Harry Potter was feeling content today, sitting under a tree and using a pair of shears from his care kit to remove excess twigs from his Firebolt. Sirius Black had escaped, along with Hagrid's Hippogriff Buckbeak. He'd have to go back to the Dursley's for the summer, but now he knew he had family out there. He smiled, setting down the shears after picking loose the last of the stray twigs.

Nearby, Ronald and Ginny Weasley were practicing a Keeper/Chaser routine with Cho Chang, while a group of Ravenclaws and Gryffindors gathered around the makeshift goals.

"Why don't you go join in?" Neville Longbottom asked as he and Hermione Granger sat down next to Harry Potter. "It won't be proper practice for Ron if he isn't defending against three."

"Nah." Harry smiled, setting down his Firebolt. "Let Ron have the spotlight. He deserves it, especially if he keeps blocking like that."

Hermione opened the book in front of her, setting down another book beside it. "Suit yourself. Neville was just going to help me test out this idea I had from the last letter Mum sent me." She started drawing runes onto the closed book in front of her. "But an extra set of eyes couldn't hurt. In the muggle world, they've got these computers called laptops, and they can pull information from the internet just about anywhere. It got me wondering, why don't witches and wizards have magic books that can do the same?"

Harry gave a confused look at Neville.

"I've no idea. She's been on about this all morning." Neville said with a shrug.

Hermione groaned. "Come on, Harry. You were raised by muggles too. Surely you would know about the internet."

"No. Dudley has a computer, but I'm not allowed to use it. I don't think he really uses it for anything of that sort either. It'd be too nerdy for him."

The bushy haired girl pouted. "It's not nerdy."

"Information retrieval like you've been talking about." Neville smiled. "It's kind of nerdy."

Hermione frowned.

"Ah, don't be like that." Harry smiled, leaning forward to look at her runes. "I'm sure it'll be great. So, what are you doing with this?"

Hermione smiled at the interest in her project. "Well, I'm making a magic book that can retrieve and display information that you ask for."

The bespectacled boy reeled back. "Like Riddle's diary?"

"Well, no." Hermione blushed as she looked at the ground. "It won't be sentient. I'm...not putting my soul into it." She scribbled another rune onto the book. "It just finds and displays information found in other books. If I do this properly, any book, anything written down, will be able to be called upon and shown in the book."

"So, why do you need someone else to test it?"

She smiled, looking up at the two boys. "I have a fairly good memory. I need to make sure my magic isn't creating the words on the page. It has to be all in the runes. Strenuss ligare." Hermione murmured, tapping the book with her wand. The runes on the book's cover glowed golden, then faded away. With a grin, she passed the book to Neville along with a quill. "Write the name of any book and the page number you want."

Neville looked up in thought, then smiled and wrote 1001 Unusual Plants and Herbs, 926. The three teens watched as the ink faded, as if absorbed into the book. Harry winced, but then a text book page appeared, detailing information about a plant called the Blue Monday.

Harry frowned as he read over Neville's shoulder. "That's really cool, but what if you don't know the book and page you need? It's great if you have perfect memory already, but it's not a very good research tool."

"Well," Hermione began. "I'm not sure. It should be able to provide a list of books that contain information about a subject. Why don't you ask a question."

Harry grabbed the book and flipped to a blank page, then wrote 'What magical uses does a flobberworm have?' The ink disappeared again in much the same way, and then a list of books appeared on the page.

"Interesting. Make a mark next to one of the items, it should bring up a page or two from the relevant books."

"Ugh. Only Granger would think about doing classwork after classes are over for the year." Four green robed students approached the trio, Pansy Parkinson sporting a sneer while Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle laughed at her remark.

"Oh, sod off, Parkinson."

Neville went bug-eyed at Hermione telling the Slytherin off. "Hermione..."

"No." Hermione stood up, scowling at Parkinson. "These trolls have been messing with us all year."

"Careful, Granger." Malfoy piped in. "The Minister's already mad at you. Aiding and abetting a fugitive. Lucky you haven't already been expelled."

Harry and Neville stood up as well, taking to either side of Hermione. Crabbe and Goyle laughed at the smaller students while Parkinson and Malfoy wore matching sneers. All of it faded though, as two red-heads landed beside the group.

"Something on your mind, Malfoy?" Ron scowled as he landed. Ginny already had her wand drawn.

"Come on." Malfoy started, turning away. "These blood traitors aren't worth the-"

Everyone stopped, watching confusedly as snow started to fall.

Parkinson took a step towards Hermione, poking a finger in her chest. "What have you done, Granger?"

"What do you mean? I haven't done anything!"

"Who else could make it snow like this? Weather magic like this isn't allowed." She turned to face Malfoy and his cronies. "Go get Professor Snape. She's in trouble now."

Malfoy dashed off, following the trail of the other students who had already started departing to inside for cold weather gear.

"As if I could get in trouble for something I didn't do." She reached down and picked up her books. "What sense would that make?"

"The uncommon kind." Harry said with a sigh. "Let's go inside. If it's snowing, I'd like some gloves to throw snowballs with."

"You're not going anywhere." Parkinson sneered, moving between the group and the castle. "We're staying put until Professor Snape gets here."

Ron barked out a laugh. "And you're going to keep us here?"

"As a matter of fact-"

"Look." Cho Chang landed next to the group and pointed skyward, at seven pinpricks of light, as they quickly sped towards the group.

"What the-"

The rest of the exclamation was lost as the lights crashed into the ground in front of them, blowing the group off their feet.


"What happened?"

"My spleen..."

"My face..."

"No one cares about your face, Parkinson."

Harry groaned as he pushed himself up off the ground. Just ahead, there were seven holes in the ground. "What do you think that was, Hermione?"

"I don't know. Maybe a meteorite, but it seems unusual. I could do some-" She stopped talking as things started lifting out of the holes and hovering in front of them. "Or it could be something I wouldn't even begin to-"

"What devilry is this!?" Parkinson shouted, staring at the object floating in front of her.

"I have no idea."

"So, the great Granger isn't all knowing after all."

"Now, listen here, Parkinson." Hermione put on a fresh scowl as she rounded to face the Slytherin. "I never claimed-"

Harry took that moment to reach forward, grabbing the glowing object.


"It's fine." Harry smiled as the object stopped glowing. "Nothing's happening. I think it's supposed to be mine."

Hermione huffed. "But it could have been dangerous. We should have researched exactly what these things are." Nonetheless, she reached forward and grabbed the one hovering in front of her.

Seeing nothing happen, the rest of the group grabs the devices in front of them.

"Oh, this is ridiculous." Parkinson scowled, snatching hers out of the air. "It looks like a muggle toy. What harm could possibly-"

Before she could finish, water erupted from the earth all around them, crashing into the open space and enveloping the group.


"Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry! Harry!"

Harry let out a groan as he felt the light weight on his chest. "Dobby?"

"No, silly." The thing on his chest bounced on him again. "I'm Koromon. I'm your partner."

Harry opened his eyes, looking at the creature on his chest. It looked like a pink ball with eyes, long, papery ears and most noticeably, teeth. More teeth than something otherwise so cute should be sporting, all sharp, and jutting in many directions. "Aaahh!" Harry shouted, scrambling backwards and sending the creature sprawling to the forest floor. "What are you?"

"Duh, I'm Koromon." The creature started bouncing again. "I'm your partner."


"Wow, you're a silly one." Koromon flashed a very toothy, wide grin. "I'm your partner. I've been waiting for you for a long, long time. As long as I can remember."

"Really?" Harry pushed himself up, then bent down to look at the Koromon. "What does that mean?"

"It means we're going to do everything together and be the bestest of friends." The creature bounced level with Harry's face. "Forever and always."

"Cool." The boy smiled, circling around Koromon. "What sort of magical properties do you have then?"

"Magical?" The Koromon looked back at Harry with a confused look on its face. "I'm not-"

"Harry?" A voice called out from beyond the trees that surrounded them.

Harry smiled, recognizing the voice as belonging to one of his best friends. "Over here, Hermione. Any clue what all that was?"

"No." The bushy haired girl replied as she emerged from between the trees, followed by another pink little creature. "And my grimoire isn't working anymore either, so I couldn't even try looking it up."

"Aw. It was a good idea. Maybe it's the area?" Harry smiled as he saw the second creature trailing behind Hermione. "Hey, you got one too. Doesn't look like...did you say you were Koromon?"

"I'm Motimon!" The creature piped up, as if frustrated that nobody had caught its name yet.

"He's been doing that for two minutes now." Hermione shook her head. "I'm waiting to see how long it takes before he says something else."

"What!? Hermione, how could you?" Motimon scowled. "We're supposed to be partners."

"From what I could determine, he's not quite as dangerous as a Hippogriff, but certainly above flobberworm levels." She cast a glance at Koromon, who smiled at attention being put on him. "That one, on the other hand," she stated with a slight shiver, "has entirely too many teeth." She looked back at Harry. "Any idea where we are?"

Harry shook his head. "I blacked out when the water hit, but it can't be too far. I'd say we're in the Forbidden Forest, but-"

"The trees are wrong." Hermione finished, looking around the clearing they were in. "Not as densely packed, are they?"

"But even then, we must be near the school. It's just a matter of finding our way back." Harry reached into his robes, pulling his wand out. "Do you know-" He stopped, catching sight of his wand. Instead of being its regular wooden self, it was wrapped with white and orange metal.

Hermione let out a gasp at the sight of the wand. "Harry, your wand!" With a sudden realization, she dug into her own robes and pulled out her own wand. "My wand!" Indeed, her own wand had been wrapped in metal as well, though it was purple where Harry's was orange. "What happened?"

"Those...things that fell from the sky!" Harry replied, patting himself down in search of the device, before turning his attention to the ground. "They must have merged with our wands or something."

Hermione frowned, then held up her wand into the air. "Lumos!" The tip of the wand lit up just as it was supposed to, though their was a slight purple glow to the light.

Harry started looking to the sky, as if expecting an owl to come swooping down on them. "Well, either the letter was sent to your parents, or we're still in a magically dense area, cause we haven't gotten flagged for underage magic."

Hermione dropped her wand, the light going out as she covered her mouth in surprise. "I didn't even think-"

"Hermione, we're lost. We can claim self-preservation." He bent down to pick up her wand, handing it back to her. "What's really important is finding out where we are."

"Well, that's easy!" Motimon grinned, hopping between the two teens. "In fact, if you hadn't been ignoring me-"


"What was that!?" Hermione shouted, looking around in fear.

Harry pointed upwards to a giant bug in the sky, that was red colored with purple markings. "I think it was that."

"Kuwagumon!" The two pink creatures shouted and started running in the opposite direction. "We have to get away!"

"Riddikulus!" Harry shouted, pointing his wand at the giant bug. A moment later, a rainbow wig and giant clown nose appeared on the Kuwagumon, making it appear less frightening, but no less threatening.

"Bad idea, Harry!" Hermione shouted, grabbing one of his arms and dragging him to run after the pink creatures. Catching up with the creatures, they each picked up their respective creature and started running full tilt until coming up against a tree. "Aaah! What do we do?"

"What about that fire spell from first year?"

"I don't want to get close enough for it to be useful." The two turned around to find Kuwagumon bearing down on them.


Hermione turned to look at Harry as the spell seemed to have no effect. "You tried disarming it? Of what!?"

Before Harry could reply, the two teens found themselves yanked into the tree that had blocked their path. "AAAAHHH!" They shouted alongside the creatures with them as the bug sailed overhead through the tree.

"Will you two hush?" The asian girl who had pulled them into the tree whispered, sticking her head outside the tree trunk, before coming back in. "It looks clear. You'd think the two of you have never gone camping before."

The two teens responded with blushes, looks directed at the ground.

"Of course not. Savior of the wizarding world, smartest witch of her year, both friends of Gameskeeper Hagrid, never gone camping."

"Hey. I stayed in a cabin once...on a rock at sea..." Harry sighed, looking down again as he listened to himself speak. Then he caught sight of another pink creature, this one seemingly with a flower growing out of the top of its head. "Hey, you got one of these creatures too."

She rolled her eyes, indicating the creature beside her. "Potter, Granger, this is Yokomon. She showed me the hiding tree."

"It's where I go when I need to hide from the bigger Digimon." The flowered creature smiled.

"Hi! I'm Koromon!"

"And I'm Motimon!"

"Chang, have you checked your wand?" Hermione asked, ignoring the small creatures for the moment. "Harry's and mine changed, to match those glowing objects we grabbed."

"Red. Not like it could match my house colors, apparently." She pulled out her wand to demonstrate that it had been wrapped in red and white metal. "Haven't cast any spells yet. Wanted to try and find everyone, maybe some shelter, before putting myself in potential danger."

"You think the other's are around?"

"Potter, you form a theory about those...things we grabbed and don't include everyone who grabbed one?"

"It is the obvious solution." Hermione grimaced, looking down at her wand. "I sort of panicked when I saw my wand."

Harry smiled, directing his attention to Cho Chang. "So, that means there are seven of us here. What's the plan then?"

"You don't have one?" Cho Chang stared at the two teens. "I was starting to think you really were these great heroes, after the past few years."

Hermione shook her head. "Good detectives, maybe. Survivors mostly."

"Not heroes." Harry followed up. "Though you might hear different from Ron."

"At any rate, we have enough sense between us to defer to someone with more experience in a given situation." Hermione smiled. "If you've been camping even once, you're more qualified than either of us."

Cho Chang smiled at the younger girl. "Well, then-"


The three teens swiveled to look out of the tree. "Was that Parkinson?"

"First," Cho started, jumping out of the tree, "we make sure she's alright."

Harry and Hermione exchanged glances, then dashed out of the tree, followed by the three little creatures.


"Get it away from me!"

The three teens came to a stop as they saw Pansy Parkinson tearing through the woods, being trailed by a small green creature with leaves sprouting out of its head.

"Parkinson, it's fine!" Hermione shouted, indicating the creatures beside them. "They just want to be-"

"Not Tanemon, Granger!" Parkinson pointed behind her at the treeline. "That!"

As if on cue, Kuwagumon burst from the cover granted by the tree line, still sporting the rainbow wig, though torn by its trek through the trees, the clown nose quivering as it belted out another roar.

For but a moment, Cho Chang fought the urge to laugh. The fact that they were about to be killed by a giant bug dressed up like a clown was a little more absurd than she had bargained for. However, before the urge to laugh overtook her, she noticed that the three other teens that were with her were no longer with her, instead running in the opposite direction, while Yokomon futilely pushed against her leg. "Reducto!" She shouted, bringing her wand to bear on Kuwagumon. The spell collided with the bug's head, ripping off another chunk of the wig and sending it careening upwards. "Time to go." She reached down and picked up Yokomon, dashing after her companions.

"Stop!" Harry yelled, grabbing her arm before she could go tumbling over the side of the cliff. "This is a dead end. We need to find another way."

Cho gulped as she looked over the edge of the cliff she'd almost gone over, a river flowing below.

"Quickly," Hermione muttered, looking over her shoulder, "before that thing comes back."

Parkinson nodded in agreement, starting towards the tree line. Before she could take three steps, though, Kuwagumon came bursting from out of the cover of the trees, letting loose yet another roar. Parkinson drew her own wand as well, revealing it to be covered in green and white metal. "Or, we can use magic to get out of this."

"No!" Tanemon jumped between Parkinson and Kuwagumon. "I'm your partner! I'll protect you!"

"Yeah!" Koromon shouted, wresting himself out of Harry's arms.

"Let me go let me go let me go!" Motimon started wiggling against Hermione's tighter grasp on the creature. Getting free, he hopped forward, joined silently by Yokomon.

"Motimon, no." Hermione started to reach forward to grab the creature again.

He looked back at the bushy haired girl. "I, we have to do this. You're our partners." Motimon turned back to the giant bug. "Even if it does scare us."

Nodding in agreement, the four creatures started charging at Kuwagumon. Suddenly, the four teens felt their wand hands lift up unbidden, a beam of light shooting from their wands at their respective partner. Connecting, the creatures all started to glow, growing bigger.

"Koromon digivolve to Agumon!"

"Motimon digivolve to Tentomon!"

"Yokomon digivolve to Biyomon!"

"Tanemon digivolve to Palmon!"

Kuwagumon reeled back from the light as it seemed to consume the digimon for a moment. As the light dissipated, the four small creatures had been replaced by an orange lizard, a red beetle, a pink bird with blue markings, and a lizard plant hybrid, all still charging at the distracted Kuwagumon.

"Pepper Breath!"

"Spiral Blaster!"

The bird and lizard had stopped, each shooting out a burst of fire at Kuwagumon. Meanwhile, the beetle flew above the bug. "Super Shocker!" It shouted, a burst of electricity hitting Kuwagumon on the head.

"Poison Ivy!" The plant thing shouted, it's claws elongating and slapping Kuwagumon backwards.

The four teens stared in shock at the sight before them. "Koromon?" Harry started, taking a step forward. "What just happened?"

The orange lizard let out a chuckle. "I'm Agumon now, Harry." He ran forward, hugging the wizard. "I just had to protect you, and then your energy made me digivolve."

"It must have been your digivices," the beetle spoke up, landing next to Hermione. "I'm Tentomon, Hermione."

"I'm just happy you're okay." She replied, wrapping Tentomon in a hug. Then, she swatted his head. "What were you thinking!?"

"Ah!" Tentomon started squirming again. "She's attacking me!"

Nearby, the lizard plant and bird approached Parkinson and Cho Chang. "I'm Palmon now, Pansy."

"And I'm Biyomon." The bird followed up, looking up at Cho Chang. "We're still your partners. We just changed a little."

"So, you used to be Yokomon?" Cho Chang bent down to look Biyomon in the eyes. "That is-"

A roar filled the air, causing the four teens and creatures to stop and look back at the treeline. Harry shook his head. "There's no way-" He started, stopped by Kuwagumon erupting from the cover granted by the trees and plunging its pincers into the ground, cracking the earth.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" The group cried out together as gravity pulled the cliff, and them on top of it, down to a surely swift demise.

Author's Note: So, we begin the long, and hopefully fun, spiral into that which is the digital world, but with witches and wizards in tow.

I'm not entirely sure what inspired this idea. Just one of those things that came out at me. At any rate, I'm having fun, and I hope you do as well.