Autumn leaves scattered the ground that lay in front of Piper. Her shoes crunched the small, colourful leaves as she trenched across the land throught the line of orange leaved trees.

In Piper's hands was a bunch of flowers, woven purple, pinks, yellows and blues of every hue. The bunch stood out in the garden Piper had made herself. She busied herself with small things like the shop she owned and the garden to keep her mind off reality.

Reaching the eerie gates, Piper pushed it open with a creak.

The grass on the hill, that was before fenced by the gate, was wilting from the slight lack of water, which Piper found rude. The dead deserved to rest in the best place possible, and the best place does not include browning grass.

Piper continued to trek across the grassy hill before she reached her destination.

Tristan McLean.


Loving Father, Actor, Friend and Husband.

Piper hitched up the edge of her brown coat and kneeled next to the tomb stone, laying the flowers in front of it.

"Hey Dad." She said, "I'm sorry I haven't visited in a while." She continued, remembering how he died and who caused his death.

Her chest ached at the memory of the accident, and the occurrences around it. She felt her heart skip a few beats, painfully reminding her of what it was like when she was around him. Her heart would race, and skip a few beats. She would brighten up, and smile at the mere sight of him.

Now she wouldn't.

"Dad, I'm hurting." She said, letting the first of the tears fall. Of course, it had been a year and she had cried an awful lot when it first happened. She could barely think.

"I'm really really hurting." She sobbed, "Why did it have to be you? Why couldn't it have been me? People need you. I need you." Piper took a deep breath, "I still haven't forgiven him. I don't think I ever will. I- I just need more time."

"A year, McLean." His voice came from behind her. Her head whipped around to face him.

There he was. The same short blonde hair, and sparkling blue eyes. He looked taller, but of course he was a Basketballer in high school, where their romance started, and height would come in handy. There was a part of him that appeared to be sad, but the rest came off as cocky and arrogant. There was barely any trace of the old him.

"It's been a year and you still can't find it in your stone heart to forgive me." He hissed at her, taking a few menacing steps towards her.

Piper scrambled to her feet and stumbled back a bit.

"Four years and you can't keep it in your pants and you know, drive properly." Piper replied with just as much venom.

She put on her game face, the one that refused to be meddled with and broken. The one that said 'you can't mess with me'. She looked confident and unbreakable, though on the inside she was as shattered as a glass cup once dropped.

He once held that cup. He chipped it, and wore it thin before polishing it and fixing it and presenting it like a prize. The cycle continued to where one day, he didn't chip it. He broke it, and there was no way he could fix it.

Her words took him by surprise, and hit him hard.

"Four years and you still can't be faithful. Four years and you still break my heart. So tell me now, Grace, am I really the bad guy here?"

First chapter to be published in 2015. (Or Christmas 2014)