Disclaimer: Star Wars Rebels and all of its characters, terms, and locations are the sole property of Lucasfilm and Disney. I own nothing.

Ezra… Tua?

Hello everyone and welcome to this open discussion regard my potential future fanfiction project that I like to call "Ezra… Tua?" For those of you out there who are wondering about the next chapter of "Comfort and Loss" rest assured that it is on the way; it's just going to take a little longer than expected because now that I'm out of college I have to begin the long and arduous process of finding a job. But enough about that. The reason I have posted this thing is to discuss ideas for this fanfiction idea I've had for some time now.

But before I tell you my idea, allow me to explain where it came from. You see, a couple of years ago I took this class on Latin American History, in which I learned about the Dirty War in Argentina. Apparently, during this time the children of those who were disappeared by the government, usually one that were somewhere between infancy and three years old, secretly given to loyalist families; false birth certificates, aid from the government, the whole schemer. After seeing the episode "Empire Day" and learning what happened to Ezra's parents I remembered this and that's when I had an idea. What if the Empire had had Ezra placed into an Imperial Family. After that I wondered what kind of family would he have been adopted into. Then I realized it didn't necessarily have to be a whole family. So I asked myself one final question: What if Ezra had been raised by Minister Maketh Tua?

After that all kinds of story possibilities started popping into my brain. So many in fact that I couldn't decide how to proceed. Which is why I decided to open up this discussion. I want to know what you think of this idea. If you wish to participate please answer the following questions either in the form of a review or a PM. Please try to explain you answer as thoroughly as you can.

Question #1: When should Ezra's parents be arrested? Should they arrested while Ezra is still a baby or should the date remain the same? Basically, should Ezra have any memeory of his birth parents?

Question #2: What kind of mother do you think Minister Tua would be to Ezra? Strict or the kind that likes to pamper and spoil their child?

Question #3: Based on your previous answer, how would Ezra be different by having been raised by Minister Tua? What would his life as the son of an Imperial be like? What is his relationship with his 'mother'?

Question #4: Based on your previous answers, how would this Ezra end up with the crew of the Ghost? Would his relationships with the other crewmembers be different? And if so, how?

Question #5: Based on your previous answers, how would his mother, Minister Tua, react upon learning that her son was a member of a ragtag group of rebels? Would she be more concerned with getting her son back and having things return to normal or carrying out the will of the Empire? Also, would Ezra keep his relationship with her a secret from the others?

Questions #6: Based on your previous answers, if Ezra wasn't aware of his birth parents would he find out? If so, how?

Question #7: Based on your previous answers, are there any other changes to the continuity you want to make or think are necessary? If so, what are they?

For those of you how have chosen to take part in this discussion I thank you. All of your input is not only appreciated but will be helpful to me once I finish my other project "Comfort and Joy". Again, thank you all for your time and may the force be with you always.