Kagome POV

Sesshomaru shot me look that dared me to laugh again as he stopped his movements. I approached his muzzle and planted a kiss before I started scratching his back. The trio of our companions had already departed to help the injured and the city was still full of green mist and the unearthly bellows of orcs.

I started just behind his neck, his fur was always so soft. Unfortunately, right now it was matted with blood and gore. Not exactly the nicest things to put your hands into so I first ordered him into the river. He rolled his eyes at me and jumped in, ready to be rid of the scent of battle I'm sure. I sat by the edge of the river and washed the ash and blood from my face and arms while Sesshomaru lounged in the river. Sesshomaru stepped out of the water, shaking himself to dry. Unfortunately for me, I was in the splash zone.

Rain was not supposed to be in the forecast today. I gave him what I'm sure was a soggy glare. He gave an amused chuff.

I sensed his yoki spike as he began to transform himself back. "Kagome." He turned away from me, giving me a good look at his twitching back as he cleaned Bakusaiga in the water. While he was doing that I fulfilled my promise and scratched his back. He hummed beneath my fingers as I relieved his itches. I used the Shikon jewel to stream just a little bit of healing magic into him, he finally relaxed and sheathed Bakusaiga.

He turned to face me and pulled me into a warm embrace. "You," he started harshly, "were magnificent."

I beamed up at him, "you're not too bad yourself."

He chuckled, "Come now, let us rejoin the rest. We will have time to ourselves later."

I disentangled my arms from his. "Yes, I should help with the wounded."

We walked across the battle field, I stopped to heal those I could and Sesshomaru waited for me. When we had eventually made our way back to Aragorn, and Legolas, and Gimli they were surrounded by those who were dead.

I could hear their leader say to Aragorn, "Release us."

"Bad idea. Very handy in a tight spot, these lads – despite the fact, they're dead." Gimli muttered.

"You gave us your word."

"Should you think he would not keep it?" Sesshomaru butted in, "No matter the influence of others, Aragorn has always stood his ground." Aragorn gave Sesshomaru a grateful look. "My advice to you would be to let those who would stay and fight for their kin remain and dismiss those who are satisfied with leaving their children's children to die be at peace."

Aragorn nodded to him, "To those who would stay and fight with us, remain here for a time and leave when you have done all you wish. To those who would not, I hold your oath fulfilled. Be at peace."

The king of the dead gave him a funny look for the offer but the cloud of green souls dissipated. Leaving a meager handful behind, who kneeled in front of Aragorn. "We shall serve until Sauron is defeated once more. We will not see our land desecrated by the likes of him again." They answered as one in a haunting chorus.

Sesshomaru POV

I was relieved that some of them had decided to stay, even just one could have turned the tide in this war. For nothing could kill them nor repel them, save perhaps magic.

"That's so nice of you guys!" Kagome was teary eyed beside me. Her power was usually easily masked but it rose to the surface, seemingly without her bidding. A pink wave settled over the ghosts and their skeletal appearance looked to heal. They were still ghosts, but they now looked much more like men and much less like rotting corpses.

They looked in wonder at their new appearances. And gave a bow to Kagome, "Many thanks my lady." Voices no longer haunting, just as if they were normal men; except of course for the green glow they had. But even that had changed, no longer was the glow a sickly green, rather it was a deep earthy green. My Kagome was truly wonderous to behold.

Hey guys! I'm back with a short chapter! I know you guys really prefer the longer chapters but I really needed a quick break from studying for my exams and writing essays so wish me luck. I will be back sometime in the near future, your comments give me life, so please R&R!

Until Next Time,
