Two chapters in one night! I'm spoiling you guys!

This was the last place I wanted to be right now, but I wasn't going to let an argument get in the way of my Dad's birthday party. I dressed plainly, like I would usually. Little black dress from Chanel with my black star choker with earrings to match. Light make up, just eyes and lips. Plain and simple.

At this point I wish I hadn't been fighting with my dad because he would have loved his present from me. Apart from being an avid art and music collector, he loved his watches. I had got him one for his birthday every year for a long as I could remember. This year, I got him a plain watch. No label or brand just an everyday watch. With a slight twist. The face looked like a mini arc reactor, I thought it might be a little cheesy but I had it costumed all the same. I stared at the watch for a good while wondering whether or not to give it to him at all. I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't even hear the knock at my door.
Pepper poked her head through the door, I just caught a glimpse of movement in my mirror before turning to face her.

"You look lovely Jac." She smiled her mother's smile.

"Thank you Pep, you look awesome." She had what I assumed was her work clothes but she still knocked it on the head like she always does. She manages things so effortlessly, one of the many things I admired about her. That and putting up with my dad for as long as she had.

"Jac I need to tell you something before we go downstairs."

"I know my Dad, made you CEO Pepper."

She looked taken back, I wasn't sure how I said what I just did but I didn't want it to be come off as rude or annoyed because I wasn't.

"I need you to know that, yes he did sign the company over to me and I did accept. I only made one condition in the paper work."

"Which was?"

"That if and when you decide you'd like the company for your own, it is yours Jac. Tony inherited the company at such a young age he didn't really have a choice. What I'm trying to say is, I'm just looking after and maintaining the company until you would like to take over. I'm not taking it from you, I'd never do that."

I stood up then without a word and stared at her. She looked a little scared for a moment waiting for my response.

I walked slowly towards her and took her hands in my own.

"I honestly can't think of a better person to run Stark Industries Pep. This life wasn't built for me or my dad. But you come in and do it without even so much as complaint or whine. Well, sometimes anyway." We both laughed heartily, "I'm not mad Pep, I just wish you and Dad didn't keep stuff like this from me is all."
She hugged me then and stroked my hair lovingly, "I'm sorry for that Jac. I should have told you sooner, forgive me?"

I pulled away from her, "It's going to cost you."

"How much?" She smirked.

"Week away in Italy. You, me Dad and Rhodey." I grinned.

"What is it with you Starks and Italy?" She chuckled which I returned, "You ready for this car crash?"

I left the box with Dad's watch on the side of my bed and walked out of the room with Pepper, "Paramedics on stand by?"

"Same as every year."

We made our way down stairs and wasn't prepared for the sight that was about to unfold.

There he was, my dearest father in full Iron Man gear scratching a vinyl and blind stinking drunk. The crowd loved him and his antics. Well someone had to because Pepper and I had faces like thunder.

He fist pumped the DJ with a more than smug look on his face which was the only thing visible in the Iron Man suit. He tilted back slightly, stumbling around drunkenly.

Rhodey arrived at the house then and saw us staring at my dad in disgust and contempt.

"Hey Pepper, Jac."

Pepper moved to leave "I'm going to get some air." She looked more than a bit overwhelmed by my dad's party etiquette.

"What's going on?" Rhodey asked me concerned I smiled sadly and just pointed in the direction of my suited up drunk father. He moved with Pepper to get a better look of the problem, "I don't know what to do."

Rhodey's face fell from concerned to complete disappointment. "You gotta be kidding me."

I hang my hands in my head when he finally falls over the suit breaking the good crystal, I was completely and truly done with his crap. "This is ridiculous, we need to get him to bed."

Rhodey turned to leave, I really didn't want him too. Pepper and I needed him right now to take care of Dad. We had no idea what was wrong with him tonight but it was by no means good. Pepper grabbed his arm to stop him, Rhodey wasn't pleased with the situation at all.

We both knew he had done a lot for Dad over the past few days to stop the National Guard from taking his suits and responsibilities as a "Superhero" but at this moment right now, both Rhodey and I were thinking the same thing. Let them, he doesn't deserve it.

"I just stuck my neck out for this guy." Rhodey yelled pointing to the drunkard across the room.
"I know. I know. I get it. I'm gonna handle it, okay?" Pepper calmed him down and placed a hand on his chest for him to desist. "Just let me handle it."

"Handle it. Or I'm gonna have to." He responded frustrated, he glanced at me with sympathy.

"Your Dad told me he made you a suit?" He asked while we waited for Pepper to work her magic.

"He did, fits with my leg and everything…" I beamed, one moment to forget the situation was calming, and I didn't even get a chance to think about the suit being so worried about my dad.

"He also said you wanted to work for Shield."

"I already got the riot act from him, please I'm not in the mood for it right now Rhodey." I responded glumly.
"I was just gonna say, I'm glad you're doing what you love again." I stared at him that was definitely not what I was expecting.

"When you started your company it was amazing. You got back on your feet so well but, we both know you're built to be soldier Jac. You always have been and always will be. Yes you got hurt, in some ways much worse than others however you didn't let that stop you. And I think you shouldn't let it stop you now. If you wanted my opinion that is?" He laughed which I joined wholeheartedly. I moved to hug him and embraced him tightly. "I'll always value your opinion, you're the best God Father a girl could have."

Our embrace was cut short when Pepper reached Tony.

"Does this guy know how to throw a party or what?" she giggled which was very out of character for her but it seemed everyone was out of character tonight.

"Tony, we all thank you so much for such a wonderful night. And we're gonna say good night now,
and thank you all for coming." She smiled at the disappointed crowd who were all in awe of my Dad up close and personal in the famous Iron Man suit.

"No, no, no, we can't... Wait, wait, wait." My dad pined like a puppy for the mic and said some inaudible like "We didn't have the cake. We didn't blow out the candles."

I could just make out Pepper telling him to go to bed. This wasn't going to go smoothly, nothing with Dad ever does.

I then thought I had heard Pepper say "You just peed the suit." And my dad retort with, "You could drink that water."

I grimaced, this isn't going well.

Pepper took the bottle of champagne from his hand and handed him the microphone. Rookie mistake Pepper, I couldn't watch I just pinched the bridge of my nose and listened...

"Pepper Potts." Some clapped for her but not everyone. No one liked a party pooper. "She's right. The party's over." There might be hope yet, c'mon dad just pass out and everyone can leave.

"Then again, the party was over for me, like, an hour and a half ago." For heaven's sake. "The after-party starts in 15 minutes."

"And if anybody, Pepper, doesn't like it, there's the door." He pointed at the front door and without warning his replusor fired and broke the glass of the stairwell. It was luckily, let alone a miracle that no one was hurt. That's it, I was finished with party. Now there was only one thing to do. Crash it. I turned to Rhodey who mirrored my determined look on my face, "Follow me."

We hurried downstairs. I punched in furiously my pass code to the garage.

"Jarvis manual override "04071918".

"As you wish Miss Stark, Mr Stark will not be informed."

"Pull up suited Mark 4.5 and Mark 5." The two suits immerged from the floor ready for use.

"Just stand inside it and it'll align with you." I told him pointing at his suit, which looked exactly like my dad's only unpainted.

He stepped inside the suit and was done with the bolting and fitting within a couple of minutes.

He turned to me and motioned to my suit, as if to ask if I was coming.

"Go I'll catch up." He made his way up the stairs, heavy and clunking with a sheer determination in his walk.
I turned to my suit. This was the first time the world will see this, I need to make sure I was making the right decision in revealing it.

"Jarvis, give me a hand with his."

"As you wish."

I stepped backwards into the suit. It moulded perfectly around my prosthetic and the replusor fitted effortlessly around my metal foot. Everything was running and operational. I looked at myself in the mirror. For a moment I thought I was looking at my Dad only difference was that I was in red white and blue. As soon as I put on the suit, I knew what I was doing was right. I needed to take this suit and stop my dad from destroying all he had worked for.

I could hear the commotion going on up stairs and what vaguely sounded like Queen. I knew dad wouldn't take kindly to Rhodey taking one of his suits. Hopefully he will be more sympathetic towards me, as this one was made for me.

I made my way up stairs, finding it tricky but not completely difficult to walk. I reached the top to see the house I grew up in destroyed. And next came the culprits of the carnage crashing through the wall, Iron Man and Mark 5 having a wrestle in my living room.

I didn't want to get involved unless I had too with the fight so instead I diverted my attention the people outside on the driveway witnessing the fight. One wrong move from the children in the War Machines and they could all get seriously hurt. I made my way over quickly to them trying to get their attention.
"Everyone please return to your homes before you get hurt. This fight is getting too out of hand."
I addressed them but all I got in return was a chorus of "Who are you?" "Are you a new superhero?" "Are you Iron Man's sidekick?"

I grew more and more frustrated at the lack of urgency of the crowd. Without thinking I moved my hand replusers.

To the top section of the windows and fired. It caused the crowd to disperse chaotically but quickly none the less.

"Put your hand down."

"You think you got what it takes to wear that suit?"

"We don't have to do this, Tony."

"You wanna be the War Machine, take your shot."

"Put it down!"

"You gonna take a shot?"

"Put it down!"


"Drop it, Tony!"

I turned my attention back to the other suited members of my family who were holding their own repluors at each other. I shot both in the shoulder with my own, "Both of you, pack it in!"

They both stared at me, or at least I thought they were. I couldn't see through the helmets.
Rhodey walked over and took the space next to me, looking back at my Dad on kneeling on the floor.
He didn't say a word he just watched as Rhodey and I started our ascent in to the night air without another word.


"Sir, we have an unauthorised craft making its way on to the hellicarrier."

"What kind of craft?" replied Nick Fury eyeing the screen.

"It's small and its fast but it appears to have a form of life aboard it."

"Hey, Hey Fury, you miss me?" said a voice on the intercom.

"Stark is that you?" responded Fury in an almost shocked state, almost.

"Better believe it, and I got a present for you."

Without warning a member of Shield personnel burst through the door, "Sir, you might want to take a look at this."

Fury made his way to the platform used as run way on top of the hellicarrier. There standing before him was a smaller, slimmer Iron Man suit but an Iron Man suit none the less.

"Don't I bring the best gifts Fury?" There was Starks voice again, "And by the way, I accept the job offer." And with that calm a cocky salute from the red, white and blue suit.

Sassy Jac. Don't you love her?
I shall be updating within the week to finish Iron Man 2 and then I'll be working on the origial story of "Budapest", which will take a little longer as it's more of an original story rather than taking a movie and adding a character. I hope you guys will be patient with this idea and it'll pay off in the end :)
As I said, any ideas or prompts would be really helpful!