*And one month after the thirteenth chapter, I post the bonus chapter. According to some questionable sources, May 1st is International Laughing Day. So I deemed it appropriate to wait one month to post this last chapter. This supposedly takes place next April Fool's Day… and we're going to have a lot of Naoki. Also, I have a feeling that some people may not like the prank, because it is kind of cruel… so please no flaming me.

Just… enjoy ;) I now present …. The Avenger's revenge on Loki for last April Fool's Day.

The Avengers Revenge

Loki was wandering around Stark Tower, a little confused. It seemed that all the Avengers had disappeared into thin air. He suddenly stopped as he saw them all trooping out of the bathroom, grinning as they headed down the hall. They stopped as they saw him a few feet ahead.

"What were you all doing?" Loki asked suspiciously.

The Avengers exchanged looks.

"Secret meeting," Steve said solemnly, erasing his smile rather quickly.

The others did the same, appearing serious in a second.

Loki raised his eyebrow. "A secret meeting?"

They nodded.

Loki glanced at the room they had just come out of. "…In the bathroom?"

The Avengers exchanged looks, looking especially mutinous at Stark. Then they nodded again, trying to appear serious.

Loki couldn't help but smirk. They were obviously hiding something. But he was sure Naomi would tell him soon enough. He could always rely on her to keep him in the loop. It was really a miracle she wasn't in trouble for becoming traitor to SHIELD; she told Loki about everything, and helped him plan things to irritate her colleagues. "Whatever you say," he shrugged.

"Alright, Naomi, you'd better go pack," Steve nudged Naomi's ribs. "For… you know." He threw a glare at Loki. "And don't tell him what's going on."

Naomi looked somber. "Yeah, I know. Don't worry; I won't." But she met Loki's eyes and winked.

Loki suppressed a smile. He watched as Naomi walked off towards her room before returning his gaze to the other Avengers. They merely shrugged and disappeared around a corner, going to a living room. Loki headed straight for Naomi's room as soon as they were out of sight.

Naomi was pulling a suitcase out from under her bed when she heard her door open, and she knew Loki was here to ask what was going on.

"So what's really going on, svass?"

Naomi hesitated. "Well, it really was a secret meeting. You're just not supposed to know about it, because you'll try to stop it." She turned and started rummaging through her closet, evidently looking for clothes to fill the suitcase.

"Why am I not supposed to know about it?" he questioned immediately.

"Cuz it's dangerous," she said evasively. "We didn't want you worrying about me, Loki." She pulled a few combat uniforms out of the back of her closet and began folding them.

Loki gave her a careful look. "There's more to it, Naomi. What is it?"

"There's a secret mission, and I'm going on it. Alone. We don't know exactly how well things are going to go," Naomi murmured.

Loki drew closer, sitting on the end of her bed and looking at her, obviously hiding worry. "You've been on secret missions before. You've never seemed so worried about the danger before."

"This time it's different," Naomi muttered. She closed the suitcase lid and zipped it up before plopping next to Loki on the bed. She looked up at him. "I love you, Loki," she said in a hushed voice.

Loki frowned slightly. They had said they loved each other before… but Naomi had never seemed so… serious about it. "I love you too, elska," he murmured.

"I mean, really. I love you. Please just remember that. Don't get mad at people or start pointing fingers if things don't go right. Please remember I love you."

Loki nodded, feeling his heart tighten at her words. Something serious was happening, and Naomi was obviously not telling him everything. He reached up and cupped her cheek. "Naomi?"

Naomi smiled faintly as Loki started to pull her in for a kiss. But she pulled away before their lips met, and she stood, lifting the suitcase off the bed and setting it on the floor. "I should be back by tomorrow, Loki," she said briskly. "I'll see you then."

Loki watched her leave her room, and he remained on her bed, feeling slightly lost. Like something of great importance was about to happen, and he should have been doing something. Like maybe he should have gave Naomi a goodbye hug and kiss. But that was silly. He would see her tomorrow.

Loki woke on the morning of April first without one ounce of realization what day it was. He made his way out to the living room after he got dressed, prepared to find it empty. But he paused as he saw that all the Avengers were gathered there, looking distraught. "Good morning," he greeted them slowly.

They all looked up, and he could see that they had been crying. All of them. Even Thor. Even Stark.

"L—Loki, we're… so… sorry," Steve said brokenly.

Loki frowned. "For what?"

They exchanged tragic looks. "Naomi…" Bruce said slowly, closing his eyes.

"She went on a mission yesterday," Natasha started to explain, her voice quavering. "She… she… didn't make it back."

Loki's eyes widened. "Has she been captured? We have to save her—"

"Reindeer Games," Tony interrupted gently, looking just as sad as the rest. "She… she made it back, but… not in one piece."

Loki stared.

"The enemy… they sent her back in this," Clint said in a hushed voice, and he produced a large jar. It was full of dust and ashes, and a single lock of orange hair.

Loki stared at them in horror. "N—Naomi…?" He took the jar from Barton's hands and looked at it. "No… It can't… She couldn't have…"

It felt as if everything in the world was suddenly thrown out of order, like a stack of cards suddenly flipped into the air and scattered, never to be put back together again. He recalled her expression and words just the day before. I love you… remember that… Don't get mad or start pointing fingers if things don't go the way they're supposed to. She had known this would happen.

Loki bowed his head and wrapped his arms around the jar, bringing it close to his chest. It was all that was left of Naomi Carson. He could feel an unbearable ache in his head and heart and eyes. Tears were filling his eyes. He turned and walked out of the room without another word.

Loki was in his room, looking despairingly at the jar of ashes and dust. There was so much he hadn't done with her… Naomi had never shared a milkshake with him. She had always begged him to when they watched cheesy movies. Naomi would always say, "It's so cute, Loki, can we do that?" But he had always refused, saying it was stupid and probably unsanitary. Now he was wishing he had obliged her. He was wishing he had given her a hug and kiss goodbye yesterday. He was wishing he had held her one more time, had made her smile one more time, had held her hand one more time. And now none of it could occur.

Loki felt so stupid. He should never have let Naomi go on that mission. He should have made her explain to him what was going on, exactly. He should have known by her uncharacteristically serious countenance that something was off. He wondered what she had thought of before she had… His eyes filled with tears again as he looked at the jar of ashes and dust. Life was so cruel. It had taken everything from him. All he had had was Naomi.

He bowed his head and remained in that position for some time before he suddenly sat up straight as there was a knock on his bedroom door. He didn't answer, but the door opened, and Clint Barton popped his head in.

"Loki…? We're having a little memorial service downstairs for Naomi. We think you should come to say your goodbyes with us."

Loki let out a deep sigh and picked up the jar before going to the door.

In the living room, all the furniture had been pushed away, and there was a single table in the middle of the room. There was a wreath of flowers on it, and Thor gestured for Loki to put the jar in the middle. With a heavy heart, he did so. The god of mischief stepped back and joined the circle of Avengers around the table.

Clint put his arm around Natasha's shoulder and she buried her face in his neck, obviously losing control of her emotions and she shook.

Loki just didn't know it was laughter.

"I think, perhaps," Thor said sadly. "We should… say some words about Miss Carson." There were murmurs of agreement. "I'll start," Thor said. "Naomi Carson was a great friend, a beautiful woman, and a wonderful person. I was able to witness as she brought happiness into my brother's life, and I could see how much they meant to each other. The loss of her life leaves a hole in all of ours."

Loki felt tears sting his eyes again, and he bowed his head.

"Um," Stark said next, his voice slightly choked. Again, Loki didn't know it was laughter. "Naomi was… a really fun person. She was always ready to help with a trick or a prank. She was funny, smart, clever, and that's what made her a good friend to me. That was my favorite thing about her. I bet even now, she wouldn't want us to be sad… She'd probably be laughing, saying we should cheer up."

"Naomi," Clint said, screwing up his face to attempt to not let out his emotions. "She was… really great. I met her when she was still a teenager… She was like seventeen, I think, and she was just fantastic. You know, she always lit up the world, always ready for a laugh. She wouldn't want us to get mad about the way things turned out."

There was a moment of silence.

"Natasha?" Bruce prodded.

The Black Widow was still shaking silently, her face hidden in Clint's shirt. "I… can't…" she sounded like she could barely speak.

Loki was rather surprised. He hadn't known that Naomi had meant that much to the Black Widow. But apparently she had really cared for the Huntress even more than he had known.

"Okay," Bruce said… "um, Steve?"

"Naomi was always a good friend, a good person, and just really added to the Avengers what none of the rest of us has… a charming mischief, a special kind of determination,, and a willingness. We're all going to miss her for that."

"Loki? You're next."

Loki let out a shaky breath. "Naomi was… the one person I truly cared for," he choked out, wiping his eyes forcefully. "She… understood me in ways no one else could… And she… made me… happy. I'll never forget that… But I'll never be able to thank her for it, either. And I'm sorry for that. I wish I could have told her just how much… I love her," he stopped talking, bowing his head and letting out a single sob.

An arm wrapped around his shoulder comfortingly. Loki didn't look up to see who it was. Probably Thor, but he didn't care.

"Anyone else?"

"Yeah," Naomi said, giving Loki's shoulder a quick squeeze. She was trying so hard not to laugh. Loki hadn't even noticed her. He froze as she spoke, but she didn't respond. Instead, she began speaking like she was attending her own memorial. "You know, I was always so… blessed to be an Avenger. Everyone was so… loving and accepting, and I never got to thank you for it," her voice began to theatrically choke up and got higher pitched as she obviously tried not to cry. "And I never got to go to Paris… And I had so much left to live for before I died. I always wanted to kick Stark between the legs, but I never got the chance… And…" she broke off with a theatrical sob. "All the people I left behind should just know that I love them all… with every bit of my wickedly mischievous heart."

She lifted her head and looked around. Every Avenger was trying so hard not to die of laughter. Then she looked up at Loki, whose shoulders she still had her arm around comfortingly. She grinned.

Loki stared at Naomi, eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open. He blinked. "You… Naomi, you…"

"Hi," she said brightly, smiling.


The previous day…

On March 31, the Avengers were gathered together in a bathroom, rather cramped and disgruntled.

"What are we doing in here?" Steve asked irritably, looking at Tony Stark, who stood with his ear against the closed door.

Stark smiled and locked the bathroom door. "You guys," he whispered. "Gather round."

They all muttered.

"Tony, we're cramped in a tiny bathroom. I don't think we can gather any closer," Bruce muttered.

"What is this all about, friend Stark?" Thor asked, squished between Clint Barton and Naomi Carson.

"Alright. You guys know what tomorrow is?" Tony asked excitedly, keeping his voice low.

"Tomorrow's Tuesday," Rogers muttered. "So what?"

Naomi's eyes widened. "Oh, I get it!" she hissed, suddenly finding it necessary to lower her voice as well.

"See, Catwoman gets it!" Tony grinned.

Natasha's eyes widened. "Tomorrow is April first," she murmured, comprehending and lowering her voice, too.

Everyone groaned quietly with the realization.

"I'm sure we all remember what happened last year," Stark said.

Everyone nodded. "It is rather hard to forget," Thor said grudgingly. He could still remember the taste of toothpaste Oreos, and the horror of being trapped in the elevator with Tony Stark.

"Soo… for April Fool's day tomorrow, we need to get revenge on Loki," Tony explained.

"I'm in," Clint said immediately. "What's the plan?"

"Don't know yet. That's why I've assembled this meeting."

"In the bathroom?" Natasha asked distastefully.

"Come on, Loki isn't going to come looking for us in here. Everywhere else was too obvious," Stark shrugged. "Now. We need ideas for how to get Loki back for all that crap last year."

The others exchanged looks.

"We can put a whoopee cushion on his chair," Thor said thoughtfully. "It will make it seem like he's flatulent when he's really not."

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Let's keep thinking."

"How about one of those ticket things that make it seem like you won the lottery?" Bruce suggested.

"Too simple and mundane," Natasha dismissed.

"Loki wouldn't get overly excited about winning a bunch of money, anyway," Naomi shrugged. "He wouldn't care about that all that much."

Everyone turned to look at her, eyebrows raised.

"Say…" Clint murmured, looking the Huntress up and down.

"Hmm…" Steve said thoughtfully.

"Okay, what is with you guys? You're looking at me like I'm some kind of… I don't know. A lightbulb just went on over all your heads, but I'm still in the dark…" Naomi said worriedly.

"You said Loki doesn't care about money," Natasha explained. "What does he care about that would be something to really freak him out with a prank with?"

Naomi looked thoughtful. "I don't know…"

"The thing Loki cares about most is you," Thor smiled wickedly.

Naomi raised her eyebrows. "Ah… I get your drift." She smiled evilly. "This is going to be fun."


After the conversation with Loki in the hall…

Loki headed straight for Naomi's room as soon as the Avengers disappeared around a corner.

"Coast clear?" Bruce asked with a grin as they heard Naomi's door close as Loki entered the room.

Natasha peeked around the corner. "Yup. He's in there. Excellent job, by the way, Captain. Nicely done."

"Naomi did pretty well, too," Clint sniggered. "Loki probably thinks she's gonna tell him the truth."

"She won't give us away, though," Thor smiled. "Let's go and make the other preparations. Naomi will do the rest for now."

They trooped off, smirking to themselves.


That morning, after Loki found out about Naomi's "death…

They watched as Loki left the room, jar of ashes and dust clutched to his chest, and a crestfallen expression on his face.

The Avengers exchanged looks, dropping the act of somber sadness. But they looked a little troubled.

"You know… this isn't as funny as we thought it would be…" Steve muttered.

"It's not?" Natasha asked, smirking slightly. "I mean… it's not funny now… but imagine when he finds out that she's actually alive…"

They considered for a moment. Then they grinned.

Naomi Carson was stretched across a bed in a fancy hotel a few streets down, watching the security cameras in Stark Tower through a holographic screen Stark had provided her with. She couldn't help but grin and cry at the same time. Loki was so… cute when he thought she was dead. God, how messed up was she?


And now the present…

Loki turned and stared around at all the heroes. With a sinking feeling, he realized he had been tricked.

"April Fool's, jackass!" they all shouted in unison.

Loki felt every ounce of energy drain from his body. Oh, gods… April Fool's Day… How could he not have known. Loki suddenly glared at all of them. "You… faked… Naomi's death…. As a prank on me?"

"You got it, Reindeer Games!" Stark grinned broadly, giving him a thumbs up.

Loki glared mutinously at all of them. He looked down at Naomi, then at the jar of ashes and dust in the middle of the table. "So that's just… a prop?"

"That, Loki, is the charcoal from the bottom of my grill, mixed with an ashtray from the local park," Steve grinned.

Loki growled, then seized the jar and threw it at Tony.

Tony managed to catch it, looking delighted with his own dexterity. "Hey! I got a jar of dirt! I got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it?"

"Not me!" Naomi exclaimed with a laugh.

Loki's gaze turned on her. "And you."

Naomi grinned. "Me."

"You…" Loki seized her arm and began dragging her out of the room.

"Hey! No, wait! Help!" Naomi tried to struggle out of his grasp. No avail. She transformed into a cheetah, hoping she could escape that way. She only made it two steps before Loki tackled her, grabbed her cat tail, and once again began dragging her away. Naomi's cheetah claws dragged across the hardwood floor, leaving deep scratch marks, but Loki soon was dragging her down the hall and out of the others' sight.

The others looked at each other, eyes wide.

"Should we… help?" Steve asked.

"Yes, I fear Loki may now want to hurt Agent Carson for tricking him…" Thor said fretfully.

Tony snickered. "Loki loves her too much to hurt her… he already confessed that ten minutes ago. However, I think Loki will find some way to punish her…"

Everyone facepalmed.

"Thanks, Stark…. Things just got really awkward," Clint muttered.

The sounds of a cheetah wailing in distress travelled to them, and they all winced.

"Um… good work everybody?" Tony smiled shakily, trying not to imagine what Loki would do to Naomi.

Actually, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Loki dragged the wailing Naomi-cheetah into her bedroom and then slammed the door behind them. He let her tail go, and she scrambled to the opposite side of the room as fast as she could. Loki merely leaned against the door with his arms crossed, glaring at the cowering cat in the corner. A moment of silence, and then Naomi transformed back into a human, her hair in disarray and her cheeks flushed.

"You have any idea how much getting your tail pulled hurts?!" she shouted, glaring at him.

"I'm sure it's nothing compared to how I've felt all day," Loki spat, crossing the room and towering over her, looking wrathful.

Naomi cowered against the wall, fearful. She squeezed her eyes shut, and suddenly Loki grabbed her, and…

He pulled her into the tightest hug of her life and covered her face in little kisses.

She was stunned for a moment, simply taking his affections. Then it started to get hard to breathe from the tightness of the hug. "Okay, Loki…" she choked out… "Dude… you just found out I'm alive, can we please not suffocate me to death?" she wheezed. Loki let her go, but gave her another kiss before drawing away.

"Never do that to me again!" he demanded. "I swear on the nine realms, the next time you seem nervous about going on a mission, I'm going to chain you to your bed and never let you leave it," he threatened.

"Flattering, Loki," Naomi grinned. "But come on. That was payback for… a lot of stuff. Payback for a green Stark, Thor's toothpaste Oreos, Clint's glued bow, Natasha's green hair, the kick me sign on Steve's back, Jarvis being ambushed on two occasions, the cement mix that ruined my shirt and pants that day, and Steve's clothes, and the fact that I had to walk around wearing a copy of your outfit all day, and Steve's itching all day, and Nick's eye patch, and the Statue of Loki-ty, and for a green-glitter covered Hulk and the picture that went viral for three months after April Fool's Day," Naomi listed everything off. "Though about half of that I can't really blame you for… Natasha's hair was pretty funny, and so was the kick me sign… Anyway, Loki, it's payback!"

Loki sighed. "But last April Fool's Day was so fun… this year, I didn't pull any pranks."

Naomi paused and considered. "The day is barely halfway over. There's still time. What do you say we tag team the rest of the Avengers?"

Loki looked at Naomi carefully and grinned. "I suppose we could do that… What shall we do?"

"Ah, Loki, the question isn't what shall we do… it's what shan't we do?" Naomi grinned.

"Happy April Fool's Day, Naomi," Loki smiled evilly.

"Happy April Fool's Day."

Note from LoquaciousQuibbler: Well, for one, that ended up being way longer than intended… and actually, a lot more sad. Heh heh. But still, kinda funny, right? Besides, all the Avengers felt kinda bad. And there was a happy enough ending. And God knows what antics Naomi and Loki tag-teaming the Avengers will do… let's not find out, shall we? Lol.

If anyone is wondering, the pet names that Loki uses for Naomi in this chapter are of Old Norse… svass means beloved. And elska just means love.

I hope you've enjoyed the April Fool's Day of the Avengers as much as I did. ;) We have now officially finished. If you all would be so kind as to leave me one last review, I'd be very much obliged. Thank you all for the support and the many favorites, follows, and reviews. Hope to see you on some of my other stories soon!