Hey everyone out there guess whose back I said if I got my inspiration back I would return and guess who has gotten her inspiration back this has been going around Tumblr and Deviantart even some on fanfiction this is my take on the whole if Nya picked Cole and Jay heartbroken became a Nindroid idea so I gave my own spin on it I will work on this when ever I can and i promise this one won't end up a failure like the rest of them I hope you enjoy

Disclaimer: I don't own nor will I ever own Ninjago

Jay's PoV

I sat there near the warmth of the campfire, mulling over the day's events tear's pricked at the corner of my eyes when I thought about what had transpired, it had started out like any other day and then Cole and I got into an argument over Nya again and she walked in on us fighting apparently she had had enough because she yelled


We both turned to her in shock as she continued saying

"This has been going on too long maybe it's about time I chose somebody"

I saw her sigh as she continued

"Jay I love you but you have turned immature how do I know if you can be serious and when I need you to be, how do I know if I'm safe with you"

"I can be I will be a promise"! I exclaimed

"I'm sorry Jay, but you haven't shown me somebody I can trust and believe in to protect me and possibly a future family, I'm sorry Jay I choose Cole" she said her voice barely above a whisper

"What Nya no please don't do this" I cried out begging her to change her mind, tear's pricked at the corner of my eyes

"I'm sorry Jay I really am" she replied to me turning her back to me, and embracing Cole

Tears flooded my eyes as I ran away, I heard her call out my name several times, but I just blocked it out, and continue to run not caring where I ended up

"How could she after all we had been through, how could she have picked that black hearted no good, girl stealing idiot over me"! I had thought

I soon found myself in a forest lost and alone, but remembering what my father had taught me I quickly set up camp, and got a fire going so I wouldn't freeze, I shook myself out of my thoughts when I heard the snap of a branch, I whipped around when I heard cackling I saw Cryptor

"Well well well well looky what I have here a ninja all by his lonesome the overlord will be quite pleased and rather easy pickings too, I'm surprised to see you out here, what ever happened to your lady friend quite fiesty if I remember right" he said while laughing again

"Don't talk about her" I snapped

Cryptor laughed again

"What things not work out with her" he asked while still laughing

"She chose someone over me, but the real question is why am I even telling you this" I replied bitterly

Cryptor chuckled

"I don't know but I do know that if you want to I highly doubt it though so why do I even bother" he replied slightly laughing again

"What is it" I asked intrigued

"You would never want to " Cryptor replied to me hesitation in his voice

"How do I know if I don't want too if I don't even know what it is" I countered

" You got a good point, fine then since your girlfriend ditched you for that other kid I'm thinking you want some revenge, am I right"? Cryptor asked looking at me

I thought about it, how bad she had hurt me and how much I wanted to hurt Cole whom had took her from me, how much I wanted to see him writhe in pain beneath me, and to ask him how does it feel, and to make Nya watch as I kill her love so she knows the pain I am feeling I smiled

" So am I right I'm guessing I am judging by the smile" Cryptor stated

" You are correct to assume that, I want revenge for the pain they've caused me" I replied an edge to my voice

"Then come and join us join the Nindroid army" Cryptor said motioning to the Nindroid's standing around him

My eyes widened at the thought, but then I thought of all the pain that Nya and Cole have caused me

"Alright I'll join, but anytime we come in contact with them I get to deal with the girl and the black haired guy got it"?

"Of course" Cryptor said removing his hood my eyes widened in surprise he looked surprisingly like Zane but his hair was black instead of blond I could see he was smiling

I smiled as I thought of all the pain I was going to cause to those that have hurt me

"Once we get back to the tower I will upgrade you with some new weapons and clothing" Cryptor said while turning around

"Of course" I replied still smiling

"The Overlord will be very pleased that you have joined our cause " Cryptor replied I watch as he pulled his hood back over his head and start walking away

I douse the flames of my campfire, and follow him the other Nindroid's also follow suit, I banish all the thought's of my former family from my mind, and focus on the future the future with my new family

I really hope you liked this please read and review it would be much appreciated