Soooo... MERRY CHRISTMAS one and all! everyone be grateful for everything you have and the people around you! lets take this moment to remember 2014. What a great year we had! anyway this is my sequel to Floating Lollipops and a Bucket. I'll be back to my main story in a few days, just coming up with ideas! soooooooo...yes there will be smut goddd.

"we want it now!"

ok ok we're getting there ok?

sooo where were we?

The light shone through Tatsumi's window as he stirred in his sleep, tightly hugging his sheets, tossing and turning with a smile on his face.

"I want you inside of!"

Tatsumi grinned in his sleep as his erection rubbed against his bed. The young man dreamt happily of his last lover, the beautiful, vibrant, and sometimes cocky, annoying, rude, truthful, teasing, sexy- the list goes on, but yes, Tatsumi dreamt of his 'bath,' with the scarlet-haired assassin. He could remember every detail of her flawless, perfect body. The taste of her skin, the little bites and marks he left, and the tiny blush that flourished on her face every time he would administer his love to her. His eyes hesitantly fluttered open, deep green orbs awakening. He turned groggily to rub his weary eyes. The assassin was definitely not a morning person. A night with the lovely, arrogant women that was Chelsea was one that was not easy to forget. He sat up, inspecting his crotch area, frowning when his morning wood spring to attention, creating the little tent in his pants. His length achingly rebelled against the fabric of his worn trousers. Tatsumi blinked the sleep out of his eyes before finally rising from his bed to raise the curtains. He stopped halfway there, finally realising his comrade had been watching him the whole time. Chelsea, the beautiful vixen leaned against the door, idly staring at his movements while twirling her sweet treat between her lips, making a delicious sucking sound as she did. "Morning honey, sleep well?" Stunned, Tatsumi leapt back, colliding with his wall. "Chelsea? What are you doing here?!" he yelled outraged by the sudden intrusion, but at the same time slightly amused. Chelsea snickered quietly before pushing herself from the door and skipping over to him. Tatsumi tried pacing back, but was blocked by the wall. He clawed at the inanimate object, going as far as inching up the wall on his tipi-toes as to avoid Chelsea's amused and flirty expression. "Why I came to wake you up...hero. Did we not have fun last night?" Tatsumi made a strangled sound before awkwardly opening and closing his mouth, trying to formulate words in his head. Chelsea beat him to it. "You didn't like it!" she yelled out, holding her hands to her mouth and faking sadness. The look on her face was both adorable and teasing. "Is their another one...I knew i wasn't the only girl in your life!" She exaggerated her fake expression with fake crying, falling to the ground. Tatsumi was both red-faced and angry at the women in front of him. "Alright Alright thats enough Chelsea!" he yelled. "Thats not what you said last night," she finished with a wink and a cheeky smirk.

"Oh please you were the one who attacked me remember! It was practically rape!"

" Its not rape if you enjoy!" she replied beaming

"Who was it that flipped me over and bruised by bum!"

"That was un-intentional! You forced me!"

"Oh really? I forced you to fuck my brains out?! Oh how did that come about honey please enlighten me!"

"You were being to sexy! It's not fair!"

"Oh so you think I'm sexy huh? Really now?"

"I didn't say that!"

"Yeah you did genius! na na nana na! You think I'm sexy!" Chelsea teased as she twirled around Tatsumi's room.

Tatsumi's face burned right red as his fists clenched. He watched her redish-pink hair wave around in the air as Chelsea danced around teasing him for his stupidness. He then looked down at her womanly body, admiring her curvaceous features and amazing looks. "When did my eyes wonder here?" Tatsumi questioned himself.

Tatsumi snapped.

Quickly, he sprang to Chelsea's side, clenching both her wrists and intwining her fingers in his. He forced her upon the wall. Chelsea's face donned a look of utter surprise as Tatsumi glared into her pink orbs. They were so radiant they almost glowed in the darkness of his room. Chelsea recovered quickly, putting on her seductive, flirty expression, biting down on her lower lip and deepening her gaze.

"You know if you keep mis-behaving i may have to punish you naughty girl," Tatsumi whispered into her ear as he sucked the tiny flesh under, nibbling his way down. "Since when was he so's," Chelsea thought as she bit down on his shoulder, feeling it tense up under her touch.

"Oh your gonna punish me...whose the rapist now?" she said quietly before he let go. "Not now Hero, you're still under my control for the rest of today. Sooo let go for now. She could feel his hard cock from between her thighs. It grinded against her leg hard, wanting the gift of release so badly. It took all the will Tatsumi could muster to let go of Chelsea's heavenly body. She pushed him off and gave him a quick peck on the lips before running to the door. "Hurry up! You'll be late for breakfast, and Akame is making Wild Shark Fin soup!" He nodded dumbly before she closed the door shut. Tatsumi got changed quickly cursing, questioning himself. "Why didn't I just pound her then and there?" He scolded himself. His harsh reprimanding was interrupted by Lubba tackling him into the ground halfway throguh the main Lodge corridor. "WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT! YOU WERE BACK SO LATE! I FELL ASLEEP ASSHOLE!" Lubba yelled into his ear. Tatsumi calmly threw Lubba across the hall way. " She caught me...that's all." Lubba looked heart broken. "What did she say? Did she destroy you?" he questioned loudly. "Keep you voice down baka, we don't want anyone hearing us. As I was saying she caught me and was cool about it after I explained."

"YOU EXPLAINED!?" Lubba yelled at his comrade.

"Yep," Tatsumi replied before walking off to join the other assassins at the dinning table. Befroe he made it to the door Lubba called from behind him.

"I bet thats not all that happened huh?" he said with a fiendish smile across his face. Tatsumi stopped dead in his tracks.

"What do you mean... nothing happened!" he yelled defiantly, turning to face his peer.

"Something totally happened! ahahahaha. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!" yelled Lubba triumphantly.

"Nothing happened! Tatsumi yelled before ducking into the dinning room. H turned so his back was against the door. "What if he finds out? It'll be the end of me..."

Tatsumi continued his panicking until ma certain red-haired goddess strolled up to him.

"Whats up Tatsumi... or should I say Pain in the fucking ass hehe. Don't worry it was nice and rough just how i like... also you should maybe move when i'm on to-"

"You do know there are other people in this building right?!" Tatsumi questioned, outraged at Chelsea's nonchalant attitude.

"Oh? Lubba knows?" she guessed.

The worry from Tatsumi's face disappeared, replaced with a look of curiosity.

"How did you- nevermind how do we fix this?"

"Don't worry, I've got this!" she beamed while talking. Winking at the befuzzled Tatsumi, she casually skipped away, humming a little tune. "Also since you're my slave slash sex toy, can you be a dear and move the potatoes into the kitchen. Akame's cooking up a storm...literally." Tatsmi's right eye twitched as he watched his sexy mistress bound away, moving her hips side to side as she skipped.

The young man sighed before returning back into the corridor to use the bathroom. knocking on the door her heard a little 'oh?' Suddenly before he could even start thinking about who's it was, the door burst open to reveal a semi-naked, blonde someone. "Tatsumi! You're looking well. Good morning!" she yelled, bending over a little bit to reveal her cleavage. She wore only two towels, one covering her body and the other wrapped around her hair. "Leon-Ni-sann?" he questioned. Tatsumi fell back, shielding his eyes. The buxom bombshell laughed hard, falling to the floor in a giggling fit. Lifting her form from the floor she patted the stunned boys head. "You're so cute Tatsumi, maybe make a great husband one day." Tatsumi straightened up making another strangling noise before again feeling his face redden. The heat around his head was unbearable. "hahahaha go now little hero... oh and don't forget to zip up your fly... for the people's saek of course darling." Tatsumi panicked before covering his crotch area and diving into the bathroom, locking the women out. "Rude!" she yelled into the door. The young man's back leaned against the door as he stood there frozen. "That was embarrassing," he though, still stuck to the wood. Reaching for his toothbrush his mind wondered to Chelsea. His heart raced as he thought of her scent, her look, her touch... "Today is gonna be interesting," he spoke to himself as shoved his brush into his mouth.

After brushing his teeth and freshening up, Tatsumi jogged into the kitchen, passing a smiling Chelsea. The girl winked at him before tapping her wrist deviously. Her expression was cheeky and scarily mischief. "What is she up to?" he thought staring at her. He was so mesmerised y her morning glory that, being the foolish teenager he was, crashed into a wooden support. When his face collided with the pillar, all the assassins looked over hearing the sudden crack noise. Mine jump to his right side, holding his hand, while Chelsea muttered something about his stupidness before grabbing his left. Both of the girls pulled him up hastily, staring into his eyes. "You alright?" they both asked concerned, before suddenly ripping their gazes of the handsome young man to glare at each other. Their eyes met, staring intensely into one another with a look of hate and ferocity. "Girls..." Tatsumi started, trying to break the awkward tension. Around them Akame, Leone, Lubba and the boss stared at the amusing scene. Susanoo continued to work at his pace, flipping dough at the same as stir frying vegetables. Both of the young women moved their muderous stares onto Tatsumi. "Shut up dummy!" they both yelled together before diving into a full-blown argument with each other.



The insults flew through the air, wounding both combatants. Tatsumi sighed before moving to the kitchen. "I won't survive today with her." Looking over his shoulder he spotted Chelsea laughing her head off facing a red-faced Mine. "SHE PISSES ME OFF SOOO MUCH!" The shorter girl yelled. Tatsumi entered the cooking area, instantly being hit in the face with the sweet smells of freshly baked bread and an assortment of grilled meats and seafood. The aroma of spices and food filled the room. " Good morning! Need help Akame?" The raven-haired girl twirled her tie as she looked over her shoulder to reply. "Oh? Oh Tatsumi good morning, no we don't need help Su-san has got this." The girl picked up a sticky rice bun and munched on it hungrily. She devoured the treat in an instant. "Oh okay see you at the table," he said back before turning and waving. The other assassins all ceased their actions and dove into their seats the moment Su-san yelled "Breakfast." Of course, a meal made by Susanoo was one to be cherished and savoured. The Night raid member salivated as their food was brought out by Akame and Su.


"So I fucked Tatsumi yesterday."

All of the members of Night raid apart from Akame and Su spat out their food in surprise. The disgusting remnants of their food decorated the wooden dining table. Tatsumi was the first to recover from his mild shock. He glared viciously at his lover, his eyes full of fire. His expression spoke two things: Why? and i'm going to murder you. Chelsea shrugged, not showing one bit of concern for the man or his facial show. All of the assassins had their eyes wide open, staring or glaring at Tatsumi. "Thats not i meant by whats knew Chels," Leone said before laughing and falling into the table, face first in her hands. Her sweet chuckles echoed through the dinning room. In that moment Tatsumi's cheeks heated up until they were at maximum red. Susanoo's eyes twinkled before he sped to the regurgitated food on the table, cleaning it all up in one swift movement. "I-I-Is this true Tatsumi?!" Mine yelled from her seat. Tatsumi did not give an answer, but his face said it all. Mine gasped before glaring intensely at Chelsea. Her eyes had murderous intent in them. She looked as if she was about to slit Chelsea's throat. "U bitch! I'll kill you..." Mine muttered under gritted teeth. Suddenly she pulled out her signature firearm, Pumpkin and aimed dead straight for Chelsea's head. The said women didn't even budge nor cower away in fear. "Mine! No Imperial arms at the dinner table!" Najenda yelled across the room. Mine glanced at her boss before sighing and lowering her firearm. Chelsea only gave her a massive, cute smile before the pink-haired she-demon pounced on Tatsumi, Smashing her boot into his face, sending him halfway across the room. "Excuse me," Mine choked out as she retreated to her quarters. "see Tatsumi darling? now everyone knows so you won't be bothered!" she said reassuringly, winking at his direction. Tatsumi sat on the floor rubbing his sore face, still stunned. "Why would Mine act like that?" he thought. He didn't even notice his peer storm slowly to him. Lubba stared down at his friend before gritting his teeth. His expression was of betrayal and even more ferocious than Mine's." We are brothers...and you didn't tell me about this... you bastard..." he whispered grudgingly. Before Tatsumi could rise to meet his intense gaze, the greeen-haired assassin's foot collided with the hero's face, sending his floppy body deeper into the wood planks.

Tatsumi lay embedded deep into the ground, defeated by his friends. "Thats enough Rabbac!" yelled Najenda. Lubbock felt a grasp on his shoulder. He looked down quickly giving a surprised 'Oh?' before his wide-eyed face was sent hurling towards the boss. She had pulled so hard that the man crashed through the window behind her. In a flash Susanoo cleaned the window, repairing it and removing the broken glass from the floor, not paying attention to the pervert outside. Leone skipped to Tatsumi's side and removed his face from the floor, smashing it against her massive boob. "Oh? Little Tatsumi has finally grown up! Is he big Chels?" she asked her fellow assassin. Chelsea nodded enthusiastically before returning her focus to the yoghurt and muesli in front of her. "Is he...good?" she questioned slyly. Chelsea looked up once again before blankly replying: My ass has bruises on it, so yes he was great." Tatsumi blushed as the compliment her received. Leone purred turning to face him, giving him a seductive wink. "What is sex, why is it so good?" Akame suddenly questioned innocently looking up to Chelsea, still chewing on a bone. Chelsea and leone bust into laughter together as Tatsumi dove his head into his hand, frmly face-planting into his palm. "Don't.. haha... worry honey, I'll tell you in a bit. ahahah you'll be greatly educated with me as your teacher," she said between laughs and fits of giggling. "If you're gonna do it, make sure its with're guaranteed a good time." Chelsea added, giving him an encouraging grin. Both Akame and Tatsumi blushed deeply, but his disappeared when he saw Lubba clawing at the window behind the boss. "Soooo, i marked you as mine when you are older didn't I little brother. Soooo you belong to me, make this one worth it ok honey? Cause you know I think i'm next in line" Tatsumi's blush returned once again as the feline stopped whispering in his ear. Akame stared over amused, still chewing on her Evil bird bone. "Tatsumi was it fun?" she emotionlessly questioned. The hero made a strangled noise before grabbing Chelsea, hoisting her up on his shoulder and running out trying to hide his embarrassment. "I've had enough i'm out!" he yelled while bolting to the door. "Why do I have to come?! I haven't finished my- they were already out the door before she could finish her sentence. "To answer your question honey, yes it great fun!" Leone winked before returning to her seat. Mine leaned against the wall and watched from her bedroom window as Tatsumi carried the scarlet-haired women into the forest. "Wonder what they're doing?" she questioned herself, suddenly intrigued by his actions.

"I know you like it rough, but this isn't what I meant by one-sided fun!" Chelsea sarcastically yelled into the air as Tatsumi continued to run out of the lodge, into the woods surrounding the building.

When they finally came to a stop in a small glade, Tatsumi gently laid her down and collapsed beside the fellow assassin. Around them the wind whispered through the trees, passing by branches and and leaves, blowing some around the two. Above the sun bore down lightly on the swaying grass. The clouds above were in shapes of Their imperial arms, floating around the horizon. For once, there was peace.

"Don't tell me your all worked up over little old me!" She said while playing with the panting Tatsumi's hair. The assassin barely had energy to speak. "I swear you had better stamina than this!" Chelsea teased while kneeling next to him. "Not with you on my back!" he argued back. The moment his sentance finished her foot struck his chest, sending him toppling forward. "Whats that supposed to mean! DID YOU SAY I'M FAT!" Chelsea yelled from the other side of the clearly, slowly pacing up to him, rolling up her sleeves. His vision blurred, barely able to focus on her swaying headphones.

"S-She D-Demon..." he whispered between pants. He tried to rise from the floor, but hs chest ached.

"Ohhh Tatsumiiiii that hurt!" she put her hands to her heart, teasing him once more. She came to his side to rub his torso, comforting the pain. It seeped from his body, replacing the ache with a warm sensation.

"That didn't hurt as much as what i just experienced."

"You love my playful nature! I know it!"

"Thats besides the point" Tatsumi muttered sitting up.

" Awwwww you doo."

"I didn't say anything!"

"hmmm yes you did, and since you're being sooo nice for a beautiful lady like me, I'll let this gentleman indulge... on something special. I'll take this little compliment into account, and i'm feeling a little...tense...could you help me?"

Tatsumi watched her sit up and stretch out before winking at him. His face showed confusion and curiosity. Chelsea skipped over to the closest tree before bracing herself against it and leaning over, showing her cute, lacy pink panties to him. Tatsumi finally understood what she meant, and jumped back.

"Here? N-Now?" he stuttered, trying not to meet her gaze.

"Yep got a problem?"


"Just get over here Tatsumi, before I pounce on you.

He reluctantly walked over, swallowing as reached her back.

"Hey why do you wear earphones anyway?" he questioned before placing his hestitant hands on her butt, then roaming to feel over her body.

"For you to pull while you-ahhh" her sentence was interrupted by a loud moan that erupted from her throat, sending Tatsumi's ego and confidence sky-rocketing up. "What was that? I didn't get it." he cooly said before smiling into her shoulder.

"Just get on with it Tatsumi...if you do I'll give you a sweet treat."

"Whats that?"

"a lollipop of course!"