AN: This is NOT a part of the TCOP universe. This AU story explores what might have happened if Rick realized that Kate was not being truthful as she sent him away during her recovery from being shot at Montgomery's funeral. I hope you enjoy the story and I am posting at the request of one of my reviewers. Without further ado I give you "Consequences".
Chapter 1
Richard Castle was tossing and turning. His writer's mind was reliving the past few days.
"You know what we are, Castle? We are over. Now get out." Would she say that and not mean it? Kate was the queen of crossed signals, though.
"And if you're very lucky, you find someone willing to stand with you..." Did she mean him? Josh?
"Kateā¦ I love you. I love you, Kate." He did love her. She had the power to crush him.
"I don't remember anything." Her eyes, though. She may say that, but he knows her tells. She remembers more than she admits. She must not feel the same; but he knows her heart is weak and he will not hurt her by confronting her about it. How can he hurt her when she is killing him? He realizes that it's best for her if he backs off.
"I'll call you in a few days..." This is it; this is goodbye.
"Of course, Beckett. I, ummm...well I hope you get better soon. I'll miss you." He smiles softly and leans over to kiss her cheek. "Goodbye, Kate."
She watched as he turned away and left without looking back. He said goodbye. The tears began to flow as she watched the man she really loves walk away because she wasn't brave enough to tell him the truth.
Three months later she found herself in line at the bookstore with a copy of his latest book. As she neared the front of the line, she opened it and prepared herself.
"Who should I make it out to?"
" can make it out to Kate." She watched him stiffen and he settled down again. He scribbled something and closed the cover. He briefly looked at her and she saw no emotion.
"Enjoy the book, Kate." He looked over to the next person in line and fixed his charming fake smile in place. "Hi! Who do I make it out to?"
She moved out of the way and felt the tears start to fall. She had hoped to talk to be able to explain why she hadn't called. She had talked to Ryan and he told her that Castle had come in for a couple of weeks to help out, but the new captain kicked him out and he didn't fight it. She had realized that she loved him while she was at her dad's cabin. She walked slowly towards the door and stepped outside. She leaned against the building and opened the front of the book.
The dedication page read "To Captain Roy Montgomery, NYPD. He made a stand and taught me all I need to know about bravery and character." Underneath was written "To Kate, the girl with the beautiful eyes. I hope that you find the one and done you are looking for...Rick Castle."
Kate started to cry and she walked away, heading back to the emptiness of her apartment.
Several hours later, Kate closed the book, tears falling freely. Rook had been wounded and lay near death; Nikki had fought with him and had gone off for a couple weeks to clear her head. Rook was not alone, though. An old friend Jolene Sawyer of the FBI had heard of his shooting and had come to visit.
Kate knew how he wrote; she had practically lived with the man...actually for a few days, she HAD lived with him after her apartment blew up. Jolene Sawyer was most likely Jordan Shaw.
Rick looked out the window, deep in thought. His dinner companion noticed. "What's wrong, Rick?"
He looked over at her. "She came to the signing this evening."
"Ah. Did you talk?" She looked worried.
He answered while still looking out the window. "Not really. She had a book to be signed. I signed it and wished her happy reading."
"Did she stick around?"
He shrugged. "Honestly, I was shocked to hear her voice. I couldn't look at her; painful memories, you know?"
"Do you still love her, Rick?"
"I think I always will care for her. She was a part of my life for four years. But I've moved on. I have to be careful with my heart."
"Well, you'll always have me. I wouldn't have survived my divorce without your help and shoulder to cry on."
He smiled warmly and laid his hand on hers. "I know, Jordan. You and Cassie are great. I'll be okay. Soon I will be better and I'll take you out to celebrate."
She winked at him. "I'll hold you to that."
"Oh, someday soon...well, I should be good now. But soon? I'll aim to misbehave!"
She snorted. "You are NOT Mal Reynolds, Rick."
"At one point I felt like him."
She grinned at him. "Okay, Captain Tightpants. I have an early morning tomorrow. Take me home and let's get some sleep." Her eyes widened as he chuckled. "You know what I mean! I'll sleep at my home and you'll sleep at yours!"
Kate woke up in the morning and dressed for work. She headed straight for the precinct and went to her desk. Looking around, she was the first one in. The murder board was empty so she started checking her email. She cleared out the junk and went back through. She saw one from Castle dated twelve days after she had left to go to her dad's cabin. She clicked it open and started reading:
TO: Det. Beckett, Kate
FROM: Castle, Rick
I have no idea when or if you will read this. I've tried to come in and work with the guys, but my chair seems out of place and your desk is empty, just like my heart feels. I meant it when I told you I loved you. I saw when you said that you didn't remember that you weren't being truthful. The only conclusion I could come to was that you did not feel the same way.
I know that I forced my way onto your team just like I forced my way into your life. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain and I will always be sorry that you got shot because of me. Josh was right at the hospital. It was my fault. It makes sense that you wouldn't love me when all I've done is be a burden to you and ...well, I understand what you didn't say, Kate. You said you'd call and I think we both know that was a delaying tactic. I just found out you've left town without telling me; it lets me know where I stand and that my place is no longer beside you.
I hope everything works out with you and Josh; you seem happy with him. My heart's breaking here, Kate. I have loved you for so long, I have no idea what to do.
But I want you to know that I will always cherish our time together. You gave me a dream and a character, exactly what a muse should do for her writer. I'm going to take a couple of weeks to finish the last Nikki Heat book. I will be dedicating it to Roy officially.
Well, I'm sure you have better things to do. Say goodbye to Kevin and Javi for me; I didn't have the heart to tell them...they think I will be away writing for a while.
Goodbye, Kate. You will always be a part of me.
Kate Beckett lowered her head and let the tears fall. Rick Castle was no longer her partner. And she was no longer his muse.