Happy Christmas!

This is how he wanted things. This was how things were meant to be on such a wonderful holiday.

Kuroko sipped lightly at the punch he held, baby blue eyes dancing merrily over the room overflowing with smiling faces, a bit of rivalry, and raucous laughter. The miracles had come together throwing quite a large Christmas shindig. Of course it was organized and put on by the deadly combination of Akashi and Midorima.

It was a tad unusually to see the red head so lively, but it was probably due to his true persona returning after his defeat not quite a year prior.

Of course Kise and Aomine had pathetically attempted to convince their former captain to don a Santa costume, but Akashi merely scoffed at such an inconceivable idea. But not before thoroughly frightening the pair of idiots.

The blunet smiled warmly at the not so distant memory. The party had more than just the miracles of course. Most of the team members the others got along with were there. Akashi had invited his team out of proper manners, but it seemed only Mibuchi made an appearance. Takao had naturally followed Midorima without being invited. Ah, the green haired shooter was such a tsundere.

Kise had somehow managed to drag his favored senpai along. Kuroko was glad to see the blond had maintained their friendship even after the other had graduated.

Aomine didn't bother inviting anyone from his team. Moaning and groaning about how much work that would be. Of course, Kuroko did the right thing and informed Momoi of their plans so that the female manager could attend as well. The shadow had heard the ace had been lectured quite sternly for not inviting her. Rather amusing considering their vast difference in size.

Murasakibara complained about having to attend, but contrary to what he often led others to believe, Kuroko could tell he had been looking forward to the event. After all, he practically danced lazily through the door as soon as his eyes made contact with the large selection of sweets spread out on the table top. Himuro merely chuckled and followed the wall of a teen inside.

He invited his own team as well, having grown rather close to them. He was a bit disappointed that only Kagami agreed to go; the others giving some excuse or another about the discomfort of spending time with rivals outside of a match.

Sipping from his slowly warming beverage again, Kuroko couldn't prevent the small laugh from escaping him upon watching both Aomine and Kagami grab each other by the collar before smashing their foreheads together in a display of ultimate manliness. As much as they denied it, they were rather similar in personality.

A loud chime suddenly filled the room, ringing twelve times before it's occupants fired off confetti poppers. "Happy Christmas!" was shouted by the majority before they returned to their previous interactions.

Yes, it was a happy Christmas indeed.

[A/N: Short KnB drabble. Was feeling Kuroko quite a bit today. I know this marks my first step into this fandom fanfic wise, but I've been roleplaying the blue haired babe for the past near 2 years. So he comes a bit naturally for me when I'm stuck in a rut. Expect more KnB, specifically Kuroko, drabbles when I hit a wall.]

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday and here's to a happy New Year with great beginnings!