A/N: I'm writing this fic for one of my best friends, Lizzie. It's not a pairing for which I normally write, but this particular story is a gift. Happy Christmas, sweets!

Chapter 1: Alone For the Holidays

Hermione sat alone in the Gryffindor common room. She stared into the fire as it crackled and thought about what happened twenty minutes earlier.

"Come on, Hermione, we're going to miss the train," Harry said as he pulled his suitcase through the common room. Ron was right behind him, smiling giddily with excitement.

"You guys go," Hermione said, giving them hugs. She didn't want to tell them the truth: her parents owled her earlier that day saying they had to take an emergency trip to visit a relative and she wouldn't be able to return home for Christmas. She knew Ron and his family were taking Harry to Romania for Holiday and the last thing she wanted to do was invite herself. She knew the Weasleys wouldn't mind her coming along, but she just felt awkward since the boys had been talking about the trip since the start of the year. "I'll see you after break."

"We can still sit together on the train," Harry offered, sensing something was wrong.

She smiled and shook her head, trying her hardest to not cry. "Just go on! And say 'hi' to a dragon for me!" Harry and Ron smiled in return and with a few more goodbyes, they ran off.

Hermione didn't try to stop the tears as they slipped down her cheeks. Sobs shook her shoulders when she realized she was actually spending Christmas without her friends or family. It would be the first year she wouldn't decorate the tree with her mum and dad. I won't bake cookies with mum, or help dad shovel the drive. I don't get to meet Aunt Jesse's beautiful baby girl… The thoughts echoed around her head in a never-ending loop.

Hours passed before she was able to calm down. She dried her eyes and cheeks with the heels of her hands and pushed herself out of the chair. A glance at the time told her dinner in the Great Hall would be starting soon. She sighed when she caught sight of her red-rimmed, puffy eyes in a mirror. I'll have to fix that before I leave.

Draco reclined on a leather couch in the Slytherin common room and stared at the stone walls. "Damn you father," he muttered to the emptiness. The morning really hadn't gone as planned.

He was sitting in a chair when his father's face appeared in the embers. "Hello father," Draco said as he strode over to the fireplace.

"Draco," his father replied cordially.

"I've packed, sir. The train arrives at one—"

"Yes, but you'll not be on it," he interjected.


"Your mother and I have business to attend to and it simply can't wait. You understand, right?"

"Yes sir. Will I see you on Christmas?" He asked far more pleadingly than he intended.

"Don't be silly, Draco. Of course not. You'll be fine at school. Farewell."

"Goodbye, father." He barely got to the end of 'father' before the man disappeared.

He stood, looked in a mirror and straightened his tie. This was his first time staying at Hogwarts for Holiday and he didn't know if he was supposed to wear his school robes to dinner. His cheeks reddened as he looked at his reflection. I can't show up and be the only person in uniform, he thought irritably. After a few hours of debate, he decided to just wear his school robes.

Draco set off for the Great Hall later than he planned. Fashionably late, he told himself as he quickened his pace slightly.

Hermione was so busy making her eyes less puffy and red, she hadn't been paying attention to the time. "No," she whispered to herself as she hurried as best she could. Dinner had started fifteen minutes ago and she was still pulling on her shoes. On her way out the door, she stopped to admire her dark blue sweater. It made her feel a little better about being atrociously late. Hermione stowed her wand in her boot and sprinted out of the portrait.

She was thinking of excuses and apologies for being tardy when she ran into something very solid. "I'm sorry," she said quickly, without looking up.

"Watch it, Granger," Draco snapped, coldly. He didn't have the energy or motivation to think of a proper insult.

"Malfoy," Hermione growled through clenched teeth as she stood. Her anger lifted, slightly, when she saw his clothes. "At least I didn't wear my robes," she said with a smirk.

He scoffed and shoved his hands in his pockets as his cheeks reddened. Hermione kept a straight face, but felt sheer triumph surge through her veins.

The two continued their walk to dinner in silence. When they entered the great hall, everyone was seated at the professors table. "Miss. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, please, come join us," Dumbledore called. Draco sauntered up behind her. The last two seats were next to each other, across from Snape. Hermione had to repress a groan as she took the chair beside McGonagall and Draco took the end.

"Sorry I'm late, professor," she said quietly to Dumbledore, who was just on the other side of Minerva.

"Worry not, we've simply missed your company," he replied pleasantly. "Oh, and Mr. Malfoy, you needn't wear your school robes over the break," he said lightly.

Draco stabbed angrily at the chicken on his plate. "Yes, headmaster," he said icily. Severus looked down at him with a bemused smirk. He glared back and stayed silent for the remainder of the meal.

Hermione joined the casual conversation and talked about some of the most recent books she'd read. Everyone listened intently, except Malfoy who was still bitter about the robe comment. When she concluded her ramble, she looked around sheepishly for going on so long, but no one seemed to mind, and even Snape looked impressed. Jealousy shot through Draco's chest when he noticed his Head of House's expression. He shot an angry glare at Granger; but its intensity dimmed when he saw the genuine, bashful smile on her face as she answered Dumbledore's question about her favourite character. He shook his head, disgusted with his inability to properly display his displeasure.

Dinner concluded and the group dispersed. Draco was surprised to see so few students remaining in the castle. I doubt they want to be here any more than I do, he thought with a sigh as he trudged back to his dorm.