Author's Note: This fic is based solely off my knowledge from the movies, I have not read the books. Well, I read the Hobbit years ago, but that hardly counts any more. I have used the LOTR Wikia to research some of the lore I'm using, but don't count on 100% accuracy. This is fanfiction after all.

The world once so bright, vibrant, and alive has slipped away.

Meaning is lost.

Tauriel clings to Kili's lifeless form, wondering how she is still breathing when it feels as if her heart has been shattered, and her soul ripped from her body.

Tears stream down her cheeks, falling to land on her lost love's face.

She hears footsteps approaching and looks up, half hoping to find an Orc warrior standing over her, with a blade drawn.

It would hurt less.

Instead, Tauriel is staring into the piercing eyes of her King.

"They want to bury him?" she asks quietly.


The ache in her chest grows, though she does not understand how that is possible, at the thought of Kili locked away in a darkened tomb.

"If this is love I do not want it," she says. "Take it from me, please!"

Something shifts in his eyes but he says nothing.

"Why does it hurt so much?" Tauriel begs, her eyes pleading for understanding.

Thranduil steps forward, studying the pair on the ground before him.

"Because it was real," he says finally.

Tauriel closes her eyes and drops her head. Just an hour earlier all she wanted was for her feelings to be acknowledged as true, but that acknowledgement has come too late and does nothing to ease her grief.

The funeral ceremony takes place deep in the caverns of Erebor. Three identical stone slabs sit side by side, each supporting one of the fallen.

Thorin is in the middle, with Fili and Kili on either side.

Tauriel stands back in the shadows, watching. She hopes that when the three are laid to rest in the tombs of their ancestors, Kili will be beside his brother. It's what he would have wanted.

Her eyes burn but no tears fall while the last rites are read. It's too painful to continue looking at Kili, and Tauriel instead scans the hall. The room is filled with dwarves lining the upper balconies and walkways, all wishing to pay respect to the King Under the Mountain and the fall of the Durin line.

Her gaze pauses on the rest of Thorin's company, standing not far from the stone pedestals holding their friends. Two are looking in her direction, watching her.

They are the ones who were present in Lake-town when she saved Kili's life from the Orc's poisoned arrow. They bow their head in her direction and, after a slight hesitation, she returns the gesture, wondering if they understand how deeply she feels this loss.

The Arkenstone is returned to the dwarves, and buried with Thorin, where it's power can longer corrupt.

When the ceremony ends Tauriel slips away, not wishing to make small talk.

She doesn't know where she is headed now that she is banished. She wonders if she should try to find Legolas, but almost immediately dismisses the idea. Tauriel suspects he left because of her.

It had long been evident Legolas cared for her; she just never realized how deeply that was. It was probably for the best they separate.

Reaching the front gate of Erebor, Tauriel steps outside and takes a deep swelling breath.

Perhaps I can see a fire moon, she thinks sadly.

Suddenly she finds herself surrounded by guards. Mirkwood guards. One steps forward.

"Have you finished paying your respects to the fallen?" he asks.

"I have," she replies, voice raw and unsure.

"You are to come with us."

"But I—" she protests.

"By order of the King."

Tauriel's back straightens automatically and she is about to argue when realization hits her.

I am being arrested.

Cursing herself silently, Tauriel can't believe she didn't see this coming.

I drew my bow and aimed an arrow at my King's face… in front of the company he was commanding. An action such as this cannot be ignored.

She knows she could fight and get away from the four guards standing before her, but she chooses to instead go quietly.

"If my King commands," she says, bowing her head.

There has been enough blood shed today, and there is nothing waiting for her anyway. She may as well suffer for her crimes. At least it will be a different sort of pain to the one crackling through her body now.

Tauriel bows her head and falls into line with the guards.

They don't speak as they travel, at least, not to her. The four do speak to each other, recounting tales from the battle.

No shackles are placed on her wrists, nor do they ask for her dagger, but her jailers shoot her furtive looks when they think she won't see them.

Their expressions are accusing, though of what she is not entirely certain. Are they more upset she threatened their King, or that she dare fall in love with a dwarf?

It doesn't matter, she decides. Nothing matters.

It takes them two days to reach the edge of the Mirkwood forest. One of the guards finally speaks to Tauriel, informing her they will travel close to the river, as the battle agitated the spiders and they have been seen in greater numbers. She nods once, but says nothing.

The sun dips low behind the trees and Tauriel briefly wonders if she'll see it again, or if she will be locked away in the dungeons, forced to live eternity in the darkness. She doesn't give it much thought, instead using all of her will power just to force one foot in front of the other.

The attack comes out of nowhere. One moment she is staring at the ground chanting "left, right, left, right" in her head, and the next she is flying backwards, landing hard on her back staring at an enormous spider as it approaches.

It's pincers clack loudly and she sees its fangs glistening. Tauriel wonders if it will be quick.

It is quick… for the spider.

One of the guards leaps onto the beast's back and drives a sword downward through the top of its head. The creature squeals and shudders before collapsing inches from Tauriel's feet.

"You're welcome," the guard tells her, pulling his weapon free.

"For what?" she mumbles under her breath, pushing herself to her feet.

The tiny flare of relief that blossomed in her chest at the sight of the spider is extinguished and they continue on their journey back to the palace.

The guards at the great gate salute her when they enter and she wonders how long it will take for word of her betrayal to circulate.

Once inside the palace halls Tauriel turns in the direction of the cells, but one of the guards, the one who saved her, catches her wrist.

"Captain," he says, and then nods his head in the other direction.

They lead her up further and further until she understands where they are going.

Tauriel is escorted to her bedchambers without another word being spoken. Three of the guards depart from there, just her savior staying behind. She says nothing to him, entering her room and closing the door behind her.

So I am to stay here until my trial.

Tauriel sighs deeply. This space, which once held so much comfort, now seems too large, empty, and quiet.

Only two things in the room currently speak to her, her bed, and the bottle of Dorwinion wine sitting on her desk.

Opening the bottle she takes the entire thing to bed with her, ignoring the silver goblet beside it.

The King will probably have a hangover for my trial, why shouldn't I?