Love... Sometimes you get it right the first time, sometimes you get it right after many many tries. Here is Fred being an idiot because he doesn't know what to do with his feelings for Hermione. At least he's admitted to himself that he fancies her though.

Ah yes, the dreams Hermione has been having. Well, it's definitely not part of the Harry Potter world. You'll find out soon enough what those dreams mean!

In the meantime, enjoy! Review and favourite! Thank you :)

"Fred Weasley!" Hermione stomped over to the redhead, who was currently seated with his feet propped up on one of the various desks in the Gryffindor Common Room. Hermione had just come back from her date with the illustrious Viktor Krum but she smelled as if she had spent her date in the garbage dumps. Many of the onlookers held fingers to their noses and laughed at the bushy haired brunette cruelly.

Last week, Viktor had showed up outside the castle looking like he had just recovered from some gross mouth disease, his tongue was slightly swollen. It looked suspiciously like the result of the Ton-Tongue Toffees Fred and George possessed. Hermione had brushed that off aside but today had been the last straw.

After weeks and weeks of ignoring her, Hermione had grown tired of Fred's moods. At least Krum was brave enough to admit that he had feelings for Hermione and asked her out on a date.

Fred looked up from his order forms and rearranged his features to reflect calmness and apathy. There were many others in the Gryffindor Common Room whom Fred did not want to see his expression that was caught in a mixture of glee at the success of his latest prank and apprehension of what would befall him with the brunette standing threateningly over him, her wand pointed at his face. Fred had known that Krum, the slick git, was dating Hermione and it was hard for him to ignore it and go about with his usual activities as per normal when Krum was blasically flaunting it in his face that he had the Gryffindor resident nerd and Fred did not.

"O lovely Hermione, what can I do for you?" Fred gave her a polite smile.

"Fred Weasley, you'd better stop rolling stink bombs into the Drumstrang ship!" Hermione whispered angrily. "I know it's you and you'd better stop it now! I don't know what Viktor did to upset you but you're just being as childish as Ron."

"Why is it that every time something bad happens on your date, you look to me to lay blame?" Fred asked angrily. In truth, he was a little hurt that Hermione had compared him to Ron. He was far better than Ron, who was still skulking around and throwing tantrums every time someone mentioned the name "Krum".

"Because—because—" Hermione spluttered. She was holding on to a small strand of hope that Fred, for all his nonchalance and indifference the following weeks after their little moment in the Common Room, might pluck up the courage to give the pair of them some closure on the matter. Apparently, that was too much to hope for. And Hermione had then taken Viktor up on the invitation to accompany him on a date to Hogsmead. As she looked at the red head in front of her who was glaring up at her with frosty cerulean eyes, she felt her stomach sink. She was a fool.

"Forget it." Hermione hissed and stomped off back to the girls' dormitory. It had been the best place Hermione could think of to retreat to, away from the boys in the Gryffindor Common Room. She paced around her room but she had been feeling unnaturally tired. She lay her head down.

Hermione's dreams had been dark of late, it was getting worse as Harry's third task drew nearer. Hermione was wondering if she was being possessed but Ginny had described what it felt like to be possessed and this was certainly not it. Hermione's dreams were not of Voldemort but of another creature. So she let it slide. Maybe her subconscious was trying to tell her something evil was coming. Yes, that must be it, Hermione thought before her eyelids had become too heavy to hold open.

She could not remember how she got to France but here she was, still wandering around the streets of Paris. This time, she knew what awaited her in the dilapidated church. As the dream Hermione peeped through the wooden boards inside, she could see about twenty people gathered around a cauldron, surrounded in a ring of fire. They were chanting and swaying in a sickly demonic fashion. The church looked as if it had never been completed and it was darker than night within its walls. The only source of light was the circle of flame.

"Death… Death… Death…" They chanted. "You will rise again."

From the cauldron, blood red fumes were seeping out. They curled around the flames as the liquid within bubbled. Hermione was drawn to the strange sight. The fumes were starting to take shape and slowly a figure could be seen through the fumes. A black winged creature's silhouette turned around, observing those gathered to him.

"Tonight, we shall dine on Earth, my faithful soldiers." The creature's voice was low and husky. "Tonight, I shall be reunited with my children and I shall bathe in their blood!"

Those gathered around roared like wild beasts, stamping their feet and beating their chests. Hermione felt sick as she watched the people drag an unconscious girl to the center of the room. She was bleeding and badly injured, her arm hung at an awkward angle and Hermione could glimpse a bone jutting out of her right shoulder.

The winged creature turned slowly towards the girl and gave a malicious smile. One of the people chanting took a knife and got ready to slit her throat. Hermione closed her eyes. The cheers from those gathered made Hermione want to curse them all into oblivion. When she opened her eyes, the winged creature was staring at her. He gave her a malicious smile.

"Victory requires sacrifice, child." He stated simply. "Keep that in mind when you choose a side. I will be there to claim what's mine." He cackled and fanned her away with his hands. As if she were non-corporal, the fumes pushed her further and further away from the church.

Hermione could not fall back to sleep after the dream. She got up and dressed herself hastily before hurrying down to the Common Room. Today was the third task for the Triwizard champions, supposedly the hardest task. Hermione paced the Common Room. Harry's killer had been unsuccessful thus far. It seemed as if he was not trying too hard, letting Harry breeze past the first two tasks. It was almost too easy. Hermione knew instinctively something was going to happen today. How was she going to stop it?

Hermione was so deep in thought that she did not notice Ginny had gotten up and was walking down to the Common Room and Hermione slammed right into the younger girl.

"Oh I'm so sorry Ginny!" Hermione cried. "I was just thinking."

"You're worried about something."

"Of course I am."

"Harry's going to be fine. You should have more faith in him."

Hermione ignored her and continued to pace.

"Look, Harry is going to be fine." Ginny placed a reassuring hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Why don't you tell me what sweet things Viktor has done this month?"

Hermione conceded to Ginny's request and they sat themselves in the corner of the Common Room.

"Well, he's been really sweet, buying me flowers and chocolates. The last Hogsmead trip, he brought me to the bookstore and requested for the finest quills to be brought to him. And he bought me the eagle feather quill I'm using now."

Ginny's eyes sparkled and danced. "That's quite romantic."

"He likes to watch me study." Hermione stated rather matter-of-fact.

Ginny squealed. Hermione simply stared at her. Although Hermione loved the romance stories in her novels and had to admit that her courtship of Viktor was very similar to that of any of her books but Hermione had expected something more… significant. Hermione did not expect to be showered with gifts every time nor did she expect loud shows of love. She did not know what she was searching for but it was not present in her relationship with Viktor.

"You're not as overjoyed as I thought you would be." Ginny stated. "Drop those romantic notions from your muggle novels, this is real life. It's as close as it gets to romantic."

A thought crossed her mind. Fred. She pondered whether she should tell the youngest Weasley. They were siblings afterall. But if she could not share things with Ginny, she did not know who she could confide in.

"Fred was really sweet to me the night of the Yule Ball."

Ginny's head snapped up. "I didn't see you with him that night."

"Oh no one did. You had all gone to bed."

"What did he do?" Ginny's eyes were wide.

"We talked a little. You know—after Ron and his nonsense, I was feeling really down."


"He asked me to dance."

"That's it?"

"Yes, and he has been ignoring me ever since."

Ginny swore something that Mrs. Weasley would be flabbergasted to hear her only daughter utter.

"That git." Ginny shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" She threw a cushion at the brunette.

"I didn't think it was important."

"Not—" Ginny spluttered. "Of course it is important! I'm going to have to speak to that boy."

"No!" Hermione shook her head.

Ginny ignored her and stomped up the stairs of the boy's dormitory. Hermione sighed. It was a lost cause, she might as well go and get some breakfast. She had missed dinner the previous night since she slept right through it. She walked down, making a mental list of what to do with the remaining day. Transfiguration. Charms. Remind Harry of the spells he had learnt…

Meanwhile, Ginny had been causing a racket in the sixth year boys' dormitory. She had found Fred and pounced on him, startling him awake.

"You—are—such—an—idiot!" She said in between whacks to the head with his spare pillow.

"Gerroff me you lunatic!" Fred pushed her off him and stumbled to his feet. "What did I do now?"

"If this is about the frog spawn, it was an accident." George piped up sleepily from the bed beside. Lee had gotten up, cursing and gone downstairs where at least he would have some more hours of peace.

"It's not about that." Ginny said as she heard Lee's footsteps fade away. "I know you fancy Hermione!" She burst out. George gave a low chuckle. Ginny sat cross-legged on Fred's bed and peered up at her brother.

"What are you on about?" Fred asked a little too quickly. Fred had been feeling really bad about snapping at Hermione the night before and was going to apologize to her. But she had not appeared at dinner and Fred was feeling horrible, wondering if he had made her cry.

"Don't be a prat and stop ignoring her Freddie."

"That's what I've been telling him these past few months." George said, coming to stand beside his twin.

"Hermione likes boys with courage." Ginny said. "You're in Gryffindor aren't you? Talk to her!"

"Ginny, I don't know what's your problem is. I do not fancy Hermione." Fred muttered.

"Of course you do!" Ginny flicked a stray strand of hair back. "She's not too taken by Krum."

"Why should I bother?" Fred asked, sighing feeling a little resigned. So much for Gryffindor bravery. He couldn't even bring himself to talk to her. He had been confused and worried that he was losing his mind but it was really something as simple as this: he fancied Hermione. And no matter how much he tried to deny it or push it aside, it would not go away.

"Because you've got to be like Mr. Darcy!" Ginny burst out, frustrated by Fred's lack of response.

"Mr. who?"

"He's a character in a muggle novel that Hermione likes to read. He perseveres and gets Elizabeth Bennet in the end!"

"Right…" Fred walked over to his drawers and picked out a pair of jeans and a sweater.

"Oh, just go talk to her now." Ginny said. "Or not. It's your loss." She left the room.

Fred contemplated. He was going to apologize to Hermione. He would stop pranking the Bulgarian git. He needed a plan. When had any of his plans worked nicely? Finally Fred conceded to talking to her. Just a 'hi' and a heartfelt apology before heading to the Quiddich stands. Maybe he would ask her to join Lee, George and him in the Quiddich stands. But he got there a little too late.

Standing not five feet away was Hermione and Krum, snogging. Krum had one hand curled around her scalp and the other on her back. Fred felt a sudden sickness wash over him. He turned around. He was going to kill Ginny.

Hermione broke away from the kiss. It had been unexpected and yet unspectacular. She had been meaning to wish Viktor good luck when he caught her and kissed her right there in the middle of the field. She thought her first kiss would have been fireworks and explosions but all she could think of was she was running low on oxygen. Kissing Viktor Krum, my my, not bad for a nerdy little Gryffindor know-it-all, she thought to herself smugly imagining what Pansy's face would look like if she had seen.

"Good luck Viktor." She whispered and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Herm-own-ninny." Viktor bowed low and pressed his lips to her knuckles. She spotted Fred over Krum's bowed back. Viktor left for the champion's tent and Hermione watched the red head skulk away. Hermione was going to kill Ginny.

"Aunt Hermione?"

Hermione was pulled away from the pensieve. She looked round and saw a tall red head poking her head into the room. She was the replica of her mother, with hints and traces of her father. Lily Luna Potter stood in the doorway with an uncertain expression.

"Mum says dinner is ready." Lily said, stepping into the room.

"I'll be down shortly. Could you be a dear and return this to the portrait?" Hermione requested.

Lily took the two corked bottles that Hermione had filled once more with her memories and brought it to the portrait. Fred sighed and opened it, letting Lily store the bottles within the wall. When the portrait had swung closed, there were three bottles behind Fred once more. Lily gave her uncle's portrait a small smile. He simply shook his head and left, leaving a muddy backdrop and the three bottles of liquid behind.

"Come on Aunt Hermione. Scorpius bought your favorite tea from China and he's been dying to try it since we came back to London." Lily loped an arm around Hermione and walked with her down to the dining room where an expectant Ron was sitting, suspicious.

"What have you been up to?" He asked, frowning.

"I've been in Ginny's study." Hermione's tone dared Ron to contradict her, to stop her. He opened his mouth but Harry put a hand on Ron's shoulder in warning.

Sensing a fight, Lily pulled her Aunt further along the large oak table and sat her down between her cousin, Dominique and herself. Scorpius and Lily exchanged a look.

This evening was going to be eventful.

When was it ever not?