Update as of February 2019 - this story has been revamped! (Or at least, the chapters that have a 'revamped!' on the top are fixed) I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer - I do not own these characters.

Mission Report: What Clint Knows

"There are a lot of things the world doesn't know about Natasha Romanoff. There are a lot of things SHIELD doesn't know about Natasha Romanoff. There are even a lot of things Natasha Romanoff doesn't know about Natasha Romanoff.

This isn't about her past because I don't even know that part to its entirety and, frankly, neither does she. Instead, these are the strictly confidential secrets that Natasha Romanoff thinks I don't know about her."


"I thought you said love was for children," Clint states.

He approaches Natasha who sits at a table with a cold beer in her hands. In front of her are SHIELD files for several agents. All of them are opened and in front are their photos and a little synopsis on them. Clint puts his hands on Natasha's shoulders as he looks over, seeing Natasha's additional sticky notes with her handwritten additives stuck to various places per file (mostly stating possible conflicts). He snickers, squeezing her shoulders because he knows what she is in the middle of doing. It has been her big project since the aftermath of New York has settled down.

"It is," Natasha responds, not even looking up at Clint. Her eyes are primarily focused on potential candidates as she puts down her beer.

"Then why are you setting Steve up on a date?"

"Because he needs one. Someone, not us, needs to show him around the town and help him catch up on what he's missed."

Natasha pulls out three of the standout candidates in the bunch and centers them out for Clint. He peers in closer, looking at them, reading about them, glancing at Natasha's yellow sticky notes which focus on how the would or wouldn't be compatible with Steve, and what Clint already knows about the women. After some analytical thinking, Clint shakes his head at all of them, closing their files.

"I thought you'd say that," Natasha mutters, pushing all the files back. "I was thinking the same thing."

"I don't think you're qualified for the line of matchmaking," Clint responds.

"You're right." Natasha takes a seat on the table and pulls Clint in closer to her by his shoulders. She drapes her arms around his neck and leans in closer. Her lips graze his and she looks deep in his eyes. "I have a terrible taste."


"For starters, Natasha is a natural redhead. A lot of the other agents doubted that when she first came because of her ambiguous aura and darker brows.

She likes the rain but loves the fog. Again, because of her ambiguous aura. On foggy days when she doesn't have to show up to work, she likes to just lie in bed till the fog moves away, hoping that it stays in the city forever. While relaxing, she would light a chai scented candle that she got from a farmer's market down the road.

She dances when nobody is looking (although I sneak a peek every now and then). From what she remembers and will tell me of her days in The Red Room, she was a ballerina. That explains the grace.

When she's feeling tired or sad, she likes to lie down with me. She's got this spot on the back of her shoulder she loves when I rub it. It's underneath a pair of scars that she never knew were there until I pointed them out. She isn't sure where they came from or when she got them but was just glad they healed over nicely.

And, when she quietly sings old Russian songs, she knows I don't understand the words, but she knows I like to listen. Sometimes, I think she's just cussing at me in C minor but it's still music to my ears."


"You love me," Clint whispers into her ear. "You'd take a bullet for me."

"I'd be the one shooting you," Natasha responds.

He quickly takes the chance to kiss her, combing his fingers through her curls. Natasha cooperates and wraps her legs around his waist. Clint stops the kiss for a second and she takes the advantage to breathe but he didn't pull away. She digs her fingers into his hips as she smiles into his lips.

They're like children: not believing how impossible it is for them to resist each other.


"Considering that she has a blurred memory of her past and the files SHIELD has on her are redacted, I thought I knew all that I needed to about Natasha Romanoff and more, but the one thing I didn't know about her was that her one fear ended up being a dream I never knew I had..."