Hurray! I finally got a laptop! I've been waiting for one for ages just so I can upload stories. I've had the idea in my head for this story for months and now I finally get to put it on paper and paper to screen. First thing, intro, I am EEErocks, you can call me E. This story also takes place after the GMG arc. so now that that's out of the way… ON TO THE CHAPTER!


Normal POV:

Lucy stood in front of the Fairy Tail guildhall. Today was the day, the day everything would change. The busty blonde walked up to the doors and opened them, it was early so only Mira and a few mages that were milling around were there. Lucy walked to the bar, sat down, and lay her head on the counter.

Mira looked over at the girl laying down, she had changed a lot these past ten months. After the GMG the guild started calling her weak and useless, Lucy had began to believe it. Mira had watched as the light left the once happy eyes, as the blonde went through a fashion change, and cried when she stopped talking as much.

Lucy was currently wearing faded blue jeans with a black tee-shirt and a dark blue jacket half zipped. The blondes hair was now down to her waist and had bright blue tips, around her neck was a pair of headphones connected to a music lacrama. Her once bright and lively eyes are now dull and lifeless. The white haired beauty walked up to the blonde with a smile on her face.

Lucy's POV:

"What can I get you Lucy?" I look up from my pillow known as the bar.

"just a beer please," Mira frowns, I can tells she doesn't like the fact I started drinking more a few months ago. Still, Mira comes back with the drink in hand and sets it in front of me.

"Thanks Mira,"

"N problem Lucy," Mira stated, "Lucy, you seem tired, is something bothering you?" Yes, yes there is "Nope, nothing," I reply, "Do you know if Master is in?" Mira eyes widened and looked pained, but I could have imagined it because as soon as it came, it was gone. She smiled kindly "ya, he's in his office"

"Thanks," I stated before I chugged my beer, set my empty cup in front of me, and head up to the second floor.

I pause in front of the master's office door, then knock.

"Come in," a tired voice says from within.

Mira's POV:

"Do you know if Master's in?" those were the words I've been dreading to hear ever since That incident.


I walk out of the guildhall after locking up. Elfman and Lisanna had gone home so I was all alone, I decide to go check on Lucy because she wasn't at the guild and the gods only know she needs company. I walk down to her house and knock, no reply, I knock once more, "Lucy?" I say as I open the door that was, surprisingly, unlocked. I hear crying coming from her room so I rush to see what it's about. As I enter Lucy's bedroom I see he sobbing on her bed, face blotched and hair messy.

"I don't deserve to be apart of the guild. I should just leave. It's not like anyone would care anyways," that's when I notice the bloodied knife on her bed and rush over. I hug the sobbing girl, not caring that the blood from her arms are getting on my dress. As she falls asleep I spend the rest of the night at her apartment, cleaning the horrid cuts littering her arms and making sure she's stable enough for me to leave alone.


All I can do is hope she's not about to do what I think she is. She better not be leaving the guild.

Lucy's POV:

I open Master's door while trying to keep a straight face. Master looks over piles of paper work and his eyes brighten up.

"Hello Lucy. What can I do for ya'?

"Master?" I question as I sit down, he hums his response, "If a friend asks for help, I should help them right?'

"Of course my child, but I feel there is more to your question," he responds.

"yes there is," I sigh quietly, "What if it meant leaving other friends?"

What do you mean child?" he asks, suddenly becoming serious.

I take a deep breath and prepare to tell him the meaning behind my questions.

"All right, here goes,"


I sat in front of the crystal blue lake that I've been going to for a few months now. Suddenly the water started to rise and the sky was filled with stars, I knew exactly what was happening, the spirit king was coming. What he wanted I didn't know but I rose to my feet as my hair whipped around.

"Hello old friend," I heard as the spirit king appeared.

"Hello 'stach face,what can I do for you?" I say with a monotone expression, it was one of those days.

"I have a favor to ask it's more… of a personal request than anything" he responds

"Which is?" I question waiting for an explanation.

"It's about my daughter, sh-" before he could continue I cut him off.

"Wait, you have a daughter?" the king smile fondly, yet I can tell there's pain behind the smile.

"Yes her name is Eridanus, the river," I nod and he continued, "you see, she went missing quite some time ago. It appears you are the only one capable of finding her,"

"Why can't one of the other spirits find her? don't they have some kind of bond?" I ask curiosity filling my voice.

"It appears you have a power your mother also possessed but never came in contact with. You see, spirits are drawn to you and you to them, much like us spirits. However, we have found out that Eridanus isn't on this planet, she's on a planet called Earth that only posses a limited amount of magic, much like Edolas, so we spirits can only stay out for so long until we must recharge out power. So you must be the one to do it," the king explains, it appears he prepared for me to ask that question, he seemed very prepared.

"How long will I be gone?" I ask worry evident in my voice. The king sighs,

"I was afraid you would ask that. I'm sorry to say it may take a long time, you may not see your friends again. However if you accept I also have a.. long term job for you,"

'What friends' I think to myself, "I see, I'll have to talk to Master about this,"

"I understand" the spirit king replies, "come back here when you have an answer, I shall be waiting," I nod and walk back to my apartment where I spent the last week thinking the request over.


After I was done explaining , Master looked at me with pained eyes, "I suppose you wish to help?" he asked in a depressed voice.

"Yes I need to help, it's his daughter, a daughter that may be in pain for not having a father," I say knowing he understands my need to help not only the King, but the girl as well.

"I understand child, but I will not allow you to leave the guild," my eyes widen at this comment, "If you still bear the guild mark I hope it will remind you that you can always come back after the mission is complete, even if it is just for a visit," he explains

"thank you Master," I exclaim, tears in the eyes that haven't held tears for so long, I thought I had run out long ago.

?'s POV:

I sit by a window writing on a piece of paper, my brown hair in my eyes. I sigh and look up banishing the stray hair behind my ear. I stare out the, the other campers that stayed during the school year and over christmas are having fun in the falling snow. The snow, it looks so peaceful, everything in my life is a little too peaceful. Why can't my life be like my books? I mean sure, I'm going to the camp of my dreams from ever since I read the series but still, it's not as exciting as I thought is was going to be. Yet, why do I get a feeling something is going to happen, maybe not soon, maybe not even for a while, but I get a feeling in the years to come, my life will be adventure filled.

so, there you have it, the first chapter! this is the first fan-fiction I've written, normally I just write short stories but those turn out pretty good. don't worry the Percy Jackson part will get more prominent, that was just a taste of the series showing. Anyway! MERRY CHRISTMAS! I forgot to say…

criticism is welcome, but try not to be mean, I don't think my little heart can take it.