So, I started writing this last night as I couldn't sleep. I had the idea in my head and it developed into a whole chapter. It will be a lot shorter than the story I'm currently working on entitled Stay With Me. I promise this one will end and be short and sweet. Enjoy!

Olivia curled up on her couch after a long day. She had just settled in after finishing moving into her new apartment. It was a lot bigger than the one bedroom apartment she had lived in for ten years. She had spent the evening getting the necessities out of boxes. Unpacking the rest would have to wait until the next couple of days. Tonight though, she was done. She was completely drained and couldn't do more even if she wanted to.

Flipping on the lamp that sat on the end table Olivia grabbed her book and got comfortable. She had just gotten into the book when her phone rang. Sighing she picked up the phone without checking who was on the other end.


"Whatever you do, just please don't hang up." The familiar voice of Alexandra Cabot came flowing through the phone.

Olivia felt a wave of emotion come over here. The only motion that surfaced was anger though.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't Alex?"

"Liv, I know that I hurt you. If I could I would do so many things differently."

"You're damn right that you hurt me. Frankly, I don't give a damn anymore. You walked out on me twice Alex. I'm not sure why you called me in the first place. You made it very clear you didn't want me in your life when you walked out that night."

"I miss you. I fucked up Olivia. More than once I know."

As soon as Alex's words left her mouth she heard an infant crying in the background faintly.

"I have to go Alex."

Getting up, Olivia made her way to the first bedroom down the hall. She made her way in and reached the crib on the far wall. Reaching in, she picked up her four month old daughter.

"It's gonna be one of those nights, huh Kinsley?" Olivia grabbed the bottle and walked to the kitchen. She put the dirty bottle on the counter and grabbed another to make a fresh one. Looking down at her daughter Olivia smiled. She couldn't help but think of the first day she held her in her arms and how she became her mother.

Olivia was responding to a call a little over three months ago. Their victim had been raped and murdered. After they had secured the scene they heard the cries of a newborn coming from the closet. They found her underneath a blanket. Back then, Olivia was briefly seeing the state's social worker, Emma Smith. After the case had ended the little girl was still in foster care. They found no relatives for the baby to go to. Emily had pulled strings and jumped through hoops. She got Olivia granted temporary custody of Kinsley. She then started pursuing adopting her. She only had one more court date left and the adoption would be finalized. Between work and taking care of Kinsley she eventually no longer could juggle seeing Emma. The few months she spent with Emma weren't the greatest but it brought Kinsley into her life.

Snapping out of her flashback, Olivia shook the bottle and sat in the recliner. She slowly rocked back and forth as she fed Kinsley. Olivia smiled as she saw Kinsley's eyes slowly closing. Just as her eyes closed Olivia cringed when she heard her phone ringing again. She looked and saw it was Alex and sighed.

"What Alex." She answered talking just above a whisper.

"Can I please just talk to you face to face, let me come see you?"

"It's damn near midnight Alex. So no, you can not come see me. You can't just leave when you want and expect me to let you right back in as if nothing happened. It's not happening like that this time, nor can it. My life didn't stop going when you left this time. I have other priorities. Whatever you have to say can wait. We'll talk eventually but whenever it happens, it will happen on my terms. Definitely not yours. I have to go."

Without waiting for a reply Olivia hung up the phone. She threw her phone on the couch and sat there crying. She held Kinsley to her and kissed her head. She missed Alex but she couldn't find it in her to let her come back into her life.

Alex sat on the balcony looking out at the city. She regretted ever leaving her. Taking her phone out of her pocket she stared at Olivia's name.

Across town Olivia had just put Kinsley back in her crib. She laid down on her couch and looked at her phone. She had to resist the urge to call Alex. She stopped herself. She couldn't do it again. She loved Alex with everything she had in her. But this time she had more than just herself to protect. She refused to have anyone in and out of Kinsley's life.

Back in Alex's apartment she put her phone back in her pocket. Sighing, she walked back in and went and got ready for bed. Slipping between her sheets she pulled her phone out and opened up a text.

Olivia, you have every single right to be angry at me. I wouldn't blame you if you absolutely hated me. But I promise one day I'll regain your trust. Goodnight.

Olivia had just curled up in bed when her phone went off. She read it and held the phone to her. She took a deep breath before finally replying.

25th street apartment building. Apartment 2E. tomorrow at noon.

She turned in bed and left her phone on the side table. She couldn't put it off. No matter how much she wanted to.

The next morning she woke up around seven when she heard Kinsley crying over the baby monitor. She got out of bed and smiled as she made her way into her little girl's room

Olivia changed Kinsley and went to make her a bottle. After she was finished feeding her, Olivia paid her on her play mat and when to start a pot of coffee. She was more than nervous about seeing Alex.

The rest of her morning was spent trying to unpack some of the living room. She was halfway done around eleven when she realized Alex would be there soon. She tried to keep herself busy. In between taking care of Kinsley and unpacking she successfully did just that.

Olivia had her in her arms and went to make her a bottle. She was going to put her down for a nap so she could shower and get dressed. Kinsley had other plans. She wanted nothing to do with taking a nap. Every time Olivia thought she was out and went to put her in her crib she would wake up screaming.

Noon was quickly approaching and Olivia was still in the recliner rocking Kinsley back and forth. It was about ten till when there was a knock on the door. The baby had just fallen into a deep sleep but she hadn't dared put her in her crib yet. Olivia took a deep breath as she got up and went to the door. She slowly let it out as she opened it to see Alex's face.

"Come in." Olivia stepped aside and let Alex make her way in. "I'll be back in a minute." Olivia went to put Kinsley in her crib, praying that this time she wouldn't wake up. She flipped on the baby monitor as she walked out and went to grab the other part from her bedroom.

"I didn't know you-." Alex was still standing in the doorway when she saw Olivia come back in.

"There is a lot of stuff you don't know." Olivia said sharply as she took a seat on the couch. "Come sit down."

Alex nodded and sat in the recliner across from Olivia. Internally Olivia was happy she chose not to sit next to you on the couch. She didn't trust herself having Alex that close. An awkward silence filled the room and Olivia was the first to break it.

"Why did you run this time Alex? I need an answer."

"I was scared and selfish."

Olivia sat there and waited for Alex to continue. She wasn't going to just accept that.

"I was falling in love with you so fast. We were talking about moving in. It scared the living shit out of me. I left and it was selfish. I left and realized that I couldn't run anymore. I came back after finishing the case I was assigned to up north. The day I came into town I walked past the café we used to go to and I saw you kissing another woman before you left. I got back in my cab and went back. I told myself that you were happy. That you had someone that would treat you better. But then I couldn't deal with it any longer. So many nights I dialed your number just to put my phone back down. Last night was the first night I had the courage to actually press call."

"You left me shattered Alex. So many nights I spent just wishing you would come back. I just wanted to hear your voice. I would call your phone just to get your voicemail. Soon after that missing you turned into anger. I turned into a not so pleasant person. Until Kinsley came along. The woman you saw me with was Emma Smith. I wasn't happy but it was someone there to take some of the pain away. It lasted a month if that. Hell I don't even know why I'm even beginning to even explain myself to you."

"I don't deserve it. And I know I deserve all the anger you have for me. But damn it Olivia I'm done running. I want you."

"You could have had me all this time Alex but you left."

"I know that. And I would do whatever it takes to make you see that this time I'm here to stay."

"I can't trust you. Nor do I even know where to begin on how to again."

Alex looked down at the ground and nodded.

"I'm sorry, for everything." Alex looked up at Olivia trying to hold back her tears.

For the first time their eyes locked and Olivia got lost in Alex's eyes. They were a deep blue, filled with sincere emotion.

"I've missed you every single day Alex. I don't think I can open myself up to you again and risk you bolting. I refuse to have people come in and out of Kinsley's life."

"I won't. I've learned my lesson. If you can find it within yourself to let me back in, I'm here permanently. Until that is or if at all possible I will try and get you to trust me."

"I'm not too sure how long that will take though Alex. Besides, so much has changed. I have Kinsley. And work has even changed so much. I feel like I'm a completely different person."

"People change as life goes on, but I'd really like to get to know you all over again. I just want to be in your life again."

Olivia ran her hand through her hair and sighed. At this point she didn't know what to think or what she even wanted.

"It'll be a slow process. I have another human I'm responsible for. She comes before anyone."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you Liv. You finally are making your dreams come true."

"I am, and there's finally happiness back in my life. I love that little girl so much."

"You deserve her. She gets the privilege of growing up and having you as a mother."

Olivia couldn't help but smile. The tension was slowly leaving. That didn't mean that Olivia still wasn't hurt and upset but she couldn't stay that angry anymore.

They had spent the next five minutes making small talk before Kinsley was heard crying through the monitor.

"Would you like me to leave?" Alex bit her lip as Olivia got up.

"No, stay." Olivia paused before opening up the bedroom door. "That nap wasn't very long now was it? Let's get that wet diaper off of you and then you get to meet someone new."

Alex sat there and smiled as she heard Olivia talking to Kinsley. She was such an amazing mother.

Olivia brought Kinsley in and smiled at Alex. "This little one is soon to be Kinsley Elizabeth Benson just over a week."

Alex took a deep breath in when she heard that Olivia was giving her her middle name.


Olivia just nodded and smiled again. "She wasn't given a middle name at birth, in a way by giving her your middle name I still had a piece of you."

Alex turned her attention to Kinsley and smiled as she babbled. Olivia picked up a toy off the table and handed it to her.

"At this rate, I'm not going to get anything accomplished today. I had planned on showering before you got here. You can tell how well that went. And on top of that I have almost an entire house to unpack." She sat down and curled up with Kinsley in her arms.

"Well, I'm not doing anything today. If you want help I mean…" Alex bit her lip trailing off.

"Trying to ease your way in I see Counselor?"

"Depends, is it working?"

"Slightly but don't get too ahead of yourself."

Alex just nodded and then turned her head to the side a bit "Does that mean I get to stay?"

Olivia just nodded. She was trying to keep herself guarded but she no longer was armed. There was no denying the feelings she had for the blonde woman.