
12. New Year's Eve, December 31st, 2014

Tadashi sighed once again while looking out of the window of the café. The gang walked in and approached him.

"So," GoGo started. "What's happening with Hiro?"

"He's been avoiding me like the plague." Tadashi replied.

"Well, it hasn't even been a week," Honey Lemon assured. "Give him some time."

"How much time is he going to need?" Tadashi asked. "Maybe he's changed his mind. Maybe he just doesn't like me like that anymore."

"Tadashi, he's your brother," Wasabi debated. "If he starts to feel that way about you, he's not going to be able to just flip a switch and stop."

Tadashi stayed silent at that.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." All four of them answered.

Tadashi didn't say anything more and stared out of the window again.

Honey Lemon nudged GoGo toward the stairs, a silent plea for her to talk to Hiro and try to sort everything out. They had a whole conversation with their eyes.

Go talk to him.

Why can't you? You know I'm not good at these things.

Because Hiro will just take whatever I say as a suggestion. You do tough love. He'll actually be proactive when you tell him to do something.

GoGo inwardly groaned before looking back at Honey Lemon.

Please GoGo. It'll be good for the both of them.

GoGo turned and walked up the stairs to Hiro and Tadashi's room.

Hiro was lying on his bed, Nox asleep on his stomach. He heard someone knock at the open door. Hiro looked over and saw that it was GoGo.

"Hey." Hiro said in a monotone voice.

"Hey." GoGo replied.

"What's up?"

"What's up with you and Tadashi?"

Hiro sighed.

"A lot."

"You and him are doing a lot of sighing." GoGo said.

"He kissed me GoGo."

"I know. So, what's the problem? Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yeah, but-"

"So, I repeat," GoGo interrupted. "What's the problem? Woman up. He made a move, Hiro. It's time for you to make one back. It's like chess really. It's a strategy. Who has the more effective one?"

"Strangely," Hiro answered. "Vanellope and Calhoun said the same thing."

"So, what does that tell you?"

Hiro sat up without disturbing Nox. He ran a hand through his untamable hair.

"That I need to make a move, and soon."


It was almost midnight when Tadashi had worked up the nerve (with a lot of persuasion from Honey Lemon and Wasabi) to talk to Hiro.

Tadashi knocked on the open door of the bedroom. Hiro looked up from his book and at his older brother.

"Hi." Hiro greeted.

"Hi," Tadashi replied, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk."

"Yeah," Hiro answered, marking his place in the book and placing on the desk. "We do."

"I love you, Hiro," Tadashi said. "And not just as a brother. And, to be honest, I think you love me that way, too."

"Tadashi." Hiro tried to get his brother's attention.

"I knew that you were going to say it on the Fourth of July-" Tadashi continued.

"Tadashi." Hiro called again.

"-and it's okay if you don't feel that way anymore."


"I just wanted you to know how I felt."

"Tadashi!" Hiro shouted, fed up with his brother's rambling.


Just then, Hiro pulled Tadashi down about four inches, sealing Tadashi's lips in a kiss. The two of them swore they could hear bells, but that was because it had just became January 1st, 2015. That one action, that one kiss, silenced the older Hamada. Tadashi's wide eyes fluttered shut and he brought Hiro closer. Hiro released his fists from Tadashi's shirt and wrapped his arms around his older brother's neck. After a few seconds, Hiro reluctantly pulled away from the kiss.

"Just shut up Tadashi." Hiro breathed.

"If I get more kisses like that, I'll be quiet for the rest of my life."

Hiro quietly laughed. The two of them laid down on Tadashi's bed, perfectly content. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Guys?" Honey Lemon asked. "Did you work things out?"

"Yeah, did you?" Fred questioned. "We were going to have sparking apple cider to ring in the year."

Hiro looked up at Tadashi.

"Do you think we should tell them?" Hiro asked.

"We'll tell them tomorrow." Tadashi replied.

"Technically, it is tomorrow."

Tadashi rolled his eyes. "Smart ass. Then, we'll tell them later."

"I'm glad we finally did this."

Tadashi planted a quick kiss on Hiro's lips.

"I'm glad we did, too. Sure, it took a year, but it was worth the wait."

"Happy holidays Tadashi."

"Happy holidays Hiro."

(A/N: And that's it! The last chapter of Holidays! I'm glad you guys stuck with me this long. All the way until the end. I might do an epilogue or maybe a follow-up one-shot. It all depends on what you guys want. Happy holidays and Happy New Year!)