When The Raven's Return to the Mountain
-SPOILER ALERT- contains some content from the battle of five armies
This is an alternate ending to the story of the battle of five armies where none of the Durin's end up the way the movie or book showed. It continues after the battle is over and deals with the Durin's survival from Kili's point of view. This IS NOT a slash fic, just Durin angsty feelings but you can read it however you like. This is my first fanfiction so please have mercy and feel free to comment! I'm planning on making this a multi chapter fic. I hope you all enjoy! Disclaimer: I own none of the characters or movie based story from JRR Tolkien or Peter Jackson.
"FILI!" Thorin called from the rocky edge that he and Dwalin watched from. At this distance they were helpless; having only their swords and lacking both numbers and a much needed bow. All they could do is watch and wait. Kili watched the events unfold from below as he stood at the bottom of the cliff, careful to hide himself in the opening of a tunnel. He had to do something; he needed to help Fili, but at this point what could he do? He could retreat to the tunnels and find his way up to Azog but what then? He couldn't charge him head on, not with Fili hanging off the edge of a cliff. Not with the group of orcs standing around Azog.
Kili's thoughts were cut short as he was pulled back to the present by what he feared most.
Azog lifted his sword arm and said, "Let him serve as an example of what awaits you, Oakenshield!" And at that moment, he ran his sword into Fili's back. Thorin let out a scream of rage while Dwalin watched in disbelief. Kili didn't have the best vantage point and was unable to see the expression on Fili's face, only that he had just been stabbed. Kili tried to withhold his own scream just as Azog loosened his grip around Fili's neck.
Kili pressed himself against the rock, grabbing at the edges to steady himself as he watched his brother's body plummet and fall right before him. He couldn't believe it. His big brother laid in front of him, eyes closed and face at peace. The sword had not run him through so there wasn't any blood staining the front of Fili's armor. He looked like he was simply unconscious, but the gripping reality hit Kili all at once. Fili's dead.
He rushed forward and fell to his knees beside his brother's body, staring with denial at his face. This was the Fili whom he grew up with, went hunting with, played and fought with side by side. They had played many games as dwarflings; pretending to fight armies of orcs and slay dragons. They listened to their uncles stories and when they got older, eventually started training together with real weapons. Fili was rational and dependable while Kili was often reckless and in constant need of excitement. Fili was the closest person in Kili's life. He was always there for him. They were there for each other.
"I'm sorry Fili. I'm so sorry nadad, please forgive me. I never wanted this. This shouldn't have happened," Kili felt his eyes welling up with tears as his shoulders began to shake.
"I failed you. If only I went down that tunnel instead. You wouldn't have been captured. You would still be here to be crowned king someday." Tears were now falling from his eyes, some hitting Fili.
Letting his mind wander to these thoughts only made Kili feel more pain. He had failed his beloved brother who always protected him. He looked up to see that Thorin had noticed him beside his brother's body. He suddenly felt panicked, as if this was entirely his fault. He truly didn't want to leave Fili's side. Actually, he may not have minded lying down and dying beside him right then and there. But this was not the case. He felt the sudden urge to run away, to hide, to flee from Erebor because of what he had just allowed to happen.
He had always been the more reckless of the two but for once felt complete shame. He couldn't face any of the company now, let alone his mother. It felt like a dagger was twisting in his chest to think of how Dis would react when she found out. Her first born had just died; not in battle but killed as an example, alone and without honor.
With the panic setting in, Kili shot up to his feet, whipping his head left and right to scout his surroundings. He could see Thorin and Dwalin climbing down the fortress in his direction. He had to leave now. He leaned over his brother one last time and put his hand on the side of Fili's face.
"I'm so sorry brother," he whispered through his grief. "Goodbye," he stood up and turned to run towards the nearest staircase on his right.
Kili turned to see Thorin was now making his way towards him with Dwalin not far behind. He gave one anguished glance towards Thorin and ran. He heard his name being called by both dwarves but continued to push himself further away. He silently cursed himself for his cowardice, but he could not stay. He could no longer watch his brother's lifeless form or see the inevitable disappointment in his uncle's face. Kili no longer felt worthy of being a prince of Erebor.
Just as he made it to the top of the staircase, Kili witnessed a new problem. Among the crumbling ruins, he could see Tauriel fighting a giant orc. Kili ducted down, not wishing to be seen. He knew he had to move quickly. Thorin and Dwalin would have stopped beside Fili's body, but no doubt they would soon follow up the same stairs.
Despite the panic in his chest, Kili remembers that he still cares for Tauriel, and at the moment, she seems to be losing the battle. Something seemed amiss about this orc. Not only was it unusually large, but somehow familiar. Realization dawned on Kili as he recognized the orc to be the same one that shot him with an arrow in Mirkwood. Bolg was his name, the son of Azog. The wretched spawn of the one who had killed his big brother.
With that thought in mind, Kili needed no more to charge forward with a cry.