Yeah, okay. Sorry for not updating my other story, but… Well, I'm lazy. I'm not a good authoress.

But…! But! This story will be fluffy! Like, friendship fluffy! I think!

Also, I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. If I did, Tsuna wouldn't have a crush on Kyoko. And Haru would have a crush on Tsuna. Maybe. Okay, whatever.

Tsuna is a cute little kid, and can be easily mistaken for a girl. He had poofy brown hair and large, innocent brown eyes—and could wield sky flames.

And a certain famiglia was looking for someone just like that. Someone that could control sky flames, though that someone had to be young.

A bit before, they had found a small glowing stone in dark, dark cave, they immediately experimented on it. They took samples and gathered information. But when one scientist accidentally killed an experiment that emitted sky flames, the stone reacted and experiment was revived.

Although, something else was going through their minds at that moment. They had discovered… possibly a way to be reborn every time they have died. Just like a certain bird. A flaming bird.

A phoenix.

However, to make this come true, they needed a crucial factor. Someone that could yield or emit sky flames. However, no one in the mafia was young enough to experiment on.

And that's why they were stalking one Sawada Tsunayoshi. A week ago when they were hunting in the streets of Namimori—in a discreet way, mind you—they spotted a little boy at the age of four, cowering away from a small dog. And when that dog jumped up, the boy did the same. Using flames.

Sky flames, they thought and they immediately took action.

Day after day, they gathered information on Sawada Tsunayoshi. This included information on his relatives, his preschool, his reputation, and his home activities.

They mostly need to know what his home activities were so they could kidnap him and experiment on him, and who his relatives were so just in case he died, they could use anyone else.

The day when Sawada Nana went to buy groceries, the Estraneo famiglia approached Tsuna when he was outside playing with his pink ball.

Tsuna woke up like every other day and ate breakfast like every other day.

"Tsu-kun, I'm going to go buy groceries today! We're going have hamburgers for lunch!" called Nana.

"Okay! Bye-bye!" responded Tsuna. Nana simply giggled and went out the door.

Uwah, it's Saturday! I'm gonna play today! Tsuna cheerfully thought as he exited the house through the front door, holding his favorite ball.

When he reached the door, Tsuna threw the ball up and down and giggled. But when he threw it up again, he missed and it rolled down to the streets.

"Oh, no! Mr. Ball, come back!" Tsuna yelped and waddled down the yard, only to find a group of men hold his ball.

"Oh, Tsuna!" one cooed.

"We found a ball and thought it might be yours!" cackled another.

Tsuna simply looked around, confused.

"Hey, Tsuna! Do you wanna play with us? We know a perfect place to play!"

And experiment, they all thought.

"Yeah! Let's play together!" Tsuna cheered cutely.


"Do we have to experiment on him?" one whispered.

"He's so cute..." one cooed.

The other man smacked the other two. "Yes! The phoenix stone seems to react only young living creatures that can use sky flames! With a human experiment, we can deem it safe for people."

"What?" Tsuna cocked his head to the side.

"...Er..." The one that smacked the other two hesitantly stepped forward and awkwardly cracked what seemed like a smile.

Dang, he's really cute… he thought.

"C-come on, Tsuna! We'll carry you..." he stammered from the cuteness of Tsuna.

"Okay! Let's go play!" Tsuna smiled.

"Can't I carry him?"

"Yeah, what about me?"

They argued for a few minutes, but then something screeched from their headphones…

"You freakin' idiots! Just grab him and go!" the caller screeched.

"Ooh, what is that?" Tsuna asked adorably.

"N-nothing!" one yelped and then hissed, "Language! There's an adorable, innocent kid here!"

"... Che."

And then they continued on to the Estraneo Base of Namimori.

When they arrived, they were greeted by their peers as they rushed passed them.

"Uwah, he's so cute..." one of the trio commented.

"Yeah… I feel guilty..." the other agreed.

"I don't feel worthy to be in his adorable presence!"

Tsuna cocked his head to the side, not following their discussion.

"See? See? Looked at that adorable tilt of his head!"

They squealed. Squealed. However, their gushing came to a halt. The mood turned sour.

"Oh… We're already here… P-poor Tsuna..." one man sniffed. They opened the door.

"We're definitely going to Hell! He's an angel..."

They proceeded to walk in.

"Argh, I don't wanna..."

They gulped. Finally, one snapped.


It was like a train of reactions. A magical train—all caused by a cute little boy.



"Huh, weren't they going to play with me?" Tsuna wondered. He shook his head and thought, Well, no one really keeps their promise with me.

At his own thought, he pouted. And then he sniffled. However, he shook his head before he could start crying.

"It's okay, I'm going to find my way out!" Tsuna told himself. Just as he was going to exit, he heard a voice.

"Wow, they left all ready? Weaklings," a voice insulted.

Tsuna blinked. "Oh! You're that voice from the thingy!" he pointed cutely.

"Yes, yes, I suppose I am," the voice sighed. There were footsteps and they steadily got louder. His face appeared from the shadows.

Tsuna squeaked.

"Well, now, time to get to business, 'ey?" he cackled as he picked up an injection full of orange liquid.

And then Tsuna's screams were heard throughout the Estraneo base.

The man scowled.

The experiment didn't work! Argggh! he took a deep breath. Well, I suppose I don't want this body in my lab. Better dump him somewhere.

And with that, he called his subordinates.

"Tsu-kun, I'm home!" Nana called out.


"Tsu-kun? My, he must be sleeping because he played too much. I better wake him now," she said as she climbed up the stairs. Nana turned around to face Tsuna's door, however, when she opened the door, she did not find Tsuna.

"Tsuna?! Tsu-kun, where are you?!" Nana panicked and raced around in the house, hoping to find her son somewhere in the house.

"Alright, I want you two to dump this body out of here. There's no garbage disposal and there's no flames available… They're all occupied for the Phoenix Stone."

Which flame is compatible with the stone? Can the stone be used to revive other flame users? his thoughts raced with possibilities.

"—ir? Sir? Where do we place this body?"

He snapped out of his thoughts. "Oh, just dumped him somewhere away from our base. Maybe on the far side of the town."

And he didn't know… that on the far side of the town was… the demon prefect's house. Hibari Kyoya's house.

Ooh, look at that cliffhanger! XDDD

Aha, yeah...

See you later!