari's waist before she killed their only son. Kankuro took the chance to talk to Shikadai.

"Hey. Kid. I know you're mother is a handful-'

"I am NOT a handful you asshole!"

Kankuro ignored the upset woman. Shikadai nodded.

"Yeah. I know. It's such a drag."

Shikamaru nodded in agreement. Kankuro laughed.

"Kid. You are a mix of your father and your mother. But your mother loves you with all your heart and wants you to know that she…. Misses you… that's all."

Shikadai thought for a minute. He grabbed an apple and bit into it. He looked towards his mother. He focused back on Kankuro, rather the wall behind him.

"Mama, I can't stay young forever. Which is troublesome, but you have to understand I'm not a little boy anymore. Pretty soon, I'll have to make dad and you proud… out in the field. Protecting the are shinobi. It's part of my destiny…. I-I still love you no matter what and won't be leaving for a while. Now take whatever is biting you in the butt and kick the shit out of it.

Kankuro and Shikamaru gasped. Temari's eyes began to water. She wipped at them and ran to her child. She hugged him, which Shikadai didn't return do to him freaking out.

"Uhh… yeah?" Was all Shikamaru could say to his son.

Temari smiled sweetly.

Mother gets what mother wants.

The boy pushed away from his mother.


"Shikadai mama will always protect you though. No matter what okay."

Shikadai blushed and snikered. His green eyes locked with Temari's.

"Kaa- san you're getting too old for that. Worry about making Pops and I dinner when we come back."

With that the younger Nara boy lazily walked to the door. He turned back to his bewildered family. Temari had a vein popping out of her head. Kankuro dang near collapsed on the ground.

He never learns….

Shikamaru chuckled.

"By the way, who is walking me to the Academy?"

Kankuro hurried to his nephew.

She is going to kill us. Good luck Shikamaru.

The two disappeared. Temari's eyes glared daggers into the door. Slowly turning towards her husband.

"I am going to murder that boy. You know what; we need a daughter to even out the odds between you men!"

Shikamaru looked up at the ceiling. Though grateful he'd be able to make love to his beautiful woman the nature of his thoughts couldn't stop.

Having another one that is bound to end up like him- even if it were a girl, only to have Temari be more pissed was really was bad enough little Shikadai was disrespectful- though he knew the twelve year old didn't see it as being rude… But like always women have to be a pain.

Temari stopped screaming and glanced at her husband. He was doing that thing again. He was totally ignoring her.


Shikamaru winced in pain from his wife's scream before looking at her. He grunted as he grabbed breakfast form the fridge.

Some mornings were just a drag.

He was a cocky son of a…. with no feelings at all. She loved him no matter what. The result, a prideful Shannarō! Yelling pre-teen.

Sarada Uchiha opened her onyx eyes taking in the appearance of her own room. She looked at her alarm clock realizing that she had woken up five minutes before the designated time she set last night. She breathed out happily.

Shannaroo! Today's the day. I am going to kick butt! Papa will be proud of me and Mama will make my favorite food.

The twelve year old hummed to herself as she dressed. She looked at the Uchiha clan symbol above her bed.

"I'll make you proud too Uncle Itachi."


Sarada gasped as she saw a tall male with the same black hair and onyx eyes standing in her doorway.

When did he get there?


Sasuke Uchiha raised an eyebrow as he looked at her. Boy did she favor him. Black hair, onyx eyes. His pride for his clan. He smirked.

"Sorry, I was- I was just telling Uncle Itachi that I was going to pass the test today."

Sasuke smikred.


Sarada blushed. Her father sure had a way with words. She walked downstairs and greeted her mother.

"Ohayo Mama."

Sakura Uchiha smiled at her child.


Sakura handed her daughter her breakfast and placed two other plates for her and her husband.



Was all that was heard from the former rogue ninja. Sakura shook her head as Sarada giggled.

"I swear your father…"

"I heard that."

The man grabbed his pink haired, sea green eyed wife in an affectionate hug. Sakura blushed.

"Sa-sasuke. Sa-sarada."

Sasuke looked at his daughter, then to his wife.

"Isn't it time for her to go to school?"

"Isn't it time you met with Uncle Naruto Papa."

Sasuke paled. His kid was right. He huffed out.

"Damnit Naru-"

"That is Lord Hokage now you two."


Was all that the Uchiha's said. Sakura shook her head.

My family. I swear.

A thought occurred to her.

"Sasuke when you go to see the Hokage invite him and Shikamaru to dinner. Sarada invite Chocho and Inojin, I think it is time the old gang got back together."

Just like old times except as we are now grownups, we watch our children slowly begin to surpass us. My baby is growing up.

"I want nothing to do with that Uzumaki brat."

Sasuke and Sakura looked at Sarada.


"What did he do."

Sarada pushed her red rimmed glasses up her face.

"He's an annoying prick and is weird Mama and Papa."

Sasuke snickered.

"She's right. He kinda is."

Sakura squeezed her hands into fists. A dark aura embraced her body.

"Listen you two… You will do as I say. Got it Shaanaroo!"

The two prideful Uchiha's slightly paled.

"Mama is right Sarada. Do as she says.
With that Sasuke disappeared before Sakura went on her rampage.

"Come back. SASUKE!"

"EH! Papa don't leave me!"

Both females screamed out.

"You're just so…SHAANAROO!"

Big boned leader of the clan is her father. Negative tempered kunoichi of Kumogakure is the lovely mother. Chōchō Akimichi, chubby herself will let NO ONE take her food, even if it's daddy who is her opponent.

"Breakfast is ready for my two food monsters!"

Before Karui could even turn away from the stove to place the said food on the plates of Choji and Chōchō she felt two bodies behind her. She instantly knew who the bodies behind her were. She snickered.

"Morning to you too."

"Yo Ma. You gonna give me that food or not?"

Karui looked at her diva of a daughter. The young twelve year old was always so confident and witty. Karui couldn't help but to tear up over her growing girl. She was proud of her. Today was her last day at the Academy. She just knew her baby was going to ace the exam. Plus she wanted to stick it to that annoying Ino Yamanaka who dared to tell her, Karui Akimichi, she should put Chōchō on a diet. Was that woman mad!?

Karui turned around careful to not wave the food in her family's face scared that if she did she would get attacked.

"I will, but you two need to sit down and wait patiently or no food for you."

Choji and Chōchō gasped.

"Karui. Sweatpea. Why you got to say that? I need my food. You know that."

Choji's stomach began to growl further telling her he needed the sweet taste of food to land in his stomach. Not only that, he could see that Karui had prepared bbq for them. His and his daughter's favorite. Chōchō spoke up.

"Yeah ma you trippin' about not giving us food."

Karui laughed.

"Okay okay! I will give you your food, but SIT DOWN!"

Karui glared at the two. Choji shrunk a little. This wasn't odd seeing that he was so sweet and innocent. That's why Karui picked him. No matter what he continued to make her feel as though she was higher than food, which says a lot about the sixteenth leader of the Akimichi clan. Not only that but he was like a big teddy bear that helped calm the woman down. All. The Time. Her two loves eagerly awaited the food. Karui served and served and served until she looked back at the pan realizing something really bad.

"Mama I want thirds!"

"Chōchō you had more than three plates."

"Y'know what I mean."

Choji licked his lips.

"Yeah. Me too Karui Sweetpea."

The two held out their plates to the dark skinned kunoichi. She gulped.

Shit. If I don't give them food this will end badly. But there is only one more piece of Korean bbq meat left…



Choji and Chōchō looked over Karui seeing what she was freaking out about. One more piece. Chōchō looked at her old man.

"Back off. That piece is MINE!"

Choji glared at his daughter.

"The last bite! The end of the meal, the most precious morsel of meat. I won't let anyone take the last piece away from me! Even if that person is my beautiful DAUGHTER!"

Talk about a déjà vu moment. Who would've thought I would say that to my daughter and not Ino….

"Bring it old man!"

Karui screamed.


Choji stood in front of his daughter. Chōchō glared at her father.

"Old man you're fat anyway. Might as well give it up and let me have it."

Karui paled.

Choji is going to kill her.

Choji felt a vein pop in his body.

She-she just said the F word.

The man roared nearly blowing his wife away.

"I am NOT FAT! I'm just a man with thick bones!"

Choji charged at Chōchō. Chōchō merely stared at her nails. Karui of course freaked out.

"Cho-Choji! She is still your baby. Maybe you should just let her have it just this once. It is a special day for her!"

"NEVER! Wind Release: Great Absorption"

Karui fainted. He was going to eat their daughter?

"Ma. Yo ma."

Karui woke up dazed. All she could remember was her husband and Chōchō fighting over the last piece of bbq meat… Oh no.

"Chōchō!? CHOJI!?"
She looked to her left to see her daughter greedily slurping up the last piece of food.

"Finally. MA you up. Can you take me to school?"

Karui gaped at her daughter.

"Where is your father?"

Chōchō pointed to the right.

"Is you gonna walk me or not."

Karui looked towards the right revealing her chubby lover face down in the ground knocked out.

"Well would you look at that. My baby beat up her old man…. ALRIGHT! C'mon Chōchō."

Karui high fived her daughter.

My little girl is becoming a strong young lady. She's growing up.

"There will be more bbq when you come home girlie!"

Inojin Yamanaka, his mother's precious obedient son that favors her lover's looks. His father however still has some trouble expressing himself correctly as he does too sometimes…
Ino Yamanaka looked at the picture of her father and his friends Shikaku Nara and Choza Akimichi. A small tear fell down her fair skin but she whipped it away and smiled while she put her hand on her stomach.

"I'm glad I was, and still am, able to make you proud papa."


Ino looked at the one who called her. The twelve year old had the same blonde hair as her and green eyes, but the same handsome skintone as his handsome father. Ino couldn't help but think of the product her and her husband made, as Sai would call it, the perfect portrait. Though a certain dark skinned, golden eyed, red headed diva couldn't see the art within her child. Karui Akimichi had the audacity to call her child freaky looking! HOW DARE SHE!

"Yes mommy's baby?"

Pretty soo I won't be able to do this to him. He's getting big. He's growing up.

She grabbed Inojin's cheeks and squeezed them like an old lady would upon seeing her grandchildren for the first time. Inojin giggled in the fear that if he didn't and swatted her hands away like he wanted to, his mother would have his head. She let go and Inojin rubbed his cheek.

"Are we almost ready? I want to get a good seat for the test, and make sure I'm early enough just in case that fatty Chōchō and lazy Shikadai are there."

Ino giggled. She couldn't help but to think about all the times she called Shikamaru and Choji the same thing. Only 'fat' never was said to Choji's face as she knew her son constantly called Chōchō 'fat' to her face.

Take that Karui. I told you your daughter needed to go on a diet.

"Almost. Papa and I decided that we would both walk you."

Inojin's eyes lit up.

"Okay. Let me go get him."

Her son was gone for about ten minutes before both him and a sexy Sai came down in similar attire. The two both looked at Ino lovingly.


Ino laughed.

"Don't you think we should eat first?"

Sai stared at Ino curiously.

"Wouldn't that alter your waist sweetie?"

Ino paled.


Inojin furrowed his brows.

"Papa's right mama. And besides it appears as though you are starting to gain wait around your waistline."

Sai nodded in agreement.

"That's right. We don't want you to end up liking like Choji."

Ino smacked her husband and child. The both of them stared at her wide eyed. Inojin gulped, yet Sai didn't quite understand what happened.

"My beautiful Ino, why did you slap me? I read in my books that to help someone maintain the size they like the most; I should tell them when I see they may be faltering. I was just giving you a head's up to make sure you stayed happy…."

Inojin just stared at his father and mother a tad bit freaked out.

"Uh. Papa, didn't those books also say not to make them mad when saying it. Maybe we were too blunt."

Ino was inwardly raging still.

"You think! I assure you that I will never be a fat, ugly looking female. My hair is too beautiful. My skin too smooth. My body shape is the best in the village. Plus I AM PREGNANT AGAIN!."

She stopped she felt her mood take a dwindling turn. Tears welled up in her eyes. Sai's eyes widened and Inojin looked at his mother surprised.

"I'm going to have a sister or brother!?"

"Another alien is in your stomach my beautiful Ino?"

Ino's eye twitched.

"You told me when we had Inojin he was the best portrait alive."

Sai stopped rubbing his head.

"I said that to keep you happy. He looked like an ugly alien with no teeth."



Sai looked at the faces of his wife and son.

"I-I-I mean…. Maybe we should just get Inojin to school?"

Ino grabbed Inojin and walked out the door.

"I cannot believe you."
"Papa why!?"

Sai frowned.

I really needed to stop taking the advice of books like Sakura-chan and Naruto- sama tell me to.

His stomach growled.

Plus Ino forgot to give us breakfast.

Himawari Uzumaki… the second pride and joy of the Seventh Hokage and Lady Hyuga. But as the first girl child of the Uzumaki family she is protected and babied, however the years to baby her are up, she will next year be at the academy you know.

Young Himawari Uzumaki watched as her and her mother saw Boruto stalk off into the Academy with Shikadai, along with Sarada who trailed the two boys. She smiled.

Do good today Onii-san.

Her smile was soon replaced with a frown though as she looked at her mother in concern.


The indigo haired princess was whipping water from her eyes. Hinata Uzumaki was crying. Himawari tugged at her mother's skirt. Hinata looked at her through clouded vision and smiled.

"I'm sorry Hima. It's just that. If Boruto graduates, he will be on his way to become a fine shinobi."

Himawari was confused. That was a good thing, yet her mother was crying. And by her voice they weren't fully happy tears.

"I know mama. He'll be like you and Papa."

Hinata just nodded.

"Promise me you will always be my baby Hima."

Himawari continued to stare at her mother. She nodded slowly.

"I will until I go to the Academy next year."

Hinata gasp. Himawari missed it though.

"I will go to the Academy and become daddy's big girl and be able to train like Boruto does. I will be strong like all of you and then become Hokage like daddy!"

Hinata blinked.

Guess Boruto is not the only one like his father. And is definitely not the only to be growing.

Without Hinata approving, a loud crying noise erupted from her lips. Hima turned to her mom again concerned. Fear struck her petite features.

"Mama? Wait here, I'll go get daddy."

As soon as she said that Naruto appeared in front of Hinata.

"Love? Hey what's wrong? I heard you crying?"

Hinata cried harder and placed her head against Naruto burying her face. She grabbed at his Hokage cloak and all Naruto could do was hold her. He looked at Hima.


"We were talking about Boruto and she wanted me to be her baby papa… I don't know what happened."

Naruto began to struck him.

Our kids are leaving the nest eh Love. Shikamaru told me Temari was feeling the same way… I wonder if all of us are feeling this way

He rubbed his wife's back.

"Aw. Love. They all need to grow up one day. And no matter what, we will be here for them rooting them on, still loving them. Just this time a bit differently. They will always be our babies. But we have to slowly let them go dattebayo."

Hinata sniffled and nodded.

"Your right Naruto-kun."

Himawari smiled and jumped on her parents.

"I know have another baby!"

Naruto paled. Hinata looked astonished. She slowly looked at her husband.

"I wouldn't mind having one more Naruto-kun."

Naruto nodded slowly.

"If that makes you happy… I'm game dattebayo."

Himawari clapped in glee.

"Yay. Then I can go to the Academy and mommy won't be sad! I can become a strong kunoichi and then Hokage!"

Naruto looked at his daughter in horror. The thought of a growing Himawari freaked him out.


Hinata broke out in a fists of laughter.

Oh Naruto. Looks like you feel the same way.

She watched as he got attacked by Hima. Just then Shino Aburame walked up to them.

"Lady Uzumaki. Hokage sama. Could you be quiet. It's because the kids are beginning their test."

Naruto and Hinata blushed.


The window of the Academy opened.

"Pops! Get back to work. I assure you I will pass."

"You idiot. SIT DOWN!"

"Shaanaroo! Boruto SIT DOWN!"

"Yo can we get this started so I can EAT!"

"You're such a fatty!"

Naruto, Hinata and Himawari began to laugh. Soon Shino did as did the old gang that slowly trickled around the scene. Shikamaru, Kankuro, Temari, Sakura, Sasuke, Karui, Choji,Ino, and Sai. Himawari looked at the older generation and smiled.

And They Call us….

The kids in the window watched the scene and smiled.

Their Children.

I hope you enjoyed this. Rate, review, favorite, follow whatever else I left out lol, and tell me what you think. Again Merry After Christmas ya'll!