Sorry for being gone so long, school's been a pain in the ass. But here's more modern life! (This is on the timeline of the bakery AU.)

Guess Arina is never coming, thought Jellal dejectedly. He looked down at his silent phone, and back up at his half eaten plate of spaghetti. Asking her on a date was a stupid idea, what was I thinking!? He checked his phone one last time, and resigned back to eating.

"I called it!" Lucy exclaimed. Levy jumped, almost spilling the drinks she was carrying. "That guy with the blue hair was totally stood up." Erza set down the plates she was carrying, and helped Levy to steady herself.

"Don't you think it's rude to make bets on someone's love life?" the redhead chided, setting down glasses. "And how do you know his date isn't late?"

"First of all, it's been 40 minutes. Second of all, he looks like someone just died." Lucy pointed out, rolling her eyes. "It's kinda obvious." Erza shook her head, and glanced at the poor guy in question. Isn't that the guy from the bakery? "I'll get him his check, and some dessert. Looks like he'll need some-"

"I'll do it," Erza stated. "You guys look tired, I can take care of this one." Taking the bill, she headed into the kitchens. Erza looked at the desserts for a bit, before deciding on a slice of strawberry cheesecake. She made her way to the booth, and set down the check. "You look like you're having a rough night."

"Erza?" Jellal looked up from his meal, recognizing the familiar voice. "You work here?" She nodded. "And yeah, you guessed it."

"It wasn't me, actually." she admitted. "My friend Lucy saw that you were looking down, so I brought you this. I guess you could consider it a thanks for all of those cupcakes." She smiled, and set down the cake.

"Thanks, I really appreciate it." Jellal took a bite and set down his fork. "Your friend- Lucy right? - was also right about me getting stood up." he said with a low chuckle. "I mean, who would want to go on a date with me, right? I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you during work."

"It's fine, and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I mean, I wouldn't mind going on a date with yo-" Erza cut off mid-sentence, realizing what she had just said. They stared at each other for a moment, and Jellal swallowed hard.

"T-Then how about the Blue Pegasus tomorrow, at 7?" He thought he was dreaming when she nodded.

I've noticed all of my oneshots involve food- probably because I'm perpetually hungry. Trying to write as fast as possible, leave a review if you can!