I don't own Naruto or any anime OR anything and I don't make a profit off of my stories

Rated M for sexual content and language and violence

(I'm thinking)
"I'm speaking"
"Demon / summon / ghost speaking"
(Demon / summon / ghost thinking)
/Author's comments\

This is Yaoi Male x Male

Pairing: Kakashi x Naruto


Deep in the forest of east Konoha lies a series of caves. Caves happen to the training ground of choice for the youngest anbu captain, who currently sending chakra pulses into the ground.

"All that training is paying off. My range has almost doubled in the past 4 months, but it's time for a break" stated a 8 year old Naruto Uzumaki as he picked up a scroll and unsealed a bento box and sat down on a boulder to eat.

"Morning kit *yawn* so you've been an anbu captain for six months now how is it going" said kyuubi from inside Naruto's mind.

(pretty good except for the fact that my team thinks I can tell the future) thinks Naruto as he pops a piece of food in his mouth.

"Well you have to admit it is far more believable than *insert sarcastic voice* do to an incident I became deaf and blind four years ago. Upon losing both senses, my sense of touch became so sensitive that I can now see and hear through the vibrations around me. I can feel even the tiniest vibes from the organs in your body. Because of this, I can see a 3D image, inside and out, of a person including chakra coils. I can feel where anyone is in 800 meter radius, I can feel your lies and emotions, I can feel your internal injuries, and I can feel what jutsu your going to use before you use it *end sarcasm* sorry that's not exactly believable, but you should tell them eventually. Have you thought about when?" said kyuubi

Naruto sighs (when you say it like that of course no one will believe it. As far as telling them, I was thinking I'd wait until someone notices that there aren't any eyeholes in my mask)

kyuubi faceplants "they haven't noticed yet! What kind of anbu are they?" yells the fox

(well it's not like anyone would expect a blind ninja) Naruto laughs. He puts away his finished bento box and gathers up his stuff.

"doesn't anyone find it a little weird that you tap a tuning fork while reading?"

(not really, apparently all captains have some strange quirk and tuning forks aren't that unusual in comparison. I'm actually called the 'normal' captain.) kuuybi cringed, people think his kit can tell the future and likes to carry a tuning fork and no one thinks its weird? What could possibly be off with the other captains?

To kyuubi the tuning fork thing isn't weird. In fact Naruto needs the instrument in order to read. The vibes given off when you tap the fork help sharpen everything to the point where he can see the words in a book. Also Naruto can place the narrow end of the fork on a surface and it will enhance sound waves so he can hear things easier and from farther away. But no one except the Hokage knows.

He straps on his anbu regulation mask, which is a bat /AC: ironic\, his golden hair turns brown because of the seals on his mask. For people with unquie hair colors, appearance changing seals are required to help keep their identities hidden. It was Naruto who recommended them to the hokage and they've been a requirement ever since.

He starts walking out of the cave.

Just before reaching the mouth of the cave he stops and whips out a tuning fork. He places the narrow end of the fork against the cave wall.

"kit what's up?"

"I need to see the old man now!" with that Naruto vanishes in a swirl of leaves


Sarutobi is sitting at his desk glaring at a pile of paperwork wishing that it would just burst into flames.

"what I wouldn't give for a distraction right about now" right on cue his favorite ANBU, Bat aka Naruto his surrogate grandson, appeared from a swirl of leaves.

"hokage-sama I over heard some information that is very problematic could you put up the privacy seal." Sarutobi frowned and immediately put up the privacy seal. Naruto only called him hokage-sama when it was a serious matter.

Naruto removed his mask and said "hokage-sama I heard Danzo say that he is planning to fake evidence that the Uchiha clan is planning a coup de ta so he can kill them all and he implied that he some how managed to attain a Sharingan and ROOT is still active. I used my tuning fork to get a clear picture and confirmed that he does have a sharingan in his right eye, it's been about 2 months since it was transplanted and there is something off about his right arm"

"what do you mean by off?"

"his right arm has a different aura than the rest of his body, it almost feels like ... a plant, no wood"

"hmm this isn't good, I always suspected that Danzo would find a way to continue ROOT, but to steal a sharingan. I bet he took it from Shi Uchiha, the young man who died on a mission two months ago and this issue with his arm ... the only reason for that, that I can imagine is that he somehow managed to attain something like the First hokage's wood release, and perhaps implanted it into his arm ... my late sensei must be rolling in his grave."

"there is one more thing ... he said that someone found out about his activities and he framed him and ran him out of Konoha before he could say anything"

"that bastard, Naruto who is this person? We need to bring him back and make amends. The thought of a fellow leaf shinobi being betrayed in such a way is unthinkable"

Naruto was a little nervous about telling Sarutobi because he knew the hokage was going to be mad "Danzo's victim was ... Orochimaru"

A massive wave killing intent erupted out of the hokage.

"he tricked me into almost killing my own student!" roared the aging kage

"old man calm down we will catch and make him pay" said Naruto trying sooth his angry grandfather figure.

"you have a plan, don't you?" smirked the kage

Naruto nodded "and if it works we will catch him red handed"

A devious smiled spread across their faces. Oh yes, Danzo will pay.


"everyone please be quiet" said the hokage

"Hokage-sama is it true? Was the entire Uchiha clan massacred?" asks a random jonin

A saddened kage said "I'm afraid so. I will have Danzo explain what happened"

Danzo stood up "I'm sorry to say that Itachi Uchiha has killed everyone in the Uchiha clan except his little brother Sasuke" the big ham proceeded to explain that Itachi was off his rocker and slaughtered his clansmen to test his power.

As he was preaching Bat went to the back of room and let a group of 4 average leaf ninjas in.

Danzo was in the middle of his speech when he spotted the group. The second he saw them he instantly paled and yelled "YOU your supposed to be dead" as he pointed at the group.

Sarutobi pretended to be concerned "Danzo what's wrong?"

"it's Itachi and the other Uchiha. There're right there!" screamed Danzo as he pointed at the group of average shinobi. Everyone was looking around trying to see what Danzo is seeing. When they don't see anything they start to wonder if Danzo finally lost it.

Sarutobi said "you can drop the genjutsu now"

The four ninja dropped their genjutsu revealing Itachi, his father Fugaku, his mother Mikoto, and Shisui Uchiha.

Danzo was shocked.

"now Danzo how is it possible you knew who they were even though the only thing that can see through that genjutsu is a sharingan? Hmmm I'm waiting" asked Sarutobi

Danzo was starting to panic as he realized that this was a trap. He activated his sharingan and whirled around intending cast a genjutus on Sarutobi and hold him hostage, but he came face to face with a bat mask. What's worse was the fact that the anbu wearing the bat mask was unaffected by his genjutsu. In a split second Bat went through several handsigns and slammed his palm against Danzo's right eye effectively sealing off his sharingan and chakra rendering it and his arm useless.

Itachi, Shisui, and several anbu pinned Danzo to the ground before he could do anything else.

"how did you know? How can you be alive?" screamed Danzo as he struggled. He was also freaking out because none his ROOT agents were coming to help him.

Sarutobi explained "Bat here over heard part of your plans to falsify evidence against the Uchiha clan and get them killed. Of course we both knew that you wouldn't show this evidence to me because I would have it investigated. That left only one option you planned to confront another Uchiha and have them kill the others. So I got in contact with Mikoto and Fugaku and the two most capable of completing your task, Itachi and Shisui, and told them your intentions. Itachi and Shisui were instructed to record your conversation if you confronted one of them. Then, after you made contact with Itachi, we faked the deaths of the other Uchihas."

Danzo glared "faked? I have their eyes!"

Sarutobi smirked "that was the fun part. You see we figured you might go after their eyes. So Shisui and Bat stood guard and caught your ROOT anbu. Inoichi Yamanaka possessed him and returned to you with a jar filled with smoke bombs that were henged to look like eyeballs ...Oh and the bombs were laced with sleeping powder just in case you were wondering where your ROOT agents are"

Mikoto open the curtains so everyone could look outside. They saw a big column of pink and yellow smoke.

Sarutobi cocked an eyebrow "really bat, pink and yellow?"

Bat shrugged "Easter isn't that far away so I figured I would go with Eastery colors"

Sarutobi chuckled at his favorite anbu's comment and turned to Danzo "it looks like we found your hideout Danzo"

Danzo screamed and struggled as he was dragged away by the anbu. After having his chakra sealed he will be placed in a cell to await his execution.

The hokage dismissed everyone and ordered Danzo's hideout searched. Evidence on hundreds of illegal projects and that Orochimaru was framed were found. Sarutobi sent word to Jiraiya who was happy that his former teammate was innocent. Jiraiya found the snake nin and told him what happened.

Orochimaru was happy that he was proven innocent and would've returned, but he got information about a group of missing nin called the Akatsuki that are hunting demon containers. He knows about the group because they recruited him. Orochimru is now Konoha's informant on the Akatsuki and he's helping Jiraiya track the group and learn as much as he can.

Sarutobi was alone in his office when he looked out his window and smiled "I couldn't be more proud of you Naruto, you are really going places ... I wonder what you'll accomplish next"