A/N: Raise your hand if you're tired of my empty promises. I'm sorry. I'm working constantly here lately. Things at work went crazy when a coworker was arrested at work. But that is a whole other story. But here is the next chapter for A New Start. This chapter could be the end or I could continue writing. That is all up to you guys! If you haven't noticed, this is more of my fluff story. Stay With Me if filled with drama and more surprises to come. This one here though, it's probably going to sticky sweet if I continue… Unless my inner muse decides to throw a curve ball! I'm done talking now, enjoy. (:

"Damn it Alex! Stop!" Olivia called after Alex as the blonde ran out of the precinct. The pair had been seeing each other again a little over a month. Things were going good up until that morning.

"Why should I? What he said back there crossed a line and was personal." Alex seethed at the thought of Elliot's words.

"You promised you wouldn't leave Alex! And here you are running again!"

No sooner than the words escaped from Olivia's lips, Alex stopped in her tracks and turned to face the woman coming up to her.

"I'm not leaving you, Olivia. I learned my lesson. I was leaving the situation before I said something I regretted. Every chance he gets, he jabs at our relationship. No matter if he is slyly trying to do it or not, it happens! I still have a job to do and our relationship doesn't affect that. If you would have come to me wanting the warrant instead of him you would have gotten the same answer."

"He's a jackass and I'm sorry for that Alex. I would have set him straight if you wouldn't have."

"He doesn't get to use our relationship as leverage at work. I can understand his personal issues with us but we vowed to not let us get in the way of doing our jobs. And that is exactly why you go through Casey unless you have no other choice. I will see you when you get home tonight Olivia. I have meetings the rest of the day."

Alex didn't give Olivia the chance to respond as she slipped into a cab. Olivia stood there and watched as the cab left the curb. Running her fingers through her hair she walked back into the 1-6.

"Captain, may I have a word with you sir?" Olivia walked through the squad room looking in no one else's direction.

"In my office Olivia."

Silently she walked past the older man and took a seat in the chair in front of his desk. The generally strong and confident detective was sitting there wringing her hands. She wished that none of this had to boil down to what it had.

"What is it, Liv? You look as if you have a fire burning in your eyes."

"I would like to request a new partner." The words seemed to just fall out.

"On what grounds? You and Elliot have been partners for over a decade. You're best friends, practically inseparable."

"Alex and I disclosed our relationship not too long after she came back. Every one of the guys has accepted it and moved on. Then there is him! It started out personal, when he found out she was back. And today it was here. I can't do it anymore. Not when he makes our ADA bolt out of here faster than I can get up." Olivia was rambling looking at the older man who was somewhat of a father figure to her.

"Starting Monday you'll be assigned a new partner. I'll put you with Fin and Elliot can take Munch. Go home, get your daughter and enjoy the rest of your day and weekend" Cragen didn't even bother arguing with her. Maybe it would work out better for the squad. The tension was thick lately.

"It's my weekend to catch."

"Olivia, just get your ass out of here before I change my mind."

"Yes sir." Olivia got up and took a deep breath. Once again she was lost in her thoughts.

Elliot had been her best friend since she started SVU. He had been her rock when Alex was in witness protection. He knew her inside and out. Why he couldn't get past this was beyond her. Maybe this would be the eye opener he needed.

Olivia opened the bottom drawer of her desk and grabbed her purse. As she made her way out she heard Cragen addressing the guys. Shaking her head she walked through the doors and took a deep breath.

Not wanting to go right home after she picked up Kinsley, she took her for a walk around the park. Glancing at her phone she realized it was nearly five.

"Still coming over tonight?" Olivia sent a text to Alex and started making their way home.

As Olivia walked into her building she got a text from Alex. "Be there in 20. I just got into a cab."

Olivia went in and put Kinsley in her swing and went to take a shower. She had just finished rinsing herself off when she heard her daughter crying. Quickly she jumped out and wrapped a towel around her. She was leaning over the swing when she heard the front door opening and the click of Alex's heels against the hard floor.

"Well, that's a lovely sight to come in too after today." Alex smiled at the sight of her girlfriend in just a towel.

"Well, I can arrange a good night for you if you take her and feed her so I can get dressed."

Olivia kissed Alex softly and handed her Kinsley.

"We also need to talk." Olivia sighed as she walked out of the bathroom clad in a pair of black yoga pants and a white tank top.

Alex just nodded and ran her fingers through her hair. She was curled up on the couch feeding Kinsley her bottle. The little girl had captured her heart in the last month. She cherished the moments she spent with her one on one. Here lately Olivia had relaxed more when it came to Kinsley and Alex. The adoption had been finalized and she no longer had to worry about someone breathing down her neck. Scared she was going to mess up and they would instantly take her from her.

"You're so good with her." Olivia sat down and rested her head against the blonde.

"Nowhere as near as good as you are. She is such a good baby for her mama." Alex shot her a smile and looked back down at the infant in her arms.

"Well, when you're here she is just as good."

Alex just pressed a silent kiss to Kinsley's head and looked back at Olivia.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"Al, no. I over reacted. All I saw was you storming out. Nothing I said got you to stop. I thought you were really leaving again." Olivia adverted eyes from Alex's and looked to the ground.

"I've told you before, I'm not going anywhere. I should have learned my lesson the last time. But you verbally saying what you did, stung."

"I know it did. I knew it would stop you in your tracks. I played dirty and still didn't even win. Captain sent me home and I'm off for the weekend."

Alex gave her a look as she raised her eyebrow.

"I also was approved for a new partner." Olivia blurted out. It still hurt to say it. It hurt even more to think of the pain it was causing.

"You what?"

"I went in and immediately asked Cragen for a new partner. As much as it hurts and I don't understand it, I'm not letting him continue to be a jackass to you. Starting Monday I'm catching with Fin."

Alex sat there and tried to digest what Olivia was saying. She was putting Alex in front of her best friend. Her partner of over ten years.

"Are you sure?"

"Am I sure of what? He doesn't get to treat you like complete shit. Outside of work I could handle it. You bend over backwards for all of us. Yes, you're my girlfriend but that doesn't define you when we are at work. You are Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Cabot. A highly respected woman who has worked to achieve it."

Alex smiled as she put Kinsley down in her swing. Coming back to the other woman, she straddled her legs and kissed her.

"I love you." She pressed her forehead to the brunette's and got lost in her eyes.

Olivia stared into the blue orbs that were peering into her soul. They were filled with so much passion and sincerity.

"I love you too Alex."

Olivia cupped Alex's cheek and ran her thumb over the soft porcelain flesh. Their moment was over in an instant when her phone started ringing and Kinsley started to fuss.

"Damn, things sure know how to bombard us." Alex laughed as she got off of Olivia and handed her the ringing phone from the coffee table. She stuck Kinsley's pacifier in her mouth and made her way back to Olivia.

"It's Elliot." Olivia grumbled.

"Talk to him? I'll go take a shower and let you have some privacy."

Olivia shook her head and put her phone back down. "Not tonight. He's going to be angry and all it's going to end up in is a fight. Go shower, but I will deal with him tomorrow."

Alex nodded and sighed. She felt like she was the one forming the wedge between the two of them without even meaning to. All it was, was just because she was with Olivia. But she wasn't going to let anything stop her this time. She loved Olivia with everything she had to give.

As Alex made her way into Olivia's bedroom her phone rang. A smile spread across her face as she answered it. 'Uncle Bill' and a picture of the two of them came up on the screen.

The blonde came back into the living room as she ended the phone call.

"My uncle wants to meet me for dinner tomorrow night. He hasn't seen me since I came back, which I feel guilty for. So I'm all yours until around six."

Olivia just smiled and nodded as she brought her attention back to the crappy television show she had put on. Alex's uncle was the only family member Alex kept close contact with. He had been like a father figure since her parents both were gone.

"Well don't you look comfy." Olivia smirked when Alex reappeared nearly thirty minutes later. Alex was standing in front of her in a pair of shorts and Olivia's NYPD shirt.

"What do you want for dinner?" Alex just smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"Whatever you can find to make. We- well I need to grocery shopping."

"We." Alex put emphasis on the word and turned around from the fridge. "Have the ingredients for me to make some sort of carbonara."

"Whatever you would like my love." Olivia smiled as she watched Alex. She obviously had a rough day but was in her kitchen starting dinner with ease. "Would you like my help?" The dark hared woman turned off the tv and started playing music.

"Are you sure you can boil water without anything happening?" Alex smirked and turned to face Olivia.

"Hey! I've assisted you with dinner a few times without any- okay, many mishaps."

Alex let out a hardy laugh as Olivia pulled out a pan and filled it with water.

"I guess we will see how this goes Benson." Alex watched Olivia as she sat the pot down and looked at her.

"What else can I do, Cabot?"

"Well, detective there are a few mushrooms in the fridge that could use sliced up while I finish this."

Olivia was just finishing cutting the mushrooms when there was a knock on the door. Alex raised her eyebrow causing the older woman to shrug her shoulders.

She made her way to the door and wasn't prepared to see Elliot standing on the other side when she looked through the peep hole.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door.

"Liv." Elliot looked up at his best friend looking absolutely defeated.

"Come in Elliot, it's cold outside there and I don't want all that air on Kins."

Elliot followed Olivia in and took a deep breath of his own.

"What do you want Elliot. I'm sure you have said enough to me and my girlfriend for the day."

"Probably to much of your surprise, I didn't come here to argue or fight or cause even more problems. I came here to apologize. I was an asshole, I've been an ass for the last month. I've seen you the happiest you have been in so long and yet I still didn't know when to shut up. I was sitting there waiting for the other shoe to drop and to have you standing on my front porch a complete mess again. I was too dumb to realize what everyone else already has. Alex isn't leaving you this time. I have to accept your decision or I'm going to lose you for good." Elliot spoke without giving Olivia the chance to say a word.

Elliot turned his attention to the blonde he had failed to see when he came in as she poured pasta into the pan.

"Alex, I know at this point it isn't worth much but I am sorry."

"Prove to Olivia that you're sorry Elliot. She deserves it more than I am. I accept your apology but she was the one hurt more than anyone. You were one of the few people she has Elliot. Maybe a little time apart could do you both good. But one thing that isn't going to change is that I'm here. I'm not leaving again."

Olivia stood there and watched the interaction between the two people she was the closest too. Even though Alex was the one of the end of Elliot's attacks, she was thinking of Olivia.

"I'll do my best to do that. She deserves you Cabot. I'll see you Monday Olivia. Thank you for not slamming the door in my face." Elliot finally turned his attention back to Olivia.

Olivia smiled at him and walked him out. She didn't expect to see him so soon. Maybe she really did make the right decision.

"That was interesting." Alex smiled when Olivia came back to the kitchen watching as Alex finished dinner.

"I was expecting there to be a fire in his eyes and steam flowing from his ears. Definitely not an apology."

"Maybe he really is trying to take a step in the right direction. Time will tell baby. Grab plates? Dinner will be done soon. Plus your daughter sounds as if she has a gift waiting for you."

"She's always just my daughter during these times conveniently enough."

"Well, she is." Alex kind of trailed off biting her lip.

"You've become just as much as her mother as I am in this short time period. You're here almost every single day. You pick her up from day care. You're there for her when I'm not. She calms in your arms instantly sometimes. Kinsley knows it just as well as I do Alex. I want nothing more than for you to be her mother." Olivia wrapped her arms around the taller woman and placed a kiss on her collar bone. Tears were silently flowing from Alex's eyes.

"I love you and that little girl so much." She said softly, glancing at the little girl who was fussing and grunting across the room. "Someone wants her other mommy since this one is cooking."

"You get out of it now for the last time. She's our daughter Alex."

Alex flashed Olivia a smiled as the brunette left Alex's arms and picked up Kinsley.

"Fresh diaper and a new sleeper, and she's out." Olivia smiled as took a seat on a stool in front of the island.

"Give her a little bit; she'll be awake again wanting her last feeding of the night."

"I'll take it, at least she's finally sleeping through the night mostly."

"That is definitely true." Alex placed two plates on the island in front of Olivia and smiled.

"I could get used to being a kept woman Counselor. You know, quit my job and just be pampered."

Alex choked back laughter as she took her seat next to Olivia. "That would never happen. You enjoy working too hard and hate when I even do things that involve large amounts of money."

"Being independent is nice, but I'm starting to get used to the idea of having you to lean on."

"Always Olivia. I want a life with you and starting out with Kinsley is definitely a wonderful new start for the both of us."

Olivia couldn't believe just how lucky she was. She had a beautiful daughter and finally had her lover back. Nothing could get better than that.