Hi everyone I'm Mei Mei and this is my first fanfic in english so please don't kill my if my gramatical stuff sucks. It's Starfire x Raven so if you don't like it you're free to go without expressing your ideas about how we destroy your dear StarRobin cannon and bla bla bla... Everyone can ship whoever they want ^w^ I don't own the Teen Titans even if I would like to :p

Para los seguidores hispanohablantes quiero decir que seguiré con La Bella y sus 2 Bestias solo la tengo en pausa larga por razones personales/éticas mias que serian muuuuuuuuuuuy largas de contar pero me impiden continuar de momento aunque dige en su momento que lo haría a muchos reviewers, cosa de la cual me disculpo. Espero que aún y así sigais apoyandóme y prometo dar el máximo para no defraudaros con la conti. (^w^)

Chapter one: Awaken

As any other day in Jump City, the citizens were blessed with a feeling of temporally peacefulness till a loud explosion was heard form one of the bank's walls spreading the panic all over the street. In the cloud of dust caused by the explosion a man with a black and white costume that stand out for the enormous light bulb in it's chest appeared carrying two big sacs of money and a disgusting grin in his face.

"FEAR THE LIGHT!" Beams of light erupted from his body disintegrating everything they touched. Soon the concrete was filled with holes and human bodies all splattered in the ground. That only fuelled the mad man's laughter. "Come on Titans! Too scared to show up?"

In that instant, the man's shadow grew larger and started morphing till it took the shape of a cloaked person. From the shadow a monotone voice, slow but strong said "Shouldn't you be the one scared here Dr. Light?" he didn't have time to turn around before the shadow swallowed him and, after turning into the shape of a young cloaked girl reappeared as a giant claw holding the villain now pale and trembling.

"Guess you're going to be a nice guy and will be waiting for the cops in here?" asked the girl with a raised elbow and her distinctive hieratic expression. The villain however didn't said anything being too busy trembling and whispering inaudible words for the young titan. "I'll guess that means yes". She started flying towards the tower without bothering to check on him. Light wasn't anything close to a threat for her, she didn't ever know why the poor man was still trying to fight her team.

My team she sighted. After killing her father, bringing an end to the brotherhood of evil and their travel to Tokyo everyone had appointments that weren't able to be delayed anymore except her. All her problems had been around her 'unchangeable' destiny towards the destruction of the Earth and its inhabitants. Azarath? She didn't have a home in there; they only taught her to control her powers and then dumped her in the Earth to evade problems with Trigon. Damm gerks she thought, her body started filling with fury and, alarmed tried to suppress it like always.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinth- AH!" A sharp and pure pain tore through the sorceress head enabling her flying abilities and letting her fall into the sea 30 feet next to the tower. Raven, even hurt was still conscious and with the help of the freshness that gives falling into the cold sea started swimming to the sore. Soaked to the bone and cold as ice she started walking to the colossal construction that was the Titans tower that, compared to a few days ago, it was dark and silent as a graveyard. All the lights were disconnected to the likes of its now only inhabitant and the Ops room that used to be full of screaming and games was now a simple room for eating and watching horror movies when it's mistress need it, that it wasn't quite often.

Raven arrived to her room with difficulties and tossed herself to the bed without bothering about her wet clothes. Her head hurt hard and she did know the reason of it. Damn it how she needed Starfire now. She would hug her and give her some strange tamaranian plate like Glorb which distasteful flavour would make her forget pain for as long as it lasted. However, the alien's sweet smile would melt her heart and help her forget everything... The sorceress shook her head while fresh tears caused both by physical and emotional pain fell through her pale cheeks. She had given up on Starfire a long time ago, the alien was in a relationship with the wonder boy and, compared to him, she was only a half-breed monster. Her only partners being the darkness and destruction.

But in spite of knowing this, she can't help feeling jealous of her team mate. He was able to be the reason of Starfire happiness and see a part of her that Raven can only dream of. She was so fucked up. At least I'll be able to see her soon Raven smiled and sighed not feeling pain anymore but the butterflies in the stomach that only the Titan was able to bring to her instead. For Azarath just stop it jerk you're hurting yourself.

"AAAH!" Once again this unbearable pain came much stronger than before. Her eyes multiplied and turned red, letting tears of pure agony fall uncontrolled. Her body started trembling and, even if she didn't want it, her mind, incapable of standing it anymore made her fall into unconsciousness.

Raven opened her eyes and found herself in a red and black dimension only supported by pieces of stone of different sizes and shapes. She only needed a fast glance to know where she was.

"Brave?" no answer "wisdom?" no answer, she sighed "happiness?" again no answer. She was starting to get scared, where were all her emotions?

"Raven is that you?" a weak trembling voice called her joined by a hand that tugged her cloak gently. The sorceress turned to see one part of herself except of it wearing a grey cloak that contrasted with her dark blue one.

Raven grabbed her feeling's shoulders "Sadness. Where is everyone? Why are you alone?" The other Raven trembled lightly tears starting to form in her eyes "She she took th-them. I-I ran and she" sob "laughed at me te-telling I wasn't worth and-" Raven put a finger in the feeling's lips shushing her "It's okay relax. Can you tell me where is she?" Sadness nodded and guided the sorceress to another dimension of her mind. Rage's one. She found herself surrounded by fire and destruction. It looked like the city during her father's arrival. Meanwhile Raven was thinking about which of her feelings was able to do that. Rage? Maybe, but what would she gain kidnapping the rest of them? I've shot her down before and I will do it again if it's necessary The titan's reflexions were interrupted by something she thought she wouldn't see never again.

Trigon. The interdimensional demon. Her father. Injured and chained in the ground with her other feelings plus some that she had never see around him. But the most shocking of all was the figure sitting on him. It was her but at the same time wasn't. Her hair, much longer that Raven's one was darker and messy in a provocative way. Her body was much developed than Raven's wasn't covered with robes instead she used some type of dark-red scales that barely covered at all and the long tail ended in a sharp tip was cutting along the demon's back while the other screamed in agony. However she wasn't able to see herself but something told her that her face wouldn't be much different from her own one.

It seemed that the woman sensed Raven's presence because she grinned ant turned around looking at her and sadness "Look what the little bird has brought" She had a voice much like her own one but with something the titan wasn't able to define, something like... a perpetual playful tone as if she was only playing with you. The feeling whimpered and hide herself behind the sorceress. Raven however was too surprised to move at all till the mysterious woman approached her and raised her chin so Raven was looking at her eyes. That's when she saw it. She was a demon too. The titan gasped and as if the demon was able to read her thoughts she laughed.

"Hi me"