Note to readers:

Hi everybody,

I'm so sorry for being gone for so long. Please know, that this story isn't dead (in fact, it's been evolving). The past few years have been rather emotionally trying for me. I used the Internet as a coping mechanism (still do actually), and almost ruined my college career. As a result, I've spent more time reading fanfictions, instead of writing them (though I have come up with some new ideas). Then, two years ago, I had to deal with the death of a woman who was like a third grandmother (think Gramma Tala). By what can truly be called a miracle however, I was able to graduate (though I still haven't gotten my dream job yet). Of course, if I want to be a writer, I have to actually write something, so I've decided to get back to this story. I can't make any promises of course, but you should see a new chapter soon. Anyway, Merry Christmas and God bless you, dear readers. May we all experience the joy and peace of the season.


Asperger songbird