As Emma looks out over the sea of people gathered to hear Killian perform it doesn't escape her notice that the majority of them are female. As he walks onto the stage and the crowd begins to erupt she feels a sense of pride. He smiles and grins in his adorably awkward way and the screams increase. She smirks. Emma isn't the only one in the audience that finds him incredibly attractive. She feels her jealous streak rise a little when he shoots a wink out into the crowd. But then he looks over to her and gives her a wide smile and she forgets to worry. After all they are just fans and even the biggest fan doesn't know the things she does about him. Like the way he likes to rub circles on the back of her hand with his thumb or that the blue plaid button down he is wearing is his lucky shirt.
Killian adjusts the microphone and the crowd quiets.
"Well thanks for being here! I want to start out with a cover that, I have on very good authority, is one of my best." He turns and picks up a ukelele and Emma smiles. When he start's strumming the opening to "What A Wonderful World" he finds her and winks. She grins back as the crowd spontaneously claps and hoots, she isn't the only one that loves that song.
They have technically only known each other for two days (well 46 hours) but Emma has already looked into buying plane tickets to London. She isn't sure what this thing is with Killian but she knows that she doesn't want to say goodbye tomorrow. She doesn't stop to think about the fact that she has only looked at one-way tickets. Because if she thought about how much she wanted to be with him she just might freak out about how fast all of this was going. It helped that her friends, especially Anna, were completely on board with her last minute trip.
"I mean it's not like you can't make videos in England." Mary Margaret had pointed out.
"And you have the whole summer free." Anna had added.
It goes without saying that Elsa, being the obsessed Jane Austenite of the group, is already planning on joining her.
Emma's biggest concern is that while she is falling hard and fast she isn't sure that Killian feels the same. She knows he likes her but would he be freaked out by her willingness to relocate for the rest of the summer? She had overestimated Neal's feelings and level of commitment, she didn't want to make the same mistake with Killian.
She tries to shelve her worries and enjoy the moment. Killian's set list is amazing and she watches in fascination as he performs. It's her first time seeing him live. She doesn't count the impromptu song he played for her in his room the night before. She can tell he loves being on stage, loves the screams of the crowd and thrill of interacting with them. So she finds it strange when he goes to introduce his last song and started running his hands through his hair; a dead giveaway that he is nervous.
He clears his throat and leans into the mic. "I wanted to end tonight with one of my original songs." He strums the guitar. "I wrote this song this Spring for someone very special that I had never actually met in person." he scratches behind his ear and his eyes search the crowd before finally locking on hers. Her stomach twists with the anticipation of what he is about to say. He gives a small smile and continues. "And amazingly she is here tonight. So Emma, my muse, this song is for you."
The crowd lets out a collective sigh but Emma doesn't really hear them. Killian's words have transported her somewhere else. She is back in her apartment sitting in her bedroom listening to his song and wishing that someday, someone would love her the way Killian Jones seemed to love his "golden haired beauty". She realizes that if anything she might be underestimating Killian's feelings.
She buys her ticket that night.
Author's Note: Yes I know I marked this complete. But I tried writing a little snippet for a friends birthday and it ended up at 700 words and I thought I should probably just post it here!